Emory Fallenbloom (Phantasmagoria)



3 years, 7 months ago


"But I won't get to graduate...!"
Emory Fallenbloom




Chaotic Good

Shadow Magic



Trans Male






College Drop-Out













  • Flowers
  • Dogs
  • Purple
  • Bubble baths
  • Tidy spaces

  • Bright lights
  • Physical activity
  • Being rejected/outcast
  • Scaring people on accident
  • Radiant magic

  • An attentive and caring friend
  • Cold to the touch
  • Irregular heartbeat and bad circulation
  • Two beauty marks under each eye
  • Conjures shadows when moody

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam egestas orci eu nulla tristique vehicula. Sed faucibus dapibus viverra. In vitae molestie justo, vel volutpat libero. Sed turpis massa, commodo at tincidunt id, suscipit quis purus. Nulla fermentum nulla quis tortor lacinia, vitae vulputate elit egestas. Cras et velit dignissim, ornare turpis id, rutrum nibh. Maecenas eleifend ac arcu eget tempor. Nulla et urna cursus, gravida arcu vitae, pulvinar lorem. Sed libero dolor, bibendum non euismod a, commodo id eros.

Integer quis mi dignissim, pretium ex a, aliquam erat. Vestibulum non neque non ipsum dapibus consectetur non et nibh. Donec ut vulputate tortor. Morbi mollis quam sem, ac aliquam ante congue vitae. Ut lobortis ante sed dapibus mollis. Nulla non blandit mauris, at facilisis augue. Phasellus purus diam, tincidunt a ultrices ac, tristique quis massa. Etiam dignissim accumsan enim, non vehicula est sodales sit amet. Pellentesque efficitur laoreet felis, a bibendum ante suscipit id.

Vivamus facilisis est dignissim nisi rutrum malesuada. Phasellus suscipit nec est nec viverra. Praesent tempor ultricies libero, id euismod nunc pretium et. Duis id est convallis, viverra odio sodales, tempor nibh. Ut et lacus porta, dapibus neque vel, pretium sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus placerat pharetra ante, id scelerisque metus rhoncus vitae. Morbi sed viverra nulla. Integer efficitur efficitur purus ac vulputate. Aliquam nunc metus, auctor egestas gravida id, semper id ante. Nulla vitae erat finibus, convallis lacus sit amet, scelerisque urna. Donec maximus iaculis tempus. Maecenas semper nulla nec dolor gravida ultricies.


Elisha Lunasen ♥★★★★

The only party member that hasn't truly shied away from the darkness within Emory, but instead was fascinated by it. Whilst he has a feeling Elisha was drawn to him simply by morbid curiosity, he does think that the cleric has grown to care for him, often reminding Emory to look after himself and not just the others. One of Emory’s newest and fondest memories are the times that Elisha took his hand to dance, a brief respite in all the chaos of politics and wars and monster attacks.

Elisha is also one of the only party members to trust Emory with his own secrets, whether from his past or something like his changeling abilities. In return, he’d happily tell the cleric anything he wanted to know about himself. Emory craves to continue to share intimate secrets and moments with the other. He knows Elisha is intrigued by the way human’s work - emotions, motivations, weaknesses - and he doesn’t really mind being one of his experiments. As long as he’s his favourite.

Keon DeRege ★★★☆☆

Stuck-up and insufferable; this was what Emory first thought of the infamous regent’s son. Fearful that Keon would mock Emory for his lack of wealth and unfortunate upbringing; Emory was not shy of flexing his magicks upon him without too much regret. He was also untrustworthy of the DeRege heir; worried that Keon would go running to his father once things went awry with their investigations around the school.

As their studies at Mercaid continued, Emory realised that Keon’s snobbery and stiffness was born of the impossible expectations his father set upon his shoulders. It’s safe to say he earned more of Emory’s respect when he did in fact stand with the party as they encountered Keon’s father down in the depths of Mercaid’s prison. Knowing what it’s like to be without a family; Emory seeks to comfort Keon and reassure him that family can be found.

Sabin ★★★☆☆

Whilst Sabin is all too capable of rubbing up Emory the wrong way; Emory knows the other man is simply jesting. At first, Emory thought the monk was all brawn and no brain - but has now come to understand that Sabin has an emotional intelligence that is probably needed to deal with the entirety of the White Lamb house.

Although their friendship is just blossoming, Emory has no doubt that Sabin has his back in a fight. He’s also glad that there’s someone working alongside him to make sure the party is keeping up with self-care after everything that has happened.

Shiloh ★★☆☆☆

Emory pitied Shiloh when the poor boy was assigned the White Lamb house. Shiloh seemed confused; overwhelmed by the strange characters within the house, and the conspiracy they were in the middle of unravelling. Emory has to applaud Shiloh for not shying away from it all however, immediately taking to helping the party uncover the secrets of Mercaid.

He’s not sure whether the removal of the language barrier would help Shiloh come to understand him. Whilst their conversations can be tense at times, Emory means Shiloh well. They both miss home, so they have that in common at least.

Arcturus Antares ★☆☆☆☆

Emory’s opinion of Arcturus was similar to his first impression of Keon; a man born from a wealthy family that suffered from a stick firmly stuck up his ass. Unlike Keon, Rus made it purposefully difficult to reach out to him - every attempt of conversation usually ending with a sour taste in Emory’s mouth. Emory couldn’t come to understand the source of Rus’ anger and bitterness, not until a loud argument he had with Keon that the whole house heard shed some light on it.

Emory will eventually realise he’s also to blame for the lack of friendliness from Rus - trying to charm someone already unwilling to talk to you isn’t very nice. He doubts his explanation of just wanting to help Rus would convince him, so he just accepts that the druid will fear and avoid him. Like most of Emory’s peers from his youth.

Lee Hale ★★★☆☆

A mysterious and rather handsome demon, Emory was intrigued by Lee from their first meeting. They quickly bonded over their enthusiasm for monsters and history. Although Lee can be rather hard-hitting with his words, Emory values Lee’s honesty. He hopes they are reunited soon now that the party is in the Empire, wanting to further assist the spy in putting a stop to whatever the Spoken leaders are up to.

Hezekiah Blackwood ★★★☆☆

Too charming of a man, Hezekiah’s whispered ‘threat’ still gets Emory flustered when he thinks back on it. He has come to admire Hezekiah seeing as he is genuinely a nice guy despite the hand he was dealt with his illness. He’s not entirely sure about his choice concerning being a clown… mostly for purely selfish reasons. Emory doesn’t like the fact Hezekiah’s face is now hidden. But at least as Overture, he is safe and enjoying life fully once again.

Voland Caiaphas ★★☆☆☆

Another mysterious man that Emory met when being scolded for being out after curfew. Despite trying his best to insist that he could help Voland, his offers of assistance were batted away. Their few conversations were awkward to say the least, but Emory still cares for the terminally ill man.

Lisa Heron ★★★☆☆

Emory considers one of the nicest people he’s ever met, and would do nearly anything to protect her. Like charm an asshole so she doesn’t have a horrible interaction with them. He simply hopes she is doing well at Mercaid, and isn’t worrying about the missing White Lamb house members too much.

Daniel Wyrmwood ★☆☆☆☆

His roommate from his stay at the White Lamb house. Unfortunately, Emory was not a very good roomie, snooping through Daniel’s things when he thought the other was asleep, or generally just forgetting the other existed. He meant him no ill will, but their last interaction confirmed that Daniel was definitely not a big fan of Emory.

Verdict ★★☆☆☆

Emory is desperate to win over the ever-intimidating Verdict. He wants to be seen as a useful member of Darkling society, and find out more about his father Ozul. It seems he has a long way to go, considering Verdict views Emory as a mere child.

Reverie ★☆☆☆☆

Reverie terrifies Emory a little, and whilst he is grateful of her assistance with their recovery, he couldn’t help but feel like an annoying burden when in her presence. He hopes to prove to her soon that he isn’t that much of an idiot.

Evelyn Wier ★★☆☆☆

One of the victim’s of the monster attacks at Mercaid - the group’s seance with Evelyn’s spirit was eye-opening, and Emory became determined to help Evelyn move on to the afterlife. Emory couldn’t describe how happy he was to see her in the underworld when they had succeeded in their mission.

Ozul Fallenbloom ★★★★★

Emory’s adoptive father, now deceased. Plagued with a mysterious and untreatable illness, Ozul spent his retirement looking after Emory. How he lost Ozul is still very painful for Emory to think on, but he hopes to live life as Ozul wanted him to; free to make his own choices with utmost confidence.

He does wish his father had taught him a little more about Darkling society, though.