Tikal Vallis



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Appears in the form of a young girl of indeterminate age


Ti (Hesiod) Motormouth (Shadow)


Animite (Psuche Borne)

Soul Type

Light (Photokinesis)


She doesn't remember.


She doesn't know.






She's not quite sure what she does, or what she's doing living by an abandoned pool, but the notes she thinks she wrote tell her that she's to welcome the Legendary Hero once they return...






Sweets, clear skies, paper flowers, sunny days where the wind is mild, flight


Rain, grumpy individuals, trying to remember


Fire, water, earth, air, light and shadow. These six elements combined created the world of Animus, a land created in a small universe built six, all-powerful Goddesses. Ever since a hole in space-time miraculously opened up between Animus and NE, the two worlds have been in communion. On occasion, beings from Universe CRB wind up in Universe ASHEPP, causing both great disaster and great harmony to fall and lift the people of Animus. In the recent century, a hero from NE has stood as firm protector of Animus. When the dark witch, Scarlet, began to ravage the land with her army of darkness, this hero was there to stop her. 100 years have passed since that first encounter. Although the hero lost much, including his own wife, he continued the fight Scarlet each time she reemerged to claim Animus for her dark deeds. At least, he used to...until he was captured within Pandora's Box, and sealed away for all eternity. With no one to stop her, Scarlet began her domination over the land of Animus, and now slowly consumes it with the help of her Shadite army...

Tikal Vallis has been present since the beginning. For the Goddesses' Ascensions, for the desecration of Psuche, for the rise of Scarlet and the appearance of the first legendary hero--she's seen it all. A Psuchian-borne Ascended Animite, Tikal lives on what remains of her land and greets Hesiod on his frequent returns. She served as his guide on his first visit, and is the protector of Psuche. Being an ancient immortal, you can imagine she's outrageously powerful and wise...she would be if she could remember what she was doing. Even now, as a new human bursts through the pool of prophecy, Tikal has a hard time recalling what she was waiting for...what had her so worried again..?

Physical Description:

Tikal Vallis has the appearance of a small girl with a slim build. She is an Ascended Animite, making her effectively immortal.

She has short, bobbed white hair with dark black tips. Her eyes are electric blue, with eerie white pupils that denote some sort of memory problem. She is Psuchian, and the only surviving native member of the land.

Ever since the desecration of Psuche at the hands of a frighteningly powerful force, Tikal has served as protector over what remains her homeland. A native of Animus, Tikal's soul was claimed by the Goddess Psuche upon her birth, giving her a distinctive, soft ear shape and the ability to utilize Photokinesis in various ways. Tikal never seems to use her abilities...either she's forgotten how, or she physically can't for some reason...

At a forgotten age, Tikal located the Goddess Crypt of Psuche, an extremely rare location where it is thought that Psuche, one goddess of Animus, separated from the mortal realm. Tikal entered a year long slumber within the crypt, and when she awoke, she had become an Ascended Animate. To symbolize this status, she obtained beautiful purple butterfly wings.


Tikal Vallis is a personality that is not unknown to the world of Animus. Tikal Vallis is an Animite that was once revered as an honorary Goddess. Tikal Vallis was once a hero, her journeys retold in storybooks of her own. Tikal Vallis was once a wise, nurturing, tremendously powerful Ascended Animite whose influence was healing to all who were struggling. But something happened. Something she doesn't remember. Something that the people of Animus know, but cannot tell her. Now, it appears that Tikal is a shell of her former-self without even knowing it. 

Optimistic and bubbly, Tikal has all the energy of a child. She is an energetic, electric motormouth who is always moving and always happy to have a new friend to play with. Rarely is she not excited, and rarely is she not always talking. Tikal's presence is enormous and it's hard not to feel overwhelmed when you're around her, she never slows down, as if she's constantly racing against the clock. Always searching for a means of entertaining herself, Tikal loves to play games and mess around--she's usually oblivious to the danger happening around her. 

She's a friendly and influential source to those who need her. Tikal brings smiles to people who visit her, and she loves to see others happy! She's deeply attached to the people of Animus, yet doesn't remember why. Tikal is often full of good intent, and sometimes can give good, simple advice...if you can get her to calm down. Despite her high-energy, she's got a good head on her shoulders if you can keep it on her neck. She cares about Hesiod and Girly when she sends them off, and she doesn't forget them...

But her memory is terrible. She's very forgetful, and this can become quite the nuisance if you deal with it enough times. It's hard to rely on her as a guide when she has forgotten almost everything about the land she's been living on for years. Tikal is very irresponsible, and never takes blame for herself. Her personality is vibrant, but her absentmindedness can lead to a lack of tact from her--making her come off as cold and uncaring towards others. She does care, but a lot of times she doesn't realize what she's saying may be bad to say in that moment. She's thoughtless, in that way.

Tikal Vallis knows that Hesiod has been gone too long. Another hero will come, she feels it in her gut, and when Girly does arrive she's so overcome with excitement she almost forgets why she waiting. Tikal awakens Girly to her powers, and vows to help guide her and show her the ropes of becoming the new Legendary Hero...and it'd be a lot easier to do so if she could remember the ropes. Oh well! Tikal's got to do her best, because someone has to teach Girly how to fire cool light from her hands!

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Tikal is an Ascended Animite, making her very powerful and very hardy. She's effectively immortal, she doesn't age and her form does not wither nor change for the better. She can fly with two powerful wings, and she's very good at staying out of reach. Tikal's a very fast, little Animite who can be hard to pin down in a fight. She's constantly bouncing around the battlefield in a way that can be very annoying to an opponent. She can hold her own if she really needs to!

But for some mysterious reason, Tikal has been weakened. Something terrible has happened to her mind, and her memory has been shattered. She has seen so many things and met so many people; she's done so much good...but can remember none of it. She can't use her elemental powers either out of a physical inability or just forgetting how to. She's small and young, her mind is childish despite her ancient age, and although she is fast she is weak when caught. As an Ascended Animite, she can be killed...only under specific circumstances.

Bonus Facts:

- Tikal is old enough to have legends written about her...and in those legends she's much older and much sharper. What could have happened to her that caused such a transformation? She has no memory of this side of her, or the legends that sides of her appears in. 

- Despite her memory problems, Tikal has held on to the fact that she must stay in Psuche to protect it. Trying to remember why she feels so strongly about this fills her with a dread she can't name...

- Being an Ascended Animite, Tikal can only be killed if her wings are cut off before the lethal blow is given.