Capri Sun/SNB the First



     This is my first SNB— well, first completed one. I have an absolute failure of a first one, and I have a second that was extremely close to being completed, but, that did not occur. I unfortunately messed up with the rules with this one, though. I’d often go back to previous days and erase stray lines or colour something in that wasn’t coloured right. 😔

     Here are a few tidbits about SNB the First. They are quite fond of nature, like the Steven Universe series a lot, are a bit into in The Owl House, vibe with the Beatles, frequently randomly burst out singing, are kind of self-conscious and self-depreciating sometimes, and are a little fond of the idea of romantic love but are too scared to say much about it. That’s the gist of ‘em.

     Now, you may be wondering, what is an SNB? Aha, m’dear reader, an SNB is basically a daily drawing journal, but it’s more than that as well! 

     The SNB challenge was created by the stupenderriffic IncBot, along with all the rules to it. It was called the Slime Notebook because it originally started out as a notebook in which only sentient blobs of slime were drawn. This rule has changed over time, anything can be drawn now, not just slimes, but the acronym “SNB” stuck.

     For an SNB to be an SNB, the SNB-er must draw something in the notebook every day and put the date on each entry. If the SNB-er misses a day, they have to write an apology/explanation in the entry’s place. The SNB-er cannot draw, edit, or revise entries from previous days (that’s what I messed up with). It’s not required, but it’s a custom to make an original character based on the “vibe” of the notebook when all the pages are filled up.

This character is a manifestation of the temporal energy emitting from my first SNB.


  • “They/Them/Theirs/Themself“ 

Species: Temporal Manifestation (Formed like a capybara/pangolin)

Notebook Timeframe: Mon. June 1st, 2020 to Sun. October 11th, 2020 

Musique of the Charred Actor

*Last Updated: Saturday, November 12th, 2022