


3 years, 6 months ago



He/him • Cosmic entity

The mysterious owner of a magic shop located in Xastristan, Hiroshi is an anomaly who employs other anomalies as his workers. What he is, or where he came from is still unknown to all but his closest companions. What people do know, however, is that he is extremely dangerous and with a simple wave of his hand, could obliterate this world and the next, but of course he won't because he's just that kind. So far, Alex and Troy--two of his student employees--know he's some kind of cosmic being, but what exactly?


Name "Hiroshi"
Age Older than creation
Gender ???
Orientation ???
Species Cosmic deity
Height Usually 6'1"
Origin ???
Occupation Owner of the Pandora House

"Welcome to the magic shop, you little shits."

  • Smoking
  • His employees
  • Teasing the rookies
  • Inflating his self-esteem
  • Traveling
  • Bending the rules

  • His rules being broken
  • The shop being damaged
  • Complaints
  • Competition against his shop


Hiroshi is definitely a primordial deity, Alex concludes. He doesn't know for sure, but all he knows is that Hiroshi is very very very powerful.

Hiroshi claims himself as simply a watcher, an observer of the multiverse as time continues on. He's found that the best way to do so is to start a magic shop, capable of traversing the multiverse. Employing other unexplained creatures? Of course. Making the two teens do all the dirty work? No question there.


Easygoing and chill, not many things can and do bother Hiroshi. Compared to many of the more temperamental and chaotic deities out there, Hiroshi is definitely one of the nicest you'll have the pleasure of meeting. Usually, he wears a bored, or calm expression, and tends to deliver his lines with a deadpanned snark, but isn't adverse to smirking. He's somewhat mischievous and teasing, and likes to lightly bully the high school employees around for his own enjoyment. As long as you follow the rules, he'll maintain that lighthearted attitude.


  • Hiroshi's true form can't really be comprehended, but a cosmic-like form he does adopt often is a Asian-like draconic being.
  • Sometimes he lets a tail pop out, and horns. He uses said tail to trip the part-timers because it's amusing to him.
  • "I insult because I care."
  • "Also because it's funny."
  • He's generally very chill and amiable, but his expression is usually really deadpan.
  • He used to run the shop's website. But he made some very questionable design choices so he ended up passing it off to Alex who has no idea how to code, who passed it off to his friend Matthew. Hiroshi still controls what goes on it though. He's the reason why it's very passive aggressive and filled with compliments for himself.
  • Alex and Troy gave birthdays to the other employees because they didn't know when it was and wanted some time to celebrate. Hiroshi was given Labor Day.


Offense [Yes]

Abilities [Yes]

Defense [Yes]

Stamina [( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]

Speed [Yes]

Perception [Who knows]

Intelligence [Smart]
Charisma [Sure]

He's some kind of multidimensional omnipotent god. Who knows what he can do?


Eraken | Assistant/Friend

Two immortal beings, in a hot tub, five feet apart 'cause they can't reproduce (with each other).

Jeremy | Employee/friend

Jeremy's definitely helpful, and Hiroshi likes him enough.

Alex | Part-time Employee

Nice kid who's fun to tease. He's protective of him in his own way, but he does like to send him and Troy into dangerous situations.

Troy | Part-time Employee

Nice kid who's fun to tease. Same deal with Alex, basically.

code by jiko | relationship code by sealkitty