
Name: Star
Gender: Female
Clan: Pineclan
Rank: Clan leader
Age: 34 in human years

Appearance: White, long, droopy fur. Black-blue eyes with what look like stars in them.
Personality: Creative. Wise. Sense of humor. Clever.
Name history: Starkit -> Starpaw -> Stareyes -> Star
Skills: -Extreme sense of hearing and smell.
Story: New leader of Pineclan.
Star was born blind, and no one thought she'd ever make it as a warrior, but Star was convinced she had what it took, even sneaking out of camp to listen to what the warriors did. The current clan leader (Arborstar) took pity on her, and begrudgingly allowed her to become an apprentice. Due to Star sneaking out to watch warriors and developing her own ways of doing things, and too to her sharp intelligence and clever mind, she became a warrior. And eventually deputy.
A few seasons ago, Star became leader. She changed her name to just Star, because Starstar is just ridiculous. Since then, she strives to be creative with naming her warriors, and often asking them personally if they had any preferences. She likes to name based on their skills and the content of their character, not just appearance.
Star has to be crafty, and frequently uses her intelligence to think outside the box to solve her problems, even if at times they are questionable in other's eyes. 

Relationships: WIP
Mother- Frostwhisker- Star tended to avoid her mother, seeing her avoidance of letting her be a warrior being too high a blow to forgive.
Father- Unknown
Siblings- Moonflower- Her sister from the same litter. They have never really gotten along. They have different interests and priorities, along with personalities. The fact they were both wickedly intelligent never helped things. They are constantly at odds.
Mentor- Arborstar-
Apprentices- Redgaze- Arborstar appointed Redgaze to Star(eyes) because her white fur made her hard to blend in, and her vision difficulties. He knew that Star(eyes) had proven herself as a warrior and had faced the same difficulties.
-Farleap- She took over his training after his old mentor, Gingerpatch, ran away halfway through his training. She's grown fond of Farleap and his loyalty and energy.