


3 years, 7 months ago


"Just one song for old time’s sake?"


  •  Species: Mermune (ramune mermaid)
  •  Age: 20
  •  Height: 5'0"
  •  Pronouns: she/her
  •  Occupation: Making jewelry
  •  Sexuality: N/A
  •  Likes: Beads, gems, strings, ribbons
  •  Dislikes: Plastic, the sun, loud sounds


Odeta is a ramune mermaid (mermune) with a large glass marble rattling around inside of her. She’s extremely polite, always letting others speak first and always willing to lend a listening ear. On the flip side, she isn’t particularly adept at forming her own thoughts or opinions, so she prefers to smile and remain passive in any given social situation. She spends her days seeking solace deep in her imagination.

She adores any kind of shiny trinket and will hoard all kinds of trash with aspirations of turning it into a fashion statement. She’s quite good at metalworking.

She’s actually a distant cousin of Ankora’s, and though they’re vaguely familiar with each other, they’ve never really had the opportunity to get to know each other since Odeta isn’t too fond of being out of the ocean for long periods of time (the sunlight dries her skin out).


They barely remember each other but think fondly of each other and would get along swimmingly if they met again.

Odeta and Clymene were friends when Clymene lived in the ocean. Despite their age gap, they communicate like equals. Clymene is one of the few people Odeta can be blunt around, and same vice versa. They fell out of touch when Clymene moved, but they still cross paths sometimes and Odeta always asks Clymene to return to the ocean. She was the first person to encourage Clymene’s singing aspirations.


  • If her marble ever shattered, she would die. 
  • It is thought that mermune are born from a ramune marble falling into the mouth of a clam. After some time in the clam and receiving a pearl-like shell around the marble, it can be ejected and eventually hatch into a mermune.
  • She smells of salty strawberries
  • She is ASD and considers jewelry making to be her special interest