Atlas Adisa



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




He's always wanted one, but had never gotten one and has been too shy to really ask.



Host to

First Essence


March 14th








Helps out around the colony by serving food to the patrons. Kind of like a cafeteria person. He gets small pay, but really he just wants to help people






Cooking, adult coloring books, looking outside at the vast reaches of space


Physical activity, stressful situations, forgetting things and letting people down.


Atlas Adisa is the young son of scientists living aboard the CRB-800 Space Colony, the last space colony untouched by a mysterious, deadly force known as the Void. 

He is timid and shies away from danger, but when a mysterious boy forcefully breaches the 800, Atlus suddenly finds the weight of the universe thrust upon his shoulders. 


Physical Description:


Atlas is an average man with a medium build. He doesn't do much to maintain his figure, except eat healthy and treat himself well.

He has black hair and striking light blue eyes. He is the NE Equivalent of African.

Atlas is an host to a substance called Essence, a mysterious universial construct that acts as a reincarnating soul. Because Atlas' Essence was the first, and strongest created, it possess a sense of sentience and can defend itself if need be. Atlas has no control over this, but luckily the First Essence only really reacts when Void is around...

His skin is freckled, and he's not the most athletic. However, if a parasitic, all powerful Godling wanted you dead--you'd learn how to run pretty fast.




Kind and considerate, Atlas is a gem. He's beautiful, gentle, and hopelessly innocent at times.

He's loyal and loving and tries to treat everyone with respect.

He's a bit gullible in that he's willing to trust in anyone who comes his way, and is easily hurt when betrayed or made fun of.

He's an all or nothing type of person, where he'll stay by you or run away because he's too afraid and overall cowardly in the face of danger.

In the face of his current situation, Atlas is incredibly scared. Not only is it the will of his Essence trying to make him flee, but his own fearful personality. With Yuma by his side, perhaps he can feel a bit more at ease--although it'll be hard to slow his heart rate whenever that boy's around...


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Atlas is a caring, loving person who is extremely loyal to friends and family. He'll do anything for you. Due to the effects of the First Essence, Atlas also has the ability to defend himself a bit from Void's attempts to get him. Atlas can create shields around himself, and warp himself out of danger. However, Atlas himself is unaware of this, and when the First Essence is in control, all of his orifices (eyes, mouth, ears) spill out a gross black gunk.

This said, he's very timid, shy, and can become a coward in dangerous or stressful situations. The First Essence within him can increase his cowardly thoughts, as it is sentient and wishes for self-preservation above all. Sometimes, when people really need him, Atlas cannot help but run. If he doesn't, the First Essence will do it for him.


Bonus Facts:


- Loves the color blue, he tries to wear it as often as possible. He feels like it calms him down!

- Has a very very obvious soft spot for cheesey romance movies. His favorite trope is the mysterious bad boy and the s/o that tries to understand him. He knows it's trash, but he's such a sucker for it. He cries every time he watches Ghost of the Stage Show

- Avoids caffine, as it makes him too jittery. He's a certified water drinker, and tries to drink as much as he can every day!