Paprika Sparks (Precure!Pepper)



Personal Information

Full Name: Paprika Vanity Sparks

Nicknames: Pepper, Pep

Gender/Pronouns: She/Her, Femme

Orientation: Lesbian 

 Age: 15

Birthday: December 23rd

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 

Height: 5'0

Family: Adopted Dads

Current Residence: Dads' house

Friends: Hollie, Daphne, Isa, Percy, etc

Likes: Books, Libraries, Freedom, Long Walks, Girls

Dislikes: Strawberries, Water, Storms and Rain, Rules and Restrictions, Meanies

Sense of Humor: Simple!


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Magic Info

Title: Cure Zephyr

Color: Orange

Theme: Freedom, Wings, Wind

Class: Mage

HP: 400

Level: 15

Weapon/Group Transformation Information:

Butterfly Hairpin: Hairpin in the shape of a butterfly, gets bigger when she transforms.

Butterfly's Bow: A bow with a golden butterfly on the tip of one limb, fires glowing energy instead of real arrows.


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Charisma (+2) d10

Intelligence (-) d8

Wisdom (-) d4

Magic (-) d2 

Strength (-) d12

Defense (+2) d16