


3 years, 4 months ago


Name Stop Sign ("Stopsi")
Gender Male
Age ???
Birthday April 2nd
Species Human?
Height 5'6"
Orientation Ace/aro
Stopsi is a relatively chill guy, although lacks seriousness most of the time, despite his politeness (until you get to know him, then he gets a bit more chaotic). However, he still somehow keeps a powerful disposition about him; perhaps because he makes it clear that his guard is always up. He's friendly, but quite distant and enigmatic towards people he doesn't yet trust. He comes off as kind of weird, and that's because he is. Also, extremely good at keeping a secret, for whatever reason. He's considerd the golden child of the ring due to making each fight enertaining and winning the vast majority of the time. He's very popular and gets special treatment due to it, similar to Chandi. He's not a terrible guy, but he places great importance in his public image and will hurt others (physically, not mentally, and only in the right setting) to keep it. He beat BB up in front of her new girlfriend (he had to win the fight, didn't he?) and neither of them were very happy about it, whoops. However, he told BB that she can talk to him at any time if she wants to ask him any questions or anything, an honor few people get.
Slowly, BB actually does begin to understand Stopsi, and she reluctantly becomes friends with him. He's smart and popular, but feels lonely and powerless in this place full of people too scared or content to stand up for themselves. Chandi figures that if BB is alright with him that maybe he isn't so bad after all, and tries to make nice with him too. So, they begin to confide in him for advice due to his status, becoming closer and closer with each passing day. With Stopsi on their side, perhaps they can tear this horrible place down from the inside...
His ability is that he can neutralize any physical force brought against him if he stops it with the palm of either of his hands. This only neutralizes the force, it can't protect his hands from anything else (although sharp objects can't hurt his palms because they require force to push through the skin). He also has to consciously activate this ability, so if he's caught off guard well enough, it's useless.
By "any" physical force, this basically just means kinetic energy, but there actually is a limit, he just pretends there isn't one so he can bluff better. BB could technically pass his limit, maybe she'll beat him someday...
  • Fire
  • His image
  • Board games
  • Dogs
  • Overly bright sunshine
  • Owing things
  • Egotists, they clash
  • Go signs lol