Pandora Morin



3 years, 6 months ago



An inquisitive soul, and unfortunately in charge of healing.

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  •  Name   Pandora Morin 
  •  Age   16 
  •  Height   5'3" 
  •  Occupation   Healer('s Apprentice) 
  •  Movement Type   Cavalry 
  •  Personality 

    Innately an extremely curious soul, Pandora's current fixation is unfortunately very... bloody. She finds no joy in the pain that others are going through, though she does find treating the wounds very exciting. She doesn't always consider that others may find such an interest distasteful, and will gleefully talk anyone's ear off if given the opportunity. At the end of the day she does simply want to help others, though that sentiment can easily be lost in her excitement when a new patient to stitch up comes through. 
  •  Appearance 

    Pandora sports the typical flowy robes of a healer, but she's modified them to a point almost beyond recognition; The sleeves are torn off above the elbow, and the bottom has been shortened to more of a tunic than a robe. Even with this, though, she often ties knots in her clothing to keep it out of the way. Her style is finished with practical pants and boots, with a small satchel at her hip to carry her surgeon's tools in.
  •  Likes   Strong stomachs, Investigation, Blood 
  •  Dislikes   Boredom, Authority, Heights 
  •  Backstory 

    Growing up in the City of Sunlight left Pandora relatively sheltered from the strifes of the world, due to the town's prosperity and the inability for people to fight within it's walls. While studying to be a healer though, Pandora found herself fascinated with anatomy and all of the squishy bits that the average body contains. Finding a severe lack of such things inside the city boundaries, Pandora snuck out against her family's wishes to study in the surrounding areas where there was no magic to interfere with the rules of nature. When the civil war broke out, Pandora found the prospect of nearby battles exciting both because she could put her skills as a healer to the test and for the hands-on experience she would get with all of the battlefields. However, with her family deciding to pack up and leave the area due to the civil war and rumors of Lucis's wards not being as safe as they once were, Pandora finds herself travelling to an unnamed island to see if A: The camp established is safe to live in and B: To provide much-needed medical services to the burgeoning base.
  •  Hermes Morin   Little Brother 

    Unfortunately squeamish, Hermes can rarely keep up with Pandora's escapades, though he does his best to  anyways much to her chagrin. He wants to be a healer like his sister, though she does her best to convince him not to.
  •  Hugh Morin   Father 

    A large blacksmith, it was on his recommendation that Pandora began to sneak out to study her craft... though he doesn't exactly know that. Seems eternally tired, which is hardly surprising given his children.
  •  Charon    Teacher 

    One of the healing mentors in Lucis, Pandora was assigned to study under him to learn the healing arts. He always did his best to humor Pandora's inquisitions. Though he can't exactly condone her behavior he doesn't discourage it.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● Horse's name is Actin
    • ● Always seems to be covered in some sort of grime, no matter how hard she scrubs
    • ● Uses her knowledge of anatomy to target her enemy's weakest points with her stave
    • ● Failing that she's really good at bonking people on the head

profile html by Hukiolukio