❤️ Red (self inserts) (💥 rottmnt ♡)



3 years, 9 months ago


Scarlett Reed

Bold. Daring. Chaotic.

  • Name Scarlett Reed
  • Nickname Red
  • Age 16
  • Height 5'4"
  • Pinboard Pins


Red is a girl who lives in a mansion in New York with her two butlers Vera and Benjamin, mostly sheltered from the outside world, her parents not in the picture. She is very tech savvy and spends her time either online gaming, or creating new gadgets. (think Totally Spy like gadgets)

She exudes chaotic energy and is very energetic and blunt, she'll tell you how it is. She is pretty full of herself and often boasts, mostly about her accomplishments and knowledge, other times about how cool her parents who she idolizes are, even though she's never really met them and only has the stories her butlers have told her to go off of. Often she says things to get reactions out of people and is overall a humorous person and gets ticked off when her jokes don't land. Additionally, showing any sort of weakness or affection is hard for her to do even when she wants to and she often gets angry at herself.

She fronts her attitude, covering up how upset and confused she is about her sheltered life, which causes her to lash out and be untrustful towards her butlers who are the only real parent figures shes ever had, shes very impulsive and when she believes she is doing the right thing she will stubbornly go through with it. In addition she also has a rebellious streak that only got worse as she got older, and blew up completely once she met the turtles and started developing her own livelihood. She often butts heads with her caretakers (especially Vera) over this which has stressed their relationship a great deal.

  • technology
  • gaming
  • experiencing new things
  • annoying ppl with memes
  • getting away with tiny crimes
  • hot mutants lol

  • being told what to do
  • authority
  • people keeping secrets from her
  • confinement
  • not knowing everything


  • ABSOLUTE shitlord gen-z memer, speaks in memes like 60% of the time. Reference this vid and this is just her and Donnie (and Leo) constantly.
  • Homeschooled her entire life by Vera and Benjamin so public school is very fascinating to her, so she ended up hacking into the school database, inserting herself into it, and just hanging out as a 'forgien exchange student from Scandinavia'. Ask her why she doesnt have an accent and she'll tell you not to worry about it. This is also her excuse to hang out with April more and keep an eye on a certian 'lunch lady'.
  • Bad with social queues most of the time, and will sometimes go off of stereotypes she's seen in media.

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Vera Butler/Mother Figure

They are pretty close though there has always been a bit of a strain in their relationship. Vera tries her best to do right by her but most of the time it falls flat in Red's eyes due to how overbearing she is about it. There have always been unspoken secrets hidden by Vera and her husband that just festered to a breaking point over the years, the biggest one being that Vera was in fact a Yokai who had been tasked (Along with Benjamin) to look after her master's daughter until she got old enough to become the perfect weapon. She has always been loyal but over the years the loyalty slipped and as they raised her they considered her to be theirs since they couldn't have their own. No matter what their relationship goes through though, Red will always have high respect and love towards her, as she shaped her into the person she is, whether the personality traits she took from Vera are a good thing or not is debatable lol


Benjamin Butler/Father Figure

Arguably closer than Vera to Red, Benjamin has always been someone she could confide in and be vunerable with. He is wise and tells killer dad jokes (though he got most of them out of a book). He is more casual and friendly as opposed to Vera and has always encouraged Red to be her own person which she desperately needed. He sees her as his own and would do anything for her, though he holds just the same amount of dark secrets as Vera, she chooses to not think about it too hard.


Donatello S/O

They were online friends before anything, and would often team up in competitive gaming, her always being in his groups. She had actually known he was a mutant way before he told her due to her hacking into his webcam after he'd been hesitant to show her what he looked like, she was pretty eager to rub that one in his face after they met. Their relationship is very casual and humorous and often Red finds it hard to be without him, they have very similar personalities and they bounce off of eachother very well with their creativity. Others see her as mean and rude towards him but that's just how she shows her affection and she always backs up and apologizes when she thinks she's gone too far. He's into it, lets be real.


Leonardo Good Friends

MEME DREAM TEAM! Red and Leo vibe the hell out when they are together, he is the closest turtle besides Donnie in their friend group to her, and they annoy everyone with their back and forth wisecracks, everyone is filled with dread when they are together because they know a meme fest is about to happen.


Raphael Good Friends

TEAM RED BABEY!!! Raph and Red are pretty close, he loves her chaotic personality and at times he even gets her to open up about her feelings (which isnt often lmao). She loves how LORGE he is and gave him the nickname Big Red which he turned around and started calling her Little Red. She has a big soft spot for him and often aggressively cheers him on.


Michelangelo Good Friends

Mikey and Red are both artists and collaborate often, which caused her artistic side to come out more. He is very inspiring towards her and is always happy to see her and has many times told her she is a part of the family which she took straight to heart. SHE WILL PROTECT HIM WITH HER GOTDAMN LIFE


April O'Neil Good Friends

APRIL IS THE BEST!! Red especially loves teaming up with her for hijinks. They hang out often and Red even hacked her way into being in the school registry so they could hang out more. April is sort of like a mom friend/sister to her and often steers her into the right directions social wise.


placeholder relationship

hehehoohoo peepeepoopoo
