Anise (Playlist ♫)




Anise Pemperton


songs that only pertain to the individual

Sweet Hibiscus Tea

— Penelope Scott

Anise's main theme song. It encompasses her feelings of inadequacy. She is insecure about her ability to be the leader -- the protagonist. Her lack of self-worth comes out in dissociation from the world around her.

7 O'Clock

— Penelope Scott

This song captures Anise's general routine. She feels out of place amongst her peers, and her state of mind throughout the day boils down to a constant feeling of unhappiness and dissatifsaction. She needs a hug.

Feel Better

— Penelope Scott

This covers a very specific point in Anise's life: the months immediately following her transfer from Eugene, OR to Portland, OR. Because of her relocation, she and her first partner, Eddie Hudson, broke up. At nineteen, she felt as if there would be no recovering from the breakup. No one could love her the way Eddie loved her. It was an angsty phase of her life.


— Olivia Rodrigo

This song, like "Feel Better," is catered to her angsty phase at nineteen. Anise debated quitting the Guild and returning to Eugene, OR, where she felt happiest. Obviously, she didn't follow through with anything in spite of the Guild's lifestyle being brutal on her young self.

Numb Little Bug

— Em Beihold

Anise is medicated -- prescribed with antidepressants for her dysthymia. The dosage she takes often results in emotional blunting, where she is less receptive and more aloof than usual.


— girl in red

Anise struggles with keeping her mental health in check. She suffers from intrusive thoughts brought on by her persistent depressive disorder. There are times where they become overwhelming.

Cloudy Day

— Tones and I

A more positive song to counteract all the negativity in her playlist finally. Growing up, Anise's mother would remind her not to get caught up in her negative thoughts and to instead look for "one good thing" to brighten her mood. To this day, she still reminds herself of this advice when she starts getting pessimistic.

Blow My Brains Out

— Tikkle Me

Anise is envious of the people around her who live in ignorance, unaware of the demons that roam the earth or the Guild that fights tirelessly to keep the monsters at bay and civilians like them unaware of the truths of their world. She often wishes she could return to a state of obliviousness -- though the truth is, she's known about this world from a very young age, thanks to her demon caretaker and half-brother.

Oh Glory

— Panic! At The Disco

In recent weeks, the Guild post Anise is responsible for has fallen into a state of disrepair. Her authority often is undermined by both old and new post members. She is beginning to feel unfit for her role, as it seems as though everyone around her is unhappy with her performance as Guild Master.

Catch A Break

— Set It Off

Another song that addresses the difficulty she's having being in charge of the Vincent Guild post. Just when things begin to look like they're getting better, she's thrown a curveball. With a minotaur attack, several agents going missing, demon-related murder sprees, and a demon requesting a meeting with her all happening over the course of a few weeks, Anise is finding it difficult to find time to relax.

Call Me Maybe

— Carly Rae Jepsen

This more lighthearted song is a joke based on in-game events. Anise has handed out her personal phone number twice to people she's just met -- the first being Revere the weretiger, and the second being officer Reod Live (who she has also agreed to go on a date with).


songs for romantic pairings that include the individual

Everything Has Changed

— Taylor Swift (feat. Ed Sheeran)

For Anise and Reod Live. While they're not officially dating or anything, their relationship is the closest to canon thus far. They've only just met, and they're about to meet up for a pseudo-date under the guise of Reod hand-delivering some police documents to Anise as a favor. Therefore, their relationship's dynamic isn't fully realized. Instead, their relationship comes down to a state of anticipation as they (or, at least Anise) look forward to getting to know the other better.

Absolutely Smitten

— dodie

It's no secret that Anise is a hopeless romantic, finding herself swooning with lovey-dovey thoughts feelings well before her peers. Such is also the case for her and Xavier. Though they don't know each other all that well -- they're practically strangers -- Anise is already starting to get butterflies.

Willow Tree

— Twin Wild

Another one for the Anise and Xavier ship (Aniver). While technically this song could be applicable for any relationship within the Guild, I especially like it for the Aniver ship. Romance within the Guild is unique, and this song captures that particular mood.


— Marianas Trench

Another Aniver song. Spoiler Alert: the rest of the ship songs in this playlist are for the Aniver ship. Xavier has a stutter (genetically; not out of anxiety), and while the lyrics are meant to convey a man who is stuttering out of nervousness, I like to imagine them as a witty comment from Xavier as he flirts with Anise. He isn't one to shy away from flirtatious banter, and I can easily see Xavier playfully teasing Anise.


— Becky G

Xavier has been a comfort to Anise since his arrival at the Vincent Guild post. His presence has begun to make her feel less tense, and this could eventually evolve into a situation as described in this song, in which Anise enters a puppy-love phase where she can't stop thinking about him and how he makes her feel.


— Egg

When romantic feelings eventually form between the two, Anise would find it difficult to express her feelings to Xavier, being afraid to act on her temptation to come out and admit that she likes him as more than a friend.


— Sleeping At Last

Xavier is inherently very chivalrous and caring. In a relationship, I feel like these traits would be amplified to express a self-sacrificial love as demonstrated in this song.


— Clairo

Now to address the elephant in the room: Anise is Xavier's boss. There's no way to skirt around this in their relationship. No matter how you slice it, this ship has an element of inappropriateness. While I know this song is actually depicting a gay relationship, I think it's still rather fitting for the taboo dynamic between the two of them.

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