


3 years, 6 months ago



Species: Demi-Human (Lyrebird)/Resonator

Nickname: Vii

Born: February 5th, 1999AR

Height: 4’6” (137cm)

Weight: 71lb (32kg)

Gender: Female

Orientation: Asexual

Rhythm Strength: Knowledge

Rhythm Weakness: Emotion

Element: Null

Attribute: Healing

Maestro:  Faith Saitou, Shouri Tomoshibi

Likes: Rhythm, Researching, Computers

Dislikes: People who get in her way, the concept of love, acting out of emotion

A mysterious girl who appears and vanishes like a ghost. To those who catch her eye, she's more like a plague.

She's obsessive to an unhealthy degree, finding out anything and everything about things (or people) that pique her interest right down to the nitty gritty. Her thoroughness in locating information about her subjects of study has been described as "putting most government intelligence work to shame". She has no problem rattling off everything she learns about her victims right to their face, showing no sense of remorse while doing so.

She can be quite curt, showing no common decency. Sex to her is just an act and not one she has any interest in. That being said, she's not afraid of saying things most people would deem vulgar, especially when she's trying to make a point or explain herself. For her, mortality is just biological processes that keep the machines known as "humans" going. There is no grand design, no souls, no afterlife and anyone who thinks so is a lesser being in her eyes. The concept of love is an absolute joke to her, though she can recognize how it can alter the way human beings act (not that it stops her from exploiting these "bonds" for her benefit)

Her ability to rapidly consume and store information has drawn comparisons to computers, and the rate at which she can calculate and formulate plans only serve to further realize these comparisons. Everything she does is to further her own agenda and goals. She can see the big picture and manipulates the bit actors like pieces on a chess board.

People acting out of emotion, or some sense of moral obligation get on her nerves, and she will talk down to these people, refusing to acknowledge them on the same level as her. Even those who she holds in high regard or respect will be cut down by her sharp tongue if they do something she deems irrational. Perhaps this has something to do with being part of a nearly extinct species - only someone with an almost mechanical intellect could survive as she has.

Despite her cold, calculating nature, she does have a sense of humor, albeit a sadistic one. She'd be perfectly at home cracking jokes about the recently injured or deceased and making inappropriate jokes if only to get a rise out of the people around her - usually so they let down their guard and allow further opportunities for exploitation, or maybe she's been over-exposed to harm and death. Her enemies (if they're still alive) will report on her cruel and vindictive nature. Wronging Vienna is simply a death sentence. There is nothing honorable about the way she conducts herself and anyone who tries to apply honor to the way she acts will only earn laughter from her.

One would think such a being would be as traitorous as they come; however, Vienna does hold herself to at least a shallow honor code and remains loyal to those who she thinks deserve her loyalty. It takes quite a lot for her to consider betraying someone, but once she makes her bed, she will sleep in it - that is to say, she'll commit to her decisions even if it'll put her at a disadvantage later.

There is one chink in her emotional armor - a weakness of hers if you will. She has an addiction to rhythm. Not just any will do either, she's quite the connoisseur of rhythm. Technically her registered maestro is her own flesh and blood sister, however Vienna carries her own tuner on her person. Mind you, because of her status, it isn't one obtained through, or registered to any official channels. She's sampled her fair share of maestros, inching ever closer to finding "the one" - the maestro that scratches that nagging itch, that satiates her appetite for that particular brand of rhythm she's been thirstily seeking. To that maestro she will show her full plumage, and with it, her terrifyingly potent powers will be at their command.

Misc Facts

  • Most of the time she hides her tail using her powers to essentially transform into a version of herself without her tail.
  • She would be considered a rhythm master, with knowledge on being able to scrape rhythm from her maestro to pull off minor feats (such as the above hiding of her tail)
  • Despite being one of the last living Lyrebirds, she's marked as highly dangerous in government databases and agents working in the field are advised to disengage should they find her.
  • Her tuner is custom made, with the Over-ride function removed
    • This was a gift from her father, being well aware of the troubles such a function would be for her

Species Bonus: Echo of the Soul - At the cost of half the resonator's rhythm, copy the opponent's Species, Element, Attribute, and Physical Appearance.
Resonant Bonus: None
Class Skill: None

Spell List (As of introduction)

(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic fire attack, casts a flame attack at the target

Fuoco Fatuo
(Tenuto or Mosso)
Utility Spell. Casts a ball of floating fire. Mosso creates a quick burst of light, while Tenuto causes the ball to follow the caster, providing a light source.

Cortina Fumogena
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Basic fire support, creates a smokescreen. Increasing ranks increases duration and spread. Hard to breathe in for Nature elements, decreasing concentration.

(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic Water attack. Creates a stream of high pressure water that is fired at the target

(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic Ice attack. Creates a spear of ice that is launched at the target

Mani Nell'acqua
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Utility Spell. The user cups their hands and fresh water flows from them like a faucet. Increasing ranks increases the duration of the spell.

Corrente Elettrica 
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic lighting attack. Creates electricity that flows from the user to the target.  Increasing ranks increases damage.

Tuono Assordante 
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic sound attack. A loud soundwave is projected at the target. Increasing ranks increases spread damage. Chance to deafen (variant of numb)

(Accelerando or Rallentando)
Basic sound support. A sound-based spell that can be cast into other spells to change the intensity of the targeted spell. When cast with the modifier Accelerando the targeted spell is intensified; when cast as Rallentando the targeted spell is dampened. Can help mitigate the costs of sustained spells.

Aria Carica
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Utility Spell. The users hands emit a low level current, allowing them to charge electronics. Increasing ranks increases duration of the spell.

Tempesta di Sabbia
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic earth attack, casts a stream of sand at the target

Colpito da una Roccia
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic rock attack, creates a boulder to throw at the opponent

Foglie a Lame 
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
A basic wood based attack. A flurry of sharpened leaves strike the opponent.

Colpo di vite
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
A basic wood attack. Creates a vine for the user to use as a weapon.

Luce del Sole 
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic Solar attack, energy-based attack that deals Solar damage. Increasing rank increases damage.

Flusso del Vento
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic Wind attack, creates hard wind energy that strikes the target.

Guardando il Sole 
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Basic solar spell. Creates a ball of blindingly bright light. Increasing ranks increases the duration of the light and distance reached. May inflict temporary blindness.

Luce Lunare 
(Pianissimo, Piano, Forte, Fortissimo)
Basic Lunar attack, energy based attack that deals Lunar damage. Increasing rank increases damage.

Rilevare l'intenzione
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Basic Lunar spell. User focuses on the environment around them, allowing them to sense living things around them. Increasing ranks increases the range of this spell. When cast at Lento rank the user can also feel whether the targets are hostile towards them.

La Bella Vita
(Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Adagio, Lento)
Basic Healing spell, when cast normally heals self, when cast with the modifier “tutti” it can be applied to a target

Purifica L'anima
Status ailment remover, works on mental debuffs as well as physical ones. Modifier “tutti” can apply this spell to a target

Cancella il Ritmo
Remove a target sustained effect from a spell. Won’t work on instant spells (attacks, heals, etc)

(Tenuto or Mosso)
Basic shield spell. Makes a small barrier around the user. Modifier “Tutti” allows this to target. Tenuto sustains the barrier. Mosso creates an instant shield. Mosso typically isn’t used by normal Maestros.

Bastioni del Ritmo
Advanced Shield spell. Creates a wall of the user’s element as a sustained effect.

Riflettore Musicale 
(Pianissimo or Piano)
Advanced Shield spell. Creates a shield which can reflect attacks. The rank needs to match the attack being reflected otherwise, it will break through

L'orizzonte Scudo 

(Accelerando or Rallentando)
Advanced Shield spell. Draws spells towards the user for a small period of time. Accelerando ramps up this effect until it expires, Rallentando starts strong but fades quickly.

Il Ottavo Elemento
Ultimate Level Null spell, and the only spell belonging specifically to Null element. Fires a seven-beam shot that consists of all elements. Hits all elements except Null for increased damage