


7 years, 5 months ago



"Come to me/Here am I/Come to me/Come to me..."
Name [Conchita Carmelita]
Name Pronunciation [Kahn-chee-tah]
Species [Cheetah]
Age [29]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Lesbian]
Occupation [DJ/party planner]
Residence [Honolulu, Hawaii]
Status [In a relationship]
Design Notes
  • Pink bandana tied around tail
  • One white stripe on tail
  • Heart shaped purple spot on lower left abdomen
  • Eyes are bright blue
  • Markings shade ombre from purple to pink

Conchita is a wild card! She loves to get up to hijinks, explore new places, and try new things. She can be "in-your-face" at first, but she is ultimately a kind soul who wants nothing more than for others to enjoy themselves with her. Conchita is a joy to be around! Theme song: Martin Denny--Bali Ha'i:


Conchita immigrated from South Africa to Hawaii at a young age. She explored many potential passions before ultimately realizing that what she loved most was to party! Fortunately, Conchita has made this a productive pursuit, taking up work as a DJ and party planner. With her group of friends, Conchita's life is always sunny and bright!


James is Conchita's friend Ashley's boyfriend, and so Ashley introduced the two. Conchita initially felt that James was a "stick-in-the-mud," and thus made it her mission to help him to lighten up. James was uncertain about Conchita's efforts at first, but ultimately warmed to her. Conchita is currently attempting to teach James to dance--which may be a long term endeavor--but the two are having a great time!


Astrid is Conchita's girlfriend--they met when Astrid wandered into a club where Conchita was DJing. The two quickly fell head over heels for one another--Astrid was immediately enamored with vivacious Conchita! Conchita, in turn, adored Astrid's shy and gentle ways. She is now quite protective of Astrid, and the two are envisioning a bright future together.


Ashley is Astrid's best friend, and Astrid introduced her to Conchita. The pair hit it off right away--Ashley is full of energy, curious, and bubbly, all traits that match well with those of Conchita. Conchita greatly enjoys Ashley's compassion and willingness to think openly. She and Ashley can often be found out on the town together, having a wild time.


Natisha is Conchita's younger sister-in-law, her girlfriend Astrid's sister. Conchita developeed a soft spot for Natisha right away--Natisha in highly intelligent, but also dreamy and a bit sheltered. As a result, she can be timid, and at times acts like a wallflower--but this is a habit that Conchita is helping her to break! Natisha feels glad that Conchita has come into her family's life, and is doing her best to take a "walk on the wild side" with her.


Violetta is Astrid's other younger sister, making her Conchita's other sister-in-law. She is sassy, bold, and independent, traits that Conchita can see in herself. Violetta was initially uncertain of Conchita, but grew to care for her as she saw how Conchita helped her sister Astrid to blossom. Conchita, in turn, holds great affection for Violetta--she finds that she adds sparkle to her life!