


3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Pash

Series: Tomato and Friends

Age: Exact age unknown, but somewhere between 13-17

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Cat

Favorite Food: Salmon

Likes: Nap, good-luck charms, and finding hiding spots.

Dislikes: Loud noises, large bodies of water, and cold weather.

Personality:  Pash is very shy, often shrinking away from social interaction with  strangers. She feels most comfortable around her friends, but even then sometimes finds it difficult to say what she really thinks. She's also a  bit of a scardy-cat, and is often the one who's the most uneasy during  the group's adventures. However, Pash is known to get cheerful when in nature, as she finds natural environments to be peaceful and soothing.

Home: The grasslands

History: Pash grew up peacefully in the grasslands, but had a reputation as being quiet and fearful. One day Tomato and Marshmallow journeyed into her homeland, and Pash grew curious about the strangers. Despite her shyness, she was quickly befriended by the duo, and decided to join them on their adventures to try and get over her fears.

Current Bio: Pash currently goes on adventures with Tomato, Marshmallow, and Citrus. While she is usually a bit cautious and fearful, deep down she enjoys their silly adventures.

Meta-History:  Pash was created originally on Sketchfu, although I had forgotten this fact until I was digging through my Sketchfu art folder today (I was looking for pictures of another character). The first drawing of her had a different design and was possibly  meant to be a throwaway character. Instead, I retweaked her design and she became the character she currently is (and I apparently completely forgot about her original design).

Relationships with other characters:

Tomato:  Pash looks up to Tomato and her confident and courageous personality, and wants to go on adventures to become brave like her.

Marshmallow:  Pash is a little nervous around Marshmallow due to the latters grumpy nature, but the two are good friends regardless.

Citrus: Pash is one of the few people that Citrus is regularly nice too. The two are good friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!