
Saint Taliesin The Heretic

Saint Taliesin

Names and Aliases
Name (JP): タリアセン
Name (Localised): Taliesin
Full Name (Localised): Saint Taliesin The Heretic
Aliases (Localised): Tali
Saint Taliesin
The Heretic Saint
Wren the Wanderer - (Disguise)
Biological Information
Gender: Male
Race: Nabatean
Birthday: 31st October
Fódlan Birthday: 31st Wyvern Moon, Birth Year Unrecorded
Age: 1000+
Relatives: Oculis (Boyfriend)
Sothis (Ancestor)
Cichol (Elder Brother)
Cethleann (Niece)
Macuil (Elder Brother)
Indech (Elder Brother)
Seiros (Relative)
Hollis (Nephew)
Nationality: Nabatea
Residence: Abyss - (Temporary Hiding Place)
Faction(s): Neutral Party
Emerald Dragons
Occupation(s): Wanderer
Game Data
Game: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
First Seen: Chapter 6.5 : The Heretic Saint (Three Houses)
First Joined: Chapter 6.5 : The Heretic Saint (Three Houses)
Starting Class: Heretic Saint
Voice Actors
Japanese: TBC
English: TBC

All my life I have dedicated myself to the pursuit of the truth of this land. I want nothing but to record all that has happened upon these lands, the good and the bad. I do not believe that humans are to be kept blind of the atrocities of the past, nor do I believe that their indoctrination by your lies is of any benefit to their future development. Our people stifle their growth, our people are the past that needs to learn to let go. Seiros, I understand you are in pain, but you cannot take that out upon all people like they were all to blame. The time of Nabatea needs to end, and I beg of you to see sense in this.

Taliesin, to Seiros

Saint Taliesin the Heretic is a character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. According to the teachings of the Church of Seiros, Taliesin was banished from Fódlan for betraying the Four Saints. In particular, the Church writes, Taliesin attempted to take the life of Saint Cethleann. For his crimes against the Church and against the people of Fódlan , Saint Taliesin was blinded by Saint Seiros before being left for dead. Somehow surviving, he now wanders the lands in disguise, taking the guise of a travelling writer and musician named Wren, attempting to keep hidden from the Church's watchful gaze. His reputation is that of a Saint of liars and thieves, and his story is told to keep children obedient to their parents and the Church.

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

The real reasons behind Taliesin's blindness and reputation, however, could not be further from the story told by the Church of Seiros. Like Seiros, Cethleann, Cichol, Indech and Macuil, Taliesin is one of the Children of the Goddess who lived in Nabatea. He, like the others, is descended from Sothis and possesses a Divine Beast form. He survived the wars and is one of the last remaining Nabateans, living amongst human society.

Taliesin made no attempts on the lives of his niece or brothers, this was a crafted lie by Seiros herself in order to justify her continued attempts to hunt him down and kill him as well as for blinding Taliesin and leaving him to die. Her reason for doing so being that his research and determination to spread the true history of Fódlan to the people conflicted her constructed narrative surrounding the foundation of the Church and of the Ten Elites. Threatened by Taliesin's morals, Seiros attempted to stifle him by ruining his reputation and blinding him from "seeing truth." She then lied to the other saints, spreading the story of Taliesin's betrayal so that they would not question her actions further.


Early Life

The writings of Saint Seiros tell the tragic but cautionary tale of the Heretic Saint as a warning to those who stray from the safety of the Church and its teachings and betray those closest to them. Saint Taliesin was born the younger brother of Saint Cichol, and legend depicts that the two were incredibly close friends as well as siblings. Much of their pasts were tragically lost to history, but it was said that they shared a bond stronger than any of the other Saints. Cichol, a writer and storyteller, and his brother the musician and record-keeper. They balanced one another and spread their tales across the growing lands of Fódlan. People respected their brotherhood, and even Seiros herself commended their strength and companionship.

Tragically it was not a bond that could endure the tests of time. Though it was unknown as to when Saint Taliesin’s heart began to darken, he began to grow apart from his brothers and from the Children of the Goddess. Though they would beg him to change his course, Saint Taliesin abandoned his people and would vanish from the land for months and months. Saint Cichol fruitlessly searched for his brother, to try and bring him home, but to no avail. Saint Taliesin was captivated by the darkness of people’s hearts, allying himself amongst those who sought to harm their brethren. A saint of music and stories no more, his followers of scoundrels and thieves quickly took to their new Saint of Lies.

When wicked Gods threatened Fódlan, and the Divine Goddess gifted her children and the Ten Elites with her blessings. Entrusting them to protect and save Fódlan and found a nation of peace and prosperity. She begged Saint Taliesin, whom she found wandering the lands seeing his supposed “truths” and appeared before him, to come home. The Goddess begged Taliesin to see sense once more, and to rejoin his brother and family in protecting the lands. Where the other Saints had failed to convince him, the holy words of Sothis convinced him to return. But even she, in her divinity, did not realise her motherly trust and kindness had been so cruelly manipulated.

When the war began, Saint Taliesin turned traitor upon the Children of the Goddess.

It had transpired that Saint Taliesin was conspiring with the enemies of Fódlan, and sought to bring down Seiros and the Four Saints and shed their blood for the sake of his own survival. He had lied to not only his own brother and to Seiros, but to The Goddess herself in a despicable act of betrayal. He used his sacred weapons, weapons that had been gifted to him by Sothis herself, against her and her children. Worst of all, he betrayed his brother Cichol the day he turned his staff in hostility towards the innocent and kind Saint Cethleann. He injured her severely, and forced dear Saint Cethleann into hiding so that she could recover and escape further harm.

Spreading lies amongst the people of Fódlan to try and turn them against their protectors. He proclaimed The Four Saints a sham, a lie, and that he sought to remove the Gods who had protected Fódlan and leave the people unguarded and unguided with no one to watch over them. Saint Taliesin called it “truth” and “freedom”, but the people knew in their hearts that The Goddess and her Children would not stand to see them left to die alone, and that they needed the protection they so kindly received from them. The good and faithful people of Fódlan rejected Saint Taliesin’s words, urging that their Goddess enact punishment for his heretical speeches.

Naturally, Saint Seiros heard the cries for help. She fought with the fallen Saint Taliesin, within the walls of the fortress that would one day become Garreg Mach Monastery. He lit the walls alight with magical flame, proclaiming himself the truth. Seiros admonished him, and branded him the heretic he truly was. She saw through his lies and brought forth the real truth - that he was a threat to the peace the Goddess so greatly wished for.

In righteous fury at his betrayal, she tore Saint Taliesin’s eyes from his head, casting them into his own magical fires. Divine punishment for his sins that was blessed by the Goddess herself. Taliesin was cast from the mountain and into the abyss below, left to suffer and die for his crimes. His legacy stands as a warning for those who turn their hearts to deceit and lies, and reminds all the faithful of the power and protection of Seiros and her Four Saints.

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

The writings of the The Church of Seiros on Taliesin are, in fact, a carefully constructed narrative written by Saint Seiros to deter the people of Fódlan from siding with him against her and the Church as a whole. Though based on elements of truth, Seiros has slandered Taliesin’s past and reputation so that he is permanently branded with blame for Saint Cethleann’s injuries and forever associated with lies and deceit instead of the truth. She also constructed her story in order to lie to the Four Saints about why she turned on Taliesin, and to deter Saint Cichol from avenging his brother or seeking him out for his side of the story.

Taliesin, like Seiros, Indech, Macuil, Cichol and Cethleann, is one of the Children of the Goddess descended from Sothis. He is the younger brother of Indech, Macuil and Cichol, but he was always closest to Cichol when growing up. Being only around 150 years or so apart, the two youngest of the brothers bonded closely as children and were very rarely seen apart. Though much of their early years has been lost to history, Taliesin and Cichol spent their time in Zanado as children - growing up together and spending their time studying and fishing. Their older brothers were mostly absent, leaving them to their own devices. As such, Taliesin only truly considered Cichol to be a brother to him.

Interestingly, Taliesin never liked his divine form. None of his brothers could ever pinpoint an event or reason that might have triggered such a deep dislike in the boy, but he would frequently fall into spiralling panic and despair should traits of his dragon self appear on his body. Though he could tolerate some aspects, such as being able to breathe fire and cough smoke, the mere sight of scales or sensation of horns would upset him. Cichol soon learned that his younger brother’s transformation was more volatile than his own or those of Indech and Macuil - it was intrinsically connected to Taliesin’s emotions. As such, he taught his younger brother how to calm himself from panic attacks and how to cope with overwhelming emotions. It was that ability to emotionally control himself and keep composure that would help him greatly in his life.

As they grew older, the two took to different paths and interests in life. Taliesin was always gripped with the strongest wanderlust. He felt the compulsion to leave his homeland in Zanado and travel. Though he couldn’t explain why, he had to leave and see the world, and Taliesin always had an unflinching curiosity that could not be satisfied. In his younger years, Taliesin would simply explore as much of Zanado as he could before being caught by one of his brothers or someone else who would escort him home. Now he was old enough, he took to travelling beyond the city and out into the world.

Thanks to his innate magic given to him by his crest, Taliesin was able to adopt various disguises through illusion magic that allowed him to travel safely. Curious to learn more of the humans that his people somewhat coexisted with, he took to appearing like one of their kind and would live and travel among them. Taliesin learned much from humans, and took great delight in seeing them grow and prosper. He couldn’t help but feel somewhat that Nabateans held them back. There always seemed to be great potential in what they created, but his kind would still consider themselves the superior race and admonish human technology in favour of their traditional systems. Taliesin thought it strange, and would challenge it wherever he saw inequality, but often he was put down for his seemingly controversial viewpoints.

Growing up, his travels grew longer and further and further away from home. He became known as “Taliesin the Wanderer” by those who met him, and he was a popular figure amongst humans and Nabateans alike. Taliesin also took to writing, as he had grown to love learning the stories of people he met. Humans only lived short lives, and so he made every effort to record what he could of the times he passed through, and soon filled many manuscripts and tomes with his findings and observations. Taliesin the Wanderer soon gained other names as well: Historian, Teacher, Musician and Storyteller. They followed him as he travelled around, and often he was welcomed no matter the guises he came in.

As Taliesin grew, so did his worldly experience. He was critical of his people, and of humans as well. Seeing the good and bad in both he found he could see what caused the many wars that humans sometimes fell into between one another. He could understand why the Children of the Goddess looked down upon those wars with scorn, thinking themselves better than their human counterparts for it. However, often he could not convince others to see such truths. Taliesin had one guiding principle in his writings: Truth. No matter the opinions or actions of others, and no matter his own opinions, he strove to write all points of view, and all perspectives. He was determined that he would gather all that he learnt, good or bad, and record it for others to learn from. It was what drew him to observe battles and politics, and how he came to see the foundations being laid for the future relations between Agartha, Nabatea and all the peoples of Fódlan.

Taliesin was in Zanado the day of the massacre.

Surrounded by bloodshed and death, with fighting on all sides, Taliesin became overwhelmed by fear. He saw his own people being slaughtered by humans, but saw them massacring humans in kind. No matter how he had tried to warn people in the days before it had come to this, all his truths had fallen upon deaf ears. People still would not think outside of their narrow mindsets. They would only think of what they wished to believe about others around them. Now, Taliesin had learnt that he too was just another Nabatean target, set for slaughter. It overwhelmed him, and for the first time in his life he truly lost control. Taliesin transformed into a divine being, and burnt an army of Agarthan soldiers before fleeing Zanado in sheer terror.

Taliesin fled to a deep cave, calming himself until he was able to shed his dragon form. Then he fell into a deep sleep to recover from his shock and injuries. It took a century of dormancy, but eventually he emerged from the cave, attempting to return to his historical recordkeeping. Taliesin found the world had changed greatly in his time recovering, and now he saw that it was Seiros, acting in the name of her slaughtered mother, declaring war upon Nemesis and his soldiers in what was to become the War of Heroes.

Horrified and still living with the fresh memories of Zanado, Taliesin begged Seiros not to go to war. But she could not be swayed. Seiros was determined that humankind would be subjugated, and that she would have revenge for the death of Sothis and all thier Nabatean brethren. Realising it was hopeless, Taliesin left her and travelled in search of his closest brother. Reuniting with both Cichol and his daughter Cethleann, Taliesin’s niece, the two brothers were glad to find each other alive. Taliesin was determined to continue his historical recordkeeping, and when Cichol tried to encourage Taliesin to join him and his family in allying with Seiros against Nemesis’ armies. Taliesin refused, and stated he would remain neutral. He did not want further battle. He knew Cichol had not been present at Zanado, and he understood his brother had not experienced the pain he had and was grateful for that, but he knew he could not lose himself to war again.

In the War of Heroes, Taliesin remained neutral throughout. He took to observation, and tried to avoid confrontation wherever possible. However, it was not without some close calls. He found himself shadowing Cichol and Cethleann - and he spoke up in great protest at his brother’s decision to let his wife and child fight like this. He tried to convince them otherwise, but Cethleann was insistent that she be allowed to aid. It meant that Taliesin could only watch them, and to his horror he saw as Cichol became separated from his family. In the one impulsive decision he chose to make during the War of Heroes, Taliesin used his magic to protect Cethleann from an otherwise fatal blow. He could not stop her from being heavily injured, and he could not get near enough to her in time to shield her fully, but he saw that Cichol was near enough to her to retrieve her. Taliesin ended up stranded with his sister-in-law, Cichol’s wife and Cethleann’s mother, and remained with her in her final moments. Taliesin did what he could to heal her and ease her pain, but ultimately he could not save her.

Separated from Cichol and Cethleann, Taliesin took his fight to Seiros herself. He witnessed her battle against Nemesis, and her victory, but it all felt hollow in his heart. When he heard Seiros was founding her own church, in an attempt to once again subjugate humanity and control them, he knew he could not stand neutral no longer. His histories might be impartial, but Taliesin could see from all that he had learnt that this would only be repeating a cycle. To once again trap humans in a peaceful lie would only cause them to rise up again in the future. He could understand Seiros’ pain, but he had to stand up to what he felt would be a grave error.

He confronted her at the newly built Garreg Mach monastery. Taliesin presented his case, and begged Seiros to see sense and to understand what he had learned from his travels. She, however, refused. In an argument that soon turned volatile, Seiros considered Taliesin a threat to her new narrative and her new world order. Angered at his defiance, she tore out his eyes and cast him into his own fires, hoping that he would die. She then lied to Cichol, and claimed Taliesin had been the one to kill his wife and injure his daughter. Seiros spread her new narrative, bismerching Taliesin’s name and reputation across all the land. She portrayed him as the saint of liars, and as a traitor to the church to be killed if he was ever found.

Blinded and adjusting to life on the run, Taliesin fled into hiding but did not stop his writings. He found solace in Abyss, but the call to travel still called to him. He struggled, finding it hard to cope with his lack of eyes, and Taliesin fell into a deep depression. It was then he met with someone he never expected to. An Agarthan, exiled and experimented on by his own people for protesting the wars, by the name of Oculis. He had been an engineer, and had lost both his wife and daughter to the War of Heroes. Terrified of Taliesin, but compelled to help him, the two struck up an unlikely bond. When they found they had their situations in common, Oculis and Taliesin remained in hiding together. It took years, but they both had the time, and slowly their relations grew deeper and deeper. Working together, Oculus would help Taliesin regain his independence even whilst blind - and even made him his protective mask for his eyes. In return, Taliesin asserted that he considered Oculis his equal, a position the man had never felt entitled to before they came together.

Determined to continue recording history, and more motivated than ever to prevent a repeat of the tragedies of the past, Taliesin began seeking to instil critical thinking in the future generations of Fódlan youth. Oculis aided him, and took up teaching at the Officer’s Academy. This helped Taliesin gain access to the Church’s extensive library, where he began to edit and amend the books kept there.

Academy Phase

White Clouds

In the aftermath of Flayn’s kidnapping, Rhea summons Byleth for a second time in the Horsebow Moon month, explaining that it is urgent. She explains that an unfortunate circumstance has arisen and therefore she requests Byleth help her a second time in hunting down another potential threat to Garreg Mach Monastery and the Officer’s Academy. Given how Flayn was only just rescued, she explains that this person she needs eliminating has also threatened Flayn in the past and that this is the perfect time to strike them down and finally rid the Church of one of its biggest threats. Seteth is in agreement with Rhea that this is the right time to make such a move, but he also seems incredibly troubled by the ordeal. Byleth accepts this last minute assignment and returns to their classroom.

In each of the routes, Taliesin’s story varies and the actions of the students create vastly different outcomes for him.

If Byleth has chosen to teach the Golden Deer, the house will take a somewhat sceptical approach to the assignment. Claude is interested in the reasons behind Rhea’s sudden determination to wipe out another threat so quickly, despite the kidnapping threat already being dealt with. The investigation turning up evidence of library tampering and of most of this intruder’s crimes being related to adding information to books and texts rather than stealing anything or harming anyone only makes Claude and the rest of his house even more curious to find out the truth of this situation. Claude suspects that Rhea is not telling them everything that is really going on here, and he urges Byleth to let them track down this intruder with the intention of interrogating them rather than killing them. Byleth agrees that they need to find out more and accompanies them on the assignment.

If Byleth has chosen to teach the Black Eagles, their house will also take a sceptical approach to the assignment, as both Edelgard and Hubert suspect that this runs a lot deeper than Rhea is being honest about. They are quick to assert that this cannot be another attempt by the Death Knight, and they suggest that this person must be someone who is known to The Church of Seiros whom Rhea is trying to eliminate because she can justify her actions post the kidnapping. Determined to work out who this person is, and if they have any information that may be of use to their house, Edelgard and the rest of the Black Eagles decide they will go after the intruder, and Byleth accompanies them on their assignment.

If Byleth has chosen to teach the Blue Lions, the house will be determined to eliminate the threat to The Church of Seiros as quickly as possible. Dimitri in particular is very keen to complete the assignment as quickly as possible as he does not want there to be any further threats to Flayn or to the Academy. Although some students are worried about why this assignment is so sudden and so important that it must be done immediately after rescuing Flayn from a kidnapping, Dimitri asserts that the time is right to do this because it means that The Church can be completely sure that nothing else is going to threaten anyone at Garreg Mach anymore. Ashe begs Dimitri to consider that the punishment they’re being asked to enact seems excessive for the crime of editing books, but the house leader overrides him and asks Byleth that they leave immediately in order to resolve the issue. Byleth agrees and accompanies them on their assignment.

In all the routes, Taliesin is found in his disguised form - Wren the Wanderer. He is found near the Airmid River, playing his flute and watching as the houses approach him. Sensing Byleth, he stands and approaches, asking why he senses two souls within them. Byleth is understandably confused, and is about to ask more when they are interrupted by the sound of horses hooves. The rest of Byelth’s chosen house will appear behind them, and the house leaders will each approach.

Claude asks for Taliesin’s reasons behind changing the books, and is told that he seeks to promote critical thought among the students, and that he hopes the students will question the things they are taught and read. Taliesin tells Claude he senses curiosity in his aura, and that he wonders how far Claude is willing to go in the name of a pursuit of the truth - a task he finds very admirable. Claude is curious by this, and starts to ask another question when he is interrupted by the arrival of Rhea, Seteth and the Knights of Seiros.

Edelgard asks Taliesin who they are, and why they stand against the Church of Seiros. Taliesin is honest, and explains that he cannot stand by the Church because their actions have conflicted with his morals and hidden the truth from the people of Fódlan. Edelgard is very much interested in this, especially when Taliesin speaks further. He tells her he senses a dark secret in her aura, and plans that he is curious to see play out. She lowers her voice and asks if he would join her cause if he, like her, also seeks to show the true side of Fódlan and the Church of Seiros. Taliesin is about to answer, but is interrupted when Rhea, Seteth and the Knights of Seiros arrive.

Dimitri confronts Taliesin, calling him a thief and an intruder who has encroached upon the Church. He raises his weapon, but does not get a reaction from Taliesin, which leads him to rudely demand to know if the man before him is blind and cannot see that he is being interrogated. Taliesin remains calm, and merely says that he can sense the darkness that enshrouds Dimitri’s aura, and apologises for the trauma he must have faced. He tries to warn Dimitri that he is clouded by a fog he must see through in order to understand the truth - but this only serves to anger Dimitri further. Before Taliesin can clarify, the two of them are interrupted as Rhea, Seteth and the Knights of Seiros arrive.

Rhea’s arrival causes differing views amongst the House Leaders. Both Claude and Edelgard immediately question why Rhea has taken a very personal interest in this mission and has even risked coming out personally to carry it out. Equally, Edelgard in particular notes, the sheer size of the army she has mustered - all of The Knights of Seiros - is deeply suspicious and seems highly excessive for just a single intruder. Both she and Claude determine that they must find out more. Dimitri, on the other hand, is pleased to see the large amounts of backup available to him, and he encourages his house and the Knights to begin the fight right away as he wants to eliminate this enemy. Taliesin, in all cases, is calm and cordial to the arrival of the Knights and Rhea. In particular, he greets Seteth and remarks that he has missed him - a comment that causes deep worry in Seteth and he hesitates. This is picked up by Claude. Edelgard also notes that Professor Raven is also among the arriving forces - and that he looks very troubled.

Angered by Taliesin’s calmness, Rhea uses her magic to reveal Wren the Wanderer’s true identity: Saint Taliesin the Heretic. She immediately tries for another attack, only for Professor Raven to intervene - revealing his true identity as well. An Agarthan named Oculis. Furious that even more of her enemies had been amongst the Church, Rhea immediately orders that Byleth and the classes kill both Taliesin and Oculis, ridding the Church of their threat. Byleth is shocked by Oculis’ reveal, and he tries to explain that Taliesin is trying to tell the truth and that Rhea wishes to kill them in order to perpetuate the Church narrative instead of giving people free will. Rhea, in fury, commands that Byleth ignore their “lies” and eliminate them before they are able to corrupt the students.

When fighting begins, Sothis will suddenly realise that she cannot use Divine Pulse as something is affecting it. She reveals that it is Taliesin who is blocking it out, using a very strong old magic. She tells Byleth that Taliesin feels familiar, like he is similar to Rhea and especially to Seteth, but that she cannot determine more than that. Taliesin’s fate in this battle is determined by Byleth’s route

Teaching the Blue Lions, Byleth hears Rhea’s orders and Dimitri repeats them. He commands that they not stop til the threat to The Church of Seiros is eradicated. He doesn’t listen to Taliesin nor Oculis’ explanations and merely brushes them off as liars and traitors. Taliesin remarks that Dimitri is consumed by a fog of darkness that has a hold of his mind and heart and is blinding him from seeing past his anger. Rhea tells Dimitri that Taliesin has interfered in the past, and his meddling has led to countless tragedies in his Kingdom. Dimitri assumes this means that Taliesin had a hand in the Tragedy of Duscur and becomes infuriated. His attack on Taliesin is merciless, and the Heretic Saint soon begins to realise that his cause is lost upon the future king, as he will not be swayed to question anything that Rhea tells him.

Tired and deeply upset, Taliesin loses control of himself. With final words towards Rhea and Seteth, he transforms into his divine form: The Martyred One - leading to the Blue Lion’s first fight against a dragon being. The battle is cruel, and The Martyred One is eventually defeated and killed - leading to Taliesin to return to his human form and collapse into a bloody heap. Dimitri is praised for getting rid of him by Rhea, but the Blue Lions watch as Oculis runs to Taliesin’s body and collapses over it - distraught. He warps away with his body and is not seen again. Rhea praises the Blue Lions for their work and they return to the Monastery.

Teaching the Black Eagles and Golden Deer, Byleth hears Rhea’s orders but their house leader interrupts her. Edelgard orders that they try to capture Taliesin, so that she may interrogate him for further information on this. Claude orders that they move in, but not to try and kill Taliesin. The battle is more difficult, as Rhea will still be trying to attack Taliesin directly, but by defeating his illusion forces the Golden Deer and Black Eagles allow for Taliesin to escape the battlefield. He commends them and thanks both Claude and Edelgard for their help in their respective routes. He also turns to Byleth, and speaks directly to them, hoping that they meet once again and are able to talk properly. Taliesin frowns, and states he senses that Byleth has been toyed with, and that the heart within their chest does not belong to them. He apologises for that, and then leaves. It leaves Byleth with more questions, and Claude and Edelgard similarly curious.

Rhea, on the other hand, is furious at the outcome of this battle. She admonishes Byleth for failing to kill Taliesin and is angry at the rest of the houses for not doing the same. She decides that they must return to Garreg Mach in order to continue to hunt him down. Since Oculis has also left alongside Taliesin, Rhea is also furious at losing another one of the teaching staff and at the revelation of Oculis as being like Tomas was. Claude is interested at that, and makes note to himself that he will start going through the library even more now so that he can work out just what was going on with those two. Edelgard is perturbed, mostly because of what Oculis turned out to be, but she suspects that this runs deeper because “it would be unlikely of people of Oculis’ type and of Taliesin’s type to cooperate like this” and she also notes that the shall be investigating this further. Sothis is interested in this, but also brings to Byleth’s attention how Seteth has seemed off this entire time. Like he knows more about this especially.

Amber Scales

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

Amber Scales takes a different approach, as Taliesin has met the Emerald Dragons in chapters prior whilst in his disguise. They know him as a merchant named Wren, who is the friend of one of their teachers, Professor Raven. As they are used to being beaten down by the Church of Seiros despite their attempts to prove themselves as legitimate students, they are much less inclined to follow Rhea’s orders to hunt down the supposed intruder and desire to investigate the situation for themselves instead. In fact, it isn’t long before Professor Raven approaches Byleth and the house’s teacher Sephtis about trying to help Wren escape from his pursuers in the Church. Alongside them is Flayn, who is curious as to why her brother seems to be worried about this assignment and wants to know exactly what is going on.

As they run to catch up to Wren before Rhea and the Knights of Seiros arrive, the mission for the Emerald Dragons becomes a protection battle. Seeing Saint Taliesin revealed, Flayn is shocked and joins the rest of the Emerald Dragons, and the revealed Oculis, in protecting him from the incoming knights’ attack. Eventually it’s Nevar who speaks up, stating that they could cause a diversion to at least halt the knights, gesturing to the ballista manned by lower ranking knights. If they can capture them, the volley fire will be enough covering fire for Taliesin and Oculis to escape under. Rhea appeals to Byleth, commanding them to discipline their students and fulfil her orders. This is a battle of split forces: capturing, manning and defending the two ballista and simultaneously providing support and healing from the very strong attacks by knights to ensure Taliesin and Oculis reach safety.

The battle is won when Taliesin and Oculis reach safety and flee. The students cease fire, Rhea is furious and withdraws from the fight. Sephtis appears, surprised to find such a mess. He had been informed of the battle by knights and came as fast as he could. There’s a flurry of moths as he arrives, calming the very rowdy students. A few land on Rhea as well, but she shakes them off, stepping on one of them with a dark glance at Sephtis. She scolds him, but Byleth also steps in, saying that they will not allow the students to be punished for this. Sephtis also covers for them, promising Rhea that he will punish them accordingly. He feigns sternness and ushers the Emerald Dragons back to their classroom. There he does chastise them for running off, but thanks Byleth for looking out for them. He is glad that they made the right decision, and he hopes that Oculis and Taliesin made it to safety. The group wonder about why Rhea was so desperate to kill Taliesin, and quickly realise it was for the books he was changing - and scramble to obtain as many edited copies from the library that they can.

Cindered Shadows

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

In the Abyss library, several of Saint Taliesin’s old manuscripts can be found. They detail many of the events of Fódlan’s history - but in dramatically different detail to what Byleth can find on the surface. They are all signed either “Wren the Wanderer” or “T. The Heretic” and are clearly in Taliesin’s writing. The writings also talk about the ritual of the Four Apostles and how Taliesin suspects that Rhea was performing experimentation not dissimilar to what the Agarthans had been doing - and how he finds that ironically funny in a way. He also details the truth of the Four Saints, paying particular attention to Saint Cichol. Taliesin provides a few funny anecdotes of his brother in those manuscripts which Byleth can read.

War Phase

Crimson Flower

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

After Edelgard makes her intentions known, and Byleth chooses to side with her over siding with Rhea and the Church of Seiros, Taliesin joins with the Black Eagle Strike Force to offer himself as a potential ally and assistant in the war against the church. Though he puts forth he wishes to record history from a safe stance, he does admit eventually that he is glad to finally see someone standing against Rhea’s doctrine. In private to Byleth, he admits to them that he does not fully agree with Edelgard’s ideals, he sees them as having better long-term good effects for humanity and for changing society than Rhea’s stagnation has done over all these years. Should Byleth have support with Oculis, then Taliesin will join as a playable ally.

Taliesin assists in battle, and advises Edelgard on where best to take her campaign in order to quickly weaken the Kingdom’s influence over Fódlan. He laments that it is sad to see the old conflicts be fought out via human proxies, but that there is not much that can be done about that now. He confronts Rhea head on with the rest of the Black Eagle Strike Force, and condemns Rhea for her choice to burn Fhirdiad, including killing innocents. Taliesin tells Rhea that she has gone too far, beyond the reasonable scope of being traumatised by her past. He tells her she does not deserve forgiveness from anyone who has wronged her, and tells her he neither forgives her nor fears her anymore. With the end of the battle, Taliesin delivers the final blow. He worries for Byleth, but is pleased to see them return to life - remarking they look far better when not infected with a host that does not belong in their body.

Taliesin’s ending depends upon his supports, but he is pardoned by Edelgard and allowed to travel freely within the new Empire of Fódlan. Thus, he chooses to continue his travelling and writing.

Azure Moon

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Taliesin does not appear physically in Azure Moon due to him being killed in the pre-timeskip. It is Ashe who is the one to note that, given Edelgard’s break from the Church of Seiros and the subsequent war that has begun in the time since, perhaps there was a grain of truth in the words of Saint Taliesin - but nothing can take back what they have done nor prove that he was telling anything other than lies. Dimitri, obsessed by his own demons and grudges against Edelgard, does not even recall killing Taliesin and remains faithful to the Church of Seiros without question of its motives or reasons for being. Even when Edelgard confronts him, and admonishes him for killing Taliesin without first hearing what he had to say, he scorns her and accuses Taliesin of being a part of Edelgard’s plans to destroy Fódlan. She tries to correct him, but to no avail. Ultimately, the battle is won and Byleth ascends as the new Archbishop, with the words of Saint Taliesin forever lost to history. He is forgotten, as are his criticisms, and the Church perpetuates unchallenged and without anyone to question it.

Silver Snow

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If Byleth chooses to side with Rhea and the Church of Seiros, Taliesin chooses to try and flee from the Abyss in order to return to hiding and not be found. However, Oculis is not so lucky and is captured by the Knights of Seiros before he can make his escape. Petrified for his partner, Taliesin surrenders himself to Rhea in order to protect Oculis from coming to harm. Byleth witnesses him being brought to Garreg Mach as a prisoner, and the two make eye contact for the final time, where Taliesin admits he is saddened to see Byleth choose to hide behind the comfort of a church facade than face the truths of Fódlan head on. He does not appear as an ally or enemy in Silver Snow, as Rhea has both him and Oculis captured and chained beneath Garreg Mach. She brings Byleth with her to interrogate the two, attempting to get information about the Agarthans and Edelgard from them so that she can eliminate all threats against the Church of Seiros as quickly as possible. When Taliesin refuses to cooperate, Byleth witnesses Rhea’s spiral into fury and rage at his continued defiance - torturing him to the brink of emotional and physical despair. Because of the stress and pain of torture and Rhea’s unrelenting assault upon him, Oculis unfortunately succumbs to his injuries - causing Taliesin to almost completely transform in pain and anguish. Defeated and dying, when they have a moment alone, Taliesin begs Byleth to bring him to Oculis, so that they might be together again. Reunited with his deceased partner, Taliesin passes from his own injuries as well. His parting words, an apology to Byleth for his outburst at them choosing the Church, are cut off short as he dies.

Byleth, though very unwilling, leaves Taliesin and Oculis inside Garreg Mach, and as such Taliesin is no longer appears for the rest of the post timeskip. As Rhea descends into madness and turns on her former allies, members of the Black Eagles start to realise that Taliesin had been right all along, and that now Rhea has turned against them they ask Byleth to free him so that he can help them in this fight. Byleth is forced to admit that Taliesin succumbed to Rhea’s torture, in a confession that deeply upsets Seteth to hear, and that they are now alone in facing the demented Immaculate One. With the end of the battle, Seteth seeks out Taliesin’s body and finds him and Oculis together. He remarks that he truly never knew his brother, and that he had the chance to know him stolen from him by Rhea. Now he regrets everything, but it is too late to repair anything now, and all he can do is try to recover the manuscripts that he wrote and protect them. Even then, Seteth admits, he does not know if Taliesin would even want him to do this, or if his brother ever even forgave him.

Verdant Wind

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Taliesin appears as an ally for some of the battles of Verdant Wind, but cannot be recruited nor supported. He explains that they admire Claude’s pursuit of truth, but that he cannot risk becoming involved because of Claude’s decision to stand by the Church of Seiros. Taliesin does not wish to risk being captured by Rhea, and as such he keeps his distance. Claude is disappointed by this, as he understands that Taliesin does provide him with a lot of the answers that he seeks. However, he respects Taliesin’s decision and his need to be cautious around the Church. After the Golden Deer descend to Shambhala, Taliesin remarks that they are finally understanding some of the truths of Fódlan, but that they are a long way off from discovering everything about it. He returns to hiding with the end of the war, and chooses to not be found so that he may continue to write his histories in relative peace. Claude remarks that he wishes more could have been done to get to know of Taliesin, and that he hopes to one day meet with him again under less dangerous circumstances.

Amber Scales

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In Amber Scales’ post timeskip, Taliesin can be recruited as a playable unit in Byleth’s army provided they have gained support with Oculis and Seteth first. It is Taliesin who is there when Byleth wakes from their five year sleep, and he brings them back to Abyss in order to reunite them with the students of the Emerald Dragons once again. He joins the Emerald Dragons in their pursuit of the truth of Fódlan and accompanies them on their journey to find out the secrets that lie beneath the ongoing battles between the Adrestian Empire and the Kingdom of Faerghus. Taliesin assists in the battles against the Agarthans in Shambhala and in diplomacy against the Leicester Alliance. Most importantly, it is Taliesin who uses his memory magic in order to recall the events of the Zanado massacre - allowing the Emerald Dragons and others to understand Rhea’s torment. Taliesin, like the others, agrees that Rhea does not have to be forgiven by anyone if they do not wish to forgive her - and that her tragic past and trauma do not justify her current actions towards humanity. Taliesin offers his guidance to Byleth as they travel forward, and keeps careful records of their exploits and choices for historical purposes.

As the conflict between all sides intensifies, Taliesin is the one to suggest they attempt to bring the battle to Rhea herself. Having told Edelgard that the threat from Those Who Slither in the Dark has been eliminated, she is also making her way to take out Dimitri’s forces and end the war for good. As such, Taliesin reckons, now is the time to take the battle to the church itself. Taliesin assists in all of the battles, hoping to bring about some kind of peaceful resolution to this conflict - but understanding that that may not be possible. Eventually, he confronts Rhea in the final assault on Garreg Mach, telling her that he no longer fears her and that now he can see the truth even without his eyes, because he has the support of those who also believe critical thought and questioning everything is the right way to live their lives. When the Immaculate One is brought down, Taliesin delivers the final blow.

Following the war, Taliesin’s destiny depends upon his supports, but most often he will choose to assist in the rebuilding of Fódlan and continuing to write his histories.


Taliesin is a man of many emotions who tries to keep himself composed and collected despite his passionate nature and the many traumas he has been through. He’s naturally extroverted and keen to be around people, particularly those who are interesting to him, and he can be extremely friendly and charming on first meeting. Because he is outgoing and always happy to start a conversation, people tend to like him from the first encounter and he bonds easily with those with whom he meets. Taliesin is incredibly passionate, to a fault, as he strongly follows his personal beliefs and ideals without letting anything shake him. He stands for truth and is determined to see out his goals no matter the cost. Confidence around people helps this, as he finds it easy to ask questions and get to know people all in the name of furthering his personal knowledge as well as teaching others of the things he has learned and seen throughout his very long life. His drive to learn and discover more and more gives him an insatiable curiosity that keeps him exploring and travelling no matter what.

He has not allowed his blindness to hinder him either. If anything, Taliesin is more determined than ever to seek out the truth despite the punishment he has and could face for it. He knows that what he is doing is the right path, and Taliesin would not be able to live with himself were he to simply idly stand by and watch Seiros burn everything Sothis forged and created. He is a critical thinker and likes to analyse the things he hears and learns, and always seeks every possible point of view he can. Taliesin prides himself in being able to strike a neutral ground in his writings, but is aware that one cannot produce a history without some degree of personal bias and opinion seeping in. Regardless, he will aim to ensure all voices are heard in conversation and in recordkeeping. He is steadfastly against bookburning and the erasure of history and will become vocal and critical at those who replace truth with faith or deception. He even tries to use his specialty magic, illusion, to portray memory rather than dreams so as to preserve his ties to the truth over lies.

Naturally, Taliesin has heard the lies and slander of his name many many times over the centuries and he has come to accept his ruined reputation. If anything, he now finds it funny. He sings and dances to all the slanderous songs and finds it laughable how desperate the Church is to write him out. Often remarking that he is “tracking his muddy feet all across their clean and holy floors”. When not absorbed by his work, Taliesin is a creative and passionate individual. He adores music and dance, plays the flute and sings and can usually be found sitting somewhere warm and enjoying the tranquility of nature. He’s very happy to joke about his condition, and finds it helps people feel more at ease around him. Often, he is never in one place for too long, as Taliesin is a wanderer by nature. Consistently enraptured by the beauty of the world he suffers from wanderlust and spontaneity that can and does lead to him suddenly leaving places with no real goal in mind. He becomes irritable when cooped up in one place for too long, especially if without sunlight or warmth.

However, he is not without his faults. Taliesin knows he must keep careful emotional control, because of how closely his emotions are tied to his draconic side. Getting too extreme in his emotions can cause inadvertent transformation, which does nothing to aid his deep rooted hatred of his dragon form. Just knowing that he has shown even a few scales can ruin Taliesin’s mood entirely, and upsets him that his destructive form has been observed by those he cares about. He is plagued by trauma around his birthright and magic, and the pain of losing control and transforming can become too much for him to think on. When Taliesin is upset he tends to spiral into negative thinking, self-hatred and self-loathing that can have highly detrimental results. He tries to not be depressed, but it is near-impossible for him to remain completely composed unless he were to shut himself off emotionally completely - something he does not wish to do at all. Thus he works hard to maintain a very careful balance. Taliesin is also incredibly stubborn, and determined to remain independent. It has been difficult for him to accept his condition, and often he has gotten frustrated and hurt from trying to do things he is no longer capable of undertaking without help.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses

  • Students of the Kingdom of Faerghus... A land heavily under the Church's spell. My luck may not serve me well here. ❞ - (First Appearance - Blue Lions)
  • Children of the Adrestian Empire.... I have witnessed their country's instability. I wonder if that translates to their forces here. ❞ - (First Appearance - Black Eagles)
  • These are students of the Leicester Alliance? Interesting, I sense they are as vastly different as each of their regions are. ❞ - (First Appearance - Golden Deer)
  • I was warned they would come. I only hope they stick to their own forewarnings as well. Misfits like myself... Interesting. ❞ - (First Appearance - Emerald Dragons)
  • You there! I beg of you! See sense in this battle and let me be! Not all is as it seems! ❞ - (First Appearance - To House Leader)
  • Archbishop Rhea, is that the name you choose to go by now? I cannot say it is a pleasure to see you again. ❞ - (First Appearance - To Rhea)
  • So it has come to this? I despair at this reality... ❞ - (Pre-battle Quote as Enemy)
  • I sense something very strange about you. No... What has that woman done to you? ❞ - (Vs Byleth)
  • It breaks my heart that it comes to this my- ❞ - (Vs Seteth)
  • Future Empress... I see the fires of doubt in your aura. Do you question this battle like I do? ❞ - (Vs Edelgard)
  • Future King... Your heart is hardened by all you have been through. Has it hardened your mind as well? ❞ - (Vs Dimitri)
  • Future Duke of the Alliance and... So much more as well. I know you share a desire for truth, do not let anything hinder you in finding it. ❞ - (Vs Claude)
  • I trust in your house in this fight. Please do not let me down. ❞ - (Allied with Glade)
  • Are you happy with what you have become? Is this what you wanted? Is this your dream? You still remain blind to the same truth I tried to show you before, and now it is worse than ever. I pity you, fallen child. ❞ - (Vs Rhea)
  • Take your weapons and dogma, strike me for the monster you claim I am. I am tired of it all. I want it to end. ❞ - (Losing Control - Blue Lions)
  • Behold the vile form of the saints! I am tired of my so-called divinity! Let history die with its speaker! The truth is too painful to bear alone! ❞ - (Transformed Pre-turn Quote as Enemy)
  • Faith has blinded you. I fear for those you one day rule over. ❞ - (Transformed Vs Dimitri)
  • I pray they do not exploit your soul more than has already been done to you. ❞ - (Transformed Vs Byleth)
  • Have your way! See how it shall feel to kill the last hope you had at self-awareness! Enjoy your delusions and your happy little games! I am tired of you! ❞ - (Transformed Vs Rhea)
  • Forgive me. I have failed you... ❞ - (Transformed Oculis Heal)
  • After a thousand years of blindness... I see an end to it all. ❞ - (Death Quote - Blue Lions)
  • I see my way out, I thank you for your understanding, all of you. Til another time. ❞ - (Fleeing - Black Eagles)
  • It would seem this is my chance. I shall take my leave. Perhaps to meet you again one day. ❞ - (Fleeing - Golden Deer)
  • This is our escape point. Your kindness overwhelms me, all of you. I shall repay you as soon as there is chance for me to. ❞ - (Fleeing - Emerald Dragons)
  • Have you come to finally receive answers to your questions? I have missed you... brother. ❞ - (Amber Scales: Vs Seteth)
  • Have you talked sense into my brother? I promise in return I have taken care of your child. ❞ - (Amber Scales: Vs Jeralt)
  • I stand before you once again, to tell you that this game of lies must end, Seiros. ❞ - (Amber Scales: Vs Rhea)
  • Vile... You truly lost all that remained of your humanity. ❞ - (Amber Scales: Vs The Immaculate One)
  • I seek only truth, not conflict. I can see your desire for change in your soul, and I commend it, but please allow us safe passage. ❞ - (Amber Scales: Vs Edelgard)
  • A soul blinded to truth, and caught up in webs and webs of lies that have dragged you to this despair... I can only say that I am sorry. ❞ - (Amber Scales: Vs Dimitri)
  • Hm... You are certainly curious. I cannot quite tell what goes on in your aura, but I am deeply interested. ❞ - (Amber Scales: Vs Claude)
  • I have to get it back, this item was stolen from me whilst I slept and I have been beside myself ever since I discovered it missing... ❞ - (Paralogue: To Oculis)
  • It is the ring that you made for me, made from me even... I have been searching for it for so long. ❞ - (Paralogue: To Oculis)
  • Will you help me, Professor? I need to recover something of great importance to my work. ❞ - (Paralogue: To Byleth)
  • Perhaps I would be better playing the flute to accompany the song rather than singing... ❞ - (Choir Practice)
  • I will light the stove for you. ❞ - (Cooking)
  • I presume you will tell me when it looks ready? ❞ - (Cooking)
  • Ah... Now where did my fork go... ❞ - (Dining Hall: Neutral Dish)
  • This dish always reminds me of better times. ❞ - (Dining Hall: Favourite Dish)
  • At least I do not have to look at it. ❞ - (Dining Hall: Disliked Dish)
  • You do not have to feed me... But I never said you should stop. ❞ - (Dining Hall with Oculis)
  • Dining with you makes me feel like I could also be one of the teachers... ❞ - (Dining Hall with Sephtis)
  • If you do not finish your food, may I eat the leftovers? ❞ - (Dining Hall with Seteth)
  • I do love a well cooked fish dish... ❞ - (Dining Hall with Flayn)
  • I can hear you turning pages. Are you reading whilst eating? ❞ - (Dining Hall with Linhardt)
  • Are you eating or inhaling that food? ❞ - (Dining Hall with Hollis)
  • I shall come along with you for my research ❞ - (Recruitment: Requirements Met)
  • Oh my... How thoughtful! ❞ - (Favourite Gift)
  • Simply lovely! ❞ - (Liked Gift)
  • I do not see a use for this. ❞ - (Disliked Gift)
  • Ah! I did not even notice I dropped this! ❞ - (Lost Item)
  • I am afraid I do not know the owner of this. ❞ - (Lost Item)
  • I have let you down... ❞ - (Instruct: Bad)
  • You are right, I can do better. ❞ - (Instruct: Critique)
  • Do not worry, I realise I have gone wrong. ❞ - (Instruct: Console)
  • Ah! Fantastic! ❞ - (Instruct: Great)
  • My hard work pays off. ❞ - (Instruct: Great)
  • I am at my peak! ❞ - (Instruction: Perfect)
  • I have not had praise like this in so long! ❞ - (Instruct: Praise)
  • Do not let my lack of eyes convince you that you must do all the work, brother. ❞ - (Group Task: With Seteth)
  • Perhaps we would have had more success had you trusted in me to assist. ❞ - (Group Task: Results Good)
  • A new research path awaits me! ❞ - (Goal Change: CLASS)
  • What am I... An old man? ❞ - (Post-Timeskip: 0 to 2 stats up)
  • Perhaps there is more I can do. ❞ - (Post-Timeskip: 3 stats up)
  • I am growing ever stronger! ❞ - (Post-Timeskip: 4+ stats up)
  • Perhaps this is my old power returning? ❞ - (Reaching Level 99)
  • Something to add to my book. ❞ - (New Skill)
  • I am pleased! ❞ - (New Skill)
  • Learning is constant. ❞ - (New Skill)
  • Call me the expert saint! ❞ - (Skill Mastery)
  • I passed? Well of course. ❞ - (Certification Exam)
  • I could not see the paper to write upon it. ❞ - (Certification Exam)
  • Be my eyes. ❞ - (Post-Timeskip Selected: High/Full Health)
  • I trust in you. ❞ - (Post-Timeskip Selected: Medium Health)
  • No rest for the wicked. ❞ - (Post-Timeskip Selected: Low Health)
  • Saw it coming! ❞ - (Enemy Misses)
  • In pursuit of truth! ❞ - (Critical Hit)
  • I shall not bow to blind faith! ❞ - (Critical Hit)
  • For sake of my ideals! ❞ - (Critical Hit)
  • Together now! ❞ - (Gambit boost)
  • I lend you my power! ❞ - (Gambit boost)
  • Many arrows are harder to break! ❞ - (Gambit boost)
  • Into the pages of history with you! ❞ - (Defeated Enemy)
  • I shall record your death for posterity. ❞ - (Defeated Enemy)
  • Just another step forward. ❞ - (Defeated Enemy)
  • Admirable work! ❞ - (Ally Defeats Enemy)
  • Your support is appreciated! ❞ - (Ally Heal/Rally)
  • My deepest thanks. ❞ - (Ally Heal/Rally)
  • You are too kind. ❞ - (Ally Heal/Rally)
  • I can risk this no further. I return to neutrality. ❞ - (Casual Mode Retreat Quote)
  • My blindness betrays me. Your victory is tainted. ❞ - (Classic Death Quote)

Possible Endings

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

Taliesin - Heretic Historian (Verdant Wind)

As Byleth ascended to the position of Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Taliesin was granted freedom to travel without fear of being hunted down or hindered in his work. He asked Byleth if they were considering enacting reform, and were pleased to hear that there would be changes within the Church in order to make it work better for the people. Though he was not quite in agreement with all that transpired, Taliesin was content to return back to neutrality. His collected works detailing Byleth’s battles and life were incredibly popular, and he became known for his works’ clarity and fairness in describing all that went on within the nation. Taliesin himself was not seen again, however, as he faded back into his disguises and wandered the land free of being disturbed from his work once again.

Taliesin - The Martyred One (Silver Snow / Azure Moon)

Defeated long before the war against the Empire even broke out, Saint Taliesin’s writings faded into obscurity, protected only by select few individuals who remained in hiding from the Church’s watchful gaze. Any manuscripts of his that were found were burned, and much of his truths were lost this way. Taliesin’s history of Fódlan remained unknown and the people lived on with only the Church’s writings of him. His reputation, therefore, remained as the Saint of Liars and thieves. Over time, even this would fade, until memory of Taliesin was no more.

Taliesin - Speaker of Truth (Crimson Flower / Amber Scales)

With The Immaculate One brought to rest, Taliesin thought it time he returned to his historical writings once more, anticipating fading into obscurity once again. However, this changed as he was brought before the leaders of the new nation and formally pardoned and apologised to for all of his treatment throughout the existence of Fódlan. Taliesin was appointed an official historian, and given complete freedom to travel and record his writings wherever he wished to go with no fear of being hunted or harmed. Though he had no need for it, he still chose to adopt disguises from time to time so that he might keep his writings accurate and unbiased. It was said he would always appear for festivals and big occasions and was forever welcomed at Garreg Mach with open arms whenever he returned from his wanderings.

Taliesin and Byleth (Crimson Flower)

With the end of the war, Byleth worked diligently alongside Imperial forces to rid the lands of Those Who Slither in the Dark so that there were no further threats to the newly founded united empire. As peace was declared, they also announced their decision to take a sabbatical, and to go travelling and see all that the new empire had to offer them. They left in the night, and announced via an official letter that they had chosen to join in the travels of Taliesin. The two had become close friends over time, and Taliesin had accepted Byleth's request to mentor them in historical recordkeeping as well as show them all that the world had to offer. Taliesin's personal diaries talked of Byleth as a fine student and learner, and when they returned to the Imperial Court Byleth and Taliesin would exchange long letters about their trips to one another. Rarely were the friends separated long, and wanderlust would soon carry Byleth back to travelling with Taliesin again.

Taliesin and Byleth (Amber Scales)

With peace achieved across the newly restored Fódlan, Taliesin requested that he be allowed to return to his historical recordkeeping once more. To his surprise, he was appointed official historian, and given complete freedom to travel and write without fear of harm. This order came directly from Byleth themselves, who wished to learn from Taliesin's travels and writings. Taliesin offered to let Byleth join him in travelling when they could, as the two had come to form a strong and loyal friendship with each other over the years. Byleth spent their time between travel and assisting in rebuilding Fódlan. Though they were not joined at the hip, they both respected their individual duties and desires so much that even when apart they felt closer than ever. Taliesin would write fondly of his friend, and they would exchange long and detailed letters in their times away from each other. Taliesin was always welcomed back to his home by Byleth with open arms, and would always be the one to see him off whenever he left on a new adventure.

Taliesin and Seteth (Amber Scales)

With peace achieved in Fódlan, Taliesin and Seteth took a small trip together to return to the Rhodos Coast. What was said between them in that time is unrecorded, but Taliesin would write with fondness in the years to come that he was able to somewhat repair the damage that had been done to their relationship, and that the two had forgiven each other for their misunderstandings. Though he knew Seteth would stay to assist in rebuilding Fódlan, Taliesin would often return with gifts from his travels, and insist upon taking him on small excursions to give Seteth a break from all his paperwork. Writings of the two brothers over the years talked of how close they were, and that even when bickering there was always a fond smile on their faces. Seteth would often act as a scribe for Taliesin, copying his works into neater handwriting for publication, and in return Taliesin would write music to accompany Seteth’s personal stories and fables that he wrote.

Taliesin and Flayn (Amber Scales)

After the war, Seteth was keen to take Flayn and return to hiding until it was safe for them once again. Flayn, to her father’s shock, refused. She had grown fascinated by the world and did not wish to sleep and let it all pass her by once again. She told Seteth she would be joining her uncle on his travels, so that she too could experience everything he had seen. Not that he has much choice, but Seteth relented and Flayn and Taliesin travelled all of Fódlan together. She was enamoured by the world, and Taliesin taught her how to disguise herself so that they could travel undisturbed by those they encountered. She kept a diary alongside her Uncle’s writings and the two’s manuscripts became sacred texts over the centuries that passed. Flayn would always make sure to visit her father, bringing him souvenirs from her travels. But every time he asked her to say she would always tell him “The world calls me, father, and I must see it all!”

Taliesin and Linhardt (Crimson Flower / Amber Scales)

With the end of the war, Linhardt approached Taliesin with the intention of reading his manuscripts first hand. Linhardt had always had an interest in learning about crests from an expert, and Taliesin was just that. Taliesin, of course, was happy to have someone so interested in learning and took Linhardt on as a student. Though Linhardt was less of a fan of the travelling, he did enjoy what he learnt from his new teacher. The two became close companions and saw much of the nation’s history unfold together. Taliesin’s writings would be edited and published by his somewhat lazy student, but no matter how long it took it did eventually always get done.

Taliesin and Hollis (Amber Scales)

With the influence of The Immaculate One no more, Taliesin fully intended upon returning to travelling and recording history once again. To his surprise, he found Hollis requesting he join him as he had nowhere else to go. Taliesin accepted, and the two soon became strong travelling companions. Hollis was recorded as the more wild of the two, and Taliesin kept careful record of the more scandalous events in case they made useful bargaining material later. The two were always welcomed when they visited, and Hollis would help to contribute to Taliesin’s records whenever he could. Often, they could be found performing music at village parties together, playing flute and cello. As time went on, many of their travels were published around Fódlan, and their adventures were very popular stories amongst the young.

Taliesin and Oculis

Finally freed from the fear of being hunted by Seiros, Taliesin was quick to return to his long time partner, Oculis, and suggest that now they had no need to remain on the run that they perhaps settled down for a while. Oculis was surprised by this, having expected Taliesin to immediately want to travel once again. Nevertheless, they both took time to rest and recuperate in safety, and the long burning sparks of their relationship blossomed. Taliesin confessed that he would return to his writings once again, but that this time he had no intention of ever going alone again. With warmth in his heart, he asked that Oculis might accompany him once again - to which Oculis merely gently chided him for ever thinking he would say no. They travelled the land together, and after time Oculis presented Taliesin with the gift that he had been working on in secret now that peace had fallen over the lands. With a little careful surgery, he was able to graft mechanical eyes, much like his own, for Taliesin, restoring his vision once more. For the first time, Taliesin laid eyes upon his lover with clear vision, and immediately declared that he had fallen in love with Oculis all over again. They went on to live for many centuries, in blissful happiness, and Taliesin wrote many poems about how blessed he was to have such a loving and caring partner.


The name Taliesin comes from Welsh, meaning “radiant brow” and can be derived from both historical and legendary sources within Welsh history and culture. Historically, Taliesin was an early Brittonic poet of Sub-Roman Britain whose work has possibly survived in a Middle Welsh manuscript, the Book of Taliesin. Taliesin was a renowned bard who is believed to have sung at the courts of at least three kings.

In legend and medieval Welsh poetry, he is often referred to as Taliesin Ben Beirdd ("Taliesin, Chief of Bards" or chief of poets). According to legend Taliesin was adopted as a child by Elffin, the son of Gwyddno Garanhir, and prophesied the death of Maelgwn Gwynedd from the Yellow Plague. In later stories he became a mythic hero, companion of Bran the Blessed and King Arthur.

Taliesin’s alias, Wren, comes directly from the bird of the same name and has a number of symbolic meanings in literature and culture. The bird itself has the scientific name of Troglodytes troglodytes, from the greek for “Cave Dweller” and in reference to the birds’ habit of hiding in caves and crevices whilst hunting insects, so as to avoid larger predators.

In literature, dating back as far as Aesop, the Wren is noted as the “King of Birds.” It is said that when the eagle and the wren strove to fly the highest, the wren rested on the eagle's back, and when the eagle tired, the wren flew out above him. Thus, the wren proved that cleverness is better than strength. In Japan, the wren is labelled king of the winds, and the myth of The Wren Among the Hawks sees the wren successfully hunt a boar that the hawks could not, by flying into its ear and driving it mad. Once again showcasing the power of intelligence over brute force.

In ancient history, according to Suetonius, the assassination of Julius Caesar was foretold by an unfortunate wren. On the day before the Ides of March, a wren was seen being pursued in a frenzy by various other birds. With a conspicuous sprig of laurel clamped in its beak, the wren flew desperately into the Roman Senate, but there its pursuers overtook it and tore it to pieces. It was a sacred bird to the Druids, who considered it "King of all Birds", and used its musical notes for divination. The shape-shifting Fairy Queen took the form of a wren, known as "Jenny Wren" in nursery rhymes. The Wren is also one of the animals of the Celtic Zodiac.


  • Taliesin is unable to cry as his tear ducts were permanently damaged when his eyes were removed. He also has no eyelids nor eyebrows.
  • He is often susceptible to infections in his eye sockets. To prevent this he changes his bandages often.
  • He does not like people to touch his face, it gives him very painful flashbacks.
  • In his younger years, he would have to set the bait on Cichol's fishing line as his brother disliked handling worms.
  • He enjoys fishing, but more for the waiting for a bite part where he can read or write rather than for catching fish.
  • Taliesin enjoys fish and seafood a lot.
  • Taliesin used to draw, but since losing his eyes his ability to do so has suffered. He would illustrate his brother's stories when they were children.
  • Taliesin primarily plays the flute, but he can also sing well.
  • One of the things that Taliesin loves most about humans are their festivals. He would always attend as many as he could as a chance to sing, dance and meet people.
  • He is very extroverted and finds himself at ease around people.
  • Taliesin mostly writes non-fiction, sticking to his historical accounts, as his brother was more adept at fairy tales and fictional stories.
  • His crest, The Crest of the Heretic, somewhat resembles an inverted Crest of Cichol.
  • His Crest is the only Crest to be confirmed as never having been passed down to a human prior to the game. It is uncertain as to whether or not Macuil passed on his crest.
  • His staff also serves as a lantern that he can light using his fire.
  • The Crest of the Heretic is linked to the Justice Arcana. It is the Ember Dragon Sign
  • Taliesin has heavy scarring on his hands and arms from altercations with Rhea and the Knights of Seiros.
  • He is the only character to require that Byleth have supports with two other units (Seteth and Oculis) in order to recruit him as a playable unit.
  • In his disguise, Taliesin's false eyes will never blink.
  • Taliesin's divine magic is connected to his emotions. This is why he can begin to transform when he experiences an extreme emotion like fear or anger.
  • Taliesin is deeply self-conscious about his dragon form and will not willingly transform. To the point that he will outwardly display self-loathing and self-depreciation whenever he is made aware of the fact that he has begun transforming.
  • When transformed or partially transformed, Taliesin's emotions will spiral negatively and he will refer to his form as "ugly" and "vile" and other such scornful descriptions.
  • If he goes for a long time without exposure to sunlight or warmth, Taliesin will experience bad moods.
  • Oculis found him a "sunning rock" in Abyss and does not have the heart to tell Taliesin that him sunbathing there is much like a lizard.
  • As he no longer has sight, Taliesin's hearing and smell have amplified in order to compensate.
  • His "magic sight" is a complex spell allowing to read auras in living people and animals. It can show him people and other living things near him, but is less useful for inanimate objects.
  • He relies heavily on hearing and touch to get around unfamiliar places. He uses his staff much like a cane.
  • Though he does not like to use his divine magic much, Taliesin will still light fires and lamps by breathing onto them.
  • Because of his dragon sign, Taliesin's body is naturally very warm to touch. Especially his chest, close to where his crest stone lies.
  • Taliesin finds it difficult to remain in one place for very long and will quickly be seized by wanderlust and leave to travel once he is bored with a place.
  • He tends to walk into walls and closed doors often.
  • He is fiercely independent and likes to be able to do things for himself. He is still coming to terms with needing to rely on others' help for some tasks.
  • He composes his own songs and plays them for people.
  • Taliesin takes pride in being slightly taller than his brother Cichol.
  • He hopes to one day repair the lost relations between himself and Cethleann.
  • He spits embers and smoke from time to time, especially when passionate about something.
  • Knowing Oculis does not like dragons, he tries to keep his emotions in check so as to not let his dragon side out.
  • He has taken the time to learn all the slanderous stories and songs about him, and takes pride in performing them.
  • After sleeping a number of years to heal, he will always try to catch up on whatever history he has missed in that time.
  • Taliesin has assisted as a teacher for the Ashen Wolves whilst living in Abyss.
  • He can S Support with both Male and Female Byleth. He is canonically bisexual, but usually prefers male partners over female.
  • Taliesin's greatest fear is being caught by Rhea once again.
  • Taliesin's manuscripts can be found in the Abyss Library. Traces of his editing in textbooks can be found in the library at Garreg Mach.
  • Taliesin's class, Heretic Saint, differs from the usual saint class as it gives him proficiency in both Faith and Reason magic at the expense of Authority.
  • He has to file his nails often as they grow fast.
  • His teeth are naturally much sharper than a normal person's, but he keeps that hidden as best he can.
  • Taliesin grew up listening to Cichol's stories, and is pleased to see he still writes them.
  • His memory magic can recall events in startling clarity, which can cause panic in those not prepared to witness the detail.
  • His ears still hurt from the time Oculis introduced him to Shambhala's music.
  • He dislikes cold places immensely. He also feels lethargic when it rains.
  • Because he is canonically paired with Oculis in game, Taliesin's endings with Byleth in both Crimson Flower and Amber Scales are platonic.


See also: Taliesin/Gallery


In Game

Base Stats

Starting Class Crest
Heretic Saint Tali-s-crest.png
Level HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Charm
18 32 20 19 19 17 22 12 17 14
Magic Combat Arts Abilities Starting Items
20?cb=20190907023836 Heal
latest?cb=20190907022829 Fire
latest?cb=20190907022829 Bolganone
latest?cb=20191030012611 Scorched Embers
latest?cb=20191031014434 Shrouded Truth
latest?cb=20191030011359 Charm
latest?cb=20191030033404 Fire
latest?cb=20191108142425 White Magic Heal +5
latest?cb=20191108135234 Reason Lv3
latest?cb=20191030033226 Faith Lv3
latest?cb=20190907022317 Dyrnwyn
latest?cb=20190911153942 Intermediate Seal

As An Ally

Starting Class Crest
Heretic Saint Tali-s-crest.png
Level HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Charm
18 32 20 19 19 17 22 12 17 14
Magic Combat Arts Abilities Starting Items
20?cb=20190907023836 Heal
latest?cb=20190907022829 Fire
latest?cb=20190907022829 Bolganone
latest?cb=20191030012611 Scorched Embers
latest?cb=20191031014434 Shrouded Truth
latest?cb=20191030011359 Charm
latest?cb=20191030033404 Fire
latest?cb=20191108142425 White Magic Heal +5
latest?cb=20191108135234 Reason Lv3
latest?cb=20191030033226 Faith Lv3
latest?cb=20190907022317 Dyrnwyn
latest?cb=20190911153942 Intermediate Seal

Growth Rates

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Chrm
50% 40% 75% 45% 50% 60% 35% 65% 55%

Maximum Stats

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Chrm
95 70 90 74 68 93 61 83 77


Skill latest?cb=20190622211046 latest?cb=20190622211046 latest?cb=20190622211045 latest?cb=20190622211045 latest?cb=20190622211045 latest?cb=20190622211044 latest?cb=20190622211044 latest?cb=20190622211043 latest?cb=20190622211043 latest?cb=20190622211042 latest?cb=20190622211042
Level E D+ E D E B+ B+ C+ E E E
Start latest?cb=20190622211040 latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211040 latest?cb=20190622211041

Learned Magic

Skill Level Reason Faith
D Heal
D+ Fire
C Bolganone Physic
C+ Recover
B Warp
B+ Agnea's Arrow
A Abraxas
A+ Ancient Flames

As An Enemy - All Routes

Starting Class Crest
Heretic Saint Tali-s-crest.png
Level HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Charm
22 38 24 25 21 20 29 15 19 16
Magic Combat Arts Abilities Starting Items
20?cb=20190907023836 Heal
latest?cb=20190907022829 Fire
latest?cb=20190907022829 Bolganone
latest?cb=20190907022829 Agnea's Arrow
latest?cb=20191030012611 Scorched Embers
latest?cb=20191031014434 Shrouded Truth
latest?cb=20191030011359 Charm
latest?cb=20191030033404 Fire
latest?cb=20191108142425 White Magic Heal +5
latest?cb=20191108135234 Reason Lv3
latest?cb=20191030033226 Faith Lv3
latest?cb=20190907022317 Dyrnwyn
latest?cb=20190911153943 Vulnerary

As An Enemy - Azure Moon

Starting Class Crest
The Martyred One Tali-s-crest.png
Level HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Charm
22 38 latest?cb=20200406114402
24 25 21 20 29 15 19 16
Magic Combat Arts Abilities Starting Items
latest?cb=20200209105534 Blazing Embers
latest?cb=20191031014434 Shrouded Truth
latest?cb=20191030013858 Counterattack
latest?cb=20191031005814 Magic Bind
latest?cb=20190911200902 Ancient Dragonskin
latest?cb=20191108213046 Wrath
latest?cb=20191031014341 Miracle
latest?cb=20200216025535 Giant Wings
latest?cb=20190907023835 Crest Stone of Taliesin


Taliesin first appears as an enemy force in Chapter 6.5 and depending upon the route chosen by Byleth he may or may not become available to recruit later on. If Byleth chooses the Blue Lions, Taliesin will be unavailable and will not appear after Chapter 6.5. If Byleth teaches the Golden Deer, then Taliesin will appear as an ally only. In the case of Byleth joining the Black Eagles, he will appear past Chapter 6.5, but will only later appear as an ally if Byleth chooses to side with Edelgard rather than with the Church of Seiros.

Taliesin can be recruited by Byleth in the Post War segment of Crimson Flower, should they have a C support with Oculis and a high MAG stat. In Amber Scales, he can be recruited from the start of Chapter 13, so long as Byleth has at least C Support with both Oculis and Seteth. In Amber Scales he does not require any stat or skill proficiencies. In Crimson Flower and Amber Scales the threshold required to recruit Taliesin is decreased if Byleth has supports with them.


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

As an enemy, Taliesin is a formidable opponent thanks to his unique class granting him both high stats and unique moves. As an early chapter boss, he is well above the average fight that the player will have had to deal with thus far, and is one of the first truly difficult Divine Beasts that can be encountered if playing the Blue Lions route. Whilst human, he possesses incredibly strong fire magic that can make quick work of unprepared units at a reasonable distance. His personal weapon, Dyrnwyn, increases this might further, and getting too close in range to him when unprepared can prove fatal. His unique combat art: Scorched Embers, is devastatingly powerful, but requires at least two turns to recharge after each use. Stats wise, Taliesin’s evasion is the true kicker - as it is higher than any other enemy or ally encountered in the game. Just landing a hit on him can prove incredibly difficult, and will require units with buffed accuracy on Hard and Maddening. Thankfully, his weakness is in his defense, and a few hard hits from tanky units may be enough to do him considerable damage. It is important to bear in mind that he is able to heal himself, and could be healed by Oculis in battle, but this can be overcome.

In his Divine Form, The Martyred One, it is Counterattack that makes Taliesin the most formidable at any range. He can be broken down with Gambits, but his attacks will hit hard and his high evasion still stands. Much of his build is a foreshadow of fighting The Immaculate One and other divine dragons of later routes. Thankfully, defeating him is less of a priority when playing as the Black Eagles and Golden Deer which lessens the risk in confronting him head on. Equally, these routes do not involve fighting him in his divine form. However, all three routes will need to contend with Taliesin blocking the use of Divine Pulse for the entirety of the battle - making every decision final and very risky whilst battling him. This can be particularly tricky when playing on higher difficulties.

As he makes for a formidable enemy, Taliesin also makes for a strong and capable ally and recruit - able to handle himself on his own and as part of Byleth’s army. He comes equipped with his sacred weapon, Dyrnwyn, that increases his might and magic attacks as well as allows for the use of his unique combat art, Scorched Embers. Completion of his paralogue with Oculis also grants his relic weapon: Eluned, which boosts Taliesin’s evasion to be one of the highest possible stats available in game. This can make it near impossible for enemies to hit him. As an ally and recruit, Taliesin’s personal skill, Shrouded Truth, negates terrain effects for himself and allies around him, making him useful for getting units into difficult places or across difficult terrain without suffering damage as a result. His strengths in magic make it that he is best kept in his unique class, although he does have a hidden talent in lances that can be worked on in order to grant him additional flexibility and skill mastery.


Shrouded Truth

Shrouded Truth
First Seen Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Type Personal
Effect Enacts battlefield condition changes.
User Saint Taliesin

Shrouded Truth is a skill introduced in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is the personal ability of Saint Taliesin.


Shrouded Truth is an ability that affects battlefield conditions for every unit on the map when Taliesin is on the battlefield. It will instantly remove Fog of War and can change battlefield terrain beneath Taliesin and beneath the squares of allies up to 3 squares away from him. If the units within range are friendly, Taliesin’s personal skill will negate negative terrain effects beneath them. If the units are hostile, then Taliesin will turn the terrain beneath them to their disadvantage.

It is revealed that this is thanks to Taliesin’s illusion magic that he is able to fool those around him. Thus rendering the effects of terrain positive or negatively and convincing them of harm or help depending on who they are.


To shroud something is to cover or obscure something from view. Shrouded truth is in reference to Taliesin's illusionary magic, that can be used to manipulate or hide the truth of what is actually going on around others. It is in direct contrast to Taliesin's moral compass - which seeks to reveal the truth to those who have been shrouded from it.


  • If Taliesin is stood upon terrain where he could take turn based damage, there is a chance he will be unaffected by it.
  • His illusion magic will also automatically remove Fog of War from maps.
  • Taliesin's personal skill will always affect the entire map rather than individual units. It is not exclusive to only Byleth's army as well.
  • If Taliesin is defeated the effects of his personal skill will disappear along with him.


Name (JP) エルーネド
First Seen Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Weapon Type Ring
User Saint Taliesin

Eluned is a Lost Relic that debuts in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It originally belonged to Taliesin and effects are boosted for someone with the Crest of the Heretic.


The Stone and Ring of Eluned, shortened to Eluned, originally belonged to Taliesin where it granted the wielder the ability to make themselves invisible and avoid attacks directed their way. Its effects are boosted for those who bear the Crest of the Heretic. It was stolen by members of The Church of Seiros in an attempt to hunt down the Heretic Saint, and was later recovered by Taliesin with the help of Oculis. They recover Eluned in a locked chamber of the Central Church.

Weapon Stats

Name Type
20?cb=20190907022318 Eluned 20?cb=20190907022318 Ring
Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng WEx Wt Worth
1 0 0 0 0 0 4
Sacred weapon (Crest of Taliesin) that increases Lck by 6. (Effect increased with Crest.)

As with all Heroes' Relics, if the user does not have a Crest, the ring deals 10 damage to the user after combat if used.

Item Locations

Method Location
Event Traitors to Both Their Kinds - End of Paralogue


Eluned is the thirteenth of the Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain. Its full name is The Stone and Ring of Eluned the Fortunate, and it is mentioned in Welsh legend and mythology. The ring is said to grant the wearer with invisibility and it is also said that Merlin used to carry it.


  • Though it is more of a bracelet and ring, it is classified mechanically as a ring accessory.
  • In their conversations during the corresponding paralogue, Oculis reveals that he crafted Eluned using parts of Taliesin's fractured eyesocket.
  • As no other unit bears the Crest of the Heretic, the weapon is best equipped to its original owner.
  • Whilst wearing Eluned, Taliesin's evasion is one of the highest stats of all units in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • In Crimson Flower, Taliesin's relic can be gifted to Lucius, but only in the post timeskip and only in this one route.


Name (JP) ドゥルンウィン
First Seen Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Weapon Type Staff
Most Common Rank A
Uses 30
User Taliesin

Dyrnwyn is a Staff that debuts in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is one of the Sacred Weapons and is associated with the Crest of The Heretic.


Dyrnwyn is the personal weapon of Saint Taliesin and has been wielded by him in legend and in reality. It is a staff said to contain ever burning embers, and lights the path before it. In the hands of those who bear The Crest of the Heretic the staff’s effects at increasing magical capability are increased. The staff is still carried by Saint Taliesin, and becomes available if he is recruited by Byleth.

Weapon Stats

Name Type
latest?cb=20190907022317 Dyrnwyn latest?cb=20190907022313 Staff
Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng WEx Wt Worth
A 30 18 80% 15% 3 ? 7
Sacred weapon (Crest of the Heretic) that casts powerful fire magic and raises Mt. (Effect increased with Crest.) Allows the use of the Combat Art latest?cb=20191030012611 Scorched Embers

Item Locations

Method Location
Event Amber Scales Chapter 13: The Forgotten House of Garreg Mach - Gained automatically when Taliesin is recruited.


Dyrnwyn is the first of the Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain. Its full name is Dyrnwyn, the Sword of Rhydderch Hael and it has ties to Welsh history and mythology. It was said to be a powerful sword belonging to Rhydderch Hael,[3] one of the Three Generous Men of Britain mentioned in the Welsh Triads. When drawn by a worthy or well-born man, the entire blade would blaze with fire. Rhydderch was never reluctant to hand the weapon to anyone, hence his nickname Hael meaning "the Generous", but the recipients, as soon as they had learned of its peculiar properties, always rejected the sword. The name, Dyrnwyn is Welsh for “white hilt”.


  • Taliesin's weapon is named for an ancient sword, but in game it is a Staff type weapon.
  • In game, Taliesin is shown to light the fire in the gem of Dyrnwyn by breathing onto it.
  • In his supports with Flayn, Taliesin also reveals he can use Dyrnwyn as a lantern.
  • The Statue of The Saint of Liars in Abyss is shown holding Dyrnwyn.
  • The ribbon is not present on the statue's depiction of Dyrnwyn, suggesting that Taliesin may have added it to the staff at a later date. His reasons for doing so are unknown

Crest of the Heretic

Crest of the Heretic
First Seen Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Origin Taliesin
Bearer Taliesin
Effect Increases Uses of Divine Pulse
Dragon Sign Ember Dragon Sign
Legendary Weapon Eluned
Arcana Justice

The Crest of the Heretic, otherwise known as The Crest of Taliesin, is a game mechanic introduced in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is yet to be passed onto any human bearers, but it is the personal crest of Saint Taliesin the Heretic.


Church legend tells that Saint Taliesin the Heretic bore this crest, and he has selfishly kept this immense power from the use of others. To this day no other bears his emblem. It is symbolic of the burning embers and the smoky illusions that deceive the mind and bend the truth. At times it will hinder the use of Divine Pulse.

Taliesin himself has no desire for others to bear his curse, but shall use it in order to share memories of Fódlan’s true history to those willing to ask for the knowledge. It embodies the burning passion of truth-seeking and justice, like the embers of a fire yet unquenched. In battle, it shall increase the number of charges of Divine Pulse.

Crest Origin

The Crest of the Heretic originally went by the name of Crest of Taliesin, after Saint Taliesin himself. Because of Rhea changing how he is perceived by the people of Fódlan, he chose to rename his crest to match his heretical reputation. It originates from Taliesin’s crest stone, and is passed down through his blood. It has, however, never been shared with anyone.

The only bearer of The Crest of the Heretic is Saint Taliesin, and he currently does not have any desire to pass it on. This is purely because he believes that sharing crests with humans does more harm than good for all parties involved, and because he has seen the harmful effects for himself over time. His crest grants him the use of illusion magic, which is how Taliesin is able to disguise himself and interfere with battlefield conditions and even other Nabateans’ magic. It also grants him the ability to share his memories with others, in vivid detail, through the use of illusion.


The name Taliesin comes from Welsh, meaning “radiant brow” and can be derived from both historical and legendary sources within Welsh history and culture. Historically, Taliesin was an early Brittonic poet of Sub-Roman Britain whose work has possibly survived in a Middle Welsh manuscript, the Book of Taliesin. Taliesin was a renowned bard who is believed to have sung at the courts of at least three kings.

In legend and medieval Welsh poetry, he is often referred to as Taliesin Ben Beirdd ("Taliesin, Chief of Bards" or chief of poets). According to legend Taliesin was adopted as a child by Elffin, the son of Gwyddno Garanhir, and prophesied the death of Maelgwn Gwynedd from the Yellow Plague. In later stories he became a mythic hero, companion of Bran the Blessed and King Arthur.


  • As of the start of the game, no human is said to bear Taliesin's crest and there is no evidence of anyone bearing it in the past. It is safe to assume, therefore, that Taliesin never passed his crest on to humans.
  • However, in Crimson Flower, he is shown to gift his crest for the first and only time to Lucius, in order to save his life.
  • The Crest of the Heretic is the only crest that can affect entire battlefield conditions instead of individual encounters.
  • The Crest only blocks the use of Divine Pulse when Taliesin is an enemy. As an ally and playable unit, it will increase the use of Divine Pulse.
  • In certain routes and under certain conditions, Taliesin may pass his crest down to a human.
  • In New Game+ Taliesin's dragon sign can be equipped to give others the effects of his crest.
  • The descriptions in-game of The Crest of the Heretic will change depending on which route the player has selected.


Item Guide


Gift Name Type of Gift Grade How to Acquire Description
Owl Feather Favourite ★★★ Around Garreg Mach A feather from a messenger owl that can be used in a variety of ways. Appreciated by everyone.
Saint of Thieves Shard Favourite ★★★★★ Around Abyss A shard that has fallen from the statue in Abyss. The statue appears to resemble someone familiar.
List of Rare Books Favourite ★★★★★ Around Garreg Mach A list of books thought to have been removed from the monastery library. What could they contain?
Medicinal Eyedrops Disliked ★★★★★ Merchant's Shop Eye drops necessary for any book lover. Someone passionate about reading might want them.
Tome of Comely Saints Disliked ★★★★★ Merchant's Shop A book filled with striking illustrations of the male saints. Someone who admires good-looking men might want this.

Lost Items

Lost Item Description Availability
Worn Manuscript A manuscript written and bound with materials not seen used in centuries. It is worn and torn in some places with many notes scribbled inside. Harpstring Moon - Amber Scales Only (Abyss)
Stolen Quill Pen A quill stolen from one of the church officials, well worn from constant use. Probably now belongs to someone who writes often. Verdant Rain Moon - Amber Scales Only (Dining Hall)
Jar of Blueberries A collection of fresh blueberries in juice, in a jar sealed to make a puzzle of trying to open it. Belongs to someone who needs enrichment alongside their snacking habits. Wyvern Moon - Amber Scales Only (Oculis' Office)
Silken Cloth An expensive silk cloth used for cleaning wind instruments when they have been used. Belongs to someone who knows to take care of their flute. Red Wolf Moon - Amber Scales Only (Abyss)

Dining Hall Guide

Enjoyed Dishes

Name of Menu Menu Description Materials Required
Grilled Herring Herring caught off the coast of Albinea, shredded and grilled in an earthenware pot with sliced turnips.
  • Turnip x 1
  • Albinean Herring x 1
Vegetable Pasta Salad Pasta with a blend of fresh vegetables from various regions of Fódlan. This popular dish sells out almost instantly.
  • Cabbage x 1
  • Onion x 1
  • Carrot x 1
Sweet Bun Trio Traditional pastries from Faerghus, known for their subtle sweetness. The dough is made with eggs and sugar.
  • Noa Fruit x 1
  • Albinean Berries x 1
Cheesy Verona Stew A rich dish consisting of verona and sautéed Teutates loach. These ingredients are boiled and served with two kinds of melted cheese.
  • Teutates Loach x 1
  • Verona x 1
Fruit and Herring Tart A baked tart with stewed herring and Noa fruit mixed into the batter. Popular in Enbarr, the Imperial Capital.
  • Albinean Herring x 1
  • Noa Fruit x 1
Fish Sandwich A simple dish. Airmid pike is pickled in vinegar and served with cabbage between two slices of bread.
  • Airmid Pike x 1
  • Cabbage x 1
Super Spicy Fish Dango A light snack, popular in the Empire. Small, spicy balls of fried dough packed with white trout and dried tomato.
  • White Trout x 1
  • Tomato x 1
Peach Sorbet A sorbet made with thin slices of magically frozen peach, dusted with bean flour.
  • Peach Currant x 1
  • Chickpeas x 1

Tea Party Guide

Tea Time fully opens up with Taliesin opens up in the Amber Scales route where he can be recruited as a playable unit. On rare instances in Crimson Flower, where Taliesin appears as an ally, he can also be invited to tea in order to build supports with him.

Recommended Tea

Name of Tea Rating
Ginger Tea ★★
Cinnamon Blend ★★★★
Four-Spice Blend ★★★★

Conversation Topics

Possible Topic
"Guessing Someone's Age..." "I heard some Gossip..." "The Library's Collection..."
"Seteth and Flayn... " "Historical recordkeeping..." "Sneaking past guards..."
"Tell me about yourself..." "Thanks for everything..." "Truth about the Four Saints... "
"You're doing great work..." "What do you know about me..." "The past and future..."
"Seteth and yourself..." "Oculis..." "Rumours and misunderstandings..."

Final Conversation

Possible Final Conversation
"Sometimes the hardest thing is feeling about for the teacup..."
Answer: Laugh Answer: Sip Tea Answer: Nod
"Those who do not understand history are predisposed to repeating it..."
Answer: Sip Tea Answer: Nod Answer: Sigh
"When I drink tea... I often like to eat blueberries along with it whilst writing..."
Answer: Praise Answer: Nod Answer: Commend
"I appreciate your help, were I to pour the tea I fear it would spill everywhere..."
Answer: Blush Answer: Chat Answer: Laugh
"I know all the songs about me, would you like me to perform them?"
Answer: Sip Tea Answer: Laugh Answer: Blush
"I worry about Seteth, he is going to give himself a heart attack worrying so much like this... "
Answer: Sigh Answer: Nod Answer: Chat


Contents [ ]

With Byleth (Male)


C Support

Byleth happens upon Taliesin late at night, not long after the post timeskip, gazing up at the sky and seeming to be watching the stars. Byleth is curious, and asks Taliesin what they are doing up so late. Taliesin remarks that they needed some fresh air, and that the nighttime feels safest for them after a long time of needing to hide during the day. Byleth agrees that nighttime feels nice, and that the stars look beautiful too. Taliesin says he misses being able to see the stars, leading to Byleth apologising for being insensitive. Taliesin tells them not to worry, and explains that he has some limited vision, but mostly it is only useful for seeing the auras of living things rather than objects - which is why he can’t see the stars. However, people’s auras can be as beautiful as stars always used to be, because of all the colours that glitter within them. That makes Byleth curious, and they ask what kind of aura they have. Taliesin pauses for a moment, and then remarks that Byleth has a very strange aura that he can’t quite explain. There are colours there, but the shapes and the way the aura behaves is both unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. He questions that perhaps it is because of Byleth’s fusion with Sothis that this has changed them, but does not elaborate further. He remarks that he’s likely tired because of how late it is, and bids Byleth goodnight.

B Support

Later on, Taliesin approaches Byleth to ask them if they don’t mind talking about the time before they fused with Sothis - and if they experienced anything strange about it. He makes it out that he would like to know for his records, considering Byleth’s ability to wield the Sword of the Creator and their return after five years, would all need an explanation in order to be considered fact and not legend. Byleth agrees, but explains that they don’t really understand how it works either. Talking it through, they explain that Sothis used to exist within them as a separate entity, who could talk and comment on things without others being able to hear or see them. Taliesin is very curious about this, and asks for more description - as much as Byleth is comfortable giving. Byleth does their best to describe Sothis, and says that they have always been there - though at first they only appeared in dreams rather than all the time. However, they explain, they do not know why that was the case. All they do know is that their father always said they didn’t have a heartbeat and that they have been unable to show emotions easily for their entire life. This seems to trigger a response in Taliesin, who asks permission to touch Byleth. When they consent, he puts a hand to where their heart should be, using his magic to “see”. He is able to tell them that there is a crest stone in there, and that is why he can “sense” Sothis’ crest so strongly in them. Curious, they promise to do more research and come back to Byleth with answers soon.

A Support

With the revelation that Rhea was the one to tamper with Byleth’s heart, they are the ones to approach Taliesin this time - hoping to get some final answers. Taliesin offers his condolences that Byleth’s body was used in such a way, and that he feels sickened at the thought that an otherwise innocent human was experimented on like this - particularly by someone who admonished and condemned the experiments performed by humans on themselves and on Nabateans. Taliesin expresses that he hopes there is some way in which Byleth can be separated from Sothis’ crest stone safely, as that will allow them to live a proper life independent from the tampering of others. Byleth asks if Taliesin knows of a way, but he admits that it is beyond the scope of his current research. With the war distracting everyone, it has been hard to focus upon personal projects - as he is sure Byleth knows well given that they have taken a leading role in all of this. Byleth agrees, but admits they are at least glad to have some answers as to what they are. They also ask Taliesin if he would want to rescue or restore Sothis if they were able to separate. Taliesin shakes his head. He firmly believes that Sothis needs to be properly laid to rest, and this treatment of her heart is only furthering both her pain and the pain of those she is forced to reside inside. He hopes that the Goddess is one day able to rest in genuine peace, and let humanity take its natural course. Until then, however, he admits that he is glad at least that Sothis’ final host is inside someone willing to criticise the flaws of Sothis’ people and the regime they established, and to stand up for what is right.

S Support

After the war, Taliesin asks to meet with Byleth at the Goddess Tower, though he quickly admits to them that this is not a confession of love. Merely that this felt the most fitting place to finally admit that he is glad that the Goddess is finally laid to a peaceful rest. He compliments Byleth on their restored aura colour as well, saying that their human body suits them better when it has not been tampered with. Byleth admits they feel very unsure about everything that they have gone through with this. They are unsure what to do with their now human heart, or indeed how to live a life without having a crest stone inside them - because it is all they have ever known. Taliesin takes their hands gently, and tells them that that is a question that no amount of historical reading or knowledge can answer for them. They will have to find that out for themselves, and to forge their own destiny in order to do so. However, he continues, he has great faith that Byleth will be strong enough that they can continue the good work that they have already done as a leader, and that soon they will find the answers that they are looking for in determining what kind of a person they want to be. Not just that, but also they are absolutely not alone in their path either. They are surrounded by friends and loved ones. Taliesin promises that he too will be watching over them, whether that is in person at the monastery, or by watching over them in disguise during his travels. No matter what, they will be there for them. Byleth jokes that it is like having another goddess - but Taliesin promises it will be nothing so intrusive as that. They part on good terms, promising to be the best of friends from now on.

With Byleth (Female)


C Support

Byleth happens upon Taliesin late at night, not long after the post timeskip, gazing up at the sky and seeming to be watching the stars. Byleth is curious, and asks Taliesin what they are doing up so late. Taliesin remarks that they needed some fresh air, and that the nighttime feels safest for them after a long time of needing to hide during the day. Byleth agrees that nighttime feels nice, and that the stars look beautiful too. Taliesin says he misses being able to see the stars, leading to Byleth apologising for being insensitive. Taliesin tells them not to worry, and explains that he has some limited vision, but mostly it is only useful for seeing the auras of living things rather than objects - which is why he can’t see the stars. However, people’s auras can be as beautiful as stars always used to be, because of all the colours that glitter within them. That makes Byleth curious, and they ask what kind of aura they have. Taliesin pauses for a moment, and then remarks that Byleth has a very strange aura that he can’t quite explain. There are colours there, but the shapes and the way the aura behaves is both unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. He questions that perhaps it is because of Byleth’s fusion with Sothis that this has changed them, but does not elaborate further. He remarks that he’s likely tired because of how late it is, and bids Byleth goodnight.

B Support

Later on, Taliesin approaches Byleth to ask them if they don’t mind talking about the time before they fused with Sothis - and if they experienced anything strange about it. He makes it out that he would like to know for his records, considering Byleth’s ability to wield the Sword of the Creator and their return after five years, would all need an explanation in order to be considered fact and not legend. Byleth agrees, but explains that they don’t really understand how it works either. Talking it through, they explain that Sothis used to exist within them as a separate entity, who could talk and comment on things without others being able to hear or see them. Taliesin is very curious about this, and asks for more description - as much as Byleth is comfortable giving. Byleth does their best to describe Sothis, and says that they have always been there - though at first they only appeared in dreams rather than all the time. However, they explain, they do not know why that was the case. All they do know is that their father always said they didn’t have a heartbeat and that they have been unable to show emotions easily for their entire life. This seems to trigger a response in Taliesin, who asks permission to touch Byleth. When they consent, he puts a hand to where their heart should be, using his magic to “see”. He is able to tell them that there is a crest stone in there, and that is why he can “sense” Sothis’ crest so strongly in them. Curious, they promise to do more research and come back to Byleth with answers soon.

A Support

With the revelation that Rhea was the one to tamper with Byleth’s heart, they are the ones to approach Taliesin this time - hoping to get some final answers. Taliesin offers his condolences that Byleth’s body was used in such a way, and that he feels sickened at the thought that an otherwise innocent human was experimented on like this - particularly by someone who admonished and condemned the experiments performed by humans on themselves and on Nabateans. Taliesin expresses that he hopes there is some way in which Byleth can be separated from Sothis’ crest stone safely, as that will allow them to live a proper life independent from the tampering of others. Byleth asks if Taliesin knows of a way, but he admits that it is beyond the scope of his current research. With the war distracting everyone, it has been hard to focus upon personal projects - as he is sure Byleth knows well given that they have taken a leading role in all of this. Byleth agrees, but admits they are at least glad to have some answers as to what they are. They also ask Taliesin if he would want to rescue or restore Sothis if they were able to separate. Taliesin shakes his head. He firmly believes that Sothis needs to be properly laid to rest, and this treatment of her heart is only furthering both her pain and the pain of those she is forced to reside inside. He hopes that the Goddess is one day able to rest in genuine peace, and let humanity take its natural course. Until then, however, he admits that he is glad at least that Sothis’ final host is inside someone willing to criticise the flaws of Sothis’ people and the regime they established, and to stand up for what is right.

S Support

After the war, Taliesin asks to meet with Byleth at the Goddess Tower, though he quickly admits to them that this is not a confession of love. Merely that this felt the most fitting place to finally admit that he is glad that the Goddess is finally laid to a peaceful rest. He compliments Byleth on their restored aura colour as well, saying that their human body suits them better when it has not been tampered with. Byleth admits they feel very unsure about everything that they have gone through with this. They are unsure what to do with their now human heart, or indeed how to live a life without having a crest stone inside them - because it is all they have ever known. Taliesin takes their hands gently, and tells them that that is a question that no amount of historical reading or knowledge can answer for them. They will have to find that out for themselves, and to forge their own destiny in order to do so. However, he continues, he has great faith that Byleth will be strong enough that they can continue the good work that they have already done as a leader, and that soon they will find the answers that they are looking for in determining what kind of a person they want to be. Not just that, but also they are absolutely not alone in their path either. They are surrounded by friends and loved ones. Taliesin promises that he too will be watching over them, whether that is in person at the monastery, or by watching over them in disguise during his travels. No matter what, they will be there for them. Byleth jokes that it is like having another goddess - but Taliesin promises it will be nothing so intrusive as that. They part on good terms, promising to be the best of friends from now on.

With Seteth


C Support

Seteth comes by Taliesin who is sitting in the library, muttering and grumbling to himself about unruly students that he has had to deal with during the day and about how much he has to sort out and clean up after others. He speaks to Taliesin offhandedly and without thinking that he’d best also keep an eye on the students so that they don’t go running into danger. Taliesin, without looking up, merely asks Seteth how he expects him to “keep an eye” on anything, exactly. This makes Seteth pause, and then realise what he has just said. He immediately gets flustered, apologising profusely and begging Taliesin to not take the cold remarks to heart. Taliesin puts a hand up, asking him to stop, but Seteth persists. Asking forgiveness and promising that he will be more considerate and rambling about how he is still adjusting to Taliesin’s condition. Taliesin asks him, louder, to stop and finally gets through to him. He explains that there’s really no need to make a mountain out of a molehill over it and that Taliesin just found it funny to make a joke of his words. This frustrates Seteth, who tells Taliesin that he doesn’t find it funny at all and that it’s a terrible situation. Taliesin sighs, and tells Seteth he really doesn’t want to take it as seriously as Seteth maybe thinks it should be. They bicker, and eventually Taliesin decides it isn’t worth getting into, and walks off. Seteth sighs, asking himself just what exactly he’s supposed to do about this.

B Support

Meeting later Seteth comes to apologise to Taliesin once again for their previous encounter, and Taliesin tells him to please let it go. He is used to his condition and there is no need to remind him of it. Seteth remains flustered, but relents. He admits he does not know how to handle it himself, and that he feels like he barely knows his brother anymore. Taliesin agrees, and tells him he definitely doesn’t know him - but that doesn’t mean he can’t learn about him. Seteth frowns, asking Taliesin if he even knows him anymore - given that they’ve both been apart for so long and had rumours and lies separating them both from each other. Taliesin gives him a cheeky grin and tells him he doesn’t think Seteth has changed much at all - aside from gaining a few new wrinkles and worry lines. Seteth tries to protest, but Taliesin just laughs and tells him he is still the same worrier that he has always been, and that he feels he needs to learn to relax. That might help him with his student problem as well. Seteth, hating that Taliesin is right, asks Taliesin if they can use this relaxation time to talk things out then. That this might be the chance that they both need to get to know one another again. Agreeing that this is a good idea, they both choose to go sit in the library. Taliesin begins to tell Seteth about his travels and what he has been doing whilst they were apart.

A Support

Nearing the end of the war, Taliesin comes to Seteth to speak with him, and addresses him by his old name. It causes Seteth to panic, thinking that they might be overheard, but Taliesin asks him if it really matters if people know or don’t know anymore, given all that they have been through and learnt. Seteth argues that they should still be cautious, as they don’t know what people’s intentions might be with that knowledge. Taliesin asks if this is why he still asks Flayn to call him brother and not father, and sure enough that’s why. Taliesin laughs and then asks what that makes him, and if Flayn is really open to the idea of two older brothers now. Seteth rolls his eyes and tells him to be serious about this. They have already lost so much in the past, as Taliesin well knows, that they simply cannot risk losing even more by being reckless. Taliesin tells Seteth that he has a point, but he does feel that they cannot live running and hiding forever. It will only age Seteth even more with worry, and likely will only make Flayn more rebellious as she tries to live her life. Taliesin says that Seteth doesn’t have to suffer alone now, they can work on this together, and that perhaps the world will come out better and safer for them all after all the fighting. Seteth still states that he will never stop worrying, and now he has even more of his family to worry about, but agrees that he no longer feels like he is alone in this. Taliesin pats his back, and says he’ll be there for him, no matter what. The two smile, and Seteth very gently hugs his brother, admitting that it is genuinely nice to have him back.

With Flayn


C Support

In Amber Scales’ pre-timeskip, Flayn approaches Taliesin one evening in the library, taking him by surprise as he did not hear her sneak in like this. She asks him if he has been the one to edit the books in the library. Taliesin admits that he was, and Flayn immediately tries to chastise him - saying that he caused her father great stress over the ordeal. Taliesin pauses, and then apologises to her for worrying her, but that he had to do this for the sake of helping the students. He didn’t actually intend for Seteth to get so stressed over it, and really he feels that Seteth shouldn’t stress over such small things. Flayn huffs and folds her arms, telling Taliesin that he also put himself at risk doing it - and that he almost paid a high price for it as well. This actually makes Taliesin laugh a little, and he asks her when she became an exact copy of Seteth. Flayn is horrified to be compared to her father, and tells him that he truly does not know her if he thinks that she is anything like Seteth - that she is not so stubborn and worrisome and intent on stifling her future children from making friends and having fun. Realising he struck a nerve, Taliesin apologises, and tells her she can be whoever she wishes to be and he will happily support it - she is his niece after all. Flayn sighs and admits she wishes she could, but that with the strict hold Seteth has over her, that may not be possible. Taliesin, kneeling to her height and putting a hand to her shoulder, tells her not to give up hope. That she is strong and her own person, and that when the right time comes, she will know how to assert her independence. Flayn thanks him, but does not seem to believe him.

B Support

After the time skip, Flayn reunites with her uncle and asks to speak with him. She thanks him for his belief in her all those years ago, and that his assertion that she is a strong individual was what gave her the confidence to stand up to both Seteth and Rhea when the time came. She admits she was scared, and Taliesin tells her that there have been many times where he’s also been very scared to stand up for what he believes in as well. But, most importantly, he tells her that he is incredibly proud of her for sticking to what she believes in and for not bowing down to pressure or manipulation. Taliesin tells her that it is what makes her different from her father, who at the time chose to remain behind, and that he hopes it is a strength she will continue to let grow and flourish within her. Flayn admits she feels worried that she let her father down, but Taliesin assures her that there is nothing that she could ever do that would make Seteth stop loving her. Not even this could change that bond. Flayn is reassured, but asks Taliesin if he believes that for himself, since he and Seteth were brothers after all, which makes Taliesin pause to think of it. He admits he is unsure, but that he hopes for the best when it comes to one day repairing the bond between them. Flayn asks if there’s ways she can help, and Taliesin tells her that the best thing she can do is keep being herself, so that Seteth learns that a little rebellion every now and again is perfectly reasonable.

A Support

As Taliesin is heading back to Oculis’ office one afternoon, he ends up being knocked over by Flayn who is sprinting down the corridor as fast as she can, panicking. Calming her and managing to get her coherent enough to talk, he asks her what’s got her so upset. She tells him she is hiding from Seteth, as he is displeased to have caught her having a late night party with some of the students, including male students. She admits she ran because she doesn’t actually want him to find out that a couple of the students have helped pierce her ear - at least until the piercing has healed enough that there’s nothing he can do about it. Taliesin pauses, listening to it all, and then bursts out laughing. Flayn, thinking the worst, begs him to not tease her for her misdemeanor and to not tell Seteth of what she’s done. Taliesin, laughing, tells her she has done absolutely nothing wrong and that he wishes he could see the piercing - but that he bets that it’s beautiful and suits her. He promises to help talk Seteth around to it, and asks her if she plans to get any more piercings. Flayn is shocked, but does confess she is curious to try more if this one heals well. Taliesin assures her that all will be fine. He admits that he didn’t expect her to rebel in this way, but that he’s absolutely not against it - to which Flayn says she took his advice from before to heart, and that she’s determined to become her own person. Whilst she loves her father dearly, she cannot let him stifle her forever. This is only a small start to her becoming her own person, but she will continue to improve. Taliesin praises her, and promises to be there to support her no matter what she does.

With Edelgard von Hresvelg


C Support

In Crimson Flower, Edelgard comes to Taliesin in the library, where he is writing in his book. She asks him about his writing and about his historical recordkeeping. She asks him if he knows everything that has happened in Fodlan’s history, and he explains that he knows of the things that he has witnessed and recorded, but that he is aware of gaps in his records and knowledge due to being unable to be everywhere at once. Edelgard pushes her questions, asking Taliesin if he knows what she went through when captured by Those Who Slither in the Dark. Taliesin explains that he knew the Agarthans were capable of experimentation, and that they were undertaking such experiments, but that he did not specifically know she was a part of that, nor did he know what she went through specifically. Edelgard asks if he would like to know, for his records, and Taliesin says he will record it if she wishes for it, but that the decision to tell that story is hers and not something she should rush. Edelgard shakes her head, admitting she has wanted the truth known for sometime, and what better way for it to be told than in an official record of Fodlan’s history. With that, Taliesin asks her to begin, and makes his notes as she starts to explain.

B Support

Later, Edelgard approaches Taliesin and asks that she can read the record he has written from what she told him. He agrees, and hands her the book, hearing her muttering the words as she reads. He jokes that his handwriting is probably hard to read, and then hears her make a displeased noise. She turns to him and asks him why he does not admonish Those Who Slither in the Dark for the vile and evil group that they are. She admits she dislikes that it is not more emphasised how awful and repugnant they were to do what they did. Taliesin agrees, and says that he does not condone their actions in any way. Merely, he writes with the intention of keeping it as neutral as possible. History is most often written by the winners, and their opinion imparts what is thought of the losers. In the same way Edelgard wishes to write of Those Who Slither in the Dark as abhorrent and evil, and indeed she is not wrong to feel that way, equally if their forces were to win they would write a history that commends and justifies their actions. Taliesin states he chooses a neutral path, so that history is recorded objectively and as unbiased as he can make it. Edelgard remarks that he likely still has bias, and he agrees. Saying he couldn’t ever truly consider Those Who Slither in the Dark to be justifiable.

A Support

In the final battles of the war, Edelgard approaches Taliesin. She asks to speak with him, and requests that he be the one to record the history of their struggles against the church. He remarks that he is already doing so, but asks what has lead to her personally requesting it from him. She explains she has thought of what he said about his writing, and that she has realised many historians will document this war and her life, and that she knows there will be those who admire her and praise her ideals and work, and that there will be those who admonish and condemn her as a conqueror and such. Edelgard asks Taliesin that he write it because she knows that, despite his personal opinions on matters, his writings at least will be fairer and more balanced than other historical accounts of her life and actions. Taliesin agrees to the task, and she asks him that he not tell her his actual opinion - as she will not be swayed from her task even if he does not think it the right path. Taliesin promises to take his opinions to the grave with him, and that his account shall merely be factual. Edelgard thanks him for his kindness in keeping neutral, and says that she looks forward to reading the finished document some day.

With Linhardt von Hevring


C Support

Linhardt approaches Taliesin early on in the timeskip, already brimming with a million questions about his work and writings. He admits to Taliesin that he feels completely lost and in a panic over his knowledge, as he has been fascinated by crest research his entire life and thought he knew it all until Taliesin came and threw off everything he thought to be true. Taliesin calms him, admitting he admires Linhardt’s determination and curiosity. Jokingly, he asks Linhardt if this is the one way to get him to be motivated instead of sleeping all day and night. Linhardt pouts, asking how he could possibly sleep soundly anymore now that he knows all of his life’s research and reading has been completely wrong. He begs Taliesin to take him on as a student, because he needs to know what crests truly are and how they work before he will be able to ever concentrate on anything else again - including sleep. This makes Taliesin laugh, and he promises to teach him what he can, but only if Linhardt promises him to still assist Byleth and the others as well so that he does not drag their efforts down. Linhardt agrees, and says he shall return to Taliesin with all of his questions listed out ready for answers.

B Support

Returning with a whole list of questions, Linhardt excitedly begins to interrogate Taliesin with questions about everything pertaining to crests and crest knowledge. Taliesin explains how crests are unique to each Nabatean, and that they are passed on through giving Nabatean blood to human hosts. Initially, the crests present in most of his friends are from deceased Nabateans where the blood was taken forcefully and used by those humans to make themselves more powerful. Linhardt interrupts him, however, to say that his crest belongs to a Nabatean who is very much still alive - Cethleann. And, Linhardt adds, what about those bearing the crest of Seiros or Cichol? Taliesin laughs and asks him to slow down, and that he will explain all in time. When Linhardt allows him to speak again, Taliesin explains that crests can also be given without killing the Nabatean - most likely through some kind of blood transfusion. Though he does not know exactly how Cichol or Cethleann gifted their crests and has not yet had a chance to ask them. Linhardt ponders asking them himself, but Taliesin suggests that it may not be the best of ideas, as it would likely stir up bad memories for them. Begrudgingly, Linhardt agrees not to pester them, but he admits that this is a lot of information to take in. That it feels like everything that he knew and once held to be true has been completely blown apart - and that it feels very surreal. Taliesin suggests they reconvene again another time when Linhardt has had some time to think on it all, and he agrees.

A Support

With the war continuing on, Linhardt approaches Taliesin to ask him if he might become a student of his. Taliesin is surprised, and asked what brought that on, as it seems like travelling and wandering places would be the exact opposite of what Linhardt would want to do with his life. Taliesin warns him that it would hardly be a chance for constant napping, and that depending on how the war turns out it may even be a life somewhat on the run. Linhardt says he is prepared - as he has now read all of Taliesin’s books and texts and needs more knowledge. He has figured that the best way to learn would be to accompany the one who is writing the books that he has learnt so much from, so that he can also experience this knowledge and truth first hand. Taliesin says that he is admirable, and that if Linhardt is prepared to sacrifice a few naps in the name of finding out more about crest research, then he is welcome to come along with him if he so wishes. Linhardt admits he will still try to sleep where he can, as he cannot be expected to lead a life completely without naps, but that he will try his best. Taliesin agrees to that, but says that this is a discussion best left for after the war. For now, Linhardt should focus on aiding his allies and bringing peace. Linhardt agrees, but makes Taliesin promise to take him on afterwards.

With Ashe Ubert


C Support

In Amber Scales, post time skip, Ashe is out late one night staring up at the skies and watching the stars. He’s thinking aloud to himself about whether or not he has made the right choices, and whether or not Lord Lonato would be pleased with him. He’s caught off guard by Taliesin appearing behind him. Truthfully, Taliesin is just as surprised as he didn’t realise that he wouldn’t be the only person awake this late. Ashe apologises, and confesses that he couldn’t sleep, he had too many thoughts in his mind. Taliesin offers to let him speak in confidence, if it will help, and Ashe turns to him and asks if he ever met Lord Lonato whilst on his travels. Taliesin confesses he never met the man personally, but he did hear of what became of him because of the Church and the Knights. Ashe is saddened, and says that he feels that the Church tells a story about his adoptive father that is wrong, and doesn’t actually show what a kind good father figure he was, and completely omits the real reasons he raised criticism of the church. Taliesin listens carefully, letting Ashe get it all off his chest before he admits he knows exactly how that feels. Ashe gasps, and apologises for reminding Taliesin of his own trauma. Taliesin merely shakes his head, and says he’s used to it. But Ashe apologises again and promises to make amends for this, before excusing himself.

B Support

A while later, Ashe comes back to Taliesin, holding a book in his hands. Taliesin asks him to describe it as he cannot see it, and Ashe explains that it is his personal copy of the tale of Saint Taliesin, one that he used to read as a child. He explains that he understands now that this book was like the rumours that have now been spread of Lord Lonato - a fabrication to better the church’s appearance and not a reflection of the actual truth. Ashe admits he used to read the church version of the tale of Saint Taliesin often as a child, and he’s still getting used to meeting the saint himself. But now that he has, he wants to correct the story that he read as a child. Ashe offers to rewrite the story, if Taliesin will help him by explaining the truth of what happened to him - so long as he’s comfortable telling it. Taliesin laughs and comments that the story will hardly be appropriate for children if it tells the truth, but Ashe insists. He wishes to correct the lies. That makes Taliesin happy, and he asks Ashe if he’d like, as a fair exchange of both their skills, he chronicles Lord Lonato for him. That way, both of them get the truth they rightfully deserve. Ashe is overjoyed and agrees, promising to get to work right away.

With Marianne von Edmund


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Taliesin happens upon Marianne in the post time skip, praying in the church at Garreg Mach despite it mostly being in ruins. He is curious, but does not interrupt her until she is done. When she is, she hears him move and turns around in surprise - asking him how long he has been listening in. He admits that it wasn’t long, and that he didn’t wish to interrupt her prayer. She remarks that he must think her stupid for still praying even after all they have learnt about the truth of The Church of Seiros and of the Goddess. He disagrees, and tells her that her faith is not something he would ever ridicule. Faith is a personal choice and we should never judge another person for what brings them solace in difficult times. Marianne asks if he thinks that she is misguided, and he tells her that if anything she offers a unique perspective for him to learn from, and that should she ever wish to talk of her faith and what it means to her, Goddess or no Goddess, then he would be very happy to give her the time to do so. She gets flustered at talking about herself, but confesses that she has been wanting to gain confidence since these five years have passed. She asks him to let her have some time to think over what she wants to say, which he gladly grants her.

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Marianne comes to see Taliesin, admitting that she is finally ready to talk of what her faith means to her. She apologises that it may be a long explanation, but he merely asks her to take as long as she needs and talk all she wishes - so long as he might perhaps write it down. Marianne agrees and begins. To her, she initially found solace in praying that the Goddess might take her to be with her, because she felt such a burden upon the world because of her cursed crest and her isolation from others. She has come to realise, over time, that she wishes to stay here in order to protect the friends who have accepted her and welcomed her despite her crest and despite how much she tried to push them away. Now, she thanks the Goddess in her prayer for granting her the help and friends she needed to realise her own strengths, and to encourage her to work hard as a person. That is why she chooses to continue to pray, as she wishes for the safety of those around her. When she finishes, Taliesin is stunned into silence for a moment, taking it all in, and then he admits he truly admires her. Her faith has helped her grow, and he tells her that she is a shining example of faith as a source of good, unlike the church. He remarks that the Goddess must be proud of her, and Marianne questions whether he believes Sothis to truly be a Goddess. Taliesin says that Sothis can be considered a Goddess figure if that is what Marianne wishes her to be, and given that she was a progenitor to their kind, perhaps it is not far off what might be called a Deity. This makes Marianne happy, and she offers to pray for him. Taliesin jokes that he feels like she’s telling his distant mother on him, but she sees the funny side of the remark.

With Yuri Leclerc


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In Abyss, Yuri approaches a disguised Taliesin and asks to speak with him privately. Taliesin agrees, and once the two are alone Yuri admits that he knew Taliesin’s true identity long before he had it forcefully revealed by Rhea - a confession that genuinely surprises Taliesin as he didn’t know it had happened. Yuri explains that he was sworn to secrecy by Oculis after it happened, but that now Taliesin is known by everyone he felt that there was no harm in telling him that he already knew. Taliesin agrees, but asks Yuri to tell him how he found out. Yuri laughs, telling him how some time ago, he had grown worried because he had noticed that “Wren” had not left his house in over a month and that he thought something might have happened to him. As such, he picked the lock of Taliesin’s house in Abyss and broke in, expecting to at least find clues as to what was going on there. What he found instead, however, was Taliesin sleeping without his illusion. Yuri admitted he was shocked to find him there, and looking that way, but that Oculis explained the situation to him and he promised not to tell anyone. Taliesin is rather flustered and embarrassed, but thanks Yuri for keeping his secret at least. He admits that he never intended for his alias to be discovered so soon, and that he is still trying to come up with a new one but has yet to decide what it will be yet. Yuri laughs, and offers help if he ever needs it before he goes.

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After a while, Taliesin approaches Yuri to ask him about coming up with a new alias for after the war. Yuri is curious by that, and asks Taliesin why he is coming to him of all people for such a favour - to which Taliesin replies that he trusts someone who is an expert at going by multiple names and identities to help him with his. Yuri is curious, and asks him how he knows of that, only for Taliesin to laugh and remark that he has encountered Yuri many times in different guises, long before he befriended him as “Wren” and his true identity was discovered. Yuri is somewhat shocked, realising he wasn’t the first person to work out the true identity of the other, and he asks Taliesin to elaborate on this. Taliesin is teasingly vague, but confesses that he found it easy enough to slip in as one of Yuri’s personal bandits with the intention of writing about them in his works. Yuri mutters that he should have noticed - but Taliesin remarks that there was no way he could have known unless he possessed some very powerful magic, since he was using his crest magic and that is above the abilities of humans. Yuri relents, and says that he’ll help Taliesin find a new identity, but that he’s not allowed to become one of his goons again because he doesn’t like to be messed around like that. Taliesin laughs, and tells him he promises to behave this time, and thanks him for the offer of assistance. They agree to both think and part ways.

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As the war continues on, Yuri approaches Taliesin to speak with him, saying that he has been thinking it over about a new alias for him. He asks Taliesin if he even needs one, given that if the war ends well, Taliesin will be cleared of his slanderous reputation and no longer hunted down. He will be able to travel freely however he wishes without the need for a disguise. Taliesin throws the question back to Yuri, and asks if he will go back to his real name after the war - given that he will also likely be forgiven for his crimes as well. Yuri laughs and says he cannot go back to just being his true self, as he still has things he wishes to do that he does not want connected to his real identity. Taliesin says he is the same, though he speculates his intentions are less criminal than Yuri’s. This makes them both laugh, and they agree to disagree on the need for disguises. Yuri then suggests Taliesin not tell him who he plans to become after the war, otherwise he will only know to look out for him - and that might affect his writings and travels. Taliesin thanks him for that, and says he hopes that Yuri has luck with whatever alias he chooses as well, even if he will always know it is Yuri who is there - as he cannot be fooled by visual tricks like others can. Yuri simply makes him promise to keep his secrets, which Taliesin happily agrees to do.

With Oculis


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After fleeing capture by the Church of Seiros, Oculis confronts Taliesin, upset and slightly angry about how much risk Taliesin put himself at for his ideals. Whilst he understands Taliesin’s intentions and his desire to spur critical thinking in the other students, this sudden revelation was reckless and caused a needless battle. Taliesin explains he felt this confrontation was a long time coming, and that he needed to do something more upfront as they couldn’t just passively hope that the students would receive his messages through the books in the library. Oculis gets increasingly upset, and snaps that he understands it but he still feels terrified because of the ways in which this confrontation could have gone very very wrong for the both of them. He confesses that he would be heartbroken if he had lost Taliesin so needlessly and that getting himself killed by taking too big risks would only be detrimental to his cause. Taliesin is taken aback by the outburst, but immediately quietens. He apologises, realising that he has hurt someone very close to him and that he did take unnecessary risks in confronting Rhea like he did.

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Returning sometime later, Taliesin asks Oculis to spend some time with him, because the two haven’t had much time alone since they fled Garreg Mach and hid in the deeper Abyss together. When they are alone, Taliesin properly apologises to Oculis for his recklessness and for worrying him. He explains that he owes Oculis so much for all the time that the two of them have spent together, and for all of the help that Oculis has given to him through the years. Without him, Taliesin admits that he would have never survived this long with his blindness and with Rhea and the rest of the Church of Seiros hunting him down. Oculis, flustered, confesses he only did what he could and that it likely wasn’t enough - only to be interrupted as Taliesin asks him to remember how things were between them back when they first met. Oculis admits to how scared of Taliesin he felt back then, because of what Nabateans had done to his family and his people, and then he asks if Taliesin felt similar. Taliesin agrees, saying he was injured and likely dying from his injuries, but that he still trusted in Oculis because he could feel that the man had a strong and good heart. And, Taliesin adds with a smile, he was very right in his judgement. He says that Oculis has come so far for him, and that he was a fool to almost throw all of that kindness away. The two embrace and decide they’ll spend the night with just each other’s company, reminiscing of their time together.

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As the war draws to a close, Taliesin approaches Oculis and asks to speak with him. Oculis says he always has time for Taliesin, and affectionately beckons him over. They stand on the balcony of Garreg Mach, and Taliesin asks Oculis to describe the view for him. He does, and the two stand in content silence for a moment until Taliesin speaks. He says to Oculis that he wishes to travel once again, now that he has less risk of being hunted down for his ideals, but that this time it will be different. He tells Oculis that he plans to take a travelling partner every time he goes this time, and asks Oculis if he would be alright with a life on the road again. Oculis chides him and says of course he will accompany him, that is what a friend should do. Taliesin shakes his head, explaining that over their thousand years of travel he has come to see Oculis as far, far more than just a friend to him. As Oculis blushes, Taliesin continues his confession - he says that Oculis has something no other person has, a beautiful soul that he can see not just with his magic, but also with how Oculis has been so constantly kind and wonderful towards him. He realises he’s been selfish and reckless, but will move past that in order to protect the most important person to him. That from now on, there will be two of them striving for truth and that he will never feel alone again. Oculis reminds him he’s never truly been alone, and that all this time he has had him with him, and always will have him with him. Taliesin nods, and says that that was exactly what he was hoping Oculis would say. They hold hands, and Taliesin says he thinks the view is beautiful, looking at Oculis. Oculis asks him what his magic lets him see, and Taliesin simply replies with “You.”

With Tamara Aleksandrovna Petrova


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In her usual eager and excitable manner, Tamara approaches Taliesin and asks him if he has ever considered how much he reminds her of an earthworm. Taliesin is confused by this logic, and a little bit taken off guard, but he asks her to elaborate. Tamara gleefully explains that earthworms are blind, and so is Taliesin and thus he is like an earthworm. Though he cannot fault that logic, Taliesin explains to Tamara that some people might not find that kind of comparison complimentary. She shakes her head, firm in her belief that calling someone a worm is in no way insulting, because of how useful and interesting worms are as a creature. Taliesin remains unconvinced, and asks her if there are perhaps any better animals that fit him - because worms aren’t the only animals that are blind. Shaking her head, she says that she thought of a mole but that that felt insulting - which leads Taliesin to remark on her logic that worms are not insulting but moles are. Tamara also firmly hints that she is also trying to find something to compare him to that is not what he can turn into. She doesn’t say the word, but Taliesin gets the hint and thanks her for her kindness in not saying it. Tamara decides she will take time to find better ways to explain her point, leaving Taliesin to contemplate the whole meeting.

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A while later, Tamara returns to Taliesin, gleefully calling out to him to get his attention. He is happy to see her, and remarks how bright her aura is and that she must be very happy - something she absolutely agrees with. With great delight, Tamara explains that she now knows how to explain to Taliesin why he is like an earthworm without it seeming like an insult. Taliesin, curious, asks for her to elaborate. She explains that worms help nourish the earth and they create tunnels for other insects to use. Gesticulating wildly, Tamara explains that Taliesin is also nourishing because his knowledge nourishes peoples’ minds with new learning. He also creates tunnels like worms, because he burrows into people’s heads and creates new ways of thinking. Realising that she’s actually trying to make a genuine compliment out of this, Taliesin is very flattered and compliments her creativity with the comparison. He asks her to explain again, so that this time he can write it down in his book. Tamara agrees, saying she will help get him to somewhere where he can sit down and write, saying that the most important reason he is like a worm is because he is also her friend, and worms are friends. Taliesin laughs fondly at that, and offers to buy her tea if she gets them to a place to sit.

With Kirill Gavrilovich Kuznetsov


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Kirill approaches Taliesin in abyss during the Academy Phase, asking to speak with him for a moment. He notes how good Taliesin’s disguises are, and how much they make for good costumes and acting - he had noticed how good of an actor Taliesin is and for this he compliments him on it. Taliesin is flattered, and thanks Kirill for his kind words and support, but admits that he doesn’t really consider himself much of an actor. This surprises Kirill, who asks Taliesin to elaborate on it. Taliesin explains that his illusions are part of the innate magic of his crest, not a result of any hard work or training like acting is. Kirill counters and says that not all acting is trained, innate talent is a concept and Taliesin could make for a fine actor thanks to it. He asks Taliesin to come by the amateur dramatics club sometime if he wishes, and that they can accommodate him in the theatre if he’d like to try anything out. Taliesin thanks Kirill for the kind offer and says that he may come by, if they have any positions going for a blind actor anyways - playing it off as a joke. Kirill reassures that if he came, they’d make every accommodation.

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Kirill is rehearsing, and as he finishes his speech he sees Taliesin was listening to him talk the entire time. Taliesin applauds, and Kirill bows, mostly out of habit. He comes over to ask him what he thought of the speech, and Taliesin commends his fine acting skills. Once again, Kirill asks him if he wishes to participate or try anything out, but Taliesin declines the request. Kirill remarks offhandedly that he finds its a shame that Taliesin would not make use of innate talent, leading to the man to confess that he sees his “acting” as less of a fun thing and a career and more as a survival skill, as he would have not lasted as long as he has done without it. Kirill is a little surprised, but remarks he knows that it can be a survival skill as well as for fun. However, before he can elaborate his point, Taliesin speaks up and says that he already can tell that Kirill knows what he is talking about, given that he is constantly acting around everyone and never shows his true self. Kirill is completely taken aback, and temporarily breaks character completely to ask how Taliesin knew since he cannot see. He becomes a nervous and stuttering Taliesin explains to Kirill that his aura will always show his true self, despite how he acts, and that is what he sees. Kirill struggles for words, and Taliesin tells him not to be nervous about it. He can tell that Kirill has good intentions and a passion for his work, and that he should keep that up. And that he will come along to support his performances if he does. Though still shocked, Kirill manages to stammer out thanks.

With Lucius Mortem


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In Crimson Flower’s Post Time-Skip, Taliesin approaches Lucius to ask how he is feeling after all the fighting and spending time recovering from his injuries. Lucius is a little guarded about it, but insists that he is fine and doing well since the battle. Taliesin then asks how Lucius is feeling now that he bears a crest, admitting that as he has never gifted his crest to anyone before now and he is concerned about what the after effects of it might be. Lucius tells him that he feels more powerful now, but that he still needs to find out what that power can do. Taliesin offers to help him, but Lucius refuses and says he can handle it himself. This makes Taliesin a little concerned, and he reminds Lucius gently that he does not have to face new power like this alone, and that sometimes it is alright to ask for help. Lucius becomes yet more guarded at this, and says he has handled every other change in his life on his own just fine, and that he doesn’t need to be interfered with now. Taliesin appears saddened, admitting to Lucius he can see loneliness in his aura, but that he understands not knowing how to reach out when you are used to being independent. Lucius stubbornly disagrees and tells him he will be just fine, and that he will find his own way in this. He tells Taliesin that he will not accept being bossed around by him just because he now has his crest, and that he is perfectly capable of looking after himself as he has always done. Taliesin tries to speak up, but before he can, Lucius storms off. Left behind, Taliesin shakes his head and says to himself that he is worried Lucius will hurt himself without someone to show him how to properly use his new magic.

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Taliesin is out walking when he hears a yell coming from the training grounds. He hurries over as best he can, to discover Lucius caught up in trying to use his illusion magic. It has backfired, and activated Lucius’ memories in startling clarity around him - causing him to panic. Sensing trouble, Taliesin disperses the illusion and frees Lucius, coming over to check he is alright. Lucius lashes out in panic, yelling to Taliesin to leave him alone and that he can handle it just fine. He is, however, very much not handling the situation well at all. As Lucius starts to have a panic attack, Taliesin steps in with a healing spell and persists in making sure that Lucius is alright even when he insists he is handling it. Eventually, Lucius relents and accepts the healing and thanks Taliesin for it. He says it’s still strange for him to get help from others, as he’s used to every adult and authority figure in his life mistreating him. With some prompting, Lucius confesses to Taliesin that he is cautious of him because he felt that now he bears Taliesin’s crest, Taliesin would try to exert authority over him. Taliesin merely shakes his head and assures him that he would do no such thing. He cares, naturally, but he also fully respects Lucius’ autonomy and desire to be independent - he likes to be independent himself too. But he tells him that one thing he has learnt is that sometimes it is alright to lean on others, and that Lucius shouldn’t needlessly hurt himself trying to do things alone when he could ask someone to be with him. Though he says he will have to see about that, Lucius agrees, and thanks Taliesin for his help this time.

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Lucius comes to approach Taliesin by himself this time, asking if he can get some advice and help with his new crest magic. Taliesin is pleased, and thanks him for coming to him for help this time, that way they can avoid any potential chaos. Lucius agrees, and admits it took time for him to work up the courage to ask, but he wants to get better with his new magic and power. Taliesin asks him what he is looking to learn to do specifically, which leads to Lucius asking Taliesin about their last encounter - and how much of it Taliesin actually saw. Taliesin admits that he saw it all, because he shares that same magical capability and is able to physically see memories conjured up by his magic even without his eyes. However, he knows that memories are deeply personal and he didn’t want to bring up any further trauma for Lucius given all that he had already gone through in being reminded of his past. Lucius thanks him for that, and says that Taliesin must know, therefore, that he has a lot of physical scarring left by the abuse of his parents. Lucius tells him that he wants to use his new illusion magic in order to hide his scars. He has seen Taliesin do it with his eyes, and equally he thinks it will be a lot cheaper than using makeup to do it. Taliesin is surprised, but understands how Lucius feels. Happy to help, and even happier that Lucius now seems to have some trust in him, he agrees and begins to teach Lucius how to use his new magic. To both their delight, he is successfully able to create an illusion on his face, and Lucius is overjoyed. He thanks Taliesin, and promises to come back again if he needs more help - Taliesin thanks him too and they part ways happily.

With Sephtis von Ubel


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During Amber Scales, Taliesin finds Sephtis’ office by chance and enters, sensing Sephtis inside. Sephtis happens to be preparing a lesson, and seeing Taliesin he asks if he minds coming to help him. Taliesin is curious, and says he won’t be much good at reading things off the board like a teacher would but that he’ll try. Sephtis laughs, and tells him he won’t have to do that, rather he would like for Taliesin to speak about Fódlan history with his students. Sephtis explains that often he teaches from books he has found in the Abyss library rather than the ones set by the Church of Seiros, as they offer a much more comprehensive and fair explanation. Taliesin lights up with excitement, and jokingly asks Sephtis why he even needs him there if he is already teaching from the books he has written. Sephtis smiles, and says that having the real author in class to speak about their research is infinitely more invaluable than just looking at texts. Sephtis explains he suspected the author of those books to be Taliesin for sometime, but could not confirm anything until he met Taliesin in person. As such, he would be honoured to have him in class this time. Taliesin is overjoyed and accepts the opportunity to teach, asking for Sephtis to guide him to the classroom when it is time and that he will do his best to make things interesting.

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After classes finish, Taliesin approaches Septhis with some questions of his own. He has noticed that Sephtis has a very deep knowledge of Fódlan’s truths and the history and science behind crests - much more than would be learnt just from reading the texts that Taliesin has left accessible to people. Sephtis laughs it off, calling himself a big fan of Taliesin’s works and of doing personal research, but Taliesin exists that he would like to learn where Sephtis gained his knowledge from, so that he also might learn more and be able to write more. Sephtis again laughs, and says it is amusing for him to teach the man who’s books taught him so much. Taliesin becomes firmer now, and asks Sephtis why he is dodging the questions. Now Septhis too becomes guarded, and after checking that the door is closed and locked, he quietly explains that he has learnt much of his research from “another of Taliesin’s kind” who is also not allied with the Church of Seiros. This makes Taliesin very interested and concerned, and he starts to ask more questions about who this other Nabatean is - only for Sephtis to ask Taliesin kindly not to press further. He explains that the topic is still very sensitive to him, as it is deeply connected to the fall of his family and the deaths of many people he cared of. Taliesin relents, understanding that it is painful for Sephtis to discuss, but admits that he is concerned if there are still others of his kind left across Fódlan, as he doesn’t know what they might be like. This makes Sephtis laugh darkly, saying that Taliesin has no idea.

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After the completion of Sephtis and Rusalka’s paralogue, and the chaos of Abaddon’s escape and attack on the students, Taliesin approaches Sephtis’ office and knocks. Sephtis lets him inside, and asks why he has come to visit so late. Taliesin admits he has come to apologise for pressing sensitive questions the last time they spoke like this. Given all they have both witnessed and gone through thanks to Abaddon, he now understands why Sephtis was so keen to keep those truths buried. He admits he knew that it was likely remaining Nabateans who were not Church-aligned might be hostile, but never expected something as intense as this. Sephtis stops him, and tells him that it is fine and that he doesn’t have to apologise. Sephtis explains that he had tried to keep it quiet mostly for the sake of his son, as he knows that the guilt plagues Rusalka a lot and he wants to find some way to help his son move past his trauma and learn to cope. Taliesin nods sagely, and calls Sephtis admirable for this. He also states that he hopes now that Abaddon is dealt with, things will be much easier for the two of them. Sephtis agrees, and admits he is grateful that Taliesin is at least understanding of the fact that they had to kill Abaddon, even if it meant killing one of the last of the remaining Nabateans. Taliesin tells Sephtis that the preservation of their species is not a priority to him, he has long come to accept that Nabateans will likely die out eventually - and that he would rather protect the safety of humans who have done little to no wrong than a Nabatean who has harmed so callously. With one eyebrow raised, Sephtis asks cautiously if Taliesin also means that about Rhea, and is surprised when Taliesin starts laughing. Taliesin tells him that Rhea has done so much wrong that it would be a horrible reputation for their species to bear if she continues to stay alive and preach her lies. If she dies, he will only find it right for the course of human history that she passes on and allows people to move on from the trauma of the past. They both agree on this, and Sephtis asks Taliesin if he’d like to do more teaching sometime.

With Feleath Ó Dubhuidhir


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This is to be confirmed at a later date.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et neque nibh. Aliquam tristique urna ut odio varius, quis mattis mi ultricies. Quisque felis tortor, ultricies ac facilisis vitae, auctor vel erat. Quisque sapien enim, egestas eget lectus ut, congue dignissim orci. Maecenas fermentum tristique feugiat. Morbi sem metus, dictum ut lacus non, iaculis egestas urna. Donec non magna at massa semper lobortis ut quis justo. Nulla molestie tortor pretium porta ornare. Ut consequat vitae metus nec pulvinar. Maecenas non magna sit amet libero laoreet vestibulum eget ac elit. Vivamus ornare ac nulla vitae vulputate.

A Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et neque nibh. Aliquam tristique urna ut odio varius, quis mattis mi ultricies. Quisque felis tortor, ultricies ac facilisis vitae, auctor vel erat. Quisque sapien enim, egestas eget lectus ut, congue dignissim orci. Maecenas fermentum tristique feugiat. Morbi sem metus, dictum ut lacus non, iaculis egestas urna. Donec non magna at massa semper lobortis ut quis justo. Nulla molestie tortor pretium porta ornare. Ut consequat vitae metus nec pulvinar. Maecenas non magna sit amet libero laoreet vestibulum eget ac elit. Vivamus ornare ac nulla vitae vulputate.

With Hollis Raines


C Support

In the timeskip of Amber Scales, Hollis comes sprinting to Taliesin and asks him to help find him somewhere to hide. When Taliesin asks why, curious as to what kind of mischief has made Hollis this terrified, the boy admits that he used ink concentrate to stencil the emblem of Flayn’s crest on her arm like a temporary tattoo. The problem is, it won’t come off easily because the ink has stained really hard. Even if it isn’t permanent, it isn’t going away anytime soon and Hollis has also found out that Seteth has seen said mark on his daughter. Hollis begs Taliesin hide him because he knows that Seteth will definitely murder him for what he’s done to Flayn. Taliesin, on the other hand, bursts out laughing at the whole ordeal. He asks if Flayn consented to the tattoo, and Hollis says she did and she asked him to do it because she liked his own piercings. She even asked to have her ears pierced by him, but he backed out at the last moment fearing the consequences. Taliesin finds this even funnier, and teasingly chides Hollis for potentially giving Seteth multiple heart attacks over this. Hollis, panicking but also laughing, says he’s accepted death as his punishment but at least wants to escape for a little longer before it happens. Taliesin offers him the chance to hide in his room, but can’t promise him complete safety. Hollis thanks him and runs off to hide, leaving Taliesin to snicker to himself about how much he is reminded of his own childhood antics with Seteth, and how Hollis is a fantastic influence for Flayn.

B Support

Later on in the timeskip, Taliesin hears Hollis approach him and he asks him how the confrontation with Seteth went. Hollis begrudgingly admits it went badly, and Taliesin remarks that he thought he smelled wyvern muck and wondered if Hollis had been forced to do his work under duress as punishment. He is exactly correct, and Hollis is very displeased by it. Taliesin laughs, much to Hollis’ chagrin, and asks him if he’s learnt that actions have consequences yet. Hollis rolls his eyes, and then realises that Taliesin can’t see that, and so he says he always gets into a mess with the things he does - only to hear Taliesin say that he knows that. In fact, he has seen Hollis get into scrapes like this multiple times over the centuries. Hollis is surprised, and Taliesin tells him how often they would cross paths, but that Hollis did not recognise him thanks to his many disguises. He’d seen with his magic Hollis get kicked out of inns and have some very wild adventures with men more times than he could count. Hollis, flustered and blushing profusely, asks why he didn’t do anything to stop him making those mistakes. To which Taliesin merely replies that mistakes are important in life, and besides he thought it funny at the time. Hollis protests, but Taliesin tells him that he reminds him of himself and that is why he needs to make mistakes and learn from them, so that he can grow. Hollis accepts this but still makes Taliesin promise not to spread rumours.

A Support

Whilst Taliesin is writing in the library, he hears the sound of Seteth yelling, followed by Hollis yelling and running. Sensing trouble, he goes to investigate and is practically knocked over by both Hollis and Seteth running into him. Sent sprawling, thankfully both his brother and nephew pause long enough in their argument to help Taliesin back on his feet. He asks the both of them what is going on, and gets a flurry of argumentative explanations from both sides. Sighing, he gets Hollis and Seteth to explain one by one, and it turns out that Seteth caught Hollis sneaking off again and, worse still he argues, that he discovered Hollis has a copy of the wine cellar key. Hollis defends himself, saying that he was only going to have some fun and that Seteth needs to lighten up about this. That only leads to them arguing again and Taliesin has to get them both to stop. He sighs, and tells Seteth that Hollis is just trying to have some fun and that he’s young. When Seteth protests he stops him, and reminds Seteth of how they were in their youth as well. Flustered, Seteth backs down and storms off, leaving Hollis to loudly and eagerly ask for details on just how bad Taliesin and Seteth were as children. Taliesin laughs and promises to tell him sometime, because he has many many stories about it. Hollis thanks him for interfering this time, and Taliesin remarks that he’ll only interfere when it feels like Hollis is in genuine danger, or when Seteth also needs to learn from his mistakes as well. Understanding, Hollis thanks his “forbidden Uncle” and tells him he still has the cellar key and that he’s off to go have some fun. Taliesin just laughs and lets him go.

With Curan Silvius Menteth


C Support

In Amber Scales, Curan approaches Taliesin because he has questions about Nabateans and about their crests and magic. He’s curious to know if every Nabatean has a specialty based on their crest, and Taliesin explains that it is not always the case, but often their crest will influence what they can do. Curan is satisfied with this, and remarks that it is just as he suspected given what he knows of crests and crest stones. He then asks Taliesin if he ever knew of other Nabateans aside those in the Church of Seiros. Taliesin says he has been aware that some others survived the wars, but that he hasn’t met with them personally to know who they are or what has become of them. Somewhat concerned, Taliesin asks Curan how he appears to know so much already about this, and to his shock Curan reveals that he was raised and mentored by a Nabatean teacher himself. Taliesin is immediately concerned, and asks to know more about it, but before either of them get the chance to, Seteth comes by. Taliesin shushes Curan and suggests they talk on this another time.

B Support

Curan and Taliesin find another moment to speak alone, and Taliesin asks for more about the Nabatean teacher that Curan had as a child. Curan explains that his teacher is likely still at the household, as they took care of him up until he left to join The Officer’s Academy. Taliesin asks what sort of things he was taught, and that is where Curan talks about learning his healing from them, and that they taught them about the origins of crests as well. This makes Taliesin very interested, as Curan is the first person that he’s ever met who knows where crests actually come from, and knows that it is not like what is said in history and crestology books. Curan continues, and explains that he bears his teacher’s crest, because they gave it to him in order to save his life from a disease that struck him in childhood. Had he not been given the blood, which was administered through his eye, then likely he would not have lived. Taliesin asks to see, and Curan asks him how exactly he’s going to see anything at all. Taliesin remembers, and confesses that he can use his own magic to “see” crest magic if there is any present. Curious, Curan happily “shows” him what his eye looks like under his fringe, and for the first time his second eye is revealed. Taliesin gasps, seeing the magic and crest there, and remarks that this is unlike anything he’s ever seen before. He thanks Curan, and admits he actually finds it pleasant to see Nabatean crests given to humans for good reasons rather than violent or malevolent ones. Curan agrees that, whilst of course the crest has helped him in battle, it saved his life more than anything. Taliesin remarks he will make careful note of this, and asks Curan to thank his teacher, next he see them.

Traitors to Both Their Kinds

Traitors to Both Their Kinds
Objective Defeat Commander
Units Allowed 12
Boss High Priest
Reward(s) Eluned
Script Chapter Script

I must request we take on this assignment, even if it is a tangent to our main goals. I wish to recover something of immense importance to me, and I feel that recovering it will also greatly benefit us in our future endeavours.

Taliesin, Traitors to Both Their Kinds

Traitors to Both Their Kinds is a paralogue in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


As the paralogue begins, Oculis and Byleth are talking together about their lesson plans when they are both interrupted by a very flustered Taliesin. He admits he has been looking for them both for some time, as he has some good news. Curious, Byleth asks him what the news is. Oculis, also curious, asks if he can know as well - only for Taliesin to insist he stay as the news will be of great interest to him as well. He explains that, after many hundreds of years searching for it, he has finally tracked down his relic. Byleth, confused, asks how Taliesin has a relic if he is still alive - to which it is Oculis who answers and explains that he was the one to make it, using fragments from Taliesin’s skull after his eyes were removed. It is a protective relic, meant to help Taliesin evade danger. However, the relic was lost after they escaped being hunted down by the Knights of Seiros.

Taliesin nods, and explains that finally he has found it after all these years. It was under Garreg Mach, of all places, being kept in the Holy Tomb. He wants to retrieve it, but it might be dangerous because of the church soldiers that are still lingering in that space - and not to mention the very strong presence of Rhea having been there in the past being difficult for him to face alone. A such, Taliesin came to find both Byleth and Oculis so that he could ask them for help. Oculis raises an eyebrow, and asks Taliesin if he really means for them to break into the Holy Tomb of all places - but Taliesin insists, as this relic is incredibly sentimentally important to him. Worried, but understanding, Oculis agrees and the two then turn to Byleth.

If Byleth agrees to accompany them, the paralogue begins, and the group descend into the Holy Tomb. Initially they find it empty, but also with no sign of the relic that they are searching for. As they go deeper, however, Taliesin, Oculis and the others are ambushed by a High Priest from the Church of Seiros with his own army. They chose to stay back in order to defend the Holy Tomb from raiders - following the wishes of the Archbishop Rhea. Most infuriating of all, they are wielding Taliesin’s relic. Seeing that, Taliesin tries to confront him and warn him that the relic will do him harm because he does not bear the crest it requires. The High Priest ignores him and says that he will do whatever it takes to keep The Heretic Saint from getting ahold of his relic and becoming a bigger threat to the Archbishop. Realising they have no other choice, a battle begins in the Holy Tomb.

Thankfully, when the battle is won they are able to recover the relic - Eluned. Back in the hands of its owner, its crest magic comes back to life, and it is clearly incredibly powerful. Taliesin explains to Byleth that it helps him evade danger, and that he can use it to become more useful to them in their quest to discover the truth. Byleth agrees, and Oculis remarks that he is just glad to have it back safe once again - as it has a lot of meaning to them both. Byleth asks why, and Taliesin fondly reveals that it was the gift Oculis gave to him when he confessed his feelings for him finally, and that it bears great romantic sentiments to them both because of it. Both of them are blushing, and Byleth agrees that it is quite romantic - though perhaps also a little odd. With their thanks to Byleth, Oculis and Taliesin accompany them back to the castle.

Availability, Units, and Suggested Level

With Both Oculis and Taliesin as mandatory units for this map, the advantage is definitely firmly on Byleth’s side. The difficulty comes from the terrain, as much of the floor is trapped thanks to the magic of the enemy’s priests, and the waves of church reinforcements that can lead to serious attrition if not well prepared and fast enough to deal with them. Thankfully, Taliesin’s personal ability can help with negating terrain effects for allies as well as for himself, and so grouping weaker units closer to him can help prevent them from taking needless damage each turn. Equally, both Taliesin and Oculis have strong magical capabilities, Taliesin in Faith and Oculis in Reason, that allow them to easily cover a wide range of attacks as well as protect other units. The best approach, therefore, is in making sure there are a few reasonably speedy and accurate units - often bow and magic units being best for this - that can take down reinforcements as they appear and leave both Taliesin and Oculis free to take on the boss.

On Hard and Maddening, the reinforcements come more often, and thus need to be dealt with even more quickly than on easier modes. Predominantly on all difficulties the main enemies are infantry, as this map takes place indoors. A heavy unit with an axe or, preferably, a hammer, can easily take down armoured enemies leaving the rest to be picked off by ranged weapons and attacks. The boss himself, the High Priest, wields a levin sword that is for Byleth to keep if they defeat him. He can be trickier on higher difficulties, thanks to his immunity to the terrain and his high evasion - since he also is using Taliesin’s relic weapon Eluned. However, it is important to note that he does not bear Taliesin’s crest, and thus will take damage whilst using that relic weapon. This will affect his health each turn, and makes him reliant upon using turns and allies to keep him at full health.

This paralogue is only available in the post timeskip of Amber Scales, with Oculis and Taliesin reunited, and as such the pool of available units for Byleth to form their army from is much more limited than in other paralogues. However, with the large number of units allowed in this battle, it is easy to cover the ground in strong units that have already made great progress in the main story. As this map is one of high endurance, particularly on maddening, it is best suited for higher level units than suggested, but can be done by underlevelled units so long as they are kept healed as much as possible.

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