


3 years, 7 months ago


Richards and Associates


Mignyan Secretary Fail-dino

Quiet and introverted, works hard but is prone to flapping around like a headless chicken when stressed. Highly strung and easily frightened, has been known to kick when startled on pure instinct and is deeply embarrased about this.

While Tonka might cut an intimidating figure they're really not a threat to anyone; they have so much paperwork and their job prospects aren't great since ending up with an undisguised form that is VERY hard to hide, so they'd really like to be left alone to make sure everything runs smooth. Tonka is aware their boss is not a good woman but she IS the reason they have a job. So. Tonka will try to keep her secret hidden, even if it does add even more paperwork and even more stress.


Tonka graduated top of their classes in university and was set for success, always a quiet person but working hard and comforted by the certainty their calm and predictable life gave them; there wasn't a thing Tonka didn't have planned out from high school to their job at Richards and Associates, a law firm where they planned to start working their way up the ladder at. Life was good, life was normal. Tonka liked things this way, grey coffee cups and monotone cubicles, it was just the way they wanted it.

The day it all went to shit.

Things had been going well, working as Aga Richards secretary was a big important job; this was a well known and renowned head of a well established lawfirm! And Tonka was handling her paperwork and calls with precision! Life was good and they felt certain that a good few years spent at this job could land them a firm of their own if they could just work up up up. But one day they'd make a fatal, terrible mistake and it'd all change forever....

Tonka had been packing up to leave for the holidays, saying goodbye to coworkers and wishing them well, only to make it to their car and notice they'd left something behind; a coffee mug bought for them by Lambert, a fairly peculiar but well meaning man who worked as one of the firms Lawyers. They'd hurried back in, it'd be fine surely; nobody else was in the building save for them. Well, them and their boss Aga.

Their boss who's office they had to walk past to get to their desk, an office who's door was ajar just enough to glance into in passing, just enough to see light glimmering off a desk slick with something wet. Off a hulking figure standing there bathed in the moonlight, shouldiers heaving with ragged breath... Face slowly turning as they froze in fear at the sight....A face that was little more of a mass of wet, disgusting flesh riddled with sharp teeth. A face attached to a body they recognised as their boss's, who's now huge and mutated, pulsating arm was soaked in the blood of some poor unfortunate soul who seemed to have been reduced to a shapeless lump splattered in the corner.

Their boss was a killer, and Tonka was the only witness.

They wanted to run but their body had locked up with quivering legs as the towering lady turned to face them, shaking blood from her hand as she tilted her head; a hideous gargling voice sounding out from behind that mouthless visage. 'Didn't take. Need a new host.' Tonka didn't know what this meant, but all soon would become clear as a second figure made it's presence known. It looked so harmless at the time, crawling out from behind a trash basket shaking and shivering; a little flower upon it and one big eye staring up so timidly. It looked akin to a crab, though squishier, and it was just as soaked as much of the room was. Aga had spoken again, a gnarled claw pointing at Tonka....

'You want to keep your job?'

This job was perfect. It kept their life simple, familiar, manageable; if they had to leave it they didn't know what would be next- what other firms would take them on if they were fired from Richards and Associates? Their name would be mud, Aga Richards had the power to make that happen. So when the question was asked they found themself nodding. And that gnarled claw had moved to point instead at the crab-like thing. 'Then stay still.'

Perhaps if Tonka had known at the time that going along with their murderous boss would lead to what would follow they may have chosen differently, but hindsight is a precious thing and fear of the unknown had always been a blinding force to them; in the moment corrupted by shock and terror they made their decision. They stood and watched and waited as that little creature crawled closer and closer. Its tiny legs gripped the fabric of their clothes, climbing up them, scaling them with ease as it made its way closer and closer to their face; all while that murderous visage watched on emotionless and unreadable. It was upon them in mere moments, and the last thing they saw that night was that big, singular eye gazing at them almost sorrowfully.

The next morning

Tonka woke up in their own bed at home, alone, snow falling and holiday lights twinkling from the street outside. It was as they'd came to that they realised what had happened, an inate knowlege flooding them with information of invasions and mothercrabs and the mignyan they'd encountered the night before. The first few hours had been hell, lying in bed in a stupor lost in their own swirling thoughts; cursing themself for their terrible decisions, not knowing it was all only going to get worse. It took a moment to notice, their head was throbbing, but as they slowly began to become more aware of themself and their surrounding they found that they had been transformed most drastically; it was not just a mere arm or face like their boss's transformation, but something much more extreme. Their bottom half looked like that of some strange bipedal dinosaur, a huge pair of legs and a thick tail barely fitting on top of the bed, heavy and cumbersome and bright red.

The first thing upon Tonka's mind at this revelation was not that their social life would be extinct (they'd never really had one anyway), nor that society would be hell to navigate now, but rather one singular chilling realisation.... They were practically unemployable now.Tonka's life had always been simple and uncomplicated, and now there was more than a major spanner in the works. Where else could they go now? What firm would employ some huge half dinosaur?

Well, it seemed to them that there was only one choice left if they wished to keep their precious life they'd laid out so perfectly for themself. And it was to go back to work, to keep Aga Richards secret hidden, work there under her protection; back to grey coffee cups and monotone cubicles. And just pretend everything was alright.



Butcher Baby

Boss Evil Scary

Butcher Baby, AKA Aga Richards; Tonka's boss and the mignyan who turned them. Tonka works as her secretary and often covers her tracks out of fear of loosing the protection of her job and assistance in keeping her nature as a mignyan hidden from the wider world.



Coworker Friendly enough Squirl

Lambert works at the law firm and while the two rarely see each other out of work Tonka thinks fairly well of him. He's polite enough to her, an awkward man but well meaning; the two have a strange sort of office comradery, both understanding each others dispositions and the unspoken danger they both live under. He gives good office secret santa presents!


Fuit Fly

Coworker Aquaintance Bug??

The law firms accountant, Tonka doesn't run into him too much outside of when reports are due; they find him a little peculiar, he's....strange to look at. But he's polite and good at his job, so they have no disagreements with him!

Identifying Features


Traits Other Keywords Etc.

Dinosaur bottom half is akin to that of an Austroraptor and locates as such; adept at running fast and for long distances, can deliver very powerful kicks and their tail is heavy enough to deliver a powerful blow when swung. They do not utilise these defensive capabilities. Upper half is predominantly humanoid save for large fluffy ears that offer great hearing ability and are often emoted with. Wings are flightless but will often flap and flutter rapidly when stressed.


  • 30mph top speed
  • 10ft verticle leap
  • 2,000 PSI force kick


  • Quiet and nonconfrontational
  • Highly strung and easily stressed out into panic state
  • Desperate to maintain status quo of predictable and planned life


  • Wears comfortable and often baggy clothes
  • Favours jumpers and sweaters
  • Dresses fairly unremarkably to blend in at their office job


Has a Legal Secretary diploma and two years spent in an assisting role before taking on their job. Excelled in English, Maths, and Geography at university and succeeded with straight A's from High School. Can also play the tenor recorder.

Basic Skills


Not achieved 1 2 3 4 5


Not achieved 1 2 3 4 5


Not achieved 1 2 3 4 5

Can also destroy evidence and bury leads with an expert touch and can hold onto dark and terrible secrets even at the detriment of their own peace of mind. Will do anything to maintain their peace, has no objection to lying to achieve this but will not get their hands physically dirty nor directly involved.


  • Smells like cinnamon and pine!
  • Does know how to drive but no longer can fit easily within a drivers seat, so they tend to run to work in the early morning.
  • Used to be extremely squeamish, that's since begun to change.
  • Maybe would like an out from the situation they've found themself in. She can't admit to that though. Just keep going, maybe one day it'll stop being so....well. It's a living, isn't it.

Personnel File


Active Inactive Archived

Name: Tonka
Age: 24
Pronouns: They/She
Height: 10ft with ears
ID: 223 002 2020
Occupation: Secretary
Species: Mignyan
Gender: Dinosaur


Will do almost anything for a quiet life- and does! Please don't touch their paperwork, and don't come snooping around the firm's offices afterdark no matter what rumours you've heard; do you have any idea how much trouble and strife that causes her, she's already got enough on her plate. They're no threat to you, they're a COMPLETELY NORMAL SECRETARY. There is no need for you to look behind the desk. No, don't come back here.