


age  84 moons (7 years) at death

Genderfemale (she/her)

Orientation bisexual



Affiliationthe red forest

 the colony of the mire (past)


She was revered as the best healer, not just in the her own Colony, but in all the colonies. She cared dearly about her Colony, to the point where she was willing to do anything to protect them from Lady Lakenight's tyranny. In desperation, she gathered her followers and promised them that the Star Colonies wanted to be reunited with their descendants. Their loved ones. To run and hunt with them for all eternity. All it would take is one moment of faith and they would all be together in a life without death. She distributed the berries. Said a prayer. They all took them. And one by one they fell in a bloody, foaming heap.

The rest of the Colony, still blinded by Lakenight's lies, apprehended Blueshade, and sentenced her to death. But she did not fear death, for she would be united with everyone in a few moments. And the rest of them would be doomed to walk the earth aimlessly as ghosts.

When she woke up, she was in the Red Forest again, and this time she was not able to go back. But she would be there to spread her knowledge to the next Physician that sees the injustices within the Mire.


FATHER: Mudpelt - Blueshade was closer to her father than a lot of kittens are. It was expected to make her his apprentice, until she decided to become a Surgeon.

MOTHER: Blueface - Blueshade had a distant but good relationship with Blueface. She understood her mother was busy and was making the Colony safe.

SIBLINGS: Woodclaw - More socially timid than your average tom, Blueshade would often talk him up in front of his peers. He also considers himself friends with her mate, Hazeldust.

Silversong - Very close relationship. Blueshade would always defend Silversong until she developed her own confidence. She would do almost anything for her.

MATE: Hazeldust - Close ever since they were kittens. She appreciates Hazeldust more than anyone and knows they deserve better than this place. She would rather they live and be happy than to sacrifice themselves for her sake.

MENTOR: Vinesprout - A good teacher for a fast learner. She even learned a thing or two from Blueshade herself.

code by jiko