


3 years, 6 months ago


  • They/them
  • 5'6"
  • In a loving relationship with Lokeii
  • Has an estranged wife (not legally married)


Early on
When they first arrived at Spawn, they spent most of their time exploring and making huge maps. While there were many living around Spawn, they only truly befriended Alder, and to a lesser extent, the pair they frequently hung out with. 

When access to a new realm was mysteriously granted, they spent weeks exploring it with Krim. There, they met a creature who had become infatuated with Warpus. Neither could bear to leave it behind, and constructed a lava room for it in their home. They named it Noodle a few days later.

The Marriages
When Krim begun to spend more and more time in the mines, away from them, Warpus felt overwhelmingly lonely. It had been his idea to come to Spawn, against their better judgement, yet he had grown more distant and no longer wanted to spend time with them. In the few months that they had been there, Alder had proven to be much more of a nuisance than they originally thought - stealing their resources, creating hazards, and overall refusing to leave them alone (they suspected Alder was using their shared wall to spy, but they couldn't prove it).

While it wasn't a thing where they came from, the idea of marriage was one that had stuck out to them in recent weeks. It sounded like a good idea - a ceremony to honour their friendship, and hopefully convince him that they were more important than any mine.
Though they didn't realise the romantic nature of marriage, they decided they wanted to give it a shot. They worked to build a location, taking designs from books they read (their skills didn't extend far beyond creating structure, certainly not designing them).

Krim accepted, wanting to do anything for his best friend.

Meanwhile, Alder, Gravity, and Frost quickly became an unbreakable trio. Inspired by Warpus, or perhaps as desperate or spontaneous, Alder too got engaged to Frost.
Yet Frost isolated herself, missing her wedding and disappearing from Spawn. Alder reacted with rage, targeting Party City. And while they had caused trouble in the past, they were not the source of Alder's misfortune.
Alder accused Lokeii of robbery, but as far as Warpus knew, that's where the conflict stopped. Later that day, a section of Party City was burnt down. 

Destruction of Party City
Lokeii thought the mushrooms did it, and in a frenzy, Noodle was unintentionally injured and left to die.
Alder's constant pestering and thievery and chaos put Warpus on edge. While in the past they had tried their best to be a mediator, Noodle's death stripped away whatever soundness they had, and in a moment of emotion, they declared revenge on Party City. For whatever reason, Aurid helped them fight, but they never asked why. 

They were caught by surprise, and the 'battle' soon ended with the detonation of Party City. Alder watched from afar, but disappeared shortly after.

With Party City blown up, the mushrooms' house soon met a similar demise. While Krim took this as an exciting new opportunity to move out, Warpus felt as though everything had been taken from them - their resources, best friend's attention, home, and now their safety.
While reluctant, they didn't have much choice, and together with Krim, they built their second home, Piss In Ton. 

A month following the battle, a flyer was passed around Spawn, inviting its residents to a gathering of peace.
No one was quite sure who arranged it, and merely assumed it was their respective enemy. Nevertheless, both parties were present, along with a few uninvolved. The day went as planned, until Aurid’s speech, when an arrow was shot in his direction. It erupted into chaos, and the fears that already dwelled on each attendee’s minds turned into panic, as party goers scrambled to grab their weapons.

The mushrooms got away, but it only confirmed the fears that had been plaguing Warpus. 

Piss In Ton
They spent the following months living in fear of people, only visiting Spawn again when Krim insisted.
When they weren't training, they were studying. And when they weren't studying, they were practicing. Their paranoia manifested in a constant need to be productive, which unbeknownst to them, only served to drive Krim away further.

Unconsciously, Warpus begun to resent his decision to settle in Spawn, and they resented how he seemed to have no trouble spending time with Averie, when it was much too hard to make a commitment to themself. 

Their isolation made them lonely again, and their fear made them hostile. 

A fight
Warpus could feel the cycle repeating, and in an attempt to stay connected, they made efforts to interact with those living at Spawn. It gave them peace to know that none of Party City had been spotted around the area for almost half a year, and they could almost relax on the days they spent running errands for Snip and cleaning up the surroundings. 

On one of these days, they were interrupted by Alder.
It had been months since the two had spoken, and it was clear that Alder had not changed one bit. They criticised Warpus for menial things, poked fun at every detail they could.
Every fear Warpus had culminated in this moment, and all they could do was feel anger at Alder, who was now bragging about the fire that they started. 

For months they had directed their emotions at Party City, who attacked them out of nowhere. Now it was Alder, standing in front of them who claimed to have started the very fire that caused the landslide of events that followed. Their built-up fears dissipated and turned into violence directed at Alder.

While they escaped relatively unscathed, Warpus got a sense of satisfaction knowing that it had been Alder all along. 

But in their absence, Krim had returned to find Averie missing, their house upturned and out of order. Upset, he returned to Piss In Ton later that day to find a distraught Warpus. Their interaction with Alder brought up old feelings, and they began to accuse Krim of creating these issues (“if you never disappeared for days on end, I wouldn’t have felt the need to propose, which wouldn’t have encouraged Alder to propose, which wouldn’t have resulted in them getting stood up and burning down Party City-”). 

This ended in a fight, at the end of which Krim stated he needed space. He left to search for Averie, leaving Warpus more alone than ever.

They found it too boring to be left alone at Piss In Ton, and sought refuge at Spawn. There, they met Lokeii.
While a week prior they might have reacted with aggression, Alder's confession redirected any resentment they had. Like them, Lokeii was just another of their victims. 

Not wanting to think too deeply on the matter, the two of them worked together to rebuild their old house, repairing both literally and figuratively the damage they had created during the destruction of Party City.

- They enjoy exploring and they keep a journal of things they find interesting.
- They have a lot of drive and they like getting things done fast and done well.
- They commission a local village to tailor their clothing, and smith their armour and weaponry.
- Their hair was darker when they were younger and it got lighter as they aged. They always wanted it long and they got away with it as a kid. But when they got older their mum would hack away at it.