


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Amby (DJ, Weasel) K (DJ) Kare-Bear (DJ)



Real Name

Karen Bellesma


August 4th








An experienced special agent affiliated with a secretive organization known as the SDONE (Specialized Defenses of New Earth). Discharged from the field after a traumatic event, she assists Boss and is the spokesperson for the organization.






Candy corn, loud music, cartoons, the color blue, her family and the legacy they've left behind.


Bad, prissy novels, alcohol, having to have information repeated to her, being treated like a child, the condescending "are you okay" tone of voice people take on


Commonly, people tend to intermarry within the SDONE. You meet someone who likes to kick butt just as much as you do; you start your life together; you have children! Since leaving the SDONE isn't an option, and living within the organization's HQ is encouraged, many families will raise their kids within in the facility--exposing them to the SDONE's environment. Some kids find that the life of an agent is unappealing, and those children are allowed to leave (albeit, only after being sworn to secrecy). However, to many of the kids raised underneath the SDONE's mighty roof, they find their parent's job to be a dream and seek to follow in their footsteps.

Karen Bellesma was one of those children. With her father being the then Boss of the organization, and her mother being a high-profile agent, Karen was inspired by her parents every day. Throughout her childhood she was told stories of daring deeds, of insurmountable odds, and the ways that death was bested. She was completely taken in by the allure of the SDONE from such a young age, and as a result she dedicated her entire life to becoming one of its top agents! But, so much went wrong. She lost so much, and now she works at the side of the current Boss--acting as his mouthpiece when the organization needs her to be. Given the title of "Ambassador", Karen carries out her job in a defeated state. She's good at what she does, and she's done good work for the SDONE so far, but so much went wrong--is continuing to go wrong. It's safer just to stay inside.

Physical Description:

Ambassador is a very tall woman with a muscular build. The right side of her body is a bit a mangled: she is blind in the right eye, deaf in the right ear, and has had her right arm replace with a prosthetic.

She has short black hair that curls upward at the ends, and dark green eyes. She is of mixed race (NE Equivalent of Nigerian and Indian).

Ambassador was raised in the SDONE. Her father held the moniker of Boss (before stepping down for the current incarnation) and her mother was a high-ranking agent revered by the agency. Hearing stories of her parents exploits from a young age, and growing up surrounded by tale of valor and action, Ambassador dreamed of becoming an SDONE agent. It was her mission in life to carry on the family legacy. She rushed her way through school, all so that she could raise the Bellesma family name to higher heights within the agency. However, it wasn't to be...

The right side of her body is coated in burn scars. She has recurring nightmares of the event that traumatized her, and thus she constantly looks tired--she never gets any sleep.


            Working at the SDONE can change a person. Most times, it's for the better! The meek become the brave, the weak become the strong, and the agents support each other in order to unlock their ultimate potential. It's an environment that invites a lot of room to grow, a lot of wonderful memories, and a lot of chances to make a difference in the world. This said, it is not all green grass and roses on the side of the SDONE. People can die, accidents do happen, and careers can end in spectacular explosions...

Quiet and withdrawn, Ambassador is a character who has lost a large part of herself--physically and figuratively. Kind and considerate, Ambassador is highly sensitive to the emotions and thoughts of her team members. She is thoughtful and carries a lot of experience with her; she hopes to use her high position up in the SDONE food-chain to guide young rookies the best she can. She is an assistant, a valued critic, and former special agent with a newly gained sense of awareness.

She puts up a mild front, and only really sheds this skin of hers when she's alone (or in the presence of a close friend). She has a real passion for the SDONE, and wants to assist it in any way she can--but she fears overstepping her boundaries and often holds herself back. This does not mean her vigor disappears, however--Ambassador idolizes the agency and would do anything to keep it safe. Her parents' legacies are always on her mind, and the pressure of the Bellesma name rests upon her shoulders.

Ambassador is a shadow of her former self. Defeated by the incident that robbed her of her eye, her ear, her arm and her peace of mind, Ambassador has forced herself into a safe little corner out of self-preservation. Ambassador is wrought with anxiety, and is afraid to act in even the simplest of ways. She still has her old passion, but fears speaking her mind. She's in touch with the thoughts and feelings of her agents, but doesn't act on them due to a fear of jumping the gun. Ambassador is constantly in her own head, criticizing herself, chiding herself, and she views herself as a weak and frail person. Her self-confidence was shattered during the incident, and she struggles to pick up the pieces. She becomes her own worst enemy.

But as much as Ambassador would prefer to stay by Boss' side forever, filling out paperwork and answering phone-calls, fate has other plans for her. After fellow agent, Weasel, uncovers a heinous plot to build a world-ending device, it's hard not to get involved. How can Ambassador possibly stand by this time, with a rookie agent caught in the crossfire? How can she resign her agency, when her old partner becomes a target of a dangerous enemy? And lastly, how can she feign indifference, when the plot unfolding before her could unravel the mystery of her father's murder? Her only lead is out there in the field, and Ambassador will risk everything for answers.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Ambassador used to be a field agent, and still retains the skills necessary to have that job. She's a good shot, has fast reflexes, and if need be she can muster up these skills again. She shouldn't have too, however--she's in a non-combat oriented job for a reason. Ambassador prefers to use her words, and she's good at eloquently speaking/convincing other people. She's learned a lot from DJ when it comes to the latter skill, but a strength is a strength. Her biggest asset, however, is her robotic prosthetic. Nigh indestructible, her arm can lift superhuman weights and pack outrageous punches. It was designed in an offensive was as a means of protection for herself and others, but she rarely has to use it now.

By far, Ambassador's biggest weakness is herself. After her accident, Ambassador developed PTSD, and the effects of it are constantly influencing her. She doesn't trust her own judgement at all anymore, and although she has fast reflexes in a fight she will always hesitate at the worst moments. She never knows if the decision she is making is the right one, and that thought paralyzes her into inaction. She fears being too hasty again. She fears rushing into things and losing even more than she's already lost. Her anxiety is in a heightened state, and she is constantly hyper-aware of her surroundings--she fears if she's not, she will be hurt again. She is deaf and blind in her right ear and eye respectively, and although she went through extensive amounts of therapy, there are still some things she cannot make herself do. For instance, Ambassador has trouble crossing bridges, or large gaps. The open space triggers flashbacks of her traumatic incident, and causes her increased stress.

Bonus Facts:

- Currently in the process of investigating the death of her father and former Boss, Matthew Bellesma. The SDONE's official investigation ruled it to be a suicide, however, Ambassador believes otherwise. It has been her mission for the past few months, and she has worked tirelessly to secure evidence and pictures--searching for answers. It's not only her peace of mind at stake, it's her mother's as well.

- She and her younger sister, Heather, do not get along. They haven't spoken in years, in fact. Heather did not appreciate the lifestyle her family had set-up for her, and rejected it outright--moving out of the SDONE headquarters after a fight with Ambassador. They haven't seen in each other in eight years.

- She views her code-name as more of a curse, than anything. She doesn't like it, and prefers to go by Karen when in the presence of close friends. She wanted to take on her mothers old name, but of course, that fell through when a certain incident occurred.