Paprika Sparks (Daphne Wish Swap!Pepper)




Name: Paprika "Pepper" Sparks

Age: 15

Gender/Sex: Female (She/Her)

Sexuality: Les… lesbeab… less bien… Girls.

Height: 5'0

Weight: 120lbs

Birthday: December 23rd



🧁 Articulate, can be excessively wordy when she's excited or passionate. 

🧁 Cheerful, she's a pretty happy kid.

🧁 Independent, she's good at taking care of herself. 

🧁 Anxious, she tends to babble and fidget when nervous. 

🧁 Clumsy, tends to trip up and make mistakes when she's feeling overwhelmed. 

🧁 Impatient, she just wants to Go! Go! Go! Right! Now!!


♡ Books. She wants to be a librarian when she grows up.

♡ Orange. The color is her favorite, flavor's just okay.

♡ Arts. She's just really into the creative stuff.

♡ Girls! Pepper has just figured out she's a lesbian and she hasn't stopped being excited about it yet.


♤ Strawberry. She's allergic and they're definitely supposed to be illegal. 

♤ Men. Ugh, you know the type.

♤ Rain. Being wet is the worst.

♤ Goldfish Crackers. They're too dry and she will die.


Pepper was adopted by a pair of really sweet gay men, Anton and Jeremy Sparks. She grew up learning all about what it means to love and be loved in a world where people judge you for a long list of things you usually don't have much control over. She's only just realized she's allowed to not be particularly interested in boys, because she loves her dads but hadn't ever really connected to any other men. She's very excited about it.

She wants to be a librarian when she grows up, with a side career of writing books or plays, just for something creative to do with her time. She's been drawing all her life, but she's never been satisfied with her results and doesn't really think people would like her art, so writing is a safe avenue to pursue, because even if you're bad at it, someone will still get a kick out of it. And if you're bad enough, you can end up on internet lists of funniest fail writers, and that's definitely success in its own way.

Pepper got caught in a snowstorm during a field trip to one of the bigger ski lodges in the state, 

School: City Central High School 


Wish: "I wish I wasn't cold anymore, in fact, I wish I was as warm as an oven!"

Class: Double Mage

Sublcasses: Student/Wizard, Caster/Magcian

Level: VET

Incubator: Eb


🧁 Lollipop Mace: A teal and pink lollipop bludgeon 

🧁 Skip-it Cakeball: the chain and ankle loop are pink plastic, the ball is covered in white fondant and sprinkles


🧁 Glitz and Glam | 1d10 | Magic | A bright, flashy attack that gives opponents a disadvantage for two rounds. If a nat1 is rolled, you and your allies get disadvantage for two rounds as well as the nat1 dmg

🧁 Freezer Burn | 1d10 | Special | An attack that lasts 3 rounds that freezes and burns a magi. Fire dmg is half of the dmg dice.

🧁 Finale | 1d10 | Special | A weaker form of Tiro Finale 

🧁 Sleight of Hand | 1d8 | Magic | A 2 turn attack. Causes your opponent to only focus on you for two rounds. Others can still attack and in the second round you can use a different attack as well. 

🧁 Mimic | N/A | Special | Mimic an attack of an ally from the last round. Use special as the stat for the attack. Can not mimic vet moves

🧁 Terraform | N/A | Special | A magi creates magic that stops all terrain disadvantages for their allies and doubles the disadvantages for their opponents. Lasts for three rounds and has a cool off of 5 rounds. Falling and Climbing are not affected by this magic

🧁 Magic missile  | 1d6x1d6  | Magic | Roll a d6 for how many missiles are created. Then they can be fired at multiple opponents. Note the max per opponent is 3. If a nat 20 is rolled roll a d12 for the amount of missiles   

Wish Move:

🧁 Flash Fire | 2d8 | Magic | Pepper ups the heat for everyone else, giving all Enemies Burns for 8 rounds, and giving them disadvantage for those same rounds

Vet Move:

🧁 Tiro Finale | 1d12, 1d20 for number of hits | Magic/Special | A powerful magical attack.


HP: 75

Magic: 20

Defense: 16

Attack: 0

Speed: 0

Special: 24

Stamina: 0






🧁 Extended Zodiac Caprigo (Prospit/Space/Capricorn) ((Knight of Space, one who exploits change or exploits with change. Knights of Space have interests in Art or Fashion, they're especially good at using odds and ends in creative ways. "Jack of All Trades" is a good descriptor for these kinds of Knights, though they might believe that this status means they truly are "Master of None". Their challenge is to accept that they are, in fact, Skilled Enough.))

🧁 Loves Musicals, wants to write a couple one day.

🧁 Absolutely loves thrifting clothes and altering them to fit her style.

🧁 For an AU where Pepper and Daphne swap wishes