


3 years, 6 months ago



Name ???
height173 cm (5'8)
Age | Sex23 | Female
hair | eyesVerdigris
BirthdayJune 20
statusPro Hero
quirkPoison Psyche
hero nameChohime

When a villain attack took her parents' lives when she was 12, Chohime was taken in by the Hero Public Safety Commission, her family's employer. There, she trained rigorously for 6 years to become a hero specializing in espionage and interrogation, and has now become the cornerstone of the HPSC's underground information network. Due to the nature of her job, her real name and identity are protected, so she is only known by her alias, Chohime. Her latest long-term assignment involves working undercover at a high-end Tokyo maid cafe, which is known to be frequented by influential figures in both legal and illegal businesses. 

Chohime has the ability to produce poisonous black butterflies from the tattoos located at the back of her hands. They have varying effects, from simply altering a person's state of mind or consciousness, to stronger reactions such as causing paralysis or mimicking anaphylactic shock. Her quirk has great coverage and is most effective with direct contact. 


  • red wine, fruity cocktails
  • art museums, botanical gardens
  • observing people/surroundings
  • quick-witted individuals


  • shellfish (she's allergic)
  • toddlers/young kids
  • being late or inefficient
  • very idealistic people


Chohime is a charming and cunning pro-hero, whose sharp intellect allows her to excel in espionage and interrogation. She gives off a mysterious and seductive allure that naturally makes people lower their guards. With her eloquent speech, great acting skills and ability to discern people's personalities, she can manipulate others effectively and get the information she wants. Her quirk also plays a big role in making most situations advantageous for her. When off-duty, Chohime takes her 'rest' very seriously. She loves to coop up at home with wine and movies, visit museums and indoor gardens, and generally just sleep in and be stress-free. Her friends and colleagues know very well not to disturb her during her vacations, unless they want to face her wrath. She can be really devious when provoked. 

The early death of her parents, coupled with the harsh training under the Hero Public Safety Commission, caused Chohime to 'mature' too fast and develop a very objective and pragmatic mindset. She can be a little too unemotional at times, especially when using her quirk on her targets. She was taught not to be afraid to use some cruelty in order to complete a mission or save her life. She also has a vast network of vigilante allies.

Quirk info

Quirk: Poison Psyche

Hero Name: The Poison Hero, Chohime

Chohime comes from the combination of cho meaning butterfly + hime meaning princess (related to the word 'monarch', which is also a type of butterfly)

Chohime has the ability to produce poisonous black butterflies from the tattoos located at the back of her hands. Although her poison is divided into two main types, Sleep and Paralysis, the effects vary a lot based on the potency of the poison and which hand the butterfly originated from. Her quirk has great range and is most effective with direct contact. She is also able to create both types of butterflies simultaneously.

Her left hand creates 'sleep' butterflies. With low potency, these cause the target to lose their sobriety and sound judgement, and become very susceptible to suggestions and provocations. The affected person will be dazed, and thus be mistaken as either drunk or 'high'. This is very helpful when it comes to gathering information. With high potency, the target will become very sleepy and sluggish, and shortly lose consciousness.

Her right hand creates 'paralysis' butterflies. With low potency, the part of the body that is in contact with the butterfly will become numb and hard to move. It's very useful for restraining enemies. With high potency, these can partially paralyze internal organs, such as the heart and lungs, causing the affected person to suffer some form of temporary but painful shock. When necessary, Chohime won't hesitate to use this in interrogation. 

quirk drawbacks

One of the main resources for poison generation is her blood (ie. both poisons naturally occur in her blood). Thus, quirk overuse leads to iron deficiency anemia, which includes symptoms such as fatigue, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, chest pain, etc. To minimize these drawbacks, Chohime often includes food with high iron content in her diet.      



Hawks  [ close friend ]

Chohime met Hawks when she entered the HPSC, wherein they spent years together under the same training regime. He is one of the pro-heroes that she directly gives information to. They are also great drinking buddies. 


Kaito [ colleague ]

After closing the cafe, Chohime caught Kaito doing illicit hero work. Instead of handing him to the police, she decided to recruit him and expand her vigilante contacts. After working together, they've become somewhat friends, and would occasionally go drinking with Hawks as a group. 


tba  [  ]
