
Tom idle animation


full name
Thomas Grant Voltess
Tom / The Lone Ranger
Cis male
5th March 2000
Aromantic Straight
oni (demon) shifter
American, Japanese

Thomas is a father of three, known and highly respected for his work in the military. Hes lived through many life experiences, not any he'd willingly talk about. Even though hes been trough a lot hes still the same good hearted person he was before the Death Stranding took its toll.

Associated Symbols
Navy blue
a colour
an animal
the ocean
a place
an object
a feeling



Thomas has been a kind person, since the day he was born. He has always stood up for people who were unfairly treated, and what he thinks is right. He is blunt with people and tells them how things are, but still keeps an open-minded appoarch, and takes into consideration other peoples feelings when doing things.
He would never let anyone walk over him. Though some of his strong belifes have caused him to be brash and to be disobedient at times, often getting him in trouble.
Sometimes his assertivness comes off as agressive and often people find him intimidating to approach. They also find him scary, because he is often a few steps a head and his intuition is at a higer level than most, to others it looks like he is unpredictable.
His neuroticism leads him to have a lot of anxiety, excessive anger and irratablity at times, along with depression. This is due to whats happening to the world around him, constant trauma has affected him deeply.
Though he's aromantic and dosen't want a romantic relationship, he likes to flirt with people and finds it fun to tease them. He'll do this anyone, sometimes with egotistical men to take them down a notch and annoy them. His flirting does help with getting things he wants, or needs with people as he is good at chatting people up.

goals & motivations
When he was younger his goal was to learn everything about everything and teach it to the next generation as a teacher, as he loved doing so for his younger siblings. So, his passion for learning and sharing his knowladge, he thought this would be the best option for him.
Though as the world started to break down, Tom decided to change his goals to working on making his family and friends have a safe place to live in.
His biggest flaw is that he can't accept that he can't save everyone and that it's not his fault they couldn't be saved. He struggles with feelings of guilt constantly for surviving and that other have not. He often pushes himself over the edge with work, because he wants to make the most out of his days.
He gets bouts of depressions and anxiety for his family as well, he is scared of loosing anymore people he loves. This makes him neglect them, because he doesn't want to see them hurt so he focuses on the world rather than his owm family.
Preferences and Habits

He spends a lot of his free time going to the gym, he enjoys the pressure he puts himself into while working out. He also dabbles in photography and videography, he's been doing it since his early teens and this has given him a bunch of memoried to look back on. He enjoys visitiong the shooting range, too. He gets to hone his skills. And of course he loves reading, learning and also archiving the books he has studied from. He's created himself a libarary in his home from the books he's found and restored.

Living space

He likes to keep his living space organized and clean. Seeing clutter around his house, makes his mind feel cluttered. Though it can't always be this way, beacuse he does have children running around the house, but he does make sure they tidy up after themselves. Most of the times its the living spaces are most messy, his study and work room the kids don't mess up.

Cooking and food

Tom learned to cook at a pretty young age, he wanted to be helpful to his parents by taking care of his siblings. So he wanted to learn how to cook simple meals, eventually he leared how to make more complicated dishes.
As is usual for a gym junky he loves food full of protein. He also loves experimenting with flavours, he'll eat and try almost anything.
Though his favortite food is sushi!


Though it sounds weird he enjoys cold climate, he loves winter and snow, but for the most of the time he experinced it he wasn't in a good place in life. He still has some nostalgia for it, for odd reasons. He likes the harsh climate, like he likes harsh challenges, it's another thing to concour and learn from for him. He also enjoys winter for its shorter days and longer nights, he also feels comforted by the fact that this season brings people together.
But where he live weather climate is temperate, the winters aren't too cold and the summers aren't too hot.


Though he enjoys the view of the Ocean he is deathly afraid of going in or near it, his younger brother was taken away at the Black Shore, by an unknown being or force. Him almost drowning also reinforces this fear on him.
Tom doesn't like hosptals or care facilities as he's witnessed too many people passing away in them, his trauma of being abused in a care facility adds to that.
He typically doesn't hold grudges, but in this particular case, Tom does not like Roy. Their past together was rough, Roy left scars, literally, but Tom understand why he did it, but its hard to look past the damadge that has been done. Though Tom has learned to live with it.


Current Year
District 10 [border of 8/12 previously]
District 10
Lone Demons, Skeleton Crew, The inner circle, District 10, Silverbark Hunting Coven, "The Arctic"

Tom's backstory will be written here eventually, it's long and I don't know how to write it.

His house is an old japanese mansion


Relationship status

Brief description of your character's social needs here.

In vel sollicitudin urna. Morbi elementum enim in erat tristique scelerisque. In volutpat, justo quis tincidunt sodales, diam eros tempus arcu, in pellentesque lacus ipsum eu nibh.

Memphis and Sydneyparents

Tom always had a close relationship with his parents. He always looked up to his father for his leadership skills and how stong he always presented himself. Tom though felt a little closer to his mother, because she was always there for him and so kind and caring, but that doesnt mean his father wasnt like that as well. Just somehow ended up feeling it more from his mother.
After their death Tom was heartbroken but knew to make sure that this strenght and caring from both his parents was applyed to himself to make sure his family is safe.


Ever since Duke was born, the two of them were the best of buddies and took care of each other and their little sibings, like good big brothers.
Just like their father, Tom saw the exact same strong and leader like qualities in his brother. Thomas looked up to Duke the same way he looked up to his father.


Tom and Russ are very close, especially after the deaths of a lot their friends and family. Though being surrounded with death, theyre still very playful with each other and love to mess around. Tom and Russ teasing one another about their awful luck with love life and just normal brotherly things.


Stacy being the baby of the family did not exclude from being bullied by Tom, like her other siblings. Being the only daughter in the family, Thomas always tried to do the girly things she wanted to do together. Nowadays though, they bond over guns and weaponry.


He loves his kids to the moon and back, his heart is fully devoted to them. He owes his life to them. Theyre one of the reasons he keeps pushing to live and strive for a better life for his whole family.
Though the circumstances he recived them weren't the nicest, that doesnt stop him from loving and carimg for them.

Sarah and Haydencousins

Though Sarah and Hayden were Toms cousins they always felt more like a sisters to him, because how much they always visited when they were all younger. After hearing of Haydens death, Thomas felt extremely hurt and like he was almost responsible for it because he felt like he could have possibly prevented it from happening and he swore to keep his family safe.
Sarah being like another little sister to Tom he feels extremely protective of her, especially when Roy is around.

Buck and Troyfriend/Ex-girlfriend

Troy and Tom had known each other since childhood but got really close they both were still in highschool. They eventually started dating, but they both eventually figured out they were not right for each other, Troy bring lesbian and Thomas being aromantic.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit.

Finn and Owenfriend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit.

Nicholasbest friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit.


black, white
tall, toned, muscular

Written description of character appearance here.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In vel sollicitudin urna. Morbi elementum enim in erat tristique scelerisque. In volutpat, justo quis tincidunt sodales, diam eros tempus arcu, in pellentesque lacus ipsum eu nibh.

Vivamus pulvinar lobortis sodales. Vestibulum ligula purus, lobortis quis bibendum non, imperdiet id odio. Suspendisse pharetra ipsum purus, a ullamcorper quam tempor sed. Duis a tortor nisl. Vivamus pulvinar lobortis sodales. Vestibulum ligula purus, lobortis quis bibendum non, imperdiet id odio. Suspendisse pharetra ipsum purus, a ullamcorper quam tempor sed. Duis a tortor nisl.

Physical Ability & Energy

Vivamus pulvinar lobortis sodales. Vestibulum ligula purus, lobortis quis bibendum non, imperdiet id odio. Suspendisse pharetra ipsum purus, a ullamcorper quam tempor sed. Duis a tortor nisl.

Fashion Sense

Vivamus pulvinar lobortis sodales. Vestibulum ligula purus, lobortis quis bibendum non, imperdiet id odio. Suspendisse pharetra ipsum purus, a ullamcorper quam tempor sed. Duis a tortor nisl.

Miscellany and Trivia

DND class
DND alignment
creation date

Add and remove blocks above to create a custom miscellany section based on your tastes and the character.

  • When he has blackouts or dissociation periods where he looses time, he goes into a primal state, most often taken over with fear, because he has a very loose grip on reality. In this state he accidentally harms people or himself, beacuse he has no idea whats going on around him. He turns into a wild animal.
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