Cyrus (Extra information)




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  • Cyrus used to be an avid crane game competitor and used it as a means to be employed through freelance money. He went to several competitions for it, though never managed to win any, unfortunately. He got paid through tips and individuals wanting specific prizes that he would win.

  • Currently Cyrus lives in a small, crappy, one bedroom house with his best friend, Frankie. He owns a fair amount of haunted objects and items. Most are authentic, but some are rip offs that he got from Ebay. His favorite is probably the Jolly Chimp, who uses his cymbals every time someone enters the house.

  • Obsessed with the occult, Cyrus is often performing various rituals that.. never seem to work out properly. He is interested in demonology and angelology, but he knows various things across a good portion of religions. He seems to have an interest in modern age witches, but doesn't define himself as one.

  • His birthday is November 4th. His sun sign is Scorpio. His moon sign is also Scorpio. His rising is Aquarius. He doesn't understand the first thing about astrology and doesn't care much for it. To him, it seems like a bunch of broad assumptions that aren't entirely accurate.

  • His entire body is filled with a murky green radioactive substance. Liquid uranium and radium. He does not bleed normally or easily, and when he does get a cut and injury, there's a firm, solid layer in the upper dermis that acts as a protective film. If this is to be pierced (such as a fatal stab wound or complete loss of limb), the radioactive liquid seeps out and becomes toxic to anyone who breathes it in.

  • No matter what he wears or doesn't wear, he will always smell faintly like green apples. There's no explanation to why, but he assumes it's probably the radiation's fault.