


3 years, 7 months ago


Dallas (Suicide Boss)

- asexual / aromantic / he / him / single - 


Height - 5'8

Age died at - 23

Body - Average

Host - None (bosses don't have hosts)

Illness - Suicide 

Abilities - Very good with scythe, teleporting (all bosses can do this)

True form - Grim reaper


- Hardly ever smiles

- Very quiet

- Doesn't like Dr. Wacko Thumb


Way back in the 1800's, he and the rest of the council worked as a group of scientists studying mental health, but to very different extremes than other scientists. They were performing forbidden experiments that resulted in some damage to others, and themselves. Dallas worked by Lucas's side in directing the experiments. The two were best friends, and worked very well together (Lucas was teaching Dallas science stuff lol, mentor / apprentice style friendship). Eventually, Lucas was caught running the labs and was sentenced to death. He didn't tell anyone about the rest of the group, so they were safe for the time being, but were quickly dying off over the years. Dallas felt a lot of guilt after Lucas died. He felt he should've taken some of the punishment. He also missed his best friend dearly, and couldn't function without him. Because of the guilt, depression from the loss, he eventually committed suicide by mixing two substances together that shouldn't have been mixed. They exploded, and he lost a good chunk of the side of his face, and died in the process.

He was brought in as the suicide boss for the council of mental illness that Lucas was upholding. They got to work together once again, but despite that, Dallas had lost a lot of himself and wasn't the same. He hardly smiles and is very flat and numb most of the time. He got his scythe and skull for his face (to hide the missing part of his face) as a present from Lucas, and he's almost never seen without it.