Phantom Curtis



3 years, 7 months ago


Phantom Curtis

Name Curtis Greene
Nickname Curt, Ghost
Race Mixed (African American and European)
Gender Male
Pronoun He/Him
Orientation Asexual

Age Late 30's
Birthday November 3rd
Height 5'10
Weight 133 lbs

Place of Birth Selvatico
Residence An Anbandoned Barn in the Middle of the Desert
Occupation Member and Good Morale of The Cardinal Crosses

Status Alive
Voice Claim Jack McBrayer

Color Palette

Reference Sheet


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Scarface Tess
Best Friends to Worst Enemies

Though they began in a rather unorthodox manner, the two became good friends, and even better partners in crime. The two began the Cardinal Crosses together, and in doing so, became a legend (and heavily wanted) to whichever town they decided to ransack. As more and more members joined the team, a leader was becoming all the more necessary. Seeing as the two couldn’t decide who would be the leader, they flipped a coin, deeming Ravi the leader. Tess grew angry because of this, and her already spiteful nature grew tenfold. Though a simple little incident, Tess was immensely stubborn and still is, thus holding this grudge with her till the day she dies. She mostly sticks around to witness the downfall of Ravi, or perhaps, end up killing him herself. The two bicker endlessly and Tess has a tendency to take the fights too far, as the two know each other’s secrets very well from their past. Ravi genuinely despises arguing with her because he knows her well and understands her hostility, yet his stubbornness on who should be leader won't falter.

Serpent Nellie
Secret Crush

Ravi was the one to induct Nellie into the group, though with not much of a thought towards what she could do for the team, but mostly because he fell for her, and fell hard. Though she is none the wiser, Ravi has a tendency to be a huge softie towards Nellie, and everyone else on the team teases him for it, much to his disliking. Nellie doesn’t know about Ravi’s crush on her, and instead flirts with him a lot in order to get things she wants, much to Tess’ disliking. Nellie is constantly trying to convince Ravi to let her be co-leader, but Tess is always there to shut her down and get Ravi’s head out of the clouds. Ravi pretty much adores everything about her, down to her raspy voice and insane cackle.

Spider Renato
Adopted Son, But Not Really

Renato looks up to Ravi as a father, and tends to act rather childish-ly around him, though Renato is basically a man child with everyone. Ravi often finds his antics to be rather annoying, yet he does what he can to comfort him. Renato has certainly accidentally called Ravi “dad” a multitude of times, which usually ends up with awkward tension between the two. Renato is also very clingy and cuddly with Ravi, much to Ravi’s disliking. Ravi honestly has no clue how to deal with Renato’s antics, but is doing his best to get used to them.

Phantom Curtis
Sort-Of Savior

Having been the one to lead the expedition that caused the discoverance of Phantom, Phantom is eternally grateful to Ravi and appreciates him immensely. He tends to ask Ravi often if there are ways he can help him with heists or anything of the sort. As Phantom is basically the gang’s counselor (despite being the most traumatized out of the bunch), Ravi’s vented a lot to him and vice versa, thus the two have grown closer in that sense. Though Phantom would never consider his debt paid to Ravi, Ravi completely dismisses the existence of said debt and just wants Phantom to become tougher and more aggressive in terms of the gang. Phantom has no intention of changing himself anytime soon, and instead hopes to make the gang kinder, one person at a time.