Spider Renato



3 years, 7 months ago


Spider Renato

Name Remmy Moreno
Nickname Remmie, Reggie
Race Mexican
Gender Male
Pronoun He/Him
Orientation Bisexual

Age Early 30's
Birthday August 17th
Height 4'10
Weight 119 lbs

Place of Birth Selvatico
Residence An Anbandoned Barn in the Middle of the Desert
Occupation Explosions Expert of The Cardinal Crosses

Status Alive

Color Palette

Reference Sheet


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Renato’s personality is one of upbeat, childish nature, but also very welcoming and kind. He’s very imaginative, to the point he tends to frighten himself with his wild ideas. He’s very clingy, kind of a crybaby, and overly obsessed with explosives, almost to an unhealthy amount. He tends to exhibit hints of remarkable intelligence and even some obsession over explosives, as he’s been enamored with them since youth.


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Scarface Tess
Friends (?)

Though Renato is a bit terrified of Tess, he enjoys being her friend. Tess tends to be very stone-faced and aggressive, and may even take niceties incorrectly sometimes, but Renato does what he can to understand, though the two are polar opposites.

Serpent Nellie
Bestest Buddy

These two are super close friends, and love to talk about creatures and all sorts of creepy crawly things. As both are able to communicate with creatures, both like to try to teach each other how to talk to their respective creatures. Other times, they’re both just having a giddy time, pulling pranks on the gang members, and being silly in general.

Ravi Bullseye
Father Figure

Renato has a tendency to look up to Ravi as a son would to his father. Renato grew up in an emotionally lacking home, therefore receiving little to no validation from his father, so he’s turned to Ravi for said validation. Ravi struggles to give him the validation he so craves because Ravi didn't have any of that as a boy either. More often than not, Renato is by Ravi’s side, either clinging to his arm or just within his general vicinity, talking Ravi’s ear off. Ravi has learned to not mind it as much as he used to, and has taken a partial interest in particularly training him better as an outlaw, as he is not a very good one.

Phantom Curtis
Another Great Friend

These two are also very good friends, as both love music and sing together a lot. Renato loves Phantom’s personality and enjoys being around him; not as much as being around Ravi, though he is a close second.