The Goddess of Death



The Goddess of Death


Full nameAs a goddess she doesn't really have an official name – all names used for her are made up by others

Titles / AliasesThe Goddess of Death

Queen (demons)

Demon Goddess (mortals)

Demon Queen (mortals)

My dearest (Goddess of Life)

PronounsShe / her
OccupationRuling the Underworld, watching over the dead, creating demons
HeightNo official height, but prefers being around 4 m / 13'
LanguagesCan speak and understand all languages

RelativesAll demons (creations)

Goddess of Life (wife)


Mirtalese has two goddesses, the Goddess of Life and the Goddess of Death. The two balance each other out and are actually lovers.

The Goddess of Death is the ruler of the Underworld, which consists of the land of the dead and the demon realm. She looks after the dead and has created all demons.


(Work in progress)


(Work in progress)


The Goddess of Life

The Goddess of Life is the Goddess of Death's wife. The two are very much in love and respect each other, even though they've been married for many years.

The Goddess of Life has a lot more free time than the Goddess of Death, and sometimes the Goddess of Death wishes her wife worked more. She does appreciate her wife's good mood and reminders for her to take it easy at times, though.

They might not always agree on things or always see eye to eye, but despite their differences they still care about each other more than anything.


Lady Risyss is an elite succubus and the Goddess of Death's creation. With Risyss being in the Goddess of Death's inner most circle due to her rank of a lady, she's someone that the Goddess trusts and listens to more than those who aren't.

The Goddess of Death doesn't approve of Risyss' relationship with a mortal being, which has made her lose some of respect for her, as she sees this as unprofessional act, not one fit for someone of Risyss' high status.


Vaskitsa is the Goddess of Death's creation and was formetly an elite succubus. The Goddess used to be very proud of Vaskitsa, as she was a very skilled elite, having the title Baroness.

However, after Vaskitsa got captured the Goddess of Death demoted her, as a captured elite could be bad for the elite demons' reputation. While the Goddess is more mad at the witches for hurting her creation, she is also very cold towards Vaskitsa as the Goddess is a very proud being and wants to be as professional as possible.


Yserlith is the Goddess of Death's creation. The Goddess of Death has always seen the potential in Yserlith, but is also aware of her weakness' that hold her back. Unlike with Vaskitsa for example, they haven't hold her back too much, but it has kept her from reaching the rank of a Lady.


Melina is the Goddess of Death's creation. The Goddess of Death rarely cares or even acknowledges most of her demons, let alone ones that aren't inside of her most inner circle, but Melina is a name that she remembers due to her antics. Were it not for Risyss, there is a chance she would have eradicated Melina long time ago.


The Goddess of Death doesn't usually remember individual mortals, but Bella is someone she remembers well. She appreciated Bella's efforts to try to mend the relationship between demons and witches, and hopes Bella's daughter will continue this legacy.


The Goddess of Death didn't really know about Gabe's existence, until she found out her elite succubus Lady Risyss had fallen in love with her. She wasn't happy about it, but when she found out that Gabe was Belladonna Norwood's daughter and wanted to continue in her mother's footsteps to mend the relationship between demons and witches, the Goddess was a lot more understanding.

She now wants Risyss to make sure Gabe is safe during their mission, but is still very distant towards the two as she dislikes their relationship.


  • Her favourite colour is black.
  • Her favourite flower is titan arum.
  • Only the Goddess of Life and the highest elite demons (the ones with the title "Princess") are allowed to see her full appearance. What is known by all, however, is that she has hooves and a tail, and that she made demons in her image. So it's assumed she looks exactly like demons.
  • The Goddess of Death is usually only worshipped by witches, as non-witches are usually scared of her as she has created demons.

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code by zodia