Emory Fallenbloom (Walpurgis)



3 years, 4 months ago


"...The darkness isn’t that scary, honest."

Name Emory Fallenbloom
Race Witch/Vampire
Age 26 (19th Feb)
Gender Male (He/They)
Height 6'0"
Occupation Undertaker

Attentive ✦ Organised ✦ Studious ✦ Curious ✦ Impulsive

Emory is a charming young man with a mysterious aura about him. His life has not been an easy one but Emory makes do with what he has, content with his quiet and peaceful life in Walpurgis. He’s known as the studious and proper Witch that works at the local funeral home. Despite being extroverted and enjoying others’ company, Emory is always seen alone taking walks about town or tending to his garden by himself. It’s hard to pinpoint it but there’s something unsettling and unusual about Emory and that can either draw people in, or push them away.

He’s kind, thoughtful, and has an eye for detail. Emory can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to his work and studies. He pours himself into everything he does and becomes quietly disheartened when it seems it is not enough. It’s safe to say he cares for everyone and everything else but himself, often forgetting to sleep or eat in times of stress. Emory enjoys meeting new people and making friends, quick to offer help or teach someone something without much thought.

Emory has a bad habit of accidentally spooking others since he has an affinity with shadows and not being seen. Suddenly speaking out from behind someone who doesn’t know he’s there, or spouting a rather morbid and creepy fact about something random. He tends to avoid talking about his past, especially his childhood, and often hides his true feelings to avoid confrontations or upsetting anyone. Emory can tolerate a little teasing and such, he tends to dislike those that are needlessly cruel or incredibly selfish… towards his friends at least.

I, the undersigned, hereby agree to follow the charter of walpurgis and all rules therein:




Area of Expertise

Taking after his adoptive father, Emory specialises in the arcane arts that focus around Darkness and Shadows. Having studied under Ozul for several years and continuing his research after his death, Emory is confident in his ability to cast spells that warp light and darkness around him. His magic also strengthens at night/in dimly lit areas.

Emory is very well-read thanks to Ozul’s library, and has a solid knowledge base for almost every type of magic. He has a basic witch’s arsenal of spells too, but prefers to simply be more theory-based than practise such spells extensively.


Shadow Puppets: Emory can conjure and control shadow ‘puppets’, which he can use to move small things around or look through them as a second pair of eyes. He can only create up to three puppets from existing shadows, and they can only be as large as the shadow they were made from. When looking through the puppets, Emory goes temporarily blind and he can only see in grayscale within a 60ft radius. They can only grab items that are no heavier than 10lbs. They can only travel up to 60ft away from Emory in areas of darkness. He requires constant concentration to control them. Shining a powerful light at the puppets or knocking Emory unconscious will cause them to fade away.

True Darkvision: Emory can grant himself the ability to see in the dark up to 120ft, whether natural or magical. The ability only lasts for up to an hour before it needs to be reactivated. He can only grant this ability to himself.

One with the Dark: He’s able to camouflage and conceal himself in darkness, becoming unseen to those without the ability to see in the dark. The shadows have to be large enough to hide him to grant Emory the full camouflage. Hiding this way also requires Emory to concentrate on controlling the shadows the entire time. It also doesn’t muffle sound, so his footsteps can be heard if he’s attempting to walk amongst the shadows.

Arms of Hadar: Learned from an Uncommon Scroll of Combat, purchased from Basile's Traveling Tower of Wonders. Emory can now cast a potent spell historically used in battle. Tendrils of dark energy erupt from him and batter all creatures of his choosing within 10 feet.


Banishing Light: His shadow puppets and camouflage can be dispersed with strong rays of normal light. Also, being in the rays of strong magical light, especially radiant light makes it difficult for Emory to wield and control the darkness at all.

Not a Fighter: His shadow magic allows him to be stealthy and has only recently learned a spell that he could use offensively. He's severely lacking in combat experience and needs a lot more training if he wishes to pursue this offensive style of magic.

Late Bloomer: Emory also started his Witch game a little later than most, so he isn’t as strong as other witches his age, nor has he harnessed the will and resolve to use or fight against certain types of spells. Whilst he studies a lot to catch up, his Finesse and Resolve suffers for his late development.

Can’t Focus without a Focus: Emory casts his magic using a magically treated Amethyst crystal gifted to him by Ozul. This acts as his main focus for spellcasting, and without it, spells can go awry or lose potency or just be unable to cast them at all.


Mortimer is a ghostly black hellhound that takes the form of a cute Schipperke. A present from Ozul for Emory’s 18th birthday, Mortimer is a dear companion and family member to Emory. He’s a very good boy who gets Emory out of bed and protects him at all costs. He’s more of a pet than a familiar, Emory doesn’t like commanding him to do his bidding and much prefers to have him around just for the company.


Personal Lore



Early Life

Emory was born in Portland to a witch family but unfortunately was deemed to be a mistake by his mother. To protect her reputation, and ashamed that she produced a child of imperfect and mixed genetics, Emory’s mother gave him up quickly after birth. Emory lived in an orphanage for supernatural kids for most of his early childhood.

Emory was bullied as a child, and took to nature and explored the forests around him to have fun. This is when he met Ozul Fallenbloom, a Witch who studied the darkness and night. Ozul took pity on Emory being a Witch that had no opportunity to study or develop his craft and took him under his wing. They grew close over time, and became a family when Ozul adopted Emory when he was 15 years old. It was through his new father that Emory learned how to harness and use his magic.

Moving to Walpurgis

Ozul applied for a role at the Research Centre at Walpurgis and moved with Emory in tow. Emory just turned 16 when they moved to Walpurgis, settling into a gothic estate on Drake Rd. Emory was intimated by the likes of the Witch Council, but he took to the rest of the town and found it charming and refreshing. He eventually came out of his shell and proved himself to be a charming young man. He took to gardening and worked part-time at the local library. In his spare time, he developed his affinity with manipulating darkness and shadows.

When Emory was 20, Ozul fell gravely ill. Over three long years, Emory watched his beloved father and mentor deteriorate from a highly intelligent and graceful man to a struggling shell of who he once was. Ozul’s death was a shock but also a relief. Itstill left Emory with no clue how to go forward with his own life. Some time after the funeral, Emory was approached and offered an apprenticeship at the funeral home. He accepted Lorelie’s offer without hesitation.

Present Day

Emory has been working for the funeral home now for over two years now. Whilst he got acquainted with all aspects of the work, Emory found himself settling into the forward-facing organisation of funerals. He prides himself on being a calm, comforting shoulder to lean on whilst being thorough when it comes to arranging the many types of burials and send-offs the residents of Walpurgis might need.

He has studied in depth the different cultures Walpurgis is home to in order for the funeral home to cater to everyone. He also personally makes floral arrangements from his own garden for each ceremony and collaborates with the towns’ crafters to provide whatever is required for the funerals. Emory is dedicated to his role, but he simply sees it as an opportunity to make something horrible like a funeral a less miserable time.

When he’s not working, Emory can be found in his garden caring for his flowers, or walking his dog around the town. He also takes to reading in scenic areas around Walpurgis, settling under a tree and letting hours pass by with a good novel.

Race Lore

Born from an affair that his mother quickly covered up, Emory is part Witch and part Vampire. Whilst he is of mixed heritage, his witch blood is strongest and is where he gets the most of his magical prowess from. His witch’s power manifests in shadow magic, although that was taught to him by Ozul. He is unsure of what magic his blood family pursued.

The Vampire in him is very weak and only shows itself in his pronounced fangs, corpse-like body temperature and almost non-existent heartbeat. He doesn’t require blood at all to sustain himself, but if he is to drink it, it acts like caffeine and gives him a boost in energy. Being a half-vampire also means he’s more inclined to the night and dislikes strong sources of light.






Arcturus Antares [ Roommate ]

Arcturus is a young man that Emory took under his wing and offered him a room free of charge. Emory sees a bit of himself in Rus and tries to support him in his studies and life’s troubles as much as he can.


Elisha Lunasen [ Colleague ]

Emory finds this mortician strangely charming, enjoying his overly morbid humour whilst tolerating his teasing. Emory tries his best to assist him and keep Elisha out of trouble, for the most part.


Syolkiir [ Acquantince ]

Emory is a regular at Syolkiir’s flower shop, often popping in for new seeds, fertilizer, and advice. He’d love to be friends, but understands that his witch heritage combined with her cold personality makes that very hard.


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