Serpent Nellie



3 years, 7 months ago


Serpent Nellie

Name Nellie Nahimana
Nickname Snake, Nell
Race Native American
Gender Female
Pronoun She/Her
Orientation Pansexual

Age Mid 30's
Birthday January 2nd
Height 6'1
Weight 162 lbs

Place of Birth Selvatico
Residence An Anbandoned Barn in the Middle of the Desert
Occupation Poison/ Poisonous Animal Expert of The Cardinal Crosses, Outlaw

Status Alive

Color Palette

Reference Sheet


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Nellie is the craziest in the group, by far. She’s very interruptive, kooky, and loud. She lacks any regard to people’s personal space, and is insanely inquisitive. Quiet isn’t a word from where she comes from, much to the dismay of her teammates. She’s remarkably boisterous, outgoing and loves info dumping about poison/ snakes/ poisonous snakes.


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Scarface Tess
Co-Captain Competitors

These two have a very competitive relationship. Tess is often the one to shut down Nellie’s schemes for getting into Ravi’s head. Nellie is often antagonizing Tess in whatever way she can, though her main tactic is to just be annoying. Probably says “Ooooh, you wanna kiss me SO bad,” just to anger Tess even more (Even though Tess does NOT want to kiss her, just knock her out cold.).

Ravi Bullseye
Her Favorite Pushover

Nellie has rather mixed feelings for Ravi. On one hand, she thinks he’s kind of adorable (in relation to his height and temper, she doesn't think of him in a romantic way). However, she lacks much (if any) respect for him, thus using his crush on her (which she just takes as him being a pushover) against him to get what she wants.

Spider Renato
Bestest Buddy

Spider and Serpent are the best of friends, and they love talking to each other about whatever. They relate to one another immensely, through their love of creepy crawlies and pranking. Though Nellie likes to try and take pranks to the extreme, Renato is often there to curb those ideas.

Phantom Curtis
Treasured Tenor

Nellie is Curtis’ biggest fan, and though she has a horrific singing voice, she loves singing along to Phantom’s music as often as possible. Nellie thinks of Curtis as a brother, and loves him and his voice a lot.