


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Rat (DJ) Weird Tech Wizard (Ambassador)



Real Name

Peter Bluthe


November 30th








A rookie special agent affiliated with a secretive organization known as the SDONE (Specialized Defenses of New Earth).






Video games (PC MASTER RACE), hacking, computers, good movies, making overly complicated code in order to do simple things just because its fun, being told secrets


Bad video games, bad comic books, bad movies. He VERY much dislikes being kept out of the loop.


In order to keep their numbers high, the SDONE (Specialized Defenses of New Earth) is in a state of constant recruitment. Sometimes, the Boss will assign certain agents to do this job--give them a case file and send them on their way. Sometimes, recruitment can happen by chance--an agent will come across spectacular talent in the common world and pounce on the opportunity to invite them in. All of this said, there are rare cases where no action is done on the behalf of the SDONE at all! Sometimes, the talent comes to them, through no action of anyone but the events that occur and the force of will of the person in question...

Peter Bluthe was just about to complete his undergrad when he caught the eye of the SDONE. Rescued from life-imprisonment, the SDONE saw potential in the hacking skills that were unwittingly used against them, and Boss thought that Peter's expertise would be more useful on the side of justice than on the other side of the bars. Now entering his second year in the agency, and being mentored by one of the most prestigious agents in the organization, Peter Bluthe (now known as "Weasel") is slowly making a name for himself as one of the most promising young minds in his field.

Physical Description:

Weasel is an average sized man with a heavy-set build. His weight has sometimes been one of the many sources of insecurity he feels about his body, but he's slowly been learning to love himself for who he is.

He has medium length brown hair tied up into a messy bun, and bright blue eyes. He is of mixed race (NE Equivalent of Latino and Caucasian).

Weasel joined the SDONE when he was twenty-two years old, so not so long ago! The SDONE saved Weasel from a life-imprisonment sentence, taking in the young hacking prodigy and instead honing his power to suit the organization's needs--giving him purpose and means to flaunt his prowess in a way that was beneficial to the world. Weasel spent the first year of his employment going through personal training, learning how to handle a weapon, physical fitness testing (which he tried his best), and dabbled in both hacking jobs and minor espionage stints. He was paired with Viper soon after starting his second year, and Weasel has been in heaven ever since.

Weasel has growing facial hair that frames his jawline, red glasses, and mole just below his left eye. He calls it his "handsome dot."


Throughout the course of your life, you're sure to meet a variety of kooky characters that will make a lasting impression on you. However, never will you meet someone happier than Peter "Weasel" Bluthe. A man unlike any other, Weasel is an excitable and tenacious man who will never let anything slip past him. His optimistic nature etches a smile into him, and his innocent disposition masks an unstoppable intellect.

Cheerful and curious, Weasel has a big heart that loves almost everyone regardless of who you are. He tries hard to get along with everybody, and although he is nosey, his charm comes from his harmless demeanor. Weasel is a joker; a warm brotherly presence who puts his trust in people he considers his friends. Loyal to the maximum, and constantly broadcasting his unbreakable spirit, Weasel is someone you want to support you. He's caring, loving, and loves to have a good time. He loves his job, he loves his friends, he loves his life and he's full of so much more love to give! Weasel is freedom unleashed, and very little does he censor himself. What you see is what you get with him; he's unashamed to be who he is.

One of Weasel's defining traits is his curious nature, and lengths he will go to in order to find the truth. When it comes to information, Weasel just isn't the type of guy to let stuff go. He can't give in; it goes against everything he stands for to sit by uninformed, and Weasel has gone to great (illegal) lengths in order to uncover the secrets hidden by others. Sometimes it’s as harmless as a personal phobia, sometimes it’s as dangerous as a threat to the entire free world--the information Weasel uncovers is incredibly valuable to him, and he cannot let it go. He wants to always be informed, always be on the ball, and Weasel has the tools to do just that. He’s one of the smartest men alive around a computer, and can access information so easily through hacking that uncovering ground-breaking government secrets is akin to child’s-play for him. He wants to have it all, and Weasel is willing to fight in order to get it. His tenacity about this can sometimes transcend tact, but it's something Weasel takes very seriously...

Weasel often gets in over his head. Despite his genius, he's got an innocent worldview, and a naive opinion that this job won't involve him getting his hands dirty. Weasel would admit that he's living his dream; in a lot of ways he is! But, he's not at all emotionally prepared for what the SDONE has in store. Weasel has problems seeing the big picture at times. When things go wrong, he blames himself solely, and puts a lot of weight on his shoulders. When there are unanswered questions, or things are kept from him, Weasel gets almost inconsolably upset--it consumes his every thought. He's well meaning, of course! Weasel will always be well meaning. Weasel is a kind friend whose quest for knowledge stems from a dark place in his heart, but sometimes he digs too deeply and uncovers things that hurt people. Sometimes he pries too much, sometimes he uncovers things that weren't ever meant to be uncovered.

During an espionage sting at a factory under SDONE surveillance, Weasel dug deeper than he ever had before. In doing so, Weasel uncovered a heinous plot--the blueprints for a device so dangerous it could bring massive destruction if allowed to be brought to fruition. Weasel shares his knowledge with the SDONE, but knowledge brings eyes--eyes of a mysterious organization that seems to know the SDONE's every move...eyes that are trained on one of the most important men in Weasel's life...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Weasel is a genius, plain and simple. A technological savant, Weasel understands computers more than he understands anything else, and can hack into almost anything you ask him to. He's studied and knows how to write in all coding languages, his mathematical skills are top-notch, and when it comes to programming/counter-programming he's an absolute master. Give Weasel a computer and a command, and he will have it done for you as soon as humanly possible. Not only this, but his stints in espionage have made him a fairly competent spy. His harmless and cheery demeanor helps him win the favor of those he intends to fool, and allows him to stay long enough to get his work done. In such a short time at the SDONE, he's done a lot of good work for the agency.

What Weasel lacks is physical mobility, experience, and nerves of steel. When the going gets tough, it becomes apparent that Weasel has never fought anyone before--never killed anyone before. He's not as mobile and fit as the average agent, he's not the best shot (although he can shoot), and under duress his mind isn't as sharp as it could be. Panic breaks down his thought process, and he becomes so unsure of what to do that he gets lost. He won't trust his own decisions, and it will stir him to inaction. It's best that his job mostly requires him to type behind a desk...

Bonus Facts:

- Is polyamorous, and has feelings for both Ambassador and Viper. Both of them have won his way into his heart, and his crushes are large and both came on very fast. However, one is very unaware of his feelings, and the other likely doesn't care about any of that mushy stuff...

- Weasel uses his hacking abilities for other less...favorable things. He definitely finds access to movies and video games before they are officially released, enjoying the content before anyone else gets the chance too. However, when the content does eventually get released, Weasel pays for it. His guilt becomes too massive, and he supports the official release even if it was bad.

- He loves Carly Rae Jepsen. "Fever" makes him cry.