


Full nameVaskitsa
TitleBaroness (formerly)

PronounsShe / her
Age5000+ (Immortal)
Height200 cm / 6'7"
LanguagesDemonic, can speak and understand all languages

RelativesGoddess of Death (creator)

Lady Risyss


Often seen as intimidating by both fellow demons and living creatures alike, Vaskitsa's outlook and demeanor changed when she was captured on a mission and imprisoned to help witches with potions and rituals. 

Having lost a part of one of her horns and being scarred by the traumatic event (figuratively and literally), she now sees most living creatures – witches in particular – as something not worth co-operating with and works actively to make them suffer in their turn.


Vaskitsa is usually quiet and distant, and she's definitely not easy to approach. She seems emotionless or annoyed at first, and it's often hard to get a reaction from her. She keeps to herself often, and prefers seeming mysterious to others. 

She was reticent even before she was captured by witches, but that event has made her more unsocial, harsh, and gloomy. She has become quite aggressive and violent, even though she usually tries her best to restrain herself and only attack when there's a good opportunity for that. Despite everything, Vaskitsa is still skilled at seducing – she is a succubus after all.

Deep down Vaskitsa is very hurt by what happened to her, and she feels very insecure because of the scars she has. She feels very abandoned because both mortals and demons are now scared of her – but she really just wants to be loved. She has only really talked about these feelings with Lukki whenever they've asked, but Vaskitsa haven't really told that much even to her closest friend.


Vaskitsa was among one of the first patches of succubi that the Goddess of Death created. Vaskitsa was a quick learner and was already quite strong even when she was just a rookie succubus. She ascended pretty fast and earned her full sized wings and horns. Vaskitsa was very obedient towards higher ranking demons and she was also very formidable – even her reticent demeanor was seen as a good thing because it made her both respectable and scary.

So, it was logical that she was soon asked to be trained to be one of Goddess' hand picked elite of demons that would report directly to her and act as her personal bodyguards. As a very ambitious person, Vaskitsa agreed without hesitation. Her training paid off and after a while she managed to gain the title of Baroness, the 5th highest rank. Vaskitsa was a very successful elite and even had a relationship of sorts with a fellow elite, Lady Risyss

However, everything changed one fateful day when Vaskitsa was captured during her mission in the land of the living. A group of witches managed to capture her and Vaskitsa was imprisoned for a few months. The witches used parts of her, like her horn, skin, blood etc. for their potions. Eventually Vaskitsa managed to escape but she injured and killed most of these witches during the process.

The Goddess of Death wasn't happy about Vaskitsa being captured, as it was a bad look for the rest of the elites – So Vaskitsa was demoted. Some elites even mocked Vaskitsa's new appearance, and told her that a succubus wouldn't be desirable if she was covered in scars and other injuries. As a result of all this, Vaskitsa moved to live mostly on her own, very rarely socializing with other demons.

Vaskitsa can't trust mortals anymore, and even though she still goes on missions, she makes sure to make mortals suffer like they made her. She dislikes demons trying to co-operate with mortals, especially witches, and she wants the relationship between demons and witches to be permanently destroyed.

The only one Vaskitsa considers a friend is an imp named Lukki who she rescued after seeing a bunch of demons tormenting them. Lukki is happy to help Vaskitsa with her mission, as they don't really have an opinion on mortals.



Lukki is Vaskitsa's friend and partner in crime. Vaskitsa first met them when she saw a bunch of demons tormenting and bullying the young imp. Vaskitsa saw herself in Lukki since it reminded her of the time she was captured by the witches, so she decided to intimidate the demons a bit so they would leave Lukki alone. Lukki was very grateful and started to follow Vaskitsa around, even though the succubus was scary and distant.

Vaskitsa eventually warmed up to the imp and decided to befriend them and continue protecting them. Lukki almost feels like an adopted child to Vaskitsa.

As an imp Lukki can travel between the two realms more easily than other demons that always need to be summoned, so Lukki uses that ability to help Vaskitsa with her attempts at making mortals suffer.


Vaskitsa was created around the same time as Risyss. They didn't really know each other, until both of them were elite succubi. Risyss was a rank below her, her being a Lady and Vaskitsa being a Baroness. The two formed a relationship of sorts, but it was more like a friendship with benefits, as love is very rare for succubi.

However, after Vaskitsa managed to escape from witches who had captured her during a mission she blamed Risyss partially for it – Vaskitsa saw it as Risyss abandoning her as no one came to her rescue. The two broke up, and haven't really been in contact ever since.

After being captured Vaskitsa was demoted from being an elite, and she also blames Risyss for this, even though the demoting was solely The Goddess of Death's decision.

The Goddess of Death

The Goddess of Death is creator of all demons, Vaskitsa included. The Goddess used to be very proud of Vaskitsa, as she was a very skilled elite.

However, after Vaskitsa got captured she demoted her, as a captured elite could be bad for the elite demons' reputation. While the Goddess is more mad at the witches for hurting her creation, she is also very cold towards Vaskitsa as the Goddess is a very proud being and wants to be as professional as possible.


  • Vaskitsa's favourite colour is lavender.
  • Vaskitsa's favourite flower is titan arum.
  • Vaskitsa's name means slowworm in Finnish. Vaskitsa is my favourite word in the Finnish language and I thought it would be a good name for a succubus. Her companion, Lukki, is also named after an animal.
  • Vaskitsa is not just skilled with her magical abilities – she's also physically strong.
  • She can still fly despite the holes in her wings' membranes, but she's not as good at it as she used to be.
  • Like all succubi, Vaskitsa also has a feral form. Most commonly it's used to execute a target swiftly, but it can also be triggered from being starved of energy or when cornered and being in risk of dying. In her frenzied state, Vaskitsa also grows in size.

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code by zodia