Cambrie Evans



3 years, 6 months ago




name  Cambrie Evans
age 24 years old
Stats 5'9" / 140 lbs
Genderfemale (she/her)
Sexuality   pansexual
Nationality  welsh
residence castle bay, ireland
occupation working student
Character Summary

Stylish / Outgoing / Insecure / Energetic / Impulsive / Caring / Supportive / Kind

personality .

At a glance, Brie might strike you as someone spoiled. She pays attention to how she looks, and it's no secret her designer handbags are the real deal. What others don't see is how hard she works for what she has, and how her impulsive spending habits can leave her in a bind. She has trouble keeping her confidence up, and loses faith in herself with every defeat, which is why she often resorts to retail therapy. She can drop hundreds on a new saddle pad knowing there's nothing left in her fridge for dinner, but she tries not to stress over it. She can only worry about so many things at a time.

With other people, Brie is affectionate and encouraging, regardless of how long she's known the person for. She's the type to treat everybody like family, and is eager to introduce herself to someone new in any case. It's a known fact that if you leave her on her own, she'll seek out the nearest group and insert herself into the conversation. Thankfully, she makes friends easily and can adapt to any crowd. The downside to her social nature is that she requires a lot of reassurance to know she's doing something right, and will look for validation in other people regardless of their intentions. She can also be abbrasive with how excitable she is, and her enthusiasm isn't always appropriate in context. Sometimes, she comes across as an airhead, and that makes people underestimate her. She's not the smartest, but she isn't as dumb as she's made out to be either. 

She's outgoing and confident enough to say what's on her mind, which can turn any dull encounter into a conversation worth having. The only downside is that she can be a bit tone deaf, and doesn't always read the room before she talks. She just wants to encourage other people to lighten up and do their best. Being surrounded by likeminded people is why she stays at the barn so often, and seeing her friends succeed is what she lives for. You can bet on her showing up at every competition, cheering her lungs out from the sidelines. If she isn't there, she couldn't afford gas, and is most likely making her way there on foot as the event goes on. 

She likes to look good; having her hair styled and make-up done makes her feel her best. She also likes to have the latest tech and designer accessories, even when she can't afford them. Materialistic is one word to describe her, but she values other people just as much--if not more, than her possessions. She's never worried about sharing what she has, and is very trusting as long as you ask permission first.

physical traits .

Cambrie is focused on her looks and takes careful measures to preserve her image. She never lets her hair look a mess, even when it's been crushed by a helmet all day in the heat. She also coordinates her clothes and is sure to make a statement with every outfit she wears.


  • She dated several boys in high school, but her need for constant reassurance put strain on her relationships. It didn't help that most boys dated her for her looks, and made her feel worse for seeking validation. In the present, she's scared of dating, even though she develops crushes easily and wants a partner. 
  • TBD
  • TBD 
  • TBD 
  • TBD

  • Mikhailov Nikolai Petrovich / roommate & friend / She met Nikolai through his response to her craigslist roommate search, and for lack of a better candidate; he was the one she accepted. What she didn't mention at the time was that although she was collecting rent money from him, she didn't technically own the home. Her parents did, and her plan was to use the extra money to pay them back while hiding her out of control spending. When he found out, she felt terrible enough to extend his stay for free, but from there they became friends. Close enough friends that he still lives with her, and helps her pay the rent back to her parents while they don't even know he exists. Apart from their strange living arrangement, Cambrie supports Nikolai's jockey career and tags along with him to his racing barn sometimes. She also encourages him to visit the stable she rides for, and has been trying to get him out more in general. 
  • Katrina O'Dire / mentor / Katrina is the owner of CBEC, the stable she rides for, and also the owner of the horse she's leasing; Kiss. Although her spending habits have left issues in the professional side of their relationship, Cambrie sees Katrina as a mentor and close friend. Their personalities pair quite well and if she ever needs advice or a helping hand, Cambrie feels comfortable confiding in her. 
  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
Origin & history

backstory .
Unsurprisingly, Cambrie didn't get a lot of attention growing up. Her step-brothers were the family's pride and joy, even though nobody was eager to admit that outright. Her parents made more of an effort to include her when she was little, but as time went on it became clear that her shows weren't as important as her brothers' varsity games. Her step-father had a distant relationship with her from the start, and her own mother favored the boys because she got along with them better. In turn, she came to resent her brothers and avoids contacting them in the present because they make her feel inadequate. The same goes for her mother, who she only sees on holidays out of obligation.

education .
She's finishing up a few prerequisite courses at community college, and plans to transfer to university once she confirms her major. She's mostly attending school because it's what her parents want for her, and she's worried that upsetting them will lead to her being evicted. 

occupation .
She doesn't have a formal job, but sells customized tack online and helps out at the stable in exchange for lessons and boarding. She gets most of her money from Nikolai's race winnings, which they divide between supplies for her business, rent to her parents, and other necessary living expenses. Anything extra she makes is immediately spent on whatever she can get her hands on. 

residence .
Her parents are letting her rent one of their vacation properties, which is a smaller home on the countryside. They aren't terribly strict collecting rent, but do expect a reasonable payment every month. She shares this home with Nikolai, although she hasn't told her parents this.
