


3 years, 6 months ago


Nicknames Remy

Gender "what's a gender?"

Age 19

Role obligatory little gremlin

Theme TBA

6fsvILu.png Remiel Reynard

As a summoner, Remy is part of an ancient bloodline that can form psychic links with monsters and control them - a valuable power highly sought after by every major faction in this world. Unfortunately for them, he's also a stubborn little creature who refuses to make his horrifying mana beasts do anything practical, and constantly skips class to frolic with them like they're adorable little housepets. He hasn't quite figured out how to give treats to the ten-foot-tall fleshy pulsing cube yet, but hell if he's gonna stop trying.

Remy is childhood friends with Lyri, provided your definition of childhood friends encompasses "random peasant who keeps sneaking out of class to bother you for no reason". He's tagging along with the party now because they need a healer and it's kinda hard to stop him when he decides he wants to do something anyway.


straightforward • tenacious • way too friendly

To most people in his life - especially adults - Remy comes off as an overly cheerful, impulsive teen who does things on a whim and doesn't consider the long-term consequences. In truth, he's just a very straightforward kid who knows what he wants and sees little point in pretending otherwise. He does things because he wants to do them, or he needs to in order to achieve his goals, nothing else - societal pressure and judgement be damned. If you were to ask him what exactly his goals are, though...? That's a little more complicated. He's still experimenting around, but at least he's picking up a bunch of eclectic skills to surprise his friends with along the way.

He tends to assume everyone else is just as honest as him, unless told otherwise to his face. Subtle suggestions don't work on him; many a classmate has tried to hint that his inexhaustible energy gets on their nerves, to no avail. Most people attribute this to obliviousness, but in truth this is a conscious decision too - he doesn't want to spend his whole life worrying about the meaning behind every little interaction when there's monsters to pet. In Remy's mind, a world where everyone says what they mean outright would be a much better place.

Design Notes

  • a skinny beanpole (175cm-ish?) with long arms and legs.
  • slanted eyes and pointed features. has a fox-like vibe.
  • expressive ears! they perk up when he's alert, and flutter when he's excited.
  • really easy to read. expresses all his emotions with huge dramatic gestures. prone to knocking things/himself over with this.
  • will basically wear whatever, but goes for loose traditional stuff with bold patterns/colors if left to his own devices.


Remy's parents were farmers from Furtur, a sleepy little Wywish town. They never used their powers for much beyond keeping the more aggressive monsters off their land, but decided their child should have more options to choose from, and moved to Valefar before they had Remy. Being a well-respected city of academics on neutral ground, a Valefar Academy degree would let Remy find work practically anywhere.

Once enrolled, Remy showed tremendous promise as a summoner. He already had a knack for picking up random skills fairly quickly, and making connections with monsters just came easily to him on top of that. However, he grew increasingly dissatisfied with the curriculum's focus on controlling monsters as opposed to learning about or making friends with them. His classmates became a constant source of stress for him, too; they were largely rich kids who had never seen a Furtur native before and made fun of Remy for being "raised by wolves" behind his back.

A year into his degree, he declared he wasn't going to force his monster friends to do anything anymore. He started skipping class and doing just enough schoolwork to keep himself from getting kicked out of the program. He spends the extra time trying to figure out what he wants to be, if not a summoner. He hasn't had much success yet, but he knows how to sew and make a mean flower arrangement now, for whatever that's worth.

Recently, Lyri told him about her new research project while he was skipping class to bother her, and he jumped to volunteer. Can't have her dying out in the wilderness without a healer, after all! His academic career will survive a few weeks' interruption. Probably. It'll be fine.


  • he's a surprisingly good cook; he learned to make a bunch of little pastries and desserts over the years so he can treat his monster friends.
  • the hypothetical JRPG these characters live in has a Poké Pelago-esque minigame where Remy's monsters go on little expeditions and bring you items.
  • he's a good boy.


Lyri • childhood friend!!

Remy decided he wanted to cheer Lyri up one day and just never really stopped. Nowadays he'd describe her as his best friend! He admires Lyri a lot for her drive and focus, and it inspires him to find a goal of his own someday. He's even a little worried what she thinks of him, and he almost never cares about that stuff.