


7 years, 1 month ago



"When we are children we seldom think of the future..." 

Name: Diamond
Creator: Kwindom
Gender: Male
Rules: No commercial use
Race/Species: Diety
Obtained: Bought from Kwindom
Marital status: Too young!
Trade/sale status: NFT/S
Occupation: God of Diamonds
Total art: 3

Stories - World info - Other

Diamond is a new deity, born of people's faith alongside Heart, Spade,and Club! He was born a child, fresh to the world as a god representing the diamond people. He's a crybaby with a huge heart and big brain. He loves learning and sharing all he knows with people. He doesn't know everything...but he learns from touching books, one touch and he's read the entire thing. He's creative and appreciates beauty in everything around him. He's easily startled, but does his best to be a good god for his people. Even if they're rather baffled by his appearance. He has the tendency to float without realizing it. If you don't keep a good eye on him he may float away... He also has the ability to cause people to lucid dream! His favorite is to make people dream of their favorite stories. He can also bring art to life, temporarily- maybe permanently in the future! He's still a baby, relative to the other gods. So he's still learning what all he can do to help them and the people that have been unwittingly placed in his care.

The appearance of these gods was rather startling to the other deities, so they're rather unsure of what exactly their role in existence is. Sara seems to know, but if she does she doesn't mention it.... Knowledge just doesn't feel inclined to talk.











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✔ Learning
✔ Books
✔ Quiet and calm
✔ Seeing what people create
✔ Helping others
✘ Being startled
✘ Sorrow and sad stories
✘ The dark! It scares him
✘ Fire and sparks
✘ Bullies
Positive Traits
• Innocent
• Caring
• Willing to learn
• Dependable
Negative Traits
• Dependent on others
• Crybaby
• Unsure of his purpose
• Easily confused or overwhelmed

Diamond is still a kid-god , he's only existed for a short time so far. He's still in the process of figuring out who he is and what's important to him. He's innocent, willing to learn, and full of questions for now! He wants to help people and he understands he's meant to help the diamond people! He doesn't grasp as much who would want to hurt them or why..or what exactly he's supposed to be doing to help them. But he'll figure it out! He's sure of it!

✧ Tends to float when thinking. Can't control this yet. Flails around in the air trying to get back down.
✧ Likes to read. Even if he can automatically absorb knowledge from a book by only touching it, he likes seeing the words too.
✧ Will carry around his favorite book at the particular time, but this changes a lot
✧ His tears are magical! They can bless others with snippits of his knowledge! Being mean on purpose to make him cry isn't nice though....
✧ He tends to grow extra feathers when anxious or upset. They fall out when he relaxes and scatter all over the floor.
✧ He tends to trip on his cloak if he turns too fast.
✧ His own dreams are extremely vivid. He often dreams of Serafina or the last story he read!
✧ If he dreams of his "mother" it's family-like scenes he wishes to have someday. Making a cake with her or playing games or reading stories together. She is aware of this but she's resolved to spend such times with him later. Right now she is absorbed in the battle against the god of war, and can't have such distractions.
✧ He sees the other district gods as his siblings. Spade scares him though! He doesn't tend to talk to them much, he stays with the diamonds.
✧ He has a room but can almost always be found in the library. Probably floating around somewhere.
✧ He gets scared at night! He's scared of the dark and he's always afraid the sun won't come back! Sure the books SAY it will but what if it DOESN'T
✧ At night he cries for his mom. She tries not to but always shows up anyway to help him sleep because she feels bad.
✧ Despite the fact he cries a lot- he can talk himself out of any situation. If cornered he'll probably make the threat feel so bad for him they'll leave him be.
✧ Maybe has some sort of ability to alter people's minds...



[ "Mother"

Serafina is the first goddess Diamond met after his creation, and she's terribly motherly so it was little surprise to anyone he decided to see her as a mother figure. She seems rather disgruntled by this as she's not quite sure what to make of the kid. She's nice to him and cares for him of course but she's got her own kids to worry about without one showing up calling her mom... Despite that- the other gods were quick to pass him off as her responsibility. To her annoyance.

 Oh well, what would one more kid hurt... For now at least she can let the diamonds care for him and pay attention to him...everyone needs a parent figure and if its just her luck to be his too, she'll do her best to help him where she can and be there when he needs her. Also their wings are in the same place! She's totally his mom. That's his logic.




Amith is the leader of the diamonds, after his creation Diamond was left with Amith to learn....well-everything. One may suspect he'd consider Amith a father but he doesn't seem to. He sees him more like a teacher. He follows him around loyally,asking hundreds of questions about everything he doesn't know until Amith passes him off on one of the other diamonds. He doesn't mind! Amith knows everything. Well, a lot. A lot more than he does right now....

And he always does his homework too! That deserves a sticker, right teacher?


Character Name

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