
3 years, 5 months ago



nikolas page is undergoing some renovations right now! DM for updated info.




ALIASNikola || Kolya
ALLIANCEMoonlighter Dance Troupe
html theme by@lawli



Teyvat's Beloved Secrets

Character Event Wish

Every 10 wishes is guaranteed to include at least one 4-star or higher item.

Time Remaining
07 day(s) 12 hour(s) 15 minute(s)


Nikola UP!

Whirlwind Whitewing

Disclaimer: I'm not great at building in this game. I'm more interested in the lore. So, if this kit is hella broken or hella weak or too similar to another character, I'm sorry, but also I don't care! This is for fun! Also, everything is subject to change as more regions get released, ESPECIALLY when Sneznhaya is released.

❄PS: Please click in the corner to expand and minimize the boxes.  

Also, this page isn't super mobile friendly! Please view with horizontal orientation for best experience.

PSS: I have a Genshin Server I made in order to share OCs and resources. Persnaps join?


Pseudo-ranged character. Intended to resonate with characters with better crowd control.Intended for DPS. The skills have changed around quite a bit since beginning their development and are still subject to change.Short cooldown on elemental skills in order to maximize elemental damage or consistently set up for reactions.
Recommended Artifact Set: 4 Part Blizzard Strayer since rapid fire Cryo will milk that CRIT rate up. Their skills could be better suited for sub DPS as they have multiple effects which stay on the field after being switched out. but is still more focused on damage.If anyone wants to suggest team compositions, I'd love to hear them. I'm imagining a Freeze team with another Cryo as main DPS? Idk.



Shivada Jade Gemstone
Crystalline Bloom
Small Lamp Grass
Lieutenant's Insignia

Cryo DMG Bonus





Normal Attack: Featherlight Two-Step

Normal Attackgenshin_charged_normal.gif
Normal Attack: Performs up to six consecutive spear strikes.
Charged Attack: Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to opponents within the attack path. (See Right)
Plunging Attack: Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Frostbitten Encore

Elemental Skill
Press: A Harkened Icicle is thrown through near by enemies, piercing up to three in succession, dealing Cryo DMG and afflicting First FrostHarkened Icicle will remain in place until recalled. When recalled, Harkened Icicle will travel in a straight path towards Nikola, applying bonus damage to enemies affected by First Frost.
This skill can be used 4 times consecutively. Enters CD if not used again within a short period (5s).
Hold:  Harkened Icicle will instead become Cryo infused aimed shot,  It will explode upon first contact with an enemy dealing AoE Cryo DMG,
"An encore? Well, I'll make sure you'll feel my movements properly this time."

Grand Stage Finale

Elemental Burst
Nikola's years of arduous training pays off, instantaneously conjuring a magical performance, creating a Grand Stage for 10 seconds. Grand Stage inflicts First Frost on all opponents within the field and will deal AoE Cryo DMG every 3 seconds.
At the end of the duration, the Grand Stage fractures causing ice fragments to rain down, inflicting AoE Cryo DMG.
"Let's get you out of the cold and into the spotlight!"


Captive Audience

Passive Talent || Unlocks at Ascension 1
Decreases Cryo RES of enemies affected by First Frost by 15% for 5s.

Flurry Rush

Passive Talent ||  Unlocks at Ascension 4
The final hit of a normal attack combo deals 60% Cryo DMG.

Avian Grace

Passive Talent 
At daytime (6:00-18:00), increases Movement SPD of your own party members by 10%
Does not take effect in Domains, Trounce Domains, or Spiral Abyss. Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.



Philosophies of Freedom
Lieutenant's Insignia
Shadow of the Warrior



C1:   Delicate Collections

placeholder-1-e1533569576673.pngFrostbitten Encore gains 2 additional charges.

C2: Wayfarer's Muse

placeholder-1-e1533569576673.pngWhen a character is within the AoE of Grand Stage they will gain an Attack Buff that scales with Nikola's Max ATK.

C3: Backstage Practice

placeholder-1-e1533569576673.pngIncreases the level of Grand Stage Finale by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

C4: Nomadic Symphony

placeholder-1-e1533569576673.pngAfter attacking an enemy afflicted with First Frost, Nikola's next charged attack Stamina Cost is decreased by 50%.

C5: Private Aftershow

placeholder-1-e1533569576673.pngIncrease the Level of Frostbitten Encore by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

C6: Allegretto

placeholder-1-e1533569576673.pngWhile within the AoE Grand Stage, Grand Stage Finale has 40% chance to end elemental skill cooldown.  



Character Details

The Moonlighters Dance Troupe has gained a modest following over the past several years, reaching the hearts of those all over Teyvat. While not all have seen their enchanting performances, many vouch for the lingering magic of them.
Of the Troupe, Nikola is one of the most memorable--mixing arts from Fontaine to Liyue to those completely unfamiliar to Teyvat. You'd almost forget they're a native Sneznhayan.
If you manage to catch one of many Nikola's performance yourself, you'd find yourself hard pressed to look away. Perhaps it is their radiant personality or unique style of dance, but even among a group, Nikola wordlessly demands your attention.
However, off the stage, you would also find Nikola often demands your attention with words as well.

Character Story I *HELP DK WHAT TO PUT HERE*

You;'d imagine someone as well travelled and popular as Nikola would have a hard time putting faces to names, but you'd find yourself surprised they're adept at remembering repeat audience members across the seven Kingdoms.

Character Story II 

Nikola's day strictly begins at 5 AM with thirty minutes of yoga, a mile run, and a modest breakfast of a Teyvat Fried Egg and an Adventurer's Breakfast Sandwich. Despite their early schedule, Nikola's fellow Moonlighters don't begin their daily practice until four hours later.
If asked, Nikola would wave away any concerns as just a simple habit from their younger days. They simply like to bask in the free time they have in the early hours. Still, this doesn't stop their co-workers from worrying about them as Nikola seems to physically push themselves harder than any of the other performers. They're often found within the city at night despite plans to get early beauty sleep. Nikola's expression when they finally turn in for the night is often dour, but they return to their charming self as soon as the light hits.
Those closer to them theorize Nikola spends their hours alone reminiscing about their homeland. Nikola themselves claims to dislike travel. However, they dispute this theory, making it clear they do not plan to return to Sneznhaya any time soon. While Nikola enjoys being the topic of conversation, but this line of thought leaves them uncomfortable.

Character Story III

No one would particularly imagine the extravagant Nikola to have such humble origins. However, Nikola grew up as a happy child of a Sneznhayan scholar and a bard. Their mother fostered their love of arts, singing them to sleep every night and putting all sorts of instruments in their young hands. Nikola's father would always put down his work to watch the impromptu shows put on by his wife and child. All the little family dreamed of was an unobtrusive life making the most of the happiness they had been granted in the harsh everwinter of Sneznhaya.
As a scholar, Nikola's father would take an occasional expedition for field research. One such trip lead him to Dragonspine. He assured his worried family that the snows of Mondstadt were much gentler than Sneznhayan blizzards. Unfortunately, he met the fate many adventurers have on the sub-zero mountain, leaving Nikola and their mother alone.
Nikola's mother wasn't particularly successful as a bard, her tunes unwelcome to dour Sneznhayan city-folk.  Still, she was content so long as it brought smiles to her family's faces. But, now that her husband was gone and she became the primary provider for her child, her focus transitioned from her passions to raising Nikola and a new career. While the family is unable to share songs and dances as often, you would find them humming their melodies after a long day of work.
As Nikola grew up, they found work as a mercenary. They've always had an aversion to death, but after their father's own this intensified. However, with their living mother struggling to make ends meet by herself, Nikola made moral sacrifices in order to ease her burden.
The time Nikola spent with their mother dwindled. Nikola was assigned missions for weeks at a time. Even when home, their mother worked long hours and had no energy by day's end. So, when Nikola was offered to join the ranks of the Fatui, they accepted without hesitation. It was a local position, one in which Nikola could stay close to home without worry when they would get their next payment.

Character Story IV

Despite moral disagreements, Nikola is hesitant to publicly speak out against the Fatui. They can't complain about the consistent salary after years of hardship, It wasn't glamorous work, but so long as their mother could take it easy, it was worth it.
 "What needs to be done--" they would whisper to themselves.
In Nikola's newly found free time. they began to practice their mother's dances again. She always wished for Nikola to be able to fully return to their carefree life. They gained the reputation of the Whirlwind Whitewing, found prancing home after the night-shift.
One night, a representative from a talent agency approached Nikola with an opportunity,
"Your name known all across Teyvat. People will adore you unconditionally. Just quit your silly little job with the Fatui and join our upcoming troupe instead!"
Nikola was flattered their dances, and by extension their mother's, were finally recognized. On the other hand, their position at the Fatui provided stability and flexibility they could never achieve in a life of touring performance. They politely declined, but the agent insisted they keep their contact information.
During a drinking session with a supervisor, Nikola offhandedly mentioned the encounter. They made clear they had no intention to leave their current job. However, their boss had an idea brewing. The following day, Nikola was called into headquarters with new offer they literally could not turn down.
"The Fatui have a growing negative reputation across Teyvat. The label can make international travel troublesome. However, performers are expected to be seen around the world. Elites invite them into the private clubs and events. You could make a highly useful informant, Nikolai."
Nikola resented the idea of being sent away. Their mother left alone indefinitely. But, the Fatui assured she would be well taken care of. Nikola, fearing the potential hidden meaning, accepted their new assignment and contacted the talent agent shortly.

Character Story V

Nikola did not become a Moonlighter alone. The Fatui had managed to infiltrate the troupe and plant a manager and a security escort. Nikola tried their best to enjoy the lighter parts of the job. They were finally free to dance to their heart's content! However, their fellow spies watchful gazes prevented them. This was still a job, after all.
To make matters worse, the security detail was far too unhinged to Nikola's liking. More often than not, a subtle interrogation conducted through alcohol and coercion would end in violence and a murder the moment he arrived at the scene. Despite the pleas to their manager--they were too messy, creating too many suspicious disappearances--Nikola was unable to convince anyone their coworker needed to be dismissed.
On a mission gone awry, Nikola was once again presented with an opportunity. Their target had fought back, gravely injuring their coworker. It was a near battle to the death, with the Fatui duo barely coming out on top. Nikola, far less harmed than their counterpart, was faced with a choice. End them here, or continue working with their living hell.
"What needs to be done--"
Nikola returned to the Moonlighters alone that night. The full report to the manager was required. Nikola provided all the details until their coworkers death. Killed by the target, target eliminated, bodies removed.
While their manager seemed to find this explanation acceptable, Nikola's paranoia never ceased. They weren't sure they had truly convinced her. Was this suspicion real or imagined? When the Moonlighters gained new members, Nikola believed they could be new spies monitoring them. Similarly, they always tries to stay in the public eye in order to minimize chances of meeting a fate like the one they delivered their late coworker.
They decided it would be suicide if they returned to Sneznhaya, pledging never to return.

Moonlighter Show Program *WIP* or maybe mothers song

Advertising is an important part to any show, so flyers posting and pamphlet folding are one of the many duties the Moonlighters have when they're not practicing.

Vision *WIP*

  • Nikola's mother gets sick. Her voice is shot and her body is frail.
  • Nikola wants her mother to be remembered and appreciated by others if Nikola can;t be around the way that she was often ignored in her prime.
  • Also wants mother to have her passion be lucrative enough that she can continue.
  • Nikola wants to continue to spread the joy their mother did they way she could no longer.
  • Thankfully mother recovered! Still pretty weak and getting old but she has enough energy to hold a tune,
  • Cryo vision gained when they were first called the Whirlwind Whitewing by a young woman and her child (several years after the sickness). FInally fulflling ther dreams.
  • While the cold surrounded them, they felt it, they felt immune to the winter. They could finally embrace the harsh world at least in part, finally living in it rather than surviving in it.


About Nikola **WIP**

About Nikola

"An autograph? I'm in a bit of a rush right now, but if you can manage, flag me down after the show, love? Who knew life with the Moonlighters would be this hectic!"

More About Nikola I


More About Nikola II

More About Nikola III

More About Nikola IV

More About Nikola V

Nikola's Hobbies...

"We create magic from movement on stage. Much like any magic, it must be practiced to work properly! That's why I always begin my morning with a good stretch and a long run."

Nikola's Troubles...

"Joining the Moonlighters was supposed to mean freedom, but I have more limitations than ever! I have to watch my schedule, my diet, my... Ah, never mind. Complaining isn't an attractive characteristic."

Favourite Food...

"My father used to bring home lots of foreign treats. My favourite was a Valberry tart from Monstadt, but I can't find them anywhere."

Least Favourite Food...

"Despite how I act now. I know what it's like to be hungry. I detest wastefulness. I see hunters slaughter wlld beasts only to throw most of their corpses away. "

About the Vison...

"For what purpose did the Archons granted this to me. Most in Teyvat would clamor over one another to hold power over their fellow man. But I hold it, despite my hesitations."

About Characters

About Moonlighters

"While the talent agency that employs us is from Sneznhaya, the Moonlighters are composed of interesting folks from all around Teyvat. Perhaps you'd be a good fit, love."

About Harbingers

"I guess the Harbingers and I aren't too unalike. We both work in the shadows for the Tsaritsa, but I don;t necessarily appreciate their cavalier attitude towards their job. Sure, some take it quite seriously, but they don't seem to understand the gravity of their actions. Does... does human life mean nothing to them? Have they no morality?"

About Childe

"There's something wrong with that boy. I haven't met him personally, but from what I've heard of him, he's rutheless. I don't understand how anyone could take pride in all this violence. To me, it's just a means to an end."

About Kaeya

"There are a lot of interesting people I see in my audience. One time I ran into a man I swear was one of the back up dancers, but it wasn't until I noticed the cutest little girl in tow that I realized he was actually there to watch the performance. Shame he ended up being a Knight. With his flashy looks, he could have been a perfect addition to the Moonlighters."

About Barbara

"Oh, I wish how I could sing. Alas, we must all have our faults. The Archon's couldn't give me beauty, grace, a Vision, and the ability to carry a tune. But the idol of Mondstadt! She has truly been gifted by the gods."

About Xinyan

"We occasionally collaborate with local musicians to drum up business. When in Liyue, Xinyan is an absolute pleasure to work with. A bit on the loud side, but she's clearly passionate about what she does, and that's all I could ask for."

About Us - Trust

"The job of a performer is to create a fantasy for our fans. We play our roles with calculated, premeditated steps. Despite how much I show off or how public my face is, we're all just presenting limited parts of ourselves. Traveler, I don't understand how you can so easily trust others with that knowledge."

About Us - Family

"It's rare I get a chance to see my family. I suppose you're in a similar situation, love. Perhaps it will be some time soon when we find ourselves in their arms."

About My/Friend's OCs

About Tatiana

"Sometimes on my night... strolls I get an unusual chill down my spine. More often than not, it's Tatiana checking up on me. When I first met her, I was absolutely unsettled. I'm familiar to the feeling of being looked at, but with her, I feel as if I'm being watched."

"But, my edge has dulled after all this time. She provides nice quiet company on occasion."

About Taj

"That scholar from Sumeru? (uhhh  anna please write more about Taj so I can write about them)"

by @thefrogwild

About Anos


About Adenos


by @k0ru_

About Aria

"That girl is far too uptight. Despite how tired she constantly looks, she keeps refusing to take a break! She can never make it to my shows because of her work. And just when I think she's heading to sleep, I find her wandering about town. I wonder what's been occupying her all night."

About Eira

"uhhh i have to write more about eira first" anyway be excitred for hydro claymore.

by me!

Situational Lines


"Pleasure to meet you, love. Nikola of the Moonlighters, but I'm sure you knew that."

Good Morning...

"Oh, you're up? Would you like to accompany me for yoga?"

Good Afternoon...

"Lunch time already? I suppose I should take a break."

Good Evening...

"Sorry love, but I try not to have any caffiene... Well, a bit of tea couldn't hurt."

Good Night...

"Alas love, I'll have to turn in for the night. I know it's early, but I absolutely must get my beauty sleep.... You've seen me walking about late? Don't worry yourself over that."


"It's a special day for you, love~ I've cleared my whole schedule. What? Not everyone wants to spend time with- Oh, you tease! Come now. I have an eventful day planned."

When It Snows...

"There isn't much I miss of Sneznhaya, but I do miss the sparkle of fresh snow."

When It's Windy...

"This is nothing compared to the rush of me and the Moonlighters whirling about during shows."

Battle & Exploration

Added to the Party

"Let's dance."
"Anything for you, love."
"Have a mission?"

Elemental Skill


"Had enough of this?"

Elemental Burst

"Get ready!"
"Eyes on me!"
"Ready for the show?"


"Time for a break already?"


"Let's up the tempo."


"I'm in my element!"


"Not the face!"
"What's your point!"


"The show must... go on."
"Next time love...."
"The inevitable result..."



  • Nikola's design takes heavy inspiration from secretary birds! I personally find them rather flashy and thought they would be a good choice for a performer outside of the standard peacock I often see. But to be honest, I just picked it because I can't resist avian theming. See: SS;RH.
  • Similarly, Nikola's constellation is Serpentarius as the secretary bird's scientific name is Sagittarius serpentarius.
    • Hey, guess what. They're a Sagittarius.
  • They're not a vegetarian, but they don't eat a lot of meat. Also, they indulge in sweets from time to time, but otherwise eat pretty minimalistically.
    • Their mom will not have this and will make 50 helpings of food whenever they're home.
  • They went through about 3 or 4 redesigns before I reached a design I found acceptable. Their hair went from pink, to orange, to blonde, before settling on gray. I still want to change things though @_@;;
  • If you've been watching me update this page, oh my god don't look at me. If you haven't let's just say the skillset has gone under a lot of changes.
    • I knew the visuals of a lot of the Burst, but it changed a lot. While it currently is kind of a combination of Chongyun's Elemental skill and Ganyu's burst, it took a strange turn into Geo territory at one point drawing inspiration from Zhongli's steles dealing consistent elemental damage, the the wall effect of Wake of Earth, and even possibly having a raised platform similar to Starfell Sword or Solar Isotoma. I just thought the idea of Cryo Constructs was fun.
    • Update 2/22/2021: Passive changed from "Decreases gliding Stamina consumption of your characters in the party by 20%." like Venti and Amber, to the current skill, based off of Rosaria's goth ass passive.
  • Nikola's fighting style is supposed to be influenced by their performances! One day I would like to animate exactly how I imagine their attacks but I have a few IRL influences I'm drawing from for inspiration.
  • On more of a lore level, Nikola and their mother were influenced by the tales and studies by Nikola's father which is why it is so varied.
  • Nikola and Tatiana have met already during Nikola's time as a mercenary. Neither of them recognize each other. 
    • This is subject to change as Anna and I collaborate on their relationship.