Sephtis Von Ubel



3 years, 2 months ago


Sephtis Von Ubel

Sephtis Von Ubel

Names and Aliases
Name (JP): セフティス・ヴォン ウーベル
Sefutisu von uuberu
Name (Localised): Sephtis
Full Name (Localised): Sephtis Von Ubel
Aliases (Localised): Seph - (By Lilith)
Professor Sephtis - (By Students)
Biological Information
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Birthday: 1st May
Fódlan Birthday: 1st of the Harpstring Moon, Imperial Year 1145
Age: 35 (Pre-Timeskip)
40 (Post-Timeskip)
Relatives: Morfran Von Ubel† (Father)
Astrid Von Ubel† (Mother)
Lilith Von Ubel† (Wife)
Rusalka Von Ubel (Son)
Nationality: Adrestian Empire
Residence: Garreg Mach Monastery
Faction(s): Emerald Dragons
Occupation(s): Teacher at the Officers Academy
Game Data
Game: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
First Seen: Chapter 1: Three Houses (Three Houses)
First Joined: Chapter 6: Rumours of a Reaper (White Clouds)
Prologue: Familiar and yet Unfamiliar Scenery (Amber Scales)
Starting Class: Dark Bishop
Voice Actors
Japanese: TBC
English: TBC

I find it interesting how much Lady Rhea seems to have taken to you, despite you being a total stranger to the Monastery. I wonder if she knows more about you than she lets on… ah, but who am I to speculate upon matters like that?

Sephtis, Chapter 1: Three Houses

Sephtis is a character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. He is a former member of the Black Eagles under Tanaka Hanzō who has since returned as an instructor at The Officers Academy. He offers lessons in Reason and Dark Magic. In certain routes, he is also the teacher of the Emerald Dragons, an unofficial house for students on the verge of expulsion.

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

Sephtis never intended to become a teacher, but took the job out of desperation following the fall of house Ubel. Much of his teaching is a convenient front for his research - as he is hoping to find a way to remove his son’s crest blood safely. He also keeps a semi-preserved Nabatean in a jar in his office that he is interrogating and performing experiments on. Since founding the Emerald Dragons, Sephtis is also ensuring these students are allowed to complete their education without Church prejudice hindering them.


Early Life

Sephtis was born into a long established noble family who presided over the Rusalka territory of the Adrestian Empire. The Von Ubel lineage, which stretched back to before the days of the Ten Elites, were a vassal to house Bergliez and assisted and supported in military affairs. In particular, as a family of highly accomplished dark mages, the family were responsible for training and producing mages for the Imperial Army. The Ubel family bore a unique crest, the crest of Abaddon, that granted them highly specialised dark magic in mind control, which proved useful not just against the Empire’s enemies but also in ensuring their own soldiers always followed orders. Given that Sephtis was the family’s first born son and a minor crest bearer, it was expected he would one day go on to become a fine head of the family. Like all members of the Von Ubel family, Sephtis had an affinity for moths - the way in which their specialised magic manifested itself. He always liked them, and growing up he would keep real moths and enchant them with his magic until he learnt how to simply manifest magic moths outright.

Viscount Morfran Von Ubel, Sephtis’ father, worked alongside Count Bergliez in his territory, as well as in Enbarr, the capital city. As such, he was often away and Sephtis’ childhood was spent being raised by his mother Astrid and his tutors and servants. It was by no means a bad childhood, as he was utterly adored and supported by his mother who wanted nothing but the best for him. She encouraged him to read and learn even outside of his official studies, and was incredibly proud to see her son mature into a fine and capable young mage. As Sephtis grew, she encouraged his father to take him on trips to the capital with him so that he could learn firsthand how their family worked with other noble families and with the Imperial household. Sephtis found it fascinating, and looked forward to putting his skills to the test in the future.

Naturally, the Von Ubel family worked alongside other families within the empire, and even in other lands, thanks to strongly established connections. Sephtis grew up close friends with Tanaka Hanzō, the first born son of the Hanzō clan, who specialised in military training and had long produced strong soldiers do the empire. Equally, his family also has connections to the Menteth family, a small noble family in the Leicester Alliance, and Sephtis was good friends with their eldest son as well. These friendships gave Sephtis good company and the chance to learn and train with others whilst growing up. They were known to cause a lot of trouble and mischief, but were all good children.

All three were accepted into Garreg Mach Officer’s Academy in 1161 to finalise their training and finish their education. Sephtis considered it an honour to be accepted into such a prestigious school and promised his parents that he would spend his time wisely whilst studying there. Truthfully, he did. Sephtis proved to be an incredibly capable and hardworking student who never scored lower than any of his peers in any of his examinations. However, he was also a huge troublemaker at the same time. Mostly this was thanks to the influence of his friends. His antics never failed to drive staff and students up the wall, and he and Tanaka in particular were often found facing after school punishments for various pranks and misgivings. Often, Sephtis would be punished for unleashing moths around the school to brainwash or confuse other students as well as for using them to spy on people.

Sephtis was closest to Professor Raven, with whom he spent most of his after school detentions. Professor Raven usually chided him for his behaviour and reputation, especially given that he had such good grades and high potential. He advised Sephtis not to waste his opportunities, and the boy did take that advice to heart. Tanaka was becoming more cruel towards other students, and passing limits of what Sephtis was comfortable being involved with. As such, it was this and the advice of his teacher that lead to Sephtis beginning to distance himself from Tanaka and finding others to befriend. It somewhat straightened out his behaviour.. Certainly the moth attacks decreased.

This was how Sephtis came to grow close to Lilith, another student in the Black Eagles. She was the daughter of Viscount Von König, and her family answered to the Prime Minister and house of Aegir. Thus, both their fathers had collaborated in Enbarr prior and they had much in common. Lilith was feisty and free spirited, and Sephtis was hardly about to let her best him at causing trouble. They were instantly close friends and confidants, spending hours and hours studying, exploring and fooling around. It didn’t take long for feelings to become more romantic either, and that only increased their escapades.

They did, however, soon meet the consequences of their actions. Sephtis and Lilith found out they were expecting a child two weeks before both of them were set to graduate from Garreg Mach - both having achieved the highest exam grades of their entire year group. Shocked, they first didn’t really know what was best to do as a baby outside of marriage would ruin the reputations of both the Von Ubel and Von König families. They agreed, though they’d really been planning to anyways, that they would wed to preserve their family honours. Sephtis hardly minded, he was madly in love with Lilith. Though he was a little nervous at becoming a father at only eighteen, his parents were far more supportive than he had thought they would be, and Lilith stood by him as always.

Their first son, whom they named Rusalka after the region he was born in, was Sephtis’ most precious thing from the moment he first laid eyes on him. He adored his son, and promised himself that he would be as good of a father as he possibly could. Sephtis and Lilith threw themselves into being parents, and did all they could for their child. Rusalka had loving parents who doted on him, and loving grandparents who spoiled him too. Sephtis also took on the role of head of the family, and worked hard to keep their strong reputation and ties to other noble families. Like his father, Rusalka also loved moths. It turned out that like his father he also bore the crest of Abaddon, but this time the major crest and not the minor. Sephtis was surprised, but also proud that he would have a strong and capable son one day.

For eight years, life was peaceful and good for the Von Ubel family. Tragedy struck, however, and to Sephtis’ horror and despair he and his young son were the sole survivors. Fleeing the fall of his family home, Sephtis took the traumatised Rusalka and fled their home region, seeking temporary shelter. Thankfully he and Rusalka were taken in by the Menteth family, who offered them both save haven and healing. It helped for their physical wounds, but Sephtis could see that his son was catatonic with trauma. Not even healing magic could get through to the poor child. Sephtis, beside himself with worry, knew he needed to find a new job and a place to stay - as they couldn’t stay with the Menteth family forever after all. Equally, he needed an environment in which he could safely provide his son with therapy and research a cure for his condition.

Rather reluctantly, Sephtis found himself returning to Garreg Mach monastery. He felt humiliated asking shelter from the church, but the Academy would at least be somewhere he could work - and the church would potentially give him access to research and more healing magic. He begged the Archbishop to take him and Rusalka in, and offered to become a teacher in return. Rhea was sceptical at first, given Sephtis’ family reputation and the mystery surrounding the fall of the Von Ubel household, but agreed he would become a teacher under supervision. Rusalka would also be granted proper care. Grateful for the opportunity he had been given by the church, Sephtis applied himself to teaching and ensured he kept his head down and gave neither Rhea nor her right hand man Seteth reasons to be suspicious of him. He actually found he enjoyed teaching a lot, and his lessons became popular with the students who enjoyed being shown dark magic alongside regular reason spells. Seteth then asked that Sephtis do him a favour. A number of students were finding themselves in detention regularly for bad behaviour, and Seteth was struggling to control their unruliness. Seteth knew that Sephtis’ specialised magic could be used to sedate those students and keep them more compliant until they learned their lessons, and as such he asked Sephtis to take over as the supervisor of the detention class.

Sephtis did as was asked, to an extent. Knowing how powerful his crest magic could be, he was reluctant to use it upon children no matter how unruly they might be. He also couldn’t help but think that there had to be more reasons behind why some students always ended up in detention. These were students on the fringes of expulsion, and Sephtis was curious to see if there were underlying issues causing them to lash out against the school and their peers. Instead of sedating students, Sephtis began to listen to them. In groups and one to one, he allowed all of the students to have their voices be heard. He learnt a lot of saddening stories from them, but in most cases these students were just happy to have someone in authority who actually let them be heard and did not immediately lecture them. Over time, Sephtis found he was seeing the same students routinely, and that they had formed some kind of unofficial camaraderie together. With Rusalka also joining this group when he joined the Officer’s Academy, as he couldn’t cope with being part of the Black Eagles, Sephtis granted the detention class an unofficial house status and named them “The Emerald Dragons.” This house, though not recognised by the school, gave these problem students a sense of belonging as well as a safe place to go to when mainstream education became too overwhelming for them.

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

Sephtis’ family falls under deep suspicion from the Church of Seiros, and in his support conversations it is revealed that this is mainly due to how vocally atheist the Von Ubel family have always been. Sephtis himself admits in his support conversations that he does not believe in the Goddess nor in any of the saints - much to the deep annoyance of the likes of Rhea and Seteth who treat this lack of belief as a sign that Sephtis may be plotting against them.

The reasoning behind Sephtis’ atheism runs much deeper than those who suspect him know of. The Von Ubel family have historically been aware of the deeper truths of Fódlan. Generations ago, it is revealed in both support conversations and in Sephtis’ paralogue with Seteth, the Von Ubel family formed a pact with a Nabatean who begged for shelter and protection during the War of Heroes. Abaddon, the Nabatean the family protected, granted the Von Ubel family his crest as a thank you for sheltering him. For many generations their relations were somewhat peaceful.

Abaddon, however, grew ever older and as he did his body began to decay. Unknown to the Von Ubel family, Abaddon had long ago shed his original body to increase his lifespan by forcibly possessing a member of the Ubel family and focibly planting his crest stone in their body in order to extend his own life. It had granted Abaddon what he wanted, but after centuries this body was now beginning to decay once more and he ran the risk of losing himself. Once again, he needed a new body now in order to keep living - but now his options were much more limited and drastic.

The tragedy that struck the Von Ubel family came as Abaddon realised he could attempt to take over the body of a human who bore his blood strongly. As the strong crest blood within them may allow for successful transplantation of his crest stone. Sephtis only bore the minor crest, and was not an option because of it. So instead, Abaddon attempted to brainwash the major crest bearer of the family - eight year old Rusalka Von Ubel. Abaddon could not have any survivors who would learn of his method of eternal life, and so he used the hypnotised boy and forced him to turn on his own family. Sephtis, distraught that he had to subdue his own son, fought to try and free Rusalka from the brainwashing. Abaddon had not accounted for this strong pushback, and it became a fight that destroyed the Von Ubel family home. Lilith delivered the final blow, destroying Abaddon’s physical form at the cost of her own life - but freeing her son in the process. Sephtis took Rusalka and brought him to safety, before using his magic to seal the remains of Abaddon and his crest stone in a jar.

Sensing defeat, Abaddon began to beg for death. He could not face life without a corporeal form. Spiteful and furious, Sephtis denied Abaddon the mercy of death and made the seal on the jar even stronger. Abaddon remains trapped within it, and is now kept in Sephtis’ office.

Sephtis’ supports with Oculis highlight how his suspicions were raised about the Officer’s Academy after he returned to find almost none of his former teachers had aged. Knowing of Nabateans, he suspected that they may be the ones running the Church and the Academy. Indeed, he admits he even mistakenly thought Oculis was a Nabatean as well - which the man is quick to deny and explain otherwise. He also admits in supports to have supplemented his learning with many banned texts since getting suspicious of the church. He keeps copies taken from the Abyss library of manuscripts by a historian named “T” - and is later thrilled to meet the author of said texts in person.

Academy Phase

White Clouds

Sephtis appears with the rest of the staff as Byleth is introduced to the Officer’s Academy and asked by Rhea to choose their house. He introduces himself as a teacher of dark magic and the overseer of detention and special educational needs, but he does not take over teaching either of the two remaining houses after Byleth makes their choice - that still falls to Hanneman and Manuela. He praises Byleth for their choice and wishes them all the best for their journey as a teacher. The rest of the staff and the church members regard him with a degree of suspicion, but do not challenge him.

He remains neutral for much of the early story, though appears in exploration to offer his counsel and opinion on the various missions Byleth undertakes. Importantly, he always praises them for their hard work and for how good they are with the students. Sephtis even jokingly admits he “wishes he had Byleth as a teaching assistant since they are so capable and hardworking.” Other teachers and some students regard him with more caution, however, and a couple of monthly missions from Seteth, Rhea and Dimitri involve looking into Sephtis’ behaviour and research - only for every attempt to turn out completely ordinary and in no way plotting against the church at all.

When Flayn is kidnapped, Sephtis comes under suspicion and Seteth implores that Byleth investigate him and find out if he knows where Flayn has been taken. Sephtis reacts with a little annoyance to these accusations, but assures Byleth and their students that he has nothing to do with Flayn’s disappearance and that he is doing his best to look for her as well. When it turns out to have been Jeritza who took Flayn, Byleth will have the chance to apologise to Sephtis for suspecting him. Following this chapter, Sephtis becomes available for recruitment so long as Byleth has reached the appropriate level.

Amber Scales

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

In Amber Scales, Sephtis takes on a much more prominent role as the leading staff member of the Emerald Dragons. As Byleth deliberates their house choices, he approaches and offers the opportunity to assist him as his teaching assistant rather than take on the full responsibility of a house on their own. Though Archbishop Rhea and Seteth are against the idea, of Byleth accepts this offer they will relent and allow them to join with Sephtis. Instead of being recruitable later on, Sephtis joins Byleth’s army right from the start upon choosing this route.

With the Emerald Dragons, Sephtis’ role as counsellor and teacher become much more apparent as he encourages Byleth and their students to work hard and stand up for what they believe in. Importantly he stresses to Byleth and all of the Emerald Dragons that they are people in their own right and that they should not allow themselves to be used as a tool in the games of others. These turn out to be words to live by for Byleth in particular as events unfold. Sephtis offers his support on and off the battlefield, and does what he can to provide information to them when needed.

Importantly, in chapter six when Flayn is kidnapped Sephtis is not accused of kidnapping her by his own house - and instead the students stand defiant against the Church and other students who suggest that he could be the culprit. With Flayn joining the Emerald Dragons after she is saved, Sephtis remarks how nice it is to see bonds forming between members of the church and the school’s outcasts that are stronger than the prejudices lodged against them. He is also highly interested in the reveal of Taliesin and Oculis, and finally gets the chance to have many of his burning questions answered by them both.

Sephtis stands by his students’ decision to escape the battlefield when Edelgard raises her rebellion. He promises to accompany Byleth and ensure that all the students find safety, and is appalled by Rhea turning upon her own students so callously. He darkly remarks that seeing her like this makes him feel proud of having been an atheist all this time. Regardless, he assists in getting Flayn to escape the battlefield as a final act before attempting to rescue Byleth. Unfortunately they are separated from Sephtis and the rest of the Emerald Dragons for the five year timeskip.

War Phase

Crimson Flower

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

As he is from the Empire, Sephtis chooses to side with Edelgard. If he has not been recruited prior to the timeskip, he will be automatically made available as a unit with the start of Crimson Flower. He gives his reasons for joining as being that he has long suspected the Church of Seiros of being up to something and that Rhea’s reaction to their defiance and reveal of her true self has only confirmed it. He admits he wouldn’t like to side against Edelgard as he does believe that some kind of radical upheaval in the Church is sorely needed.

He remains a strong ally and unit through the battles, and does his best to look out for Byleth, Edelgard and the other students’ well-being as best he can. Naturally he expresses dismay at being pitted against other students. He also admits to Seteth that it pains him “from one father to another” that they have ended up on opposing sides. Seteth calls him traitor for his defiance and says he always knew that Sephtis would plot against the church - this is merely proof of that fact.

Azure Moon/Verdant Wind

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

If Sephtis is not recruited by Byleth into either the Blue Lions or the Golden Deer, then he will appear as an enemy in the capital city of Enbarr. It will be here that he meets his fate. If Rusalka was also not recruited then the both of them will appear in this battle as part of the enemy forces.

Silver Snow

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

If Byleth chooses to side with the Church of Seiros, Sephtis will not defect if he has been recruited already and will join the class at the start of the post-time skip if he has not. However this is a reluctant decision by him, as he states he only wishes to remain where he can look after Rusalka. He has no loyalty to the Church of Seiros’ goals and does openly admit he thinks that Edelgard is doing the right thing. This leads to many to up their suspicion of him even though he does fight alongside the Resistance Army.

However, if Rusalka is killed at any point in the story, Sephtis will defect immediately to join Edelgard. He states he no longer has reason to remain fighting alongside those who have harmed his family and all of Fódlan.

Amber Scales

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

After the five year timeskip, Sephtis is found to have been hiding alongside the rest of the Emerald Dragons in what remains of Abyss. Though the underground is collapsing, he and his house are working to repair and stabilise what they can for the sake of those who still live there. He is thrilled to see Byleth alive once more, and Sephtis remarks that their return is the hopeful sign that they had all been waiting for over these years. Naturally he offers Byleth their position back as his teaching assistant, though he states that perhaps now the assistant has surpassed him and that they would all do better with Byleth taking the reigns.

Sephtis agrees that it is time for them all to continue their search for the truth behind the conflicts spreading across Fódlan, before they are too deeply caught up in it themselves. He reminds Byleth that both sides will likely begin seeking them out once word arrives that they are alive - since both the Church forces and the Imperial forces consider Byleth to be key to their respective success in battle. As such, he recommends that Byleth keep close and that the group move as swiftly and effectively as possible.

Discoveries of the truth behind the Church of Seiros and of Those Who Slither in the Dark make Sephtis highly curious, and he is even the one to suggest that they return to his former family home in Rusalka territory on their journey so that they might investigate the archives there for more information. He admits to Byleth that he has long suspected the Church of being on shaky foundations, but could never have imagined it running as deep and as complex as it truly does. Sephtis accompanies Byleth throughout the story and into the final battle against Rhea where he states he will do all he can to support them til the very end of it all. His personal ending varies upon his supports with others, but he assists in the rebuilding of Fódlan as much as he can.


Sephtis is a man who tends to have assumptions made of him because of his appearance and eccentric hobbies before anyone actually gets to know his true nature. He’s thought to be quite intimidating and suspicious, and certainly he always looks to be planning something whenever he is deep in thought or daydreaming. His association with dark magic, and his family’s reputation as providers of mindless soldiers for the empire, certainly do not help to shed the evil suspicions that surround him either - and often people draw the conclusion that he is to be feared and not trusted before even speaking with him. Sephtis doesn’t care much for the rumours, and doesn’t let them bother him. He is assured that those who will actually take the time to get to know him, rather than believe in baseless rumours, will be the ones who are worth his time and energy. As a former student of Garreg Mach, Sephtis is also not free of the reputation he built in his youth either. Known for being a troublemaker with some questionable friends, it was thought that he would follow the same paths that they and the rest of his family did. He enjoyed his mischief, but was never as fully invested in being outright cruel or malicious towards others, unlike his friends.

Now as an adult, Sephtis is working to create a more reasonable reputation for himself. Tragedy and trauma have changed him from what his family expected him to have become, and he has abandoned many of his family’s views on unethical experimentation and the use of others to further their goals. Many, but not all. He is incredibly intelligent, and graduated top of his entire year group at Garreg Mach, and has produced a lot of original research and developed his family’s specialty crest magic much further than his predecessors. Sephtis enjoys learning, and is often the one to question all that he sees and hears from others so as to pry more information out of them that he can later use. He is also confident and well spoken, as well as good at explaining the subjects he specialises in. Making for an excellent teacher. Sephtis loves his job and finds it makes him incredibly happy. He is, however, critical of the church and its practices - vocally so. This can cause him issues as he has had clashes with members of the church over his lack of beliefs.

Becoming a father did a lot to mellow Sephtis’ personality from his more deviant younger self. Having his son has brought out a more caring side of him, and that extends to him caring deeply for his students’ wellbeing as well as his for his son. He is passionate and protective of them, and willing to go far to look out for those in need, as he has felt what it’s like to be treated cruelly by fate and by others, and it is what drove him to found his own house within the academy for students with difficulty assimilating to mainstream education. Sephtis enjoys his students’ fresh outlooks on life, and knows that what they want is a chance to be heard and listened to, which he is always willing to give. He finds himself able to trust his students more easily than he does other adults his age - which does bring him into some degree of contention with the rest of the staff.

Sephtis knows he is looked upon with suspicion, but enjoys it. There’s a little petty side of him that likes knowing he can still wind people up without even having to try too hard. He’s eccentric, and plays up to the act as he enjoys the theatrics he can pull off in his teaching. A fond lover of moths, his family’s magic’s main form, he surrounds himself with insects as a means of protection and a way to spy on those who do not trust him. Sephtis is a good person at heart, but only to those he truly feels deserve it. He cares, almost too deeply sometimes. Though he does not show it, he still grieves the loss of his wife and family and the events of house Ubel’s fall still haunt him. He keeps these thoughts buried, mostly so as to not worry his son. He blames himself for the state Rusalka is in, and wants nothing more than to get him the help he clearly needs. Overall, it can be said that Sephtis is very misunderstood. He tries his best in what he says and does, knowing that there will be some who will always suspect him. More than anything, he puts the needs of his students and friends before himself and always will do.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses

  • You've hardly seen what I am capable of doing in combat. ❞ - (Pre-battle Quote as Enemy)
  • I'm disappointed in you, to be quite honest Professor. ❞ - (Vs Byleth)
  • Does this prove your suspicions of me? I'll admit, I know a lot more about you than you may have realised. ❞ - (Vs Seteth)
  • Brand me traitor, it will be easier on you for your goals. ❞ - (Vs Edelgard)
  • I look forward to seeing your tactics against me. ❞ - (Vs Claude)
  • You are naught but a crazed beast young man. ❞ - (Vs Dimitri)
  • I have reservations when it comes to fighting children. But... You are much older than the "child" you appear to be. Correct? ❞ - (Vs Flayn)
  • Ru... Please run... Please get yourself away... ❞ - (Death Quote - If he is killed before Rusalka)
  • Ru!! No... No... My dear Rusalka no... I cannot lose you like this... my baby... ❞ - (As an Enemy, if Rusalka is Killed)
  • Lilith... I have missed you so much... ❞ - (Death Quote - If he is killed after Rusalka)
  • Zealot versus Atheist... What an interesting matchup. ❞ - (Crimson Flower: Vs Catherine)
  • My teacher... I don't think I can do this. ❞ - (Silver Snow: Vs Oculis)
  • And so the Church of Seiros plays its card... The beast. ❞ - (Crimson Flower: Vs The Immaculate One)
  • After all this... Just for you to turn on us? I regret choosing this side. ❞ - (Silver Snow: Vs The Immaculate One)
  • Let my students show you how wrong you were to doubt them all this time. ❞ - (Amber Scales: Vs The Immaculate One)
  • From one father to another, I ask you to lay your weapon down and see the bigger picture here. ❞ - (Amber Scales: Vs Seteth)
  • Rusalka! Rusalka I will not let you suffer a second time! ❞ - (Paralogue: To Rusalka)
  • I shall make your death immensely painful. ❞ - (Paralogue: To Abaddon)
  • All of you! Be on your guard, this is not like anything you have faced until now! ❞ - (Paralogue: To The Emerald Dragons)
  • I remember singing these when I was a student... ❞ - (Choir Practice)
  • Oh? A little cooking is good for a well rounded skill set. ❞ - (Cooking)
  • Don't forget to add spice. ❞ - (Cooking)
  • I feel nostalgic sharing a meal here again. ❞ - (Dining Hall: Neutral Dish)
  • This is one of my favourites, I used to make it all the time. ❞ - (Dining Hall: Favourite Dish)
  • What is important about a meal is the company, not the food. ❞ - (Dining Hall: Disliked Dish)
  • Eat as much as you feel comfortable eating Ru. ❞ - (Dining Hall with Rusalka)
  • I feel happy to dine with you as a colleague and not as teacher and student. ❞ - (Dining Hall with Oculis)
  • If teaching were just about sharing meals I believe anyone could do it. ❞ - (Dining Hall with Taliesin)
  • I find it nicer to spend time with my students than worrying about dinner with the other teachers. ❞ - (Dining Hall with Nevar)
  • Good grief I see where you get your other skills from... ❞ - (Dining Hall with Hollis)
  • I shall gladly join your ranks. ❞ - (Recruitment: Requirements Met)
  • Oh! Why thank you... ❞ - (Favourite Gift)
  • This is thoughtful of you. ❞ - (Liked Gift)
  • Ah, thanks ❞ - (Disliked Gift)
  • So that's where it went! You have my thanks! ❞ - (Lost Item)
  • I believe that belongs to someone else. ❞ - (Lost Item)
  • This doesn't look good for a teacher. ❞ - (Instruct: Bad)
  • You're right, time to do better. ❞ - (Instruct: Critique)
  • Ahh don't flatter me, it's my error. ❞ - (Instruct: Console)
  • Naturally! ❞ - (Instruct: Great)
  • As it should be. ❞ - (Instruct: Great)
  • Of course I could do it! ❞ - (Instruction: Perfect)
  • Don't stop the flattery, I like it. ❞ - (Instruct: Praise)
  • I think this shall suit me better. ❞ - (Goal Change: Gremory)
  • Hm. Unsatisfactory. ❞ - (0 to 2 stats up)
  • I can do better than this. ❞ - (3 stats up)
  • As I should expect of myself. ❞ - (4+ stats up)
  • The power of house Ubel is being restored. ❞ - (Reaching Level 99)
  • The moths shall like this one. ❞ - (New Skill)
  • A little something goes a long way. ❞ - (New Skill)
  • Something new in my repertoire... ❞ - (New Skill)
  • I am more powerful than ever! ❞ - (Skill Mastery)
  • I passed? Well that's reassuring. ❞ - (Certification Exam)
  • Normally I write exams... Not sit them. ❞ - (Certification Exam)
  • My power is yours. ❞ - (Selected: High/Full Health)
  • I am still able to assist. ❞ - (Selected: Medium Health)
  • I believe we should reconsider our actions... ❞ - (Selected: Low Health)
  • Not today thank you! ❞ - (Enemy Misses)
  • Face pestilance! ❞ - (Critical Hit)
  • Detention! ❞ - (Critical Hit)
  • I call the swarm! ❞ - (Critical Hit)
  • Let me lend you a hand! ❞ - (Gambit boost)
  • I offer my assistance! ❞ - (Gambit boost)
  • We work better as a whole class! ❞ - (Gambit boost)
  • You are beneath me. ❞ - (Defeated Enemy)
  • You're only good for caterpillar food. ❞ - (Defeated Enemy)
  • May you rot. ❞ - (Defeated Enemy)
  • Just how I taught you! ❞ - (Ally Defeats Enemy)
  • My sincerest thanks ❞ - (Ally Heal/Rally)
  • I feel better! ❞ - (Ally Heal/Rally)
  • Let us work together! ❞ - (Ally Heal/Rally)
  • I believe I need to recover somewhat... ❞ - (Casual Mode Retreat Quote)
  • I cannot fight further. ❞ - (Casual, War Phase)
  • Ru! No... Rusalka... I can't lose you... ❞ - (Classic If Rusalka is Killed)
  • Ah... Lilith... ❞ - (Classic Death Quote)

Possible Endings

Warning! This content will contain spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. [ ]

Sephtis - Eccentric Lepidopterist

Sephtis returned to teaching at Garreg Mach with the end of the war, and was pleased to return to his hobbies and personal research alongside it. Thought to be an incredibly eccentric professor, his students always remarked how his classes were filled with moths that kept them company whilst they studied and learned. Sephtis remained a popular teacher, who always had time for his students no matter what they needed, and he even began a small lepidoptery class to teach eager students more about his favourite insects. Though he continued to study dark magic when alone, his work on crestology was not discovered til after he passed - revealing great depth of research into how crests are passed through blood and the kinds of magic different crests produce in their bearers.

Sephtis and Byleth (Crimson Flower)

With the end of the war, Byleth worked alongside Emperor Edelgard in rebuilding Fódlan and eliminating the last threats to peace. Not long after, they announced their marriage to Sephtis - with whom they had grown close to during their time spent fighting together. Sephtis was delighted to assist his partner in their work, and was granted the task of rebuilding Garreg Mach and serving as its new headmaster. Delighted to teach, and supported by his partner, Sephtis founded a new Academy open to students of all backgrounds and lands, fostering an environment of critical thought, cooperation and care for those in need. It was said that he and Byleth were always trusting in each other, and their household was both happy and filled with enchanted moths.

Sephtis and Byleth (Verdant Wind / Azure Moon)

With the end of the war, Byleth took up a greater role within the Church of Seiros and began working on rebuilding Fódlan. It was at this time that they announced their choice to marry Sephtis, with whom they had become close during the war. This caused shock to many of the people, as Sephtis still remained heavily critical of the Church of Seiros and its leadership, but Byleth assured their followers that they saw past Sephtis’ reputation and knew him for the man he truly was. Sephtis requested he continue teaching, and was delighted to be given a larger role at the Officers’ Academy by his partner. He remained a well liked and popular professor, and it was written that he and Byleth had a supportive and caring marriage - though somewhat unpopular in the eyes of the Church.

Sephtis and Byleth (Silver Snow)

As Byleth took up the role of Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, they announced their desire to wed Sephtis as the two of them had grown close over the course of the war. Though their feelings towards Sephtis were reciprocated wholeheartedly, the decision by the new Archbishop was unpopular among the people of Fódlan. They distrusted Sephtis because of his family’s reputation and his atheist stance. Despite this, the two had a happy marriage - although Sephtis remained openly critical of the Church of Seiros despite the efforts of his partner to sway his mindset. They were said to be a somewhat strained partnership - mostly due to the effect of outside pressure affecting them both - and Sephtis preferred to stick to his teaching work rather than involve himself in Byleth’s affairs.

Sephtis and Byleth (Amber Scales)

With the end of the war, Byleth took up the mantle of leader of the new Republic of Fódlan in order to begin rebuilding the nation. It was as the restorations were progressing that they announced their intention to marry Sephtis, with whom they had grown very close to over their time spent battling alongside one another. The decision was immensely popular among the people, and the two were wed happily before settling down to their tasks. Septhis was granted the task of rebuilding Garreg Mach Officer’s Academy and he took to it in his stride - becoming the new headmaster once it was ready to open. Their partnership was said to be unbreakable, and the two could often be found in quiet places spending a little time to relax together in and amongst their hectic schedules.

Sephtis and Rusalka

Rusalka, having done much growing over the years, decided he would return to his father’s side with the end of the war. To Sephtis’ surprise he actually requested that they return to their previously ruined household, and begin to rebuild it once more. Though he knew it would be painful for them both to see the ruins of what they had once had, Rusalka wished to move past the ashes and create a stronger family with what the two of them had left. Sephtis tearfully embraced his son and promised he would support him no matter how he wished to live his life - and agreed that they should work to rebuild the household that they had lost all those years ago. Over time, house Ubel’s territory became a flourishing region once more - and the family were popular amongst the people who lived there. Sephtis was proud of his son’s maturity, and trusted in him that he would one day lead the house confidently.

Sephtis and Amaterasu

As peace returned to Fódlan, Sephtis was approached by his student Amaterasu. She wished to introduce him to her mother - and fully intended upon setting the two of them up with each other. Surprisingly, her plan was a complete success. Sephtis and Amaterasu’s mother hit it off very quickly and soon grew close. It was a few years later when the two of them announced their marriage that Amaterasu felt she had truly got what she wished for - a father. She was delighted and considered Sephtis a father figure to her and was overjoyed at having a complete family once more. Sephtis also found the arrangement very enjoyable, and settled into family life with great ease. He was said to be a great teacher and father, and he and his new wife were always said to be passionately in love with each other.

Sephtis and Seteth (Amber Scales)

The end of the war and the shutdown of the Church of Seiros, Seteth was left somewhat loose-ended and feeling as if he lacked a purpose in life. To his surprise, it was Sephtis who approached him with the idea that they work on rebuilding Garreg Mach together, as a way in which they can both help the recovery effort of Fódlan and find a new purpose for Seteth without a church to work for. They both took to administration and organising, and when the academy opened once more the two men took up the role of joint headmasters of the Academy. Shockingly, they also declared that they were in a relationship with each other - having grown close over the years working together. Bonded over having both lost their wives, Seteth and Septhis were said to be incredibly close and understanding of one another, and always supporting each other no matter what needed to be done. Many joked that it was interesting to see an atheist and a former man of the church act so romantically, but it was never considered a bad thing. Their love was spoken of greatly in the books and letters both men would write.

Sephtis and Oculis (Crimson Flower / Amber Scales)

With the end of the war, Sephtis and Oculis both returned to Garreg Mach, happy to be back teaching once more. They often spent time together in Sephtis’ office, and over the years they soon grew very close. Though Sephtis joked it was funny how he was now spending so much time with his former teacher, he enjoyed the support that they both gave one another. They were said to be close friends, and worked on writing and producing many books on magic and history together. Their works were published and garnered great popularity - and continued to be used in classes even long after both men had chosen to retire. They remained close friends, and Sephtis always remained supportive of Oculis’ relations with Taliesin as well.

Death Prior to Timeskip

Sephtis retired from battle with injuries, returning to the Officers Academy in order to rest. Unfortunately, he did not recover from the severity of his wounds and passed away. Thus he did not make it to the promised reunion.


The first name “Sephtis” is of Persian origin, and carries the meaning of “Eternal Death”. “Ubel”, however, comes from German where it was first seen in Prussia in the 13th century. It has the meaning of “evil”. “Von” is a German aristocratic particle denoting a person to be “from” a particular household.


  • Sephtis wears long clothing to hide bad scarring along his arms and over his chest, these came from fighting Abaddon.
  • There is always at least one moth on his body at any given moment, they like to hide in his clothing and hair.
  • His hairpin is also enchanted, much like Rusalka's hairpin.
  • Sephtis dislikes hot weather, it makes him uncomfortable. Summer is his least favourite time of year.
  • He is still deeply grieving the loss of his wife and parents, but is keeping it to himself.
  • His hair takes him a long time to brush in the morning but he likes it this long.
  • Sephtis will always tell people that Rusalka takes more after his mother than after him, despite their similarities.
  • He has a fondness for children, caring deeply for all of his students.
  • At times, Sephtis will remember the things he used to do as a student and inwardly cringe.
  • There are moments he feels he cannot scold or tell off members of the Emerald Dragons because they are doing things he used to do as a student, and that it would be hypocritical of him to stop them.
  • Sephtis suffers from bad short-sightedness. He needs his glasses or else he cannot see a thing.
  • He has used his crest magic on the students from time to time to calm them, but never with the Emerald Dragons. He knows that they don't need sedation or controlling, they just need to be listened to.
  • Sephtis' family was never close to many other noble families due to their atheism and criticism of the Church of Seiros.
  • Sephtis is good friends with the parents of Curan, and is considered an uncle figure to the boy.
  • Sephtis likes moths a lot and not just because that's his family's crest magic. He thinks they are aesthetically beautiful and fascinating as well.
  • His greatest fear is losing Rusalka.
  • Sephtis has never had reason to believe in the Goddess, and he openly wonders if such a thing could even exist.
  • He is curious to learn more about figures within the church, however, as their slow aging and strange behaviour makes him wonder what is really going on behind the scenes.
  • Admittedly, he got his biggest shock from finding out the truth about his teacher, Oculis
  • Sephtis is gender-non-conforming and likes to dress eccentrically and flashy simply because he can.
  • There have been times where he was mistaken for a girl, and he simply laughed it off.
  • He is bisexual, and has had multiple partners before settling with his wife.
  • On his desk, Sephtis always keeps a small family portrait of himself, Lilith and baby Rusalka
  • He can usually be found in his office, drinking tea and marking papers.
  • When other staff members aren't monitoring him, Sephtis will teach his students critical thinking and more analytical historiographies of Fódlan.
  • Sephtis keeps Abaddon's jar tightly sealed with magic, and under a cloth in the back of his office where students will not think to mess with it.
  • He has a tendency to lose his glasses. Sometimes on his own forehead.
  • Aside from moths, Sephtis also has an interest in butterflies.
  • He has somewhat expensive tastes and likes fancy jewellery a lot.
  • Often he can be found humming to himself when he thinks he is alone.
  • It was Sephtis' idea to found the Emerald Dragons, and he made it official for the students before confirming it with the church.
  • He likes to read fiction novels from time to time, but he isn't a fan of most of the steralised books in the Academy Library.


See also: Sephtis/Gallery


In Game

Base Stats

Starting Class Crest
Dark Bishop Crest-of-Abadddon.png
Level HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Charm
15 35 28 25 14 15 10 11 14 17
Magic Combat Arts Abilities Starting Items
latest?cb=20190907022603 Miasma Δ
latest?cb=20190907022603 Swarm Ζ
latest?cb=20190907022603 Banshee Θ
latest?cb=20190907022603 Dark Spikes T
latest?cb=20191031005840 Lepidopterology
latest?cb=20191108135234 Reason Lv3
latest?cb=20191101231328 Rally Magic
20?cb=20190907023838 Training Sword
20?cb=20190911153943 Vulnerary

Growth Rates

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Chrm
40% 35% 70% 45% 30% 30% 20% 40% 55%

Maximum Stats

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Chrm
79 69 92 73 41 35 33 58 69


Skill latest?cb=20190622211046 latest?cb=20190622211046 latest?cb=20190622211045 latest?cb=20190622211045 latest?cb=20190622211045 latest?cb=20190622211044 latest?cb=20190622211044 latest?cb=20190622211043 latest?cb=20190622211043 latest?cb=20190622211042 latest?cb=20190622211042
Level E+ E E E E B D+ C E E E
Start latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211040 latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211040 latest?cb=20190622211041 latest?cb=20190622211041

Learned Magic

Skill Level Reason Faith
D Miasma Δ
D+ Banshee Θ Nosferatu
C Swarm Ζ
B Luna Λ Warp
B+ Dark Spikes T
A Death Γ
A+ Mind Swarm

As An Enemy

Starting Class Crest
Dark Bishop Crest-of-Abadddon.png
Level HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Def Res Charm
31 48 40 58 41 30 31 28 44 59
Magic Combat Arts Abilities Starting Items
latest?cb=20190907022603 Miasma Δ
latest?cb=20190907022603 Swarm Ζ
latest?cb=20190907022603 Banshee Θ
latest?cb=20190907022603 Dark Spikes T
latest?cb=20190907022603 Mind Swarm
latest?cb=20191031005840 Lepidopterology
latest?cb=20191108135248 Reason Lv4
latest?cb=20191101231328 Rally Magic
latest?cb=20191031000748 Heartseeker
latest?cb=20191030023242 Dark Magic Uses x2
latest?cb=20191030033352 Fiendish Blow
latest?cb=20190907022318 Mech-Kladenets
20?cb=20190911153943 Vulnerary


If Byleth chooses to teach the Emerald Dragons in Chapter 1 of Amber Scales then Sephtis will be automatically recruited to their team from the start. However, if Byleth chose to teach in another house, then Sephtis will not immediately agree to transfer classes straight away. Instead, Sephtis can be recruited after Chapter 6 provided that Byleth has reached level 15 or higher.


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Sephtis is built for the Reason magic path, and with an excellent pool of dark magic at his disposal it is best to keep him in that specialism as well. Thankfully he comes into the army already classed as a Dark Mage, albeit slightly lower levelled in Amber Scales than in White Clouds as he joins much sooner, and so there’s no need to worry about obtaining a Dark Seal for him. This makes him quickly useful to Byleth from the moment he joins their army. His attack is strong and he has excellent magic growth, making him even more suited as the Army’s adult dark Mage.

In terms of progression, Sephtis’ natural choice appears to be Dark Knight, but his hidden talent in swords can also be strengthened to make him a fine Mortal Savant instead. Though he also has a talent in Faith, which could bring him into reasonable stead as a Gremory, he has little Faith magic that he learns - and is easily outclassed by others in his own house in that area. His high charm is best made use of by giving him strong Gambits, as he will always work best around others than solo - especially as others can help protect him given his very low defense.

Sephtis’ personal skill also makes for a useful tactic when dealing with highly crowded maps. Luring the enemy in close, giving it a higher chance of activating, whilst simultaneously keeping him protected by allies with healing or higher defense, will mean Sephtis can soon turn the enemy on themselves rather than on him or others in Byleth’s army. He also has his own personal spell when A+ is reached in his Reason magic training: Mind Swarm. Though it has limited uses per battle, it’s after effect of guaranteeing that the attacked unit will be affected by his personal ability can be highly advantageous in battle.



First Seen Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Type Personal
Effect Chance to force enemy units to attack each other or flee in opposite direction.
User Sephtis Von Ubel

Lepidopterology is a skill introduced in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is the personal ability of Sephtis Von Ubel.


When enemy units come within three spaces of Sephtis in any direction, including diagonal, they come within range of his personal skill. Sephtis’ skill, Lepidopterology, has a 5% chance of activating on enemies three spaces away, increasing to 10% for two spaces and 15% for adjacent to where he is positioned. When activated, Sephtis casts a cloud of his mind-controlling moths upon the affected enemy units. These moths cause enemy units to either turn and flee, or to turn on each other and attack their own side during the enemy turn. The effects will last until they move out of range of Sephtis or until two enemy turns have passed. Lepidopterology has a cool down period of three turns before it has a chance to activate again, but when it activates it can affect multiple units at the same time.


Lepidopterology is a branch of entomology concerning the scientific study of moths and the three superfamilies of butterflies. Someone who studies in this field is a lepidopterist or, archaically, an aurelian. Moths are a paraphyletic group of insects that includes all members of the order Lepidoptera that are not butterflies, with moths making up the vast majority of the order.


  • Sephtis' personal magic takes the form of enchanted moths, the magic spreads to people by coming into contact with those moths.
  • There is a chance that the skill will not activate, as it is not guaranteed. It may not always take effect either.
  • The soldiers who are affected by the ability are random, there is no way to target this ability.
  • When the skill activates, a sinister laugh can be heard from Sephtis.
  • Sephtis' personal skill is similar to that of his son, Rusalka.
  • When released from Sephtis' personal skill, enemy units will revert back to trying to attack Byleth's army.


Name (JP) クォデネンツの剣
First Seen Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Weapon Type Staff
Most Common Rank D
User Sephtis Von Ubel
Rusalka Von Ubel

Mech-Kladenets is a Staff that debuts in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is one of the Lost' Relics that has been passed down through the Von Ubel bloodline. When used by someone who bears the Crest of Abaddon, the Combat Art Dark Magic Range +1 may be used.


The insect staff of Mech-Kladenets is forged from the remains of Abaddon the Infested’s original divine form, and as such it is irrevocably linked to the Crest of Abaddon itself. Kept within the Von Ubel family archives, it sat unused for generations due to its immense power and instability, as well as due to it being guarded by its true owner - Abaddon himself.

It is recovered in Sephtis’ paralogue, after Abaddon tries once again to take over Rusalka’s body and to reclaim his relic weapon. When he is defeated and finally destroyed, his relic is recovered by Sephtis and taken back to his office for safekeeping.

Weapon Stats

Name Type
latest?cb=20190907022318 Mech-Kladenets latest?cb=20190907022313 Staff
Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng WEx Wt Worth
If user has a Crest of Abaddon, enables the use of Dark Magic Range +1.

As with all Heroes' Relics, if the user does not have a Crest, the Staff deals 10 damage to the user after combat if used.

Item Locations

Method Location
Event Dragon in the Flask


Mech-Kladenets (Russian: меч-кладенец. | mech-Kladyenets) is a fabulous magic sword in Russian fairy tales and byliny. It’s name can be interpreted a number of ways, including: "sword of steel", "hidden sword", or "magic sword" in English translations. Also sometimes known as Samosek or Samosyok, the "self-swinging sword" is a fabulous magic sword in some Old Russian fairy tales.


  • In mythology, Mech-Kladenets was a sword, but in game it appears as a Staff type weapon.
  • At times, the Staff's wings can be seen to flap when it is equipped.
  • The staff can be used by both Rusalka and Sephtis as both of them bear the same crest.
  • In the Paralogue, Rusalka is seen weilding the staff as Abaddon is in control of him.

Crest of Abaddon

Crest of Abaddon
First Seen Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Origin Abaddon
Bearer Rusalka - (Major)
Sephtis - (Minor)
Effect A Crest thought to be lost to history. Sometimes raises Mt when using Dark Magic Attacks.
Dragon Sign Insect Dragon Sign
Legendary Weapon Mech-Kladenets
Arcana The Tower

The Crest of Abaddon is a game mechanic introduced in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Thought to be lost to history, it has, in fact, been passed down by the Von Ubel family.


There is no official record of the Crest of Abaddon in many of the church records and as such it remained lost to history for many generations. It’s resurgence in the Von Ubel family caused great suspicion, particularly since it was an incredibly powerful crest that granted such morally questionable abilities as mind control. As it was not passed down by the Goddess, many regard the crest with suspicion because of its otherwise unknown origins. Some speculate that Abaddon may have had connection to the Ten Elites, but this has never been proven. Given that the Church of Seiros also regards the Crest with suspicion and caution, many have come to nickname it a “heretical crest” that goes against what the original gifts from the Goddess stood for.

The crest has been passed down the Von Ubel family, but usually only appearing sporadically throughout the lineage. It was a rare occurrence when both Sephtis and Rusalka both emerged as crest bearing individuals within only one generation. Shockingly, this Crest is still strong compared to those in other lineages.

Crest Origin

Millennia ago, the Crest of Abaddon went by its original name, the Crest of Brosnya, after the real name of the Nabatean who bore that crest stone. Brosnya prolonged his lifespan by forcibly implanting his crest stone into other’s bodies in order to take them over, resulting in his crest blood corrupting many other Nabateans who were subjected to his experimentations. After multiple “reincarnations” of himself, Brosnya abandoned his original name so that he would not be hunted down by his own kind for his crimes. He chose to go instead by the name “Abaddon.”

Years later, in order to protect himself during The War of Heroes, Abaddon granted his crest blood to the Von Ubel family in exchange for hiding and protecting him. This was how the crest came to be present in humans for the first time and in subsequent generations. Abaddon’s crest lives on in his own survival as well, even when existing only as a crest stone in a jar.


The Brosno dragon, (Russian: Бросня | Brosnya), is a lake monster which in Russian folklore is said to inhabit Lake Brosno, near Andreapol in western Russia. It is described as resembling a dragon and is the subject of a number of regional legends, some which are said to date back to the 13th century.

Rumors of a strange, giant creature living in Lake Brosno have existed for several centuries. One legend says that the lake monster scared off the Tatar-Mongol army that headed for Novgorod in the 13th century. Old legends describe an "enormous mouth" devouring fishermen. According to another legend, some Varangians wanted to hide stolen treasure in the lake. When they approached the small island, a dragon came to the surface from the lake and swallowed the island.

It was rumored in the 18th and 19th centuries that the giant creature emerged on the lake surface in the evening, but immediately submerged when people approached. It is said that during World War II the beast swallowed up a German airplane. There are witnesses who say they saw Brosnya walking in the water. Locals say that the creature turns boats upside-down and is responsible for the disappearances of people.

The Hebrew term "Abaddon" (Hebrew: אֲבַדּוֹן‎ | Avaddon) meaning "destruction", "doom", appears in the Bible as both a place of destruction and an archangel of the abyss. In the Hebrew Bible, Abaddon is used with reference to a bottomless pit. In the Book of Revelation of the New Testament, an angel called Abaddon is described as the king of an army of locusts.


  • The Crest of Abaddon appears on both Sephtis and Rusalka's profiles, but information on the crest is not shown til after completion of Sephtis' Paralogue: Dragon in the Flask
  • Dark Magic that activates the crest will become surrounded by glowing pink moths
  • It is unknown if The Crest of Abaddon can manifest other insects or just moths.
  • The Crest of Abaddon is one of several Crests linked to questionable and potentially evil origins. The others include: Geminae, Astaroth and Asmodeus
  • Abaddon's crest stone can be seen in multiple parts of the game, mostly sealed inside its jar.


Item Guide


Gift Name Type of Gift Grade How to Acquire Description
Owl Feather Favourite ★★★ Around Garreg Mach A feather from a messenger owl that can be used in a variety of ways. Appreciated by everyone.
Lavender Favourite ★★★ Greenhouse Grown all across Fódlan. Appreciated by those who like flowers.
Crayon Drawings Favourite ★★★★★ Emerald Dragons Classroom A collection of lovingly drawn crayon pictures done by a class working hard together for someone they respect.
Crestological Mysteries Favourite ★★★★★ Library A book introducing some obscure theories about Crests. Someone with a passion for that topic might want this.
Writings of Seiros Disliked ★★★★★ Library A tome collecting the philosophies of the Saint Seiros, appreciated by those interested in learning of the Church.

Lost Items

Lost Item Description Availability
Moth Hairpin An ornate pin in the shape of a moth, glimmers in candlelight and almost seems real. Blue Sea Moon (Library)
Wedding Ring A wedding ring strung from a small gold chain. Symbolic of someone who has lost their partner. Horsebow Moon (Sephtis' Office)
Family Portrait Small portrait of a father, mother and young son with grandparents proudly behind them. It is the perfect size to keep on a desk. Wyvern Moon - Amber Scales Only (Emerald Dragons Classroom)
Spare Glasses Rounded Spectacles with thick frames. Belongs to someone with bad vision issues. Ethereal Moon (Rusalka's Room)
Book of Therapy Notes A large book filled with student medical notes and therapy sessions, belongs to someone who sees troubled students regularly. Lone Moon - Amber Scales Only (Sephtis' Office)

Dining Hall Guide

Enjoyed Dishes

Name of Menu Menu Description Materials Required
Fish and Bean Soup A soup made by simmering white trout and chickpeas. A simple yet wholesome dish.
  • White Trout x1
  • Chickpeas x1
Onion Gratin Soup Onions stewed with white trout and baked with a layer of cheese on top. Will warm you up from the inside out.
  • White Trout x1
  • Onion x1
Fruit and Herring Tart A baked tart with stewed herring and Noa fruit mixed into the batter. Popular in Enbarr, the Imperial Capital.
  • Albinean Herring x1
  • Noa Fruit x1
Cheesy Verona Stew A rich dish consisting of verona and sautéed Teutates loach. These ingredients are boiled and served with two kinds of melted cheese.
  • Teutates Loach x1
  • Verona x1
Super-Spicy Fish Dango A light snack, popular in the Empire. Small, spicy balls of fried dough packed with white trout and dried tomato.
  • White Trout x1
  • Tomato x1
Gautier Cheese Gratin A gratin of bird meat topped with heaps of Gautier cheese, which is famous for its low fat content. It has a unique flavor.
  • Poultry x1
  • Noa Fruit x1
Vegetable Stir-Fry A dish of dried tomatoes, cabbage, chickpeas, and other vegetables, stir-fried with eggs. Nutritious and very filling.
  • Tomato x1
  • Chickpeas x1
  • Cabbage x1

Tea Party Guide

Sephtis can be invited to tea during exploration in order to build supports with him. He can be invited in any route, but is most responsive when Byleth is teaching the Black Eagles or the Emerald Dragons.

Recommended Tea

Name of Tea Rating
Chamomile ★★★
Bergamot ★★★★
Cinnamon Blend ★★★★

Conversation Topics

Possible Topic
"Tell me about yourself" "Student Gossip" "Capable Comrades"
"Fashion" "Exploring the Monastery" "Childhood Antics"
"About Rusalka " "Things you find Romantic" "The Church and yourself"
"The Emerald Dragons" "Books you are reading" "What were teachers like before?"

Final Conversation

Possible Final Conversation
"It was strange coming back as a teacher and finding nothing much had really changed here."
Answer: Laugh Answer: Chat Answer: Nod
"I know they have their suspicions about me, but I think there has been a misunderstanding."
Answer: Nod Answer: Sigh Answer: Sip Tea
"I'll admit, I do want to know what exactly they brought you here for."
Answer: Nod Answer: Chat Answer: Sip Tea
"The Emerald Dragons are a lively bunch, but they are also all good students at heart."
Answer: Praise Answer: Laugh Answer: Commend
"I had quite the troublemaker reputation when I was a student you know."
Answer: Admonish Answer: Sip Tea Answer: Nod


Contents [ ]

With Byleth (Male)


C Support

Late one afternoon, Byleth is walking along one of the corridors when there is the sound of crashing and banging, before multiple students from the Emerald Dragons come running by and speed off elsewhere. In White Clouds they will not acknowledge Byleth’s presence at all, but in Amber Scales they will greet Byleth quickly as they run past. Byleth goes to investigate what they are running away from, only to find Sephtis clearing up a classroom ravaged by scraps of paper drawings, paper planes and confetti. Byleth is surprised, but Sephtis is pleased to see them and asks if they mind lending him a hand with cleaning up. Byleth agrees to, asking him what caused the chaos. Sephtis explains that the detention class were doing a little bit of artwork to vent frustration - as it is better just to create paper mess rather than cause actual harm or property damage. Byleth is surprised but commends the idea, asking what else they do in detention if not be punished. Sephtis explains that they are punished, but that they’re also given a chance to explain their side of whatever the conflict was as well as find better outlets and coping methods - it’s a personal project of his. A moth lands on Byleth’s shoulder, and as it does Sephtis also adds that this kind of therapy is open not just to students but to anyone who needs it - including to Byleth if they wish for it. Byleth promises to keep that in mind and thanks him, going back to helping clean things up.

B Support

Byleth comes by Sephtis’ office after seeing moths fluttering about the corridor. Entering quietly they quickly find themselves surrounded by moths who land on them and flutter around them. When Byleth moves to brush one off of themselves, Sephtis’ voice calls out from within the office to ask them not to. As he appears, Sephtis explains that the moths are living creatures and that it’ll hurt them if they’re treated roughly. He shows Byleth how to handle them carefully, telling them about how his family have used enchanted moths for generations as a part of their crest magic. Byleth looks about the office as they watch Sephtis dispel the moths, seeing that he's got the drawings they helped clear up on his office wall. Sephtis laughs and admits he always feels fond of the drawings done by students and so he keeps them. He asks Byleth if they’d like to add one to the wall as well, since they seem so interested in them. If this is in the Amber Scales route then he will specifically mention that it would be nice for the teaching assistant to have a drawing that goes alongside their students'. Curious, Byleth admits they’ve not drawn pictures before, and that they’re not sure what they’d draw. Sephtis is surprised, but suggests the two of them talk and work on the picture together. After some work, they manage to create a picture of Byleth and Jeralt, which Sephtis adds to his wall. Byleth thanks him for the chance, saying that they feel better despite not knowing they didn’t feel good before - which makes Sephtis laugh fondly. He’s glad to have helped.

A Support

In the post time skip, Byleth comes to Sephtis’ office to find himself cleaning it. Much of it got damaged by the battle against Edelgard’s rebellion five years prior, but Byleth notices that Sephtis appears to be looking for some things rather than tidying up much. They offer to help him, asking what he’s looking for - and Sephtis admits he’s looking for his student notes and the drawings and other gifts he’s received from students over his time as a teacher. Byleth realises, and immediately starts looking too. After a while, Sephtis gasps and that attracts Byleth’s attention. He’s found the picture they did, but it is burnt from the fires. He sighs, and he’s clearly upset. Byleth offers to do another, but they seem to be sad at it as well. Sephtis thanks them, and he confesses he treasures these works dearly, since all the students here feel like family to him. Then, quietly, he also adds that Byleth is a part of that family as well. Standing, he asks Byleth to promise him that they will survive this conflict, so that one day they can sit and talk and spend peaceful time together again one day like they did five years ago. In the Amber scales route, Sephtis also adds that teaching alongside Byleth has been some of the best time of his life, and that he won’t let a little war put a damper on it.

S Support

After the war, Sephtis invites Byleth to meet with him at the Goddess Tower. There, he confesses that he’s been looking for a moment to speak to Byleth alone - though of course he understands that they’ve been very busy with all the rebuilding and with celebrating. He promises not to keep Byleth long, but hands them a gift. An ornate moth hair clip much like the one he wears, along with the original drawing Byleth made, restored carefully. He asks Byleth to forgive him for what he’s about to say, but he admits he’s been feeling strong feelings towards Byleth for some time now. He finds it a little funny that Garreg Mach proves to be a place for him to find romance, but he really hasn’t felt this strongly towards another person since Lilith. He confesses he wants to see Byleth’s vision of peace and family, the one they drew in their picture, into reality. Byleth smiles and happily accepts the offer of marriage.

With Byleth (Female)


C Support

Late one afternoon, Byleth is walking along one of the corridors when there is the sound of crashing and banging, before multiple students from the Emerald Dragons come running by and speed off elsewhere. In White Clouds they will not acknowledge Byleth’s presence at all, but in Amber Scales they will greet Byleth quickly as they run past. Byleth goes to investigate what they are running away from, only to find Sephtis clearing up a classroom ravaged by scraps of paper drawings, paper planes and confetti. Byleth is surprised, but Sephtis is pleased to see them and asks if they mind lending him a hand with cleaning up. Byleth agrees to, asking him what caused the chaos. Sephtis explains that the detention class were doing a little bit of artwork to vent frustration - as it is better just to create paper mess rather than cause actual harm or property damage. Byleth is surprised but commends the idea, asking what else they do in detention if not be punished. Sephtis explains that they are punished, but that they’re also given a chance to explain their side of whatever the conflict was as well as find better outlets and coping methods - it’s a personal project of his. A moth lands on Byleth’s shoulder, and as it does Sephtis also adds that this kind of therapy is open not just to students but to anyone who needs it - including to Byleth if they wish for it. Byleth promises to keep that in mind and thanks him, going back to helping clean things up.

B Support

Byleth comes by Sephtis’ office after seeing moths fluttering about the corridor. Entering quietly they quickly find themselves surrounded by moths who land on them and flutter around them. When Byleth moves to brush one off of themselves, Sephtis’ voice calls out from within the office to ask them not to. As he appears, Sephtis explains that the moths are living creatures and that it’ll hurt them if they’re treated roughly. He shows Byleth how to handle them carefully, telling them about how his family have used enchanted moths for generations as a part of their crest magic. Byleth looks about the office as they watch Sephtis dispel the moths, seeing that he's got the drawings they helped clear up on his office wall. Sephtis laughs and admits he always feels fond of the drawings done by students and so he keeps them. He asks Byleth if they’d like to add one to the wall as well, since they seem so interested in them. If this is in the Amber Scales route then he will specifically mention that it would be nice for the teaching assistant to have a drawing that goes alongside their students'. Curious, Byleth admits they’ve not drawn pictures before, and that they’re not sure what they’d draw. Sephtis is surprised, but suggests the two of them talk and work on the picture together. After some work, they manage to create a picture of Byleth and Jeralt, which Sephtis adds to his wall. Byleth thanks him for the chance, saying that they feel better despite not knowing they didn’t feel good before - which makes Sephtis laugh fondly. He’s glad to have helped.

A Support

In the post time skip, Byleth comes to Sephtis’ office to find himself cleaning it. Much of it got damaged by the battle against Edelgard’s rebellion five years prior, but Byleth notices that Sephtis appears to be looking for some things rather than tidying up much. They offer to help him, asking what he’s looking for - and Sephtis admits he’s looking for his student notes and the drawings and other gifts he’s received from students over his time as a teacher. Byleth realises, and immediately starts looking too. After a while, Sephtis gasps and that attracts Byleth’s attention. He’s found the picture they did, but it is burnt from the fires. He sighs, and he’s clearly upset. Byleth offers to do another, but they seem to be sad at it as well. Sephtis thanks them, and he confesses he treasures these works dearly, since all the students here feel like family to him. Then, quietly, he also adds that Byleth is a part of that family as well. Standing, he asks Byleth to promise him that they will survive this conflict, so that one day they can sit and talk and spend peaceful time together again one day like they did five years ago. In the Amber scales route, Sephtis also adds that teaching alongside Byleth has been some of the best time of his life, and that he won’t let a little war put a damper on it.

S Support

After the war, Sephtis invites Byleth to meet with him at the Goddess Tower. There, he confesses that he’s been looking for a moment to speak to Byleth alone - though of course he understands that they’ve been very busy with all the rebuilding and with celebrating. He promises not to keep Byleth long, but hands them a gift. An ornate moth hair clip much like the one he wears, along with the original drawing Byleth made, restored carefully. He asks Byleth to forgive him for what he’s about to say, but he admits he’s been feeling strong feelings towards Byleth for some time now. He finds it a little funny that Garreg Mach proves to be a place for him to find romance, but he really hasn’t felt this strongly towards another person since Lilith. He confesses he wants to see Byleth’s vision of peace and family, the one they drew in their picture, into reality. Byleth smiles and happily accepts the offer of marriage.

With Rusalka Von Ubel


C Support

Rusalka sits in Sephtis’ office, carefully reading out loud from a book on magic and following the words with one finger as he does. Mostly he speaks clearly, but occasionally he starts to stumble over a few of the words. Eventually he gets completely frustrated and shuts the book, only for a voice behind him to commend his hard work. It makes Rusalka jump and the book falls to the floor as he panics, only to discover that it was his father who spoke. That makes him start to hastily apologise as he picks the book up, working himself into more and more panic. Sephtis steps in, and firmly tells his son to stop and take a breath, carefully talking him down from his panic and calming him. Rusalka calms, and thanks Sephtis, but does apologise to his father for overreacting. Sephtis assures his son that he is alright and that he should continue when he feels ready, and to not worry about the stammer. Just do his best. Rusalka agrees, asking Sephtis to stay with him as he opens the book and begins once again. He admits he feels like he’ll never get the hang of it, but if he’s asked to he’ll keep trying. Sephtis encourages him, and states that without practice he can’t grow stronger and overcome his fears. He stays close and the two of them continue reading.

B Support

Rusalka sits in his father’s office in tears, lamenting how he’s nothing more than a coward who can’t even handle a normal lesson let alone anything like a real war. Sephtis comes into the office and hearing his son crying he immediately comes over to console him. Rusalka confessed he panicked trying to enter the Black Eagle classroom and threw up again, causing a commotion. He’s not sure he’ll ever get the courage to join the class properly no matter how much he tries. Sephtis reminds him that he still tried, and considering that this is the first time in several months that Rusalka has tried to enter the classroom since the first time it does actually show immense progress on his part. Rusalka sniffles and asks Sephtis if he is disappointed in him because of his condition, which Sephtis strongly admonishes. He tells Rusalka that not only is he immensely proud of him as a student and as a son for all he does to better himself, he also knows that his mother would also say the same. This makes Rusalka smile very quietly and he thanks his father for his belief in him.

In Amber Scales, Rusalka admits he misses his mother and blames himself that she’s gone. Sephtis shakes his head and hugs his son, telling him that there is no one else to blame but the one who tried to take all their lives - and that that was not Rusalka. He encourages Rusalka to move on from his guilt and to remember his mother did all she could to save his life - and that that is something you come to understand once you become a parent. The desire to protect the child you love. Rusalka blushes, but thanks Sephtis for always being there for him and never giving up on him.

A Support

In Crimson Flower and Amber Scales, Rusalka approaches Sephtis to ask if they can visit Lilith’s memorial together. Sephtis asks why he is holding a book and Rusalka asks to explain when they get there. They visit the memorial, and Sephtis watches as Rusalka proceeds to read from a book without hesitation or stuttering whilst doing so. It’s an old folk tale, and Sephtis remarks that he recognises the story as one Lilith used to read to Rusalka when he was a child. Rusalka explains that he wanted to improve his speech and confidence enough to be able to read it back to his mother without messing it up. He is elated that he managed it, but immediately panics seeing Sephtis tear up. He rushes to his father, apologising over and over for upsetting him, but Sephtis explains he has nothing to apologise for. He is crying because he is so proud of Rusalka. That only makes Rusalka blush and the two exchange a hug together at the memorial.

If Sephtis’ paralogue has been completed, the scene continues on a little more. Sephtis admits he’s happy that Abaddon can no longer bring their family harm, and that now the two of them can move on and rebuild their lives however they wish to. In particular he asks Rusalka to pursue his dreams and keep growing strong. Rusalka agrees, but asks that Sephtis remember to find happiness for himself as well, because he’s proud of his father for how much strength he has too. He admires him. That makes Sephtis even more emotional and the two both agree to keep rebuilding and working together.

With Nevar Branwell


C Support

Nevar arrives at Sephtis' office after a particularly bad day and in a particularly bad mood, for the first of his individual counselling sessions with his teacher. Sephtis is calm and firm, but not angry towards him, and asks him to explain why he was sent out of class with the Black Eagles today. Nevar huffily sits in the chair and declares loudly that it wasn't his fault and that the rest of the class started it, but Sephtis gets him to take a moment to calm himself and then talk. Sephtis waits, and eventually Nevar confesses that he was told to leave because he lashed out at Ferdinand for lecturing him on his class attendance and about how good students should always go to class and pay attention. It annoyed Nevar, and he got angry at how condescending Ferdinand was being and so he hexed him. This is what made Manuela send him out. Sephtis listens, though its clear he was already informed of the situation beforehand. He lets Nevar speak his side of the story, and then asks him if he thinks that hexing Ferdinand was the right thing to do in this situation, given the consequences. Nevar begrudgingly admits that it probably wasn't the best thing but that he thinks Ferdinand deserves it. That makes Sephtis laugh, and he offhandedly agrees maybe he did, but that Nevar needs to learn to work through his anger and frustration so that he isn't punished for how he feels about things. They discuss the best ways, and Nevar thanks Sephtis for giving him some ways to cope that he can at least try - even if he isn't convinced that they will work right away or every time. Sephtis encourages him to try his best and says that his classes are always there if Nevar needs a break from the Black Eagles.

B Support

Coming for his second counselling session, Nevar is much more cheery and even asks Sephtis how he is doing as well. Sephtis is delighted to see Nevar in a better mood, and is happy to just have a pleasant chat with him. Even showing Nevar a new collection of moths who just emerged - which Nevar finds fascinating. Their conversation, however, is interrupted by a knock that immediately puts Nevar on edge. To his disdain, he discovers that it is Seteth interrupting their session to speak to Sephtis. Cautious of Nevar and Seteth's bad relations, Sephtis attempts to mediate things and speak with Seteth about what he has come to see them for. Seteth explains to Sephtis that he is following up on Nevar's repeated class absences and the fact that he has also failed to turn up for his detentions and punishments and that now more serious action needs to be taken. Sephtis assures Seteth that the matter is being handled, but Seteth is sterner and insists that Nevar be punished properly for antagonising the other students. Nevar very quickly riles up, hating to see his teacher be talked down to like this, as well as feeling hurt and scared by Seteth demanding he face punishment. He starts preparing magic, a fact that draws the attention of both teachers, but doesn't yet use it. Seteth begins to explain that this is why Nevar is a problem and why he must be dealt with but Sephtis silences him, turning to Nevar and watching. With Sephtis' encouragement, Nevar takes several breaths and carefully counts down to calm himself down, before removing himself from the situation by leaving the office quietly. Sephtis then asks Seteth to leave and he will ensure the matter is handled appropriately and that he need not interfere further. When Seteth is gone, he finds Nevar in the Emerald Dragons classroom, and commends him for handling the situation well. Nevar explains it was only because Sephtis was there for him, but Sephtis encourages that this is a good start and that Nevar should be proud of himself for it.

A Support

In the post time skip, Nevar comes to see Sephtis himself with good news, inviting himself in and asking if they can do a counselling session like they had done back when he was still a student. Sephtis agrees, and asks if something is bothering Nevar that he wants to talk about. Nevar states that it is actually the opposite, and that he wants to tell Sephtis how his methods have been working well for him and how he feels he is finally handling things so much better now. Sephtis is pleased to hear it, and invites Nevar to sit whilst he makes them both tea, and to tell him the whole story. Nevar eagerly explains how he once again encountered a situation in which he began to feel overwhelmed and angry, with soldiers picking on him because of his facial scarring and his odd behavior. Nevar admits that he felt angry, and that he wanted to hurt them for the nasty things that they said about him, and Sephtis agrees that he understands feeling that way too. However, as Nevar goes on to elaborate, he did not attack them and he didn't even let his magic get out of control. He simply took some deep breaths and removed himself from the situation, and Nevar explains that he went to go get some honey and take a break by himself until he felt calm enough to be around people again. Then when he realised he'd done as Sephtis had advised him, he got very excited and simply had to tell him right away that it had worked. Sephtis is very pleased to hear it and admits he is very proud of how much Nevar has grown over the years and how much stronger he is because of all his hard work. He tells him to keep doing what he's doing, and that even if he feels fine he can always come and see him any time like this to talk about problems or worries or anything like that. Nevar says that he trusts Sephtis, something very rare for him, and that he's grateful to have one teacher who has believed in him all this time. He promises to keep working hard not just for himself but also for all of the Emerald Dragons.

With Curan Silvius Menteth


C Support

Curan knocks on Sephtis’ door and is pleased to see him answer, asking to come in and talk. Sephtis invites him in and makes him tea asking if everything is alright. Curan admits he’s been feeling frustrated, especially because he’s been in trouble for hexing Lorenz again. Sephtis asks him to explain what happened exactly, which leads Cursn to explain that Lorenz had been reminding him of how his father sits in prison thanks to Lord Gloucester and he got upset and frustrated and lashed out at Lorenz for it. He argues strongly that Lorenz deserved it, but when he tried to explain that to Catherine when she caught him she was less understanding and sent him here for detention. Sephtis admits that he thinks Curan shouldn’t have lashed out, despite the fact that he knows Lorenz likely deserved what he got for his teasing. Sephtis asks Curan if he’s thought about what his mother and father must think when they hear about his actions, and Curan explains he doesn’t think his father even knows anything because of his prison sentence. That causes Sephtis to pause and think, and he promises to do something about that. He asks Curan to visit him the next time he feels he wants to lash out at Lorenz.

B Support

Curan comes to visit Sephtis’ office, visibly frustrated and complaining about how Lorenz is driving him mad again. He admits he came close to just throwing a spell at him, but remembered what Sephtis asked of him and came here instead. Curan asks Sephtis what he’s supposed to do now, because he refuses to just ignore Lorenz without doing something about it. Sephtis gestures to the desk and chair and asks him to sit, and on the table is some paper and a quill pen. Curan asks what that’s for, and Sephtis explains that he’s going to write a letter. Thinking Sephtis means for him to write to Lorenz, Curan tríes to refuse until he’s told that this is to be a letter to Curan’s father. Sephtis asks Curan to write about the good experiences he’s been having at the academy, and all he’s learnt and basically anything he’d like to tell his dad about. He explains that Curan should pour all the energy he would have used to hex Lorenz into writing the letter instead. Curan is convinced it won’t do anything but trusts Sephtis and does as he’s asked. When he’s finished, he does admit he feels better for focusing on that rather than on how angry he felt, and he thanks Sephtis for it before he leaves.

A Support

Sephtis comes to Curan’s room, knocking and waiting for an answer. Curan answers and is surprised but let’s him in - asking if Sephtis is looking for Rusalka or something. Sephtis says he’s here to give him something, and hands over a sealed letter. To Curan’s shock it’s from his father. Sephtis explains he found a way to use his magic so that Curan’s father could receive his letter and reply to it. Curan opens it, tearing up as he reads the contents. Sephtis also explains that Curan’s father wrote to him as well, asking him to keep Curan out of trouble whilst he can’t be there to do it. Laughing but still somewhat stern, he tells Curan that his father has asked him to “remind him his teacher back at home won’t be pleased if he misbehaves” and Curan finds himself laughing at that too. He thanks Sephtis for the letter, and hugs him - calling him the best Uncle as well as a great Teacher. He admits he already has a best teacher, but Sephtis says he’s happy enough to be a good uncle figure to him. He also explains that he can continue to write to his father whenever he wishes to, as he can still get letters to him for as long as he remains in prison. Curan admits he hopes that will change and that his father will be freed and Sephtis agrees and promises they can both work on that as well.

With Saoirse Costine


C Support

To Be Confirmed

B Support

To Be Confirmed

A Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et neque nibh. Aliquam tristique urna ut odio varius, quis mattis mi ultricies. Quisque felis tortor, ultricies ac facilisis vitae, auctor vel erat. Quisque sapien enim, egestas eget lectus ut, congue dignissim orci. Maecenas fermentum tristique feugiat. Morbi sem metus, dictum ut lacus non, iaculis egestas urna. Donec non magna at massa semper lobortis ut quis justo. Nulla molestie tortor pretium porta ornare. Ut consequat vitae metus nec pulvinar. Maecenas non magna sit amet libero laoreet vestibulum eget ac elit. Vivamus ornare ac nulla vitae vulputate.

With Nimue Bronwen Addanc


C Support

Nimue comes bursting into the Emerald Dragons classroom, loudly declaring herself to be once again attending detention and quite proud of it as well. Sephtis is at his desk, marking, and asks her what it was this time that had her in trouble with the staff. Nimue confesses she kicked off against a bunch of knights who were leering at her in the dining hall and that it got physical. When Seteth had grabbed her to break up the fight she had also given him a black eye. Sephtis coughs to suppress a laugh, and starts to scold her for fighting - but Nimue calls him out and says that she heard the snicker. He admits he finds it funny but that that does not take away from the fact she is in genuine trouble. Nimue gets huffy and sits, trying to protest that she just wants to defend herself because people always look at her like this and try to touch her. Sephtis agrees they are just as much, in fact moreso, in the wrong. But that giving Seteth a black eye was uncalled for. Nimue admits he looked really hurt and that he probably didn’t intend any harm to her. Sephtis asks her to go and apologise to him meaningfully after she serves her detention, and she agrees.

B Support

Returning again to the classroom, Nimue calls out for Sephtis directly that she wants to speak with him today. He appears and asks if she’s looking for counselling, and she shrugs and says she just wants to talk. Nimue explains that she went to apologise to Seteth properly and that he did accept her words, but that he also offhandedly remarked that her apology was “more than your professor would do” and the phrase made her curious. Sephtis gets an offended look and then starts to laugh, admitting to Nimue thay Seteth is probably right considering how he acted in his student days. Nimue gets even more curious and eager to hear more about that - shocked that Seteth taught Sephtis and now teaches her. She asks if that makes Seteth super old, and Sephtis asks her not to ask him that. But he also reminds her that he’s actually still young himself too. Nimue finds that funny, asking if Sephtis has stories about Seteth from when he was a student. Sephtis admits he has many stories of Garreg Mach from his student days - but that he cannot tell them for fear his ability to properly discipline students would be called out as hypocrisy. Not really knowing what he means, Nimue just dances off saying she’ll find out one way or another. Sephtis quietly hopes she doesn’t manage it.

A Support

In Amber Scales’ post time skip, Nimue approaches Sephtis to ask to speak with him. She admits she’s been looking for stories about his time as a student, and that she’s found out a lot from Professor Raven and from Seteth as well. Sephtis gets a little guarded and asks her to elaborate - only for her to tell him all about his mischief and misadventure and all the pranks and destruction he caused across Garreg Mach. Nimue exclaims she never thought him capable of it, and that she thinks it’s no wonder he understands what she and the others in the Emerald Dragons are going through and have done. Sephtis asks her to consider why he founded the house in the first place. He never had someone to watch out for him in the same way she and the others do, and that as such he learnt a lot of his lessons the hard way. Nimue realises, and thanks Sephtis for all he’s done for them. She promises to keep making him proud, but admits she’ll find it funny when he tells her off from now on. Sephtis sighs at that and warns her to at least try and keep out of trouble. But it’s too late she’s already danced away.

With Akasuki Higa


C Support

To Be Confirmed

B Support

To Be Confirmed

A Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et neque nibh. Aliquam tristique urna ut odio varius, quis mattis mi ultricies. Quisque felis tortor, ultricies ac facilisis vitae, auctor vel erat. Quisque sapien enim, egestas eget lectus ut, congue dignissim orci. Maecenas fermentum tristique feugiat. Morbi sem metus, dictum ut lacus non, iaculis egestas urna. Donec non magna at massa semper lobortis ut quis justo. Nulla molestie tortor pretium porta ornare. Ut consequat vitae metus nec pulvinar. Maecenas non magna sit amet libero laoreet vestibulum eget ac elit. Vivamus ornare ac nulla vitae vulputate.

With Amaterasu Itou


C Support

To Be Confirmed

B Support

To Be Confirmed

A Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et neque nibh. Aliquam tristique urna ut odio varius, quis mattis mi ultricies. Quisque felis tortor, ultricies ac facilisis vitae, auctor vel erat. Quisque sapien enim, egestas eget lectus ut, congue dignissim orci. Maecenas fermentum tristique feugiat. Morbi sem metus, dictum ut lacus non, iaculis egestas urna. Donec non magna at massa semper lobortis ut quis justo. Nulla molestie tortor pretium porta ornare. Ut consequat vitae metus nec pulvinar. Maecenas non magna sit amet libero laoreet vestibulum eget ac elit. Vivamus ornare ac nulla vitae vulputate.

With Glade De Foxguard


C Support

To Be Confirmed

B Support

To Be Confirmed

A Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et neque nibh. Aliquam tristique urna ut odio varius, quis mattis mi ultricies. Quisque felis tortor, ultricies ac facilisis vitae, auctor vel erat. Quisque sapien enim, egestas eget lectus ut, congue dignissim orci. Maecenas fermentum tristique feugiat. Morbi sem metus, dictum ut lacus non, iaculis egestas urna. Donec non magna at massa semper lobortis ut quis justo. Nulla molestie tortor pretium porta ornare. Ut consequat vitae metus nec pulvinar. Maecenas non magna sit amet libero laoreet vestibulum eget ac elit. Vivamus ornare ac nulla vitae vulputate.

With Hollis Raines


C Support

Whilst Sephtis is working, he looks up to hear his door opening and then slamming shut suddenly. Glancing over, he sees Hollis locking the doors before coming over and asking Sephtis if he can stay for a while. Sephtis just laughs and tells him he’s already practically locked himself in and made himself at home already so he should probably stay. But Sephtis also asks him what he is trying to avoid this time around, since Hollis always comes to hide in here when there is work or trouble he has to avoid. Hollis grumbles but admits Seteth caught him slacking off mucking out the wyverns again and he fled up here as fast as he could. Sephtis asks him how many times he’s going to have to keep bailing him out, reminding Hollis that Sephtis can’t really tell him off because Hollis knows it would be hypocritical of him to do so given his youth. That just makes Hollis grin because he absolutely knows and that’s why he always chooses to hide out with Sephtis. He even admits it aloud with a cheeky wink. Sephtis just rolls his eyes and tells him to get comfortable and he’ll find another creative excuse for Seteth when he comes by.

B Support

Sephtis comes back to his office one afternoon to find it a windswept mess, papers scattered everywhere and Hollis sat in the middle, examining a glass jar. Sephtis immediately panics, yelling at Hollis for making a complete mess of his office and telling him to put the jar down immediately. Hollis, not used to hearing Sephtis get mad at him, jumps and almost drops the jar. It’s thankfully saved by Sephtis dashing in and grabbing it, pulling it away from Hollis and casting several moths with his dark magic to sit on its lid and keep it sealed, as well as check for cracks. Hollis Protests, saying he didn’t mean to make the mess he was looking for something on a top shelf, and when he knocked the jar off the table it started making noises which is why he was holding it. Sephtis, incredibly panicked, orders Hollis out of his office immediately, but Hollis refuses to go because he can tell he’s upset his friend. He promises to clean the office up, but that Sephtis needs to calm down. Sephtis gets more angry, telling Hollis he needs to make sure that the thing in the jar can’t get out and to do that he needs to concentrate. He begs Hollis to leave him alone for now, and Hollis reluctantly leaves.

In the second portion of the B support, Hollis returns later to Sephtis’ office. This time he actually knocks and he apologises for his behaviour earlier. Sephtis also apologises for yelling and panicking, and asks Hollis to forgive him. Hollis admits he’s hardly about to tell Sephtis off, considering he was just as bad as he was in his youth and still is today. Jokingly he remarks “at least you’ve matured with age!” Which makes them both laugh. Sephtis suggests they both clean the last bits up together and then spend time together. Hollis, picking up what he means by that, is very happy to agree.

A Support

In the post timeskip of Amber Scales, Hollis comes to see Sephtis in what remains of his office, asking if he can come hide in the office for a bit. Sephtis, of course, let’s him but asks him what’s wrong - he no longer has chores to avoid after all. Hollis admits he just needs somewhere to take a breather with someone who gets him. Sephtis immediately understands, making Hollis some tea and letting him relax. Hollis eventually admits he still feels conflicted over going against Rhea even if he knows he shouldn’t feel like that about her given all that she has done to others and himself. Sephtis let’s him speak, and says that he understands how conflicted Hollis must feel after centuries of living under Rhea’s watch. However, he adds, there is still good to come from this - as Hollis still has much of his family with him and safe and that is important to remember. Hollis agrees, promising he will get over it eventually. Sephtis tells him to take the time he needs and that, as always, he’s here to help in whatever way Hollis wants. Hollis laughs and quietly remarks that he wishes Sephtis could really be around for as long as he needs him - to which Sephtis changes his words. He promises to help him for as long as he is alive, and then after that he’s sure Rusalka and others will assist as well. Hollis won’t feel alone again. Hollis tries to laugh it off to hide getting emotional, but eventually settles for just hugging Sephtis instead.

With Seteth


C Support

After Flayn has been rescued, Seteth comes to Sephtis’ office and knocks on the door. Sephtis answers, a little shocked to see Seteth outside, and invites the man inside for tea and to talk. Seteth is hesitant at first, but he eventually admits as to why he came to see Sephtis. He deeply apologises to him for misjudging him and for suspecting him of being Flayn’s kidnapper. He realised he was making baseless accusations and jumping to conclusions without really knowing Sephtis well at all - especially since he’d grown up and returned to Garreg Mach. Seteth admits he’s judged Sephtis too much for his beliefs and for his family, and labelled him as suspicious without actually considering the effects it would have. Sephtis listens, and then tells Seteth he forgives him - something Seteth wasn't expecting to hear and it catches him mid sentence. Sephtis says it again, he forgives him and is grateful to no longer be under suspicion. Seteth tries to apologise again but Sephtis stops him. He says that they should both move on, and if Seteth wishes to get to know him then he is welcome to ask questions sometime. Seteth is surprised, but thanks him for his forgiveness and kindness. He promises to come see him again sometime and make good on getting to know him more.

B Support

Seteth finds Sephtis in the dining hall and asks him if he’d mind if they ate together. Sephtis accepts, asking jokingly if Seteth deliberately chose the same meal as he has to try and get on his hood side. They’ve both chosen the fish dango, and when Sephtis sits he admits it’s one of his favourite foods. It has been since he was young and he’d always get it whenever he’d visit Enbarr with his father, where the snack was and still is very popular. Seteth laughs and tells him it wasn’t deliberate, he’s just fond of fish because he enjoys fishing. The fish dishes at Garreg Mach remind him of the food his wife used to cook and he gets nostalgic having it. Sephtis agrees, since food reminds him of his parents too. That leads Seteth to ask if Lilith ever learnt to cook - to which Sephtis quickly replies that his late wife could burn water if she was left alone in the kitchen, and he would do most of the cooking. Sephtis explains that whilst Rusalka takes after his mother in many ways, he is glad that he didn’t inherit her cooking skill. Seteth laughs at that, explaining how much Flayn is growing up like her mother as well, but she actually lacks the cooking skill her mother had. They both get talking about their children after that, and find they have a lot of coincidental opposites and also things in common. Their conversation continues til they finish their food, and both men part on very amicable terms.

A Support

In Amber Scales, Seteth approaches Sephtis in the post timeskip and asks if he can speak with him privately. When they are alone, he admits he is feeling stressed and confused over all that has transpired over the last five years and up until now - and that he feels he has had barely time to process any of it. Sephtis guides him to sit down and take a breath, letting him voice his concerns when he feels ready to. Seteth explains he feels lost and without a purpose and that much of the truths that have been uncovered regarding the Church, his people and everyone else has been a lot for him. He’s been stressed and getting headaches as a result. Sephtis admits he’s definitely no great healer, but he can at least offer a calm environment and someone to keep him company. Seteth thanks him, and he admits he appreciates that Sephtis has actually been one of the more stable and reliable people out of all that he’s gone through. Sephtis asks if that includes his jar experiment escaping and Seteth chides him for reminding him of it. But they both laugh it off. Sephtis comes to sit beside his friend and says he’ll do what he can, and that he’s happy to stay beside Seteth for as long as he wants and needs him - even if that’s to the end of his life. Certainly he has no intention of dying anytime soon. Seteth smiles at that, saying he appreciates it, and that for now he’d just like five or so minutes peace with him.

With Flayn


C Support

Sephtis enters his office one afternoon, hoping to find a little peace and quiet after teaching, only to find Flayn there waiting for him. He is a little guarded, but is polite and kind and asks her if she needs him for something. Even jokingly asking if she’s seeking counsel from her brother’s meddling. Flayn is more stern and asks that he not joke with her on this as she has a very pressing question she needs to ask him. Sephtis agrees and invites her to sit whilst he makes tea since he thinks she really does want counselling. Again, Flayn refuses hospitality and cuts to the chase. She has sensed strong magic in his office and it does not feel like anything she has sensed in any other magic user before. It makes her uncomfortable and she wants to know what it is. Sephtis at first plays innocent and assures her he's doing that the church would disapprove of, but Flayn begs him not to think her stupid because of how young she looks. She knows he has something to hide and that if he truly does wish ill upon the church that he come clean - because the church is her family. Sephtis relents, telling her that he has a powerful being contained for the safety of everyone here - but he does not provide details. He explains that his keeping it under observation means that it cannot harm the church - so if anything he is doing them a favour. This somewhat convinced her and she thanks him for his service to the monastery. He tells her not to worry, and that if she ever needs solace from her brother that his office is a safe place. She laughs a little as she leaves.

B Support

After being rescued, Flayn comes by Sephtis’ office to thank him personally for his work in bringing her back safely. She tells him that she heard from her brother how Sephtis was at first accused of being her kidnapper, but that he worked hard to not only disprove that but to also get her to safety. She thanks him again, offering to do something for him in return. Sephtis asks her that she continue to stay out of danger and keep safe, and that she doesn’t owe him anything. He merely wished to reunite a daughter with her father. Flayn jumps and immediately asks him how he knew. Sephtis admits it was a guess, but judging by her reaction he was right. She begs he keep it secret for both her and Seteth’s safety and he promises to, but admits he likely knows more about her and her father than she actually realises. As if on cue, the jar on his desk rattles ominously. Flayn glances over at it worriedly, and Sephtis assures her he’s got it under control.

In Amber Scales, Sephtis also welcomes Flayn to her new class and hopes that she will enjoy spending time with the rest of the Emerald Dragons. Flayn laughs and remarks how unique all the students are, and how excited she is to learn and grow alongside them as well as make new friends. He encourages her to make the most of it and to live her life as much as she can. Flayn admits she hasn’t had much chance to do that til now, and promises to not waste a second more.

With Hubert Von Vestra


C Support

Late one night, Sephtis is out for a walk when he hears noise behind him. Glancing about and a little defensive, he’s surprised to hear Hubert’s voice through the darkness - asking him where he’s going. Sephtis laughs it off, remarking that it’s hard enough being judged by members of the Church without members of his former house doing the same. Hubert laughs and says he isn’t here to judge, he is here to investigate. That piques Sephtis’ curiosity, and so he asks Hubert to elaborate on that. Hubert explains that he has researched all of the noble families in the Empire on behalf of the future Emperor, and that some are more interesting than others in what they do and have done for their country. Sephtis is a little guarded, mostly because he admits this is a painful subject for him, but Hubert persists. He asks about Sephtis’ family’s work in mind controlling Soldiers for the army - and Sephtis agrees that that is something the Ubel family has done previously. Hubert then asks if Sephtis would be willing to do it himself. Sephtis raises an eyebrow at that and asks if Hubert is trying to imply that there is war coming, to which Hubert does not give a straight answer and instead pushes the question more. Sephtis explains he would need to consider it carefully, and that his morals are not exactly in line with those of his predecessors. Hubert quietly asks if Sephtis would use it on students - since that’s supposedly what happens in detention. Sephtis shakes his head and firmly shuts that notion down. He tells Hubert that he does not use that kind of magic on children and to get that idea out of his head before going to bed. Hubert nods and vanishes.

B Support

During Crimson Flower, Hubert approaches Sephtis to speak with him - thanking him for his help in the previous battle. Hubert remarks that he couldn’t help noticing that Sephtis did use his unique magic upon the enemy in order to turn their forces on one another instead of attacking the Imperial Army. With a laugh he comments on how sinister it looks, to which Sephtis just laughs and shakes his head. Despite it’s sinister appearances, he replies, it was done more to protect their army and his students rather than because he had malicious intentions with it. Sephtis reiterates that he still will not be using his mind control magic on their own soldiers in order to enforce compliance - but Hubert insists that wouldn’t be necessary anyways as those who have chosen to fight under Emperor Edelgard do so out of loyalty and belief in her goals, not coercion or force. That being said, he does appreciate having Sephtis as an ally rather than an enemy because of how formidable his abilities are. Sephtis laughs at the flattery, and thanks Hubert for his confidence in him. He remarks how much Hubert has grown over time, and how strong he is - but not to let his willingness to do dirty work for others consume him. He tells Hubert that he is a strong man, and though he might think he is bad, he isn’t truly bad. Hubert merely shrugs mysteriously, but thanks him nonetheless for the compliments. The two agree to keep fighting alongside one another and part on good terms.

With Hideaki Hanzō


C Support

Sephtis is browsing the library and cleaning up a few books left lying around when he runs into Hideaki, a little surprised at first as he recognises him. When he addresses Hideaki as “Hanzō”, Hideaki almost jumps out of his seat in fright. Defensive and trying to find a way out, Hideaki begs Sephtis to just leave him alone - and it takes a couple of minutes of reassurance to calm him and convince Hideaki that Sephtis isn’t about to hurt him. Still, Hideaki remains incredibly defensive the entire time, holding his book of faith magic close against him the entire time. He tries to work out what Sephtis must want with him, which mostly comes across as cold staring whilst the teacher speaks. Sephtis attempts to make small talk and asks him about his reading, but that only serves to make Hideaki more guarded. Hideaki begs Sephtis not to tell anyone he’s studying healing magic, especially not his brother, which actually catches Sephtis off guard. He tries to say that he doesn’t mind that Hideaki is learning to be a healer, and that if anything he commends it as it is a difficult art to master. But before he can correct or even ask further, Hideaki bolts out of the library. Left behind, Sephtis sighs and makes a note that he needs to rectify this situation, because clearly there is more going on than first meets the eye.

B Support

Late one afternoon, Sephtis sees Hideaki in the library once more. This time he approaches with more caution, though Hideaki is still quickly very defensive and doesn’t speak to Sephtis right away. He first apologises for their rough first encounter and asks if they can speak properly. Hideaki is untrusting, but does agree to let him talk. Septhis explains that yes, it is true that he and Tanaka were friends back when they were students but that that was many years ago. They started to grow apart even though their families still worked together, and Sephtis went on to make other friends. He admits he’s a little sad they lost contact because his son Rusalka is Hideaki’s age and the two of them likely would have grown up as playmates together. When Hideaki makes a face at that, Sephtis tries to laugh it off - which only makes Hideaki realise that perhaps the man doesn’t actually know the full depth of the situation with the Hanzō. Cautious, Hideaki then asks Sephtis if he knows what Tanaka is really like - which catches Sephtis off guard. There is a pause, and then Septhis slowly says that he can imagine the kind of childhood Hideaki must have had. Hideaki just shakes his head and says it is worse than anything he can imagine, but agrees quietly that he will share what he feels comfortable talking about to him.

A Support

After the completion of Hideaki’s paralogue in Crimson Flower, he comes to approach Septhis himself and apologises to him for judging him as being similar to Tanaka just because the two of them were friends in childhood. Sephtis tells him he has nothing to apologise for, and given all that he has seen Tanaka become he’s quite glad that he cut off the friendship before it is too late. He does lament that he wishes he could have done more for Hideaki, but Hideaki admits that there probably wasn’t anything that could have been done for him anyways. They stay in peaceful silence for a little bit, before Sephtis breaks it by saying he is proud of Hideaki for his healing magic and for all he has done to better himself despite his family’s abuse and influence. Though he also says he would never force a friendship between them, he does admit that he thinks Hideaki and Rusalka would make for good friends as they have similar worries and fears and a desire to grow and learn from them. Hideaki smiles at that and thanks Sephtis for having confidence in him. He promises to be more open and to get to know Septhis properly now, to which Sephtis agrees and says he would like to do the same with Hideaki. Thus the two part on good terms.

With Catherine Rubens Charon


C Support

One evening, whilst Sephtis is out admiring the moonlight and surrounded by his moths, he feels a sword pointed at his back, and a stern voice behind him speaking accusingly. The owner of the voice and the sword is none other than Catherine, who accuses Sephtis of being out to plot against the Church of Seiros. Sephtis laughs at her for it, and remarks that the only thing that’s changed about her since they were both students together is her name. Catherine gets offended by this and accuses Sephtis of disrespecting her, to which he counters with the fact that she was the one to come out with the accusations of being suspicious first. She scoffs and folds her arms, stating she knows for a fact that Sephtis is suspicious and always has been, because he refuses to attend any prayer or ceremonies at the Monastery - an act she finds highly unbecoming of a man who works at the Academy. Sephtis does not rise to her tone, and merely says that if that is what makes him suspicious then he is perfectly content to continue to seem suspicious. This only angers Catherine further, and she threatens to speak to Rhea over this and have him brought into line. He tries one last attempt to reason with her by asking Catherine if he has ever tried to convert her to his atheistic views. Catherine says no, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Sephtis says that he won’t so long as she doesn’t try to make him attend a church ceremony. This annoys Catherine, who calls it his duty as part of setting a good example as a teacher. Realising he won’t get anywhere in this argument, Sephtis walks away, bidding her goodnight. He remarks to himself that she is still as zealous as she was in their youth.

B Support

Catherine is following Sephtis late one night, convinced he must be up to no good. She watches as he goes to a small grave, starting to lay flowers there. She goes to get closer, and Sephtis asks her to stop skulking around and just speak to him already. Catherine confronts him and asks what Sephtis is up to, to which he explains he is laying some lilies on a memorial to Lilith. Catherine is taken aback by that, and asks him how he knew Lilith. She and Lilith had been in similar circles and though Catherine hadn’t spoken to her much she didn’t think Lilith was the type to associate with the more troublesome students. Sephtis laughs and tells Catherine that sometimes appearances are deceiving. Though she’s right that he was troublesome, it was Lilith who actually set him on the right path. Sephtis tells Catherine that he and Lilith were married, a fact she was not aware of and is incredibly shocked by. At first she doesn’t believe him, since Lilith believed in the Goddess, but Sephtis tells her that it’s the truth - and that Lilith is Rusalka’s mother. Catherine takes a moment to consider all this, and then finally apologises for being brash. She admits to misjudging Sephtis somewhat, but says she won’t trust him. Sephtis accepts that and says he won’t expect her to trust him ever, but that if they could each walk their paths peacefully for Lilith’s sake that would be fine by him. He returns to placing flowers on the memorial, telling Catherine that Lilith is not buried here, she is back at the Ubel household, but that he was allowed a small memorial to her here, something he is grateful to the church for. Catherine comes to see it, and the two appear to spend the rest of their time pleasantly exchanging memories.

With Hanneman Von Essar


C Support

Hanneman approaches Sephtis one afternoon, asking him if he has a moment to speak with him. Sephtis admits he’s a little busy with some marking he has left to do, but says he can spare a moment or two to speak. Hanneman is elated and asks Sephtis to join him in his office. Once there, Hanneman admits he wishes to see Sephtis’ crest in his crest analyser machine as he knows that the man is in possession of a unique crest. Slightly annoyed, Sephtis relents and allows him to analyse his crest, but does not answer any of the questions that Hanneman tries to ask him. Eventually he asks if he can get back to his work, and Hanneman tries to press again to find out more about Sephtis’ crest. In annoyance Sephtis tells him that the best details on the crest should be addressed to the original bearer of the crest himself - a statement that only leaves Hanneman even more confused about what Sephtis must mean. When Hanneman tries to press on that question, Sephtis walks away and makes excuses about having things that he needs to do. Frustrated, but not put off his quest for knowledge, Hanneman makes a point to himself that he will find out answers no matter what he needs to do.

B Support

Burning with curiosity, Hanneman sneaks himself into Sephtis’ office in order to find out more about what Sephtis must have meant by asking the bearer of the crest of Abaddon himself. A part of him wonders aloud if Sephtis meant Rusalka, his son, but then Hanneman remembers that Rusalka is very antisocial and that Sephtis is very protective of him. Hearing a rattling noise, Hanneman investigates the office further and is almost about to uncover the cloth that hides Sephtis’ jar when the man himself enters and confronts him on snooping. Caught in the act, Hanneman apologises for snooping and admits he was simply curious about what Sephtis meant last time about his crest. Concerned his deeper secrets may be discovered if this snooping continues, Sephtis offers to speak of the crest to Hanneman in return for him never entering his office unsupervised again. Hanneman agrees and the two reach a reasonable agreement, sitting down to talk crests.

With Manuela Casagranda


C Support

An already drunken Manuela catches Sephtis in the evening and asks him to come join her for some drinks. Sephtis is cautious because, as he tells her, she’s already quite drunk. He offers to keep her company and drink a little, but says he’s not interested in anything more than a few drinks because it’s late and he has a lot of work to do in the morning. Manuela laughs and drags him for some drinks and the both of them end up quite drunk and singing together. Manuela is shocked to find out that Sephtis actually has a good singing voice and encourages him to sing even more, the two of them even duetting in between drinks. Eventually Sephtis admits he’s at his limit and needs to rest, and Manuela giggles and asks him to stay the night with her. Before Sephtis can really leave he ends up passed out in Manuela’s arms. She finds it funny and admits he’s very adorable when he sleeps, but she is kind enough to carefully take his glasses off and tuck him into bed without taking advantage of him.

B Support

Sephtis comes to see Manuela, explaining that he owes her an apology for passing out drunk in her room last time they got together. He feels embarrassed because he hates to think what kind of rumours their meeting might have started and he doesn’t want to harm her reputation as a teacher. Manuela tells him not to worry himself over it and to relax, she’s done far worse things and the people who try to spread rumours about her will get over it or get bored of it eventually and move onto the next gossip. She admits she’s very used to it. Sephtis says he still feels bad, after all he knows what it’s like to have unsavoury rumours spread about and doesn’t want the same for someone else. Manuela tells him there are more important things he should focus on instead. She tells him that she had a great time and that they should get together and drink again sometime. That does make Sephtis smile a little, as he admits that what he does remember of the night was really fun. Manuela suggests next time he takes it easy so he remembers next time, and then he won’t fret. The two laugh and part on good terms.

With Alois Rangeld


C Support

Whilst training late one evening, Alois notices a moth land on his armour and without thinking about it he swats it. He hits a little too hard and kills it, only to hear a gasp of pain from nearby. Confused and concerned he investigates and finds Sephtis holding his hand and clearly in pain. Sephtis greets Alois cordially, but asks him if he swatted a moth just now - which Alois confesses too with some confusion. Sephtis remarks that that explains why he’s in pain just now and that only makes Alois even more confused. He asks Sephtis if he requires medical attention, and admits he finds it very strange that a moth being swatted could cause him pain when he wasn’t even close by to it. Sephtis calmly explains that the moth was one of his own, and that they are all enchanted to follow his commands. Because of this connection, when one of the moths is killed unexpectedly he feels the pain like it were his own body being injured. Sephtis admits the moth likely was attracted to the shine of Alois’ armour in the low light. Alois apologises for the mistake and offers to help Sephtis somehow in return. Sephtis forgives him and asks him to think nothing of it, that accidents happen and that he wasn’t to know. He bids him a good night and wishes the best for his continued training. After Sephtis leaves Alois looks about and thinks aloud to himself about how there has to be a way to solve this.

B Support

A few days later, Sephtis comes by the training grounds in the evening because he noticed it was the most brightly lit area of the entire monastery. Confused, he approaches closer and sees Alois training with lights beaming around him. Sephtis watches him in confusion, and his moths idly flutter to sit on the lamps. Alois notices this and is immediately elated that his solution has worked exactly as he hoped it would. Sephtis raises an eyebrow and asks the man what he means. Alois gleefully explains that he had hoped to rectify the tempting gleam of his armour by finding other light sources for the moths to be attracted to. Hence he decided to light as many lamps around the training ground as possible for them to go to instead. Sure enough, it worked. Sephtis is astounded not only by the plan, but by how thoughtful it is that Alois is trying to help keep his moths safe that way. He thanks him, and admits now he definitely owes the man some kind of debt. Alois tells him not to worry about it and to enjoy the night air. Sephtis thanks him and wishes him the best as they part ways.

With Oculis


C Support

Sephtis comes to see Professor Raven, Oculis in disguise, and asks if he minds looking over some of his upcoming lesson plans to check that they cover everything he needs to. Oculis happily agrees to, and actually remarks that Sephtis appears to be covering a lot more than is generally expected for this topic - and adding in details that Oculis hadn’t seen a teacher add in before. He asks Sephtis where he got the additional information from, and Sephtis asks Oculis to keep a secret. He admits he’s been researching outside of the official Church sources so that he can cover the material in a fairer and more well rounded manner. He found a few books that were set to be destroyed or sent to abyss and rescued them, and has been reading them avidly recently. Oculis is highly curious, asking to see them - which Sephtis agrees to on the promise that Oculis not let Rhea or Seteth know that he has them as he doesn’t want them confiscated. Oculis agrees, admitting he has a difficult relationship with those two as well so it isn’t hard for him to keep secrets from them. Sure enough Oculis recognises the texts and is genuinely surprised that Sephtis has them as he thought that they’d been lost to history. He thanks Sephtis for taking good care of them, because he actually knows the author personally. He jokes that he’s glad he could count on Sephtis’ reputation as a former problem student to preserve genuine historical texts. Sephtis cheekily asks if he can be introduced to the author one day, but Oculis just laughs it off and changes the subject back to the lesson plans, calling the author “a bit of an involuntary recluse.”

B Support

In Amber Scales pre timeskip, Sephtis comes down to deeper Abyss to check on Oculis in hiding. He enters apprehensively and greets his former teacher, now seeing his actual appearance rather than his disguise. Oculis asks Sephtis if he’s scared of him like this, but Sephtis shakes his head in response. He admits he was surprised, and that he has a lot of questions now, but more than anything he’s happy his teacher made it to safety and is reunited with his partner. Sephtis also admits he’s very curious to learn more, because now it is very apparent that much more lies beneath Fódlan’s truths than even Sephtis had managed to work out - and he wants to learn more from his teacher of the truth about the Agarthans and the people from before current Fódlan was founded. He asks if Oculis is willing to teach him, and Oculis admits he would be delighted to teach him again - so long as he behaves. Sephtis laughs and promises that he will, and that much has happened to make him a much better student now than he was as a teenager. The two exchange a few embarrassing moments from the times when Sephtis was driving Oculis mad as a student, and afterwards Oculis wonders what caused Sephtis to change, as he did notice how Sephtis was much more mature when he returned to Garreg Mach. Sephtis suggests that be a conversation for another time, as he’d prefer to learn about his teacher first. Oculis agrees and the two begin their new lessons.

A Support

In Amber Scales’ post timeskip and with the completion of Sephtis’ paralogue, Oculis approaches Sephtis to ask if he is alright given all that they’ve gone through. Sephtis confesses that he feels better now than he did before - and that he can rest a lot easier knowing his son can no longer come to harm. Oculis agrees that he’s happy Rusalka and the other students are safe too and admits he understands wanting to do whatever it takes to protect your child. Quietly, Oculis wishes he could have done the same for his daughter all those years ago. Sephtis is surprised but doesn’t pressure Oculis to admit to any more detail unless he wants to - but he does agree that he is prepared to give his life for Rusalka’s safety if he has to. Oculis nods, and also admits he was surprised to learn that Sephtis knew of Nabateans before meeting Taliesin as well, to which Sephtis admitted he didn't know much since even whilst captive Abaddon rarely gave up information. But he does now understand, and if anything it has made him more determined to work towards a better future for Fódlan and all the people who live there. Oculis agrees, and the two both happily agree that they’ll work together for it as well.

With Taliesin


C Support

During Amber Scales, Taliesin finds Sephtis’ office by chance and enters, sensing Sephtis inside. Sephtis happens to be preparing a lesson, and seeing Taliesin he asks if he minds coming to help him. Taliesin is curious, and says he won’t be much good at reading things off the board like a teacher would but that he’ll try. Sephtis laughs, and tells him he won’t have to do that, rather he would like for Taliesin to speak about Fódlan history with his students. Sephtis explains that often he teaches from books he has found in the Abyss library rather than the ones set by the Church of Seiros, as they offer a much more comprehensive and fair explanation. Taliesin lights up with excitement, and jokingly asks Sephtis why he even needs him there if he is already teaching from the books he has written. Sephtis smiles, and says that having the real author in class to speak about their research is infinitely more invaluable than just looking at texts. Sephtis explains he suspected the author of those books to be Taliesin for sometime, but could not confirm anything until he met Taliesin in person. As such, he would be honoured to have him in class this time. Taliesin is overjoyed and accepts the opportunity to teach, asking for Sephtis to guide him to the classroom when it is time and that he will do his best to make things interesting.

B Support

After classes finish, Taliesin approaches Septhis with some questions of his own. He has noticed that Sephtis has a very deep knowledge of Fódlan’s truths and the history and science behind crests - much more than would be learnt just from reading the texts that Taliesin has left accessible to people. Sephtis laughs it off, calling himself a big fan of Taliesin’s works and of doing personal research, but Taliesin exists that he would like to learn where Sephtis gained his knowledge from, so that he also might learn more and be able to write more. Sephtis again laughs, and says it is amusing for him to teach the man who’s books taught him so much. Taliesin becomes firmer now, and asks Sephtis why he is dodging the questions. Now Septhis too becomes guarded, and after checking that the door is closed and locked, he quietly explains that he has learnt much of his research from “another of Taliesin’s kind” who is also not allied with the Church of Seiros. This makes Taliesin very interested and concerned, and he starts to ask more questions about who this other Nabatean is - only for Sephtis to ask Taliesin kindly not to press further. He explains that the topic is still very sensitive to him, as it is deeply connected to the fall of his family and the deaths of many people he cared of. Taliesin relents, understanding that it is painful for Sephtis to discuss, but admits that he is concerned if there are still others of his kind left across Fódlan, as he doesn’t know what they might be like. This makes Sephtis laugh darkly, saying that Taliesin has no idea.

A Support

After the completion of Sephtis and Rusalka’s paralogue, and the chaos of Abaddon’s escape and attack on the students, Taliesin approaches Sephtis’ office and knocks. Sephtis lets him inside, and asks why he has come to visit so late. Taliesin admits he has come to apologise for pressing sensitive questions the last time they spoke like this. Given all they have both witnessed and gone through thanks to Abaddon, he now understands why Sephtis was so keen to keep those truths buried. He admits he knew that it was likely remaining Nabateans who were not Church-aligned might be hostile, but never expected something as intense as this. Sephtis stops him, and tells him that it is fine and that he doesn’t have to apologise. Sephtis explains that he had tried to keep it quiet mostly for the sake of his son, as he knows that the guilt plagues Rusalka a lot and he wants to find some way to help his son move past his trauma and learn to cope. Taliesin nods sagely, and calls Sephtis admirable for this. He also states that he hopes now that Abaddon is dealt with, things will be much easier for the two of them. Sephtis agrees, and admits he is grateful that Taliesin is at least understanding of the fact that they had to kill Abaddon, even if it meant killing one of the last of the remaining Nabateans. Taliesin tells Sephtis that the preservation of their species is not a priority to him, he has long come to accept that Nabateans will likely die out eventually - and that he would rather protect the safety of humans who have done little to no wrong than a Nabatean who has harmed so callously. With one eyebrow raised, Sephtis asks cautiously if Taliesin also means that about Rhea, and is surprised when Taliesin starts laughing. Taliesin tells him that Rhea has done so much wrong that it would be a horrible reputation for their species to bear if she continues to stay alive and preach her lies. If she dies, he will only find it right for the course of human history that she passes on and allows people to move on from the trauma of the past. They both agree on this, and Sephtis asks Taliesin if he’d like to do more teaching sometime.

With Jerome Salvatore Rheingold


C Support

To Be Confirmed

B Support

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Dragon in the Flask

Dragon in the Flask
Objective Defeat Commander
Units Allowed 10
Boss Rusalka
Reward(s) Mech-Kladenets
Rusalka Dark Mage Co.
Script Chapter Script

I helped you bring your daughter home safe Seteth! Grant me the same mercy and help me rescue my Rusalka!

Sephtis, Dragon in the Flask

Dragon in the Flask is a paralogue in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


Sephtis approaches Seteth in a panic, begging him for a moment of his time. Seteth is sceptical but hears him out, as Sephtis explains that he needs help as his son is in danger. He explains that Abaddon, the Nabatean sealed inside the jar in his office, has broken loose and once again attempted to take over Rusalka’s body and mind. Seteth at first admonishes Sephtis for his carelessness, but at the mention of it being a Nabatean behind the issue he also becomes defensive and refuses any part in helping. Sephtis insists, mentioning that he did all he could to help rescue Flayn and begging Seteth to show him the same mercy.

It is at that point that Byleth enters as the two’s bickering intensifies. The two stop to talk to Byleth, though they’re both still on the brink of returning to their arguing over it all. Sephtis pleads with Byleth for help, explaining that he cannot let Rusalka suffer this a second time, and that he will do anything to bring his child home safely. Seteth is quiet and conflicted hearing Sephtis’ despair, but eventually agrees that they need to rescue Rusalka - as he is a student at the Academy. Byleth agrees, beginning the paralogue.

Outside of Garreg Mach, Sephtis and Byleth’s chosen students for this paralogue encounter Rusalka - who is under the control of Abaddon. Abaddon speaks through Rusalka, but his body can be seen as a glowing figure above the boy’s body with large moth wings and glowing eyes. Sephtis begs for Rusalka to wake, and Rusalka appears to struggle against his captor, but ultimately cannot shake him off. As Abaddon begins to use Rusalka to attack them, Sephtis realises that they are going to have to fight him in order to free him from Abaddon. Seteth, horrified at the sight and angered by Abaddon’s revelations, agrees to assist.

With the success of Byleth, Seteth and Sephtis as well as the others, Rusalka is freed and Abaddon is finally defeated and destroyed. Sephtis hurried to his son’s side, apologising to Rusalka for letting him suffer like this a second time. Byleth helps the others return to Garreg Mach so that they can get Rusalka to a healer to recover. Seteth comes to see Sephtis in his office after and apologises for his earlier behaviour. He explains he should not have acted judgemental, and that he is glad to see Rusalka is now safe and sound. Sephtis laments that it has set back Rusalka’s recovery, and that he blames himself. Seteth promises that this time Sephtis won’t be alone in helping Rusalka recover, and promises to do what he can.

Availability, Units, and Suggested Level

This map can be tricky because it requires speed to get to the boss before he can summon too many rounds of reinforcements that grind down Byleth’s forces. Demonic beasts are the primary enemy on the map, making gambits an essential part of army preparation. Equally, a lot of the enemy forces will be using magic attacks rather than physical attacks with weapons. It is best to select units with high magic resistance, and a unit with Silence can also be useful in keeping Rusalka from being able to land attacks whilst the demonic beasts are still in the way. On Harder and Maddening levels the number of beasts summoned by Abaddon will increase and they will have more health.

The recommended level for this paralogue is 35, but it can be done at a lower level provided great care is taken to take out the demonic beasts and healers keep units from dropping too low in health. Rusalka himself is a glass cannon who can pack a heavy dark magic punch to those he hits - but equally it will only take one or two hits from a strong unit to take him down. This opens Byleth’s army up to the real boss of the Paralogue - Abaddon himself. First in his human form he can be taken down with a few hard hits, as his defense is fairly low in favour of strong magic attacks. After he transforms, he behaves much like other demonic beasts and is best disarmed with gambits before being taken down by attacks.

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