Vera Ivanov



3 years, 6 months ago


Vera Ivanov

serious • hard-working • bossy

Vera Ivanov
slight muscular, pear
independent working woman, former nurse
assertive, aggressive, honest, traditional

"No is no, now leave me be before i bury this axe in your ugly face."

Vera Ivanov is a strong independent woman that hasn't bothered looking for a man. She is known for rejecting every man that has came to her and threatened them with an axe that lead them cowardly running away from her. Her aggressive nature should've been obvious to many that she wasn't easy to charm over, yet some are brave enough to try her out. Behind all of that aggression she has kindness in her, she was kind enough to save one Finnish soldier that she found nearby her home.



She appears to be very aggressive and tends to be bossy around people that approaches her suddenly. Vera doesn't quite trust people right away, everyone looks suspicious to her which is why she is being defensive. Testing how long people can handle her until she decides the person is trustworthy enough to be allowed to get to know her. They shouldn't still expect any affection from her or humor. She is serious one, expecting people to behave and know how to keep a distance of her nor seek attention from her thinking they deserve it. Only her family has witnessed kinder side of her, she still appears to be bossy.


Vera Ivanov comes from the same family as her brother Viktor. She lived her entire life in Russia, keeping up the family traditions and being hard-working. She was known as the angry bear by the entire family, always being angry about something that bothered her. Most of the time Viktor got scolded by her for smoking and dared to always pick a fight with him or any other boy that teased her for being "manly". When Viktor disappeared she tried to find out where he exactly went, only to run into a high military ranked Russian that started being too interest of her for her own liking.

When winter war came, she didn't bother to be helpful to the Russian soldiers, she had enough of being a nurse. Yet she soon found a injured Finnish soldier that she took to her home and started taking care of his shot wound. She learned that his name was Jaakko Koskikallio, a jackass that teased her time to time and didn't want to rest, but she managed to get him to stay down and heal. Surprisingly she got along with him, and took quite liking of him. Vera had to keep Jaakko well hidden from others, she wasn't sure how long the war would last but she'd try her best not let the high military ranked Russian know about Jaakko.


  • Her favorite flower is viola incisa.
  • If people took time to know her, tolerate her bossy nature they'd learn the kinder side of her. She is a lot kinder towards women than men.
  • She seems to be not be fond of the dark duo to of her being scared of the dark when she was a child. She doesn't like talking about why she doesn't like the dark.
  • Many people don't know how traditional she is, if a man did caught the slightest of her interest she'd expect him to bring flowers to her first than suggest anything intimate with her.
  • Vera doesn't like people that smokes or drinks a lot.



Viktor Ivanov [ older brother ]

Vera cares about her older brother even if she still bosses around him and lectures him about his bad habits that he has slowly gotten rid of. He gets to see her affectionate side only because he is her sibling. He had been there for her a lot until he disappeared which got her worried and bit restless. Luckily he came back safe and sound, but he wasn't safe from her lecturing. He doesn't mind her being bossy, he rather encourages her to be like that so she wouldn't be too soft any strangers. She even got to meet her brother's girlfriend that she liked a lot more than his ex-partner.


Jaakko Koskikallio [ crush/fjackass friend ]

Vera doesn't want to admit that she had gotten fond of the jackass so much that she developed crush on him despite he already has a wife. She used to be very bossy and aggressive towards him in the beginning despite she took care of his injury, yet he countered her aggression with his jackassery even if he wasn't very good speaking Russian. Later she got softer towards him, she didn't want to like him that much because he deserved to be with his wife than with her.

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