Anise (Guild Timeline)



DECEMBER 2026 | Induction

Age: 15

  • Following her father's murder by a demon, Anise and her mother are introduced to the Guild. The recruiting agents explain to them the organization's purpose and what they do, inviting the two to join their ranks to combat demonkind. Though her mother declines, Anise accepts the Guild's offer.
  • Anise is advised to cut ties with Chance (her half-brother), given that he is a half-demon and she is joining the Guild.
  • Upon recruitment, Anise is moved from the small town of Westfir, OR to the nearest Guild post, in Eugene, OR -- about a 45 minute drive from home.

JANUARY 2027 | Student Training Program

Age: 15-18

  • Anise begins training while also completing her high school education.
  • She rotates often as an understudy, shadowing a variety of agents who fill different roles. The program's aim is to create a versatile agent. As such, the program focuses on exposing the student to a diverse range of roles while also looking to identify areas of strength and capitalize on talents.
  • Anise pushes herself hard during her training, being above average in most areas and outperforming the majority of her peers.
  • It is during this time that Anise meets Eddie Hudson. At some point, the two are involved a romantic relationship.

MAY 2030 | Novice Agent

Age: 18

  • Anise has graduated the Guild's student training program and officially earns the title of field agent.
  • After analyzing her performance scores and areas of expertise, she is enlisted as an informant in the field, specializing in undercover operations.
  • She continues to date Eddie Hudson, as they both remained at the same post.

JANUARY 2031 | Transfer: Portland, OR

Age: 19

  • After six months of exceptional performance in the field, the Guild decides to transfer Anise to a larger post, where she can better thrive as an agent.
  • She is moved from her post Eugene, OR to the one in Portland, OR -- the largest post in the state, which covers a significant span of territory.
  • Here, she continues to improve as an informant, refining her skills and quickly earning a name for herself at the post in spite of the recency of her transfer.
  • Because of the move and Anise's unwillingness to maintain a long distance relationship, Eddie and Anise break up.

JANUARY 2033 | Guild Master Mentorship Program

Age: 21-22

  • Throuhout her first two years at the Portland Post, Anise had displayed exceptional problem solving skills, performed well under pressure, and exhibited leadership qualities.
  • Seeing her potential, the Portland Guild Master offers to take Anise under his wing and mentor her.
  • Anise accepts, and she begins shadowing under the Guild Master, learning the ropes in preparation to become a Guild Master herself.
  • Although she still performed as an informant, the bulk of her time would be spent as a mentor within the Guild house rather than in the field.

JANUARY 2034 | Transfer: Vincent, TN

Age: 22

  • After spending a full year as an understudy, Anise is deemed ready for her promotion to Guild Master by her mentor.
  • The post in Vincent, TN had lost its Guild Master several years prior and at the time had only an interim Guild Master. The post was small and in an area of relative inactivity, making it the perfect spot for a new Guild Master to start out.
  • Anise was transferred to fill her role in this post, where she would be able to put the skills she learned as an understudy into practice. It is intended to be a stress-free starting place for her career with little activity and only a few agents to be responsible for.

OCTOBER 2035 | Present Day

Age: 23

  • Although her first year as Guild Master went rather smoothly, things took a turn for the worse in September, when there came a report that the rift between worlds was weakening, cautioning posts across the world to beware of a potential rise in demonic activity.
  • This alone would not have been all that alarming. However, when a high-tier demon -- a minotaur -- went on a rampage that night, Anise and her agents were ill-prepared.
  • After the deaths and injuries of some of her agents, Anise had put in a request to have more agents stationed at her post. Now, in October, she has received a steady flow of new agents, though she is now struggling to maintain them all. Already, two of her newest agents have gone missing and one had been kidnapped -- though he has since been rescued.
  • An organized demon group has also revealed itself, and now Anise is making preparations to meet with them. Whether or not this meeting will result in the ambush and capture of the demon leader will be determined by tomorrow's events.

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