
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Violet Hernandez

Nickname (s)



La Noche


Hero; Chaotic Good


Female (cis; she/her)




Human with cat genes (nekomimi)






Paid law-enforcement intern/Vigilante on the side



-HAIR: White with a patch of black
-EYES:Green (right) and blue (left)
-TAIL: Calico pattern; two shades of orange tabby stripes, and black and white patches
-Skin is tan due to Latino heritage.

*Dark hoodie, with the hood up
*Mask covering the upper part of her face and head
*Fingerless gloves
*Cloak if she can

*Boots with steel toes
*Always keeps her ears and tail hidden in hero form.
**Keeps her hair and ears hidden under a hood and mask
**Hides her tail under her hoodie



One way to describe Vi is sassy smart alec. She doesn't take shit from anyone.
She is impulsive and stubborn, and hates when she's not taken seriously (both as a hero and in her daily life). Vi has a strong sense of justice and and became a hero to fight for said values and because it's a great sense of adventure, too.
She is brave and is determined to take crime right-on. Though brave, she is not entirely fearless and gets extremely intimidated when there are guns involved. 

She is impulsive, which gets her into situations.

Though usually laid back in her secret identity, she can be a fangirl over her favorite comic book heroes or when meeting an idol.


Before Violet was born, her grandmother had been an orphaned. As a teenager she was taken in to an underground facility that ran experiments on people. Granny's DNA was mixed with that of a cat, as a result, she gained the ears and tail of a cat, as well as some cat-like traits.
Eventually, the facility was discovered and the residents were released from captivity. However, transitioning into the real world wasn't easy for Granny; her ears and tail made her stick out like a sore thumb and was frequently picked on.
She eventually found love, started a family, then her daughter started a family several years later and now we have Violet.

Although people have gotten more open-minded over time, Violet would get picked on here and there for having cat parts, mostly out of jealousy of others, or straight up ignorance. She made friends with kids/grandkids of other former experimental subjects from way back when, as well as some "normal" people. As a result of her being bullied, she was put through self-defense classes.

All that aside, she had a pretty average life; about as average for a girl with cat ears and a tail could have.

When Maia was in high schoo, her father, who was a cop, lost his life in the line of duty over a gang affair. Through him, she developed her sense of justice.

Vi would go on to create her alter ego "La Noche" and became a police intern to get info on criminals and gang activity. 



-Comic books
-Going to conventions





-Vick's (brand name)
-When druggies and drug dealers get longer prison time than rapists or murderers.
-Being underestimated


-agile, has fast reflexes
-Always lands on her feet
-Can see in the dark pretty well
-Powerful scratches, regardless of nail-length.

-Nails can grow and shrink, to a degree


-Doesn't have any significant abilities other than her cat-like traits
-Can be hurt by bullets pretty fucking bad
-Is easy to underestimate (much to her dismay).



-Her hero name "La Noche" is Spanish for "The Night"; a little nod to one of her favorite comic heroes.
-Is essentially a low-class hero.
-Hides her ears and tail when in hero mode to keep her identity hidden. (I mean, come on, her ears and tail make her stick out like a sore thumb and she'd be easy to identify.)
-Has a few weapons on-hand in her hero form to make up for her limited powers.

-She does the head-butt thing when she's really comfortable with someone, usually with her loved ones.
-She sometimes purrs when happy
-Despite all cliches, she doesn't hate dogs at all.