Bernette Ferreira Prata



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Bernette Ferreira Prata


Bern, Bernita (mother)


29 pre-TS, 32 post-TS


September 22


Female, cis (she/her)






DJ, music artist (formerly The Grimoire employee and vtuber Philamena)


Inês (mother), Thélio (father)


Old doc:

New sheet:

Bernette is now a freelancer who also works as a DJ at Club Apocalypse's new permanent location. She used to be an employee of The Grimoire, and a vtuber named Philamena before that.

Bernette prefers to keep to herself and rarely ever wants to reveal anything personal, though if it's something she must do, she may drop an anecdote or two. Unfortunately to anyone except the especially dense, it's pretty obvious she's hiding things. She's doubtful about many things, but she's learned that everything's at least worth a try. Even if she doesn't really believe something will help, if someone suggests something (within reason) she will give it a shot. Though she can be wishy-washy and tends to bend to others' wills as needed, if she truly feels strongly about something she'll hold her ground, sometimes going as far as to speak up if nobody else will.                

Bernette comes from Topaz City, from a relatively normal household. Her parents are immigrants from Caldeiros. Despite her looks, she had a fairly large internet presence as a full-time Vtuber named Philamena. She did it all: gaming, art streams, covers; she was even part of a circle of online content creators which included m-kaelP. But then she got overwhelmed with her workload, running away from all online responsibility without a word.  A few months after that, she turned to Kinjishi and worked at the Grimoire for 2.5 years.
After the events of E13, it is said that a certain man wearing 3 pairs of sunglasses took his crew out of Topaz City to establish a Proper location for Club Apocalypse (new and improved!). After living with Merlin temporarily during stasis and then some, Bernette moved out of Topaz City to find better opportunities. Eventually after some stumbling around, she discovered the underground nightlife scene in Valeea; this led her to Club Apocalypse's new permanent location. A couple DJs there took her under their wings to show her the ropes, and now she has become a regular fixture there as DJ Burnerbeater In order to make ends meet, she also releases tracks online.

  • Though she has 2 surnames, Prata is the one that’s usually used (i.e. Ms. Prata). 
  • The surname Ferreira was associated with blacksmith/ironwork; Prata was associated with silver workers.  
  • “Bernette” is a play on “burnout”. 
  • Pretty big range when it comes to voices; a bright and energetic voice for Philamena, a customer service voice when needed, her normal voice, etc... though she doesn't voiceact anymore. 
  • Her topaz is attached to a ribbon wrapped around her wrist. She has kept her old topaz.
  • Has a pet rabbit named Nata; a harlequin dutch.
  • Appreciates a wide variety of genres and enjoys composing tracks as  well. She is intermediate in piano and a beginner in guitar and can  sing, though she prefers to limit the use of performing with her voice.  She also collects records.
  • Used to upload art to the internet, but not anymore. Instead, she sometimes indulges in painting  workshops/free painting studios during her free time.
  • Hides  signs of her nerdiness with most people, sweating nervously when people  talk about something she knows about but doesn't want to engage in a  conversation about. However, she does enjoy games in the comfort of her own home.