Lady Risyss



3 years, 6 months ago


Lady Risyss


Full nameLady Risyss
(Gabe Norwood)

PronounsShe / Her
Height193 cm / 6'4"
(Horns not included)
LanguagesDemonic, can speak and understand all languages

RelativesGabe Norwood (Girlfriend)

Goddess of Death 




Well-spoken, refined and ladylike, Risyss takes great pride in her work. Deadly efficient and ruthless, she has a change of heart when a miscast curse is placed upon a witch girl who she ends up falling in love with.


Risyss is well-spoken and very ladylike in both her overall demeanor and looks, applying to more or less everything she does. As she's one of Goddess of Death's elites, she's also very refined and polite, often speaking and doing her best to treat others in such a way.

In her past, she used to be deathly ruthless, often using her alluring looks and seductive words to convince others, only strike at them when they least expected it. That did change, however, after she met Gabe Norwood and fell in love with her.

Now she's trying to learn to accommodate to societal rules and expectations of living beings, as she's currently bound to their realm. She wants to learn and be better, not so much for her own sake, but for Gabe's as well.

Thanks to Gabe, Risyss is now able to feel a lot more emotions, which do tend to often confuse or surprise her. With Gabe's help, however, she's able to understand and come in terms with the changes she's going through.


Risyss was among one of the first patches of succubi that the Goddess of Death created. In her youth, Risyss wasn't considered anything exceptional, although her peers did recognize how efficient she could be in both art of seduction and killing.

Eventually after earning her horns and wings through her trial of adulthood, Risyss was asked if she wanted to be trained to be one of Goddess' hand picked elite of demons that would report directly to her and act as her personal bodyguards. Risyss accepted and has been a loyal servant ever since.

Risyss had been effectively married to her job and her title of a Lady ever since, but that changed when during her assigned mission she met Gabe Norwood through failed summoning process. A curse had been put upon Gabe and she had been sent to kill her, only to instead ending up falling in love with her.

Ever since she has been bound to the realm of the living and now is together with Gabe in a relationship. Standing by her side, she's doing her best to aid her to mend the relationship between the two realms to bring them back closer like they were in the past.



Gabe Norwood is Risyss' companion in the land of the living and most importantly her girlfriend. The two of them quickly fell in love after their first meeting and have started to get to know each other better and closer ever since.

Risyss has quickly grown very fond and rather protective of her half-elf lover and she finds herself for the first time in her very long life being jealous, should anyone else than her get more attention from Gabe.

Despite her long life, Gabe is Risyss' first genuine love and now she's discovering through her variety of emotions previously unknown to her. This is something she finds both interesting and scary, as for the first time in her life she finds herself genuinely worried for someone and of their wellbeing.

Risyss likes to refer to Gabe almost exclusive as 'My dear'.


Helga is a black cat and Gabe's familiar. Suspicious of Risyss at first, it took her a moment to realize that the succubus wasn't going to hurt her or her owner. Warming up to her, she now enjoys it a lot when Risyss pets her; especially since her body temperature makes her unusually warm, making both her lap and rubbing up against her legs very tempting.

Risyss also fully understands what Helga is saying at any given time.


Yserlith was created in the same patch as Risyss was. They started off as rivals and didn't see eye to get from the get go due to their rather different personalities, but over time they became close friends.

The two of them have remained good and loyal friends ever since, doing their best to help each other out however possible. Despite the fact that Yserlith hasn't been able to reach her own elite status meanwhile Risyss has, this hasn't got in between their relationship, as they're able to see it as healthy competition and rivalry while still remaining friends. 

Now Yserlith remains as one of the few ways Risyss can stay in touch with her own realm, as she's currently unable to travel between the two realms.


Vaskitsa was also created at the same time as Risyss and Yserlith was. Unlike the two of them, Risyss wasn't that close to her, only really knowing Vaskitsa through her reputation of being a formidable succubus in her own rights.

After she was rose to her elite status of a Lady, Risyss got to finally meet Vaskitsa properly, as she too was now elite, be it on a higher rank of Baroness. The two of them formed a relatively short lived friendship with benefits that ended when Vaskitsa got captured on her mission. When she returned, she had changed and blamed Risyss partially for leaving her abandoned and the two of them broke up right after that.


Risyss met Melina through Yserlith, as she is her mentor. She enjoys how energetic and talkative she is and finds it quite amusing how she was assigned to someone like Yserlith. Risyss is rather fond of Melina and tries to look after her however she can.


Risyss doesn't know that much about Gabe's mother Aria, but she's already finds herself rather fond of her, especially since she's a teacher who specializes in demonology. She's especially fond of her stories and enjoys listening to them.


The Goddess of Death is creator of all demons, Risyss included. With Risyss being in the Goddess of Death's inner most circle due to her rank of a lady, she's someone that the Goddess trusts and listens to more than those who aren't.

She doesn't approve of Risyss' relationship with a mortal being, which has made her lose some of respect for her, as she sees this as unprofessional act, not one fit for someone of Risyss' high status.


- Her favorite color is satin dark red.

- Her favorite flowers are mexican butterfly weed and black iris.

- Risyss finds living beings fascinating and she enjoys learning more about them and their cultures.

- Risyss is an especially talented shapeshifter, as she's able to change into almost any humanoid form that she has seen at least once. This is also one of the reasons she's so effective at seducing.

- In the witch town of Sleethill, there is a statue dedicated to her.

- One of Risyss' most treasured possessions is a earring given to her by Gabe.

- Risyss, like other succubi, is unusually warm, which makes Gabe's pet cat Helga enjoy sitting in her lap or resting up against her feet.

original design by realtense
code by zodia