Nikolai Mikhailovich Petrov



3 years, 3 months ago




name Nikolai Mikhailovich Petrov
age 26 years old
Stats 5'4" / 115 lbs
Gender male (he/him)
Sexuality  undisclosed
Nationality  russian
residence castle bay, ireland
occupation flat-racing jockey
Character Summary

Stubborn / Self-Destructive / Perfectionistic / Bunt / Mild-Tempered / Passionate / Polite / Non-Judgmental

personality .

Although he might come across as cold or antisocial, Nikolai is indifferent at best, and rarely has strong opinions towards other people. He simply values his own company, and is selective about who he lets into that bubble. That being said, he's surprisingly talkative once you get him going, and he's not opposed to chatting with strangers if they're interesting enough. Vulnerability and trust are separate issues, but he can handle socializing. If you do manage to convince him to open up, he's a snarky and creative person underneath his blank-faced front. It catches people off guard how forthright he can be, and they're even more surprised when they find out he has a sense of humor. It's also worth mentioning that around horses, he's far more lively than he is around people. He's not embarrassed at all being seen talking to his mare and giving her kisses on the nose, or rather: he's pretty embarrassed, but won't let you know that. His pride and reputation are important to him, after all.

He isn't the type to approach strangers, but will participate in a conversation if it's offered. Usually others don't reach out to him, however, because they get the wrong impression and assume he's anti-social. On the contrary, he appreciates the company of extroverts and thrives on other people's enthusiasm. He likes to talk more than you'd think.

physical traits .

Nikolai's health is affected by his self destructive habits and eating disorder. He restricts calories to an unhealthy extent in order to stay within the weight requirement for races. His actual weight fluctuates, but by default he has wide shoulders and a masculine build. His growth was somewhat stunted during childhood due to a combination of food shortages and illness. In spite of his shorter stature, he has a commanding presence and looks like someone who you don't want to bother. Really, he has a way of making others feel like their very presence is infringing on his personal space. He has a flat nose and long face, with icy blue eyes and an equally cold stare. 


  • Nikolai wasn't that impressed the first time he saw a horse, but after enough time spent watching them race and calculating which bet could pay his father's rent, he learned to appreciate them. He was taught how to ride as a teenager, after his father was caught and fell off the radar, leaving him in the care of several horse trainers who he knew from the track. With enough consistent pestering, they let him be an apprentice jockey, and he's since earned his license
  • He's never been in an actual relationship, but has some experience with one-time flings and flirting. To his credit, he doesn't want to enter a relationship until he sorts himself out, and figures out what he wants from another person
  • Horse racing is the one thing he's ever felt good at, and he'll further his career at any cost. He's headstrong and determined, which is a skill that gets him where he needs to be. However, he disregards his health and wellbeing to get there, which only harms him long term. 
  • His father has been mia since he was deported, and Nikolai has yet to hear from him. He desperately wants to, but has no way of contacting him or knowing that he's still alive
  • He speaks English fluently, but has trouble understanding people with certain dialects. Riding for a stable in Scotland wasn't the best career choice he ever made; neither was choosing to live with a girl from Wales, but he's learning

  • Cambrie Evans / roommate & friend / While looking for a place to rent three years prior, he met Cambrie through her craigslist ad. She was skeptical when they met, and unsure about renting a room to some random guy, but their mutual interest in horses was what convinced her. He eventually learned she didn't even own the place, and was only renting out the room to hide her spending addiction from her parents. After the reveal, they started to bond over their personal struggles and became unlikely friends. He hasn't opened up everything to her yet, but by his standards she's the closest friend he has, and the person he trusts the most.
  • Valerie Morrison / employer / Valerie is the owner of Nikolai's horse, Roach, and more or less his boss. The two of them rarely meet in person, and Valerie is largely absent from Roach's care and races. He only surfaces to check in on the purse winnings and how profitable the pair has been each month. 
  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
  • name / relationship
Origin & history

backstory .
As he tells it, Nikolai was born into a life of crime before he had a say in the matter. His father would exploit others in their community so often that it tanked the resale value of homes in their neighborhood, which ultimately led to an intervention. Said intervention, in the typical Russian fashion, involved a young Nikolai nearly losing his fingers to a ransom demand. His father paid the sum and secured his son's safety, however, at that point their comfortable life in Russia was over. His father obtained a work permit in Ireland with some old connections, and the two promptly fled from the angry mob left in their wake. At 13 years old, Nikolai learned English and studied at a private school in the countryside. It was there that he became familiar with the country's culture and local delinquent activity. There wasn't much trouble for him to get into at first, but over time he begun to take after his father and inspired enough criminal activity to ruin the village's reputation. He made his father proud, of course, and eventually they settled down making their money off gambling and betting on horse races.

When his father was inevitably arrested and faced deportation for more serious charges, Nikolai found himself with nowhere to go but the race track. He was familiar with the scene and well-liked by the trainers, despite the fact he was constantly sneaking into restricted areas. One of them, a trainer by the name of Mitchell Riley, took enough pity on the kid to give him a job. From there on, Nikolai was a stable groom, and then jockey after getting enough experience under his belt to ride. 

The unfortunate downside to Nikolai's exciting childhood adventures is that they were all pretty traumatic. In hindsight, being constantly dragged through the criminal underground and running from the police is far from ideal father-son bonding, and has left Nikolai with some unresolved emotional issues. Mainly, he follows obsessive compulsive rituals to ease his anxiety, and has developed an eating disorder to make the weight requirement for races. As of right now, he keeps his self destructive habits to himself and avoids sharing too much that could imply he's struggling. 

family .
Although it was something his father avoided mentioning, his mother left the both of them for a better marriage. He knew several of his uncles in Russia, but hasn't been in direct contact with them since moving to Ireland. The only consistent family he had was his father, and as problematic of a figure as he was, he did show Nikolai love in the only ways he knew how. By protecting him and teaching him to protect himself.

education .
He graduated from high school, but neglected to attend college in favor of working for the local racing barn and getting his license to jockey. He received bellow average marks in school, but could've done better without his chaotic home life. 

occupation .
He's an up and coming jockey, determined to advance his career no matter the cost. He trains with his long-term mentor, Mitchell Riley, and his team of help. 

residence .
He started off renting a room from Cambrie Evans, in the house she rents fom her parents, but over time their arrangement has become less formal. She doesn't insist on collecting payment, and neither of them are what you'd call wealthy, so they've more or less agreed to collectively mooch off her parents. They don't know he lives with her.
