Cherry | ♡



3 years, 4 months ago



 Name  Cherry
 Pronouns  they/she
 Age  16 (if human)
 D.o.B.  08/01
 Size  Average
 Species  Wolf
 Status  Alive (formerly deceased)
 Friend(s)  just some side characters lol
 Enemie(s)  Ruby (non-mutual)
 Lover(s)  Ruby's ex (dont have a name for him yet oof)
 HTML  Eggy


"Hey- I'm sorry... I didn't know it meant that much to you..."

Cherry is a wolf living on Earth with their boyfriend, Ruby's ex. At one point, they were deceased and made the god of water to take Ruby's place, who was humiliated and enraged that she had to become the goddess of ice. Cherry started dating her boyfriend after Ruby had died mysteriously, though they were, for the most part, unaware and disinterested in his previous girlfriend. Once they both died, however, Ruby was waiting in heaven as a god for her boyfriend and was horrified that he had forgotten about them and moved on so quickly. He decided to stay with his current girlfriend Cherry, ignoring and blowing off Ruby whenever she would talk to him. Cherry isn't smug about the fact that she replaced Ruby as a god and as their ex's new s/o, and rather sympathetic, though Ruby doesn't return the compassion. After the events of the story have gone down, Cherry and her boyfriend are brought back to life by Chrystal and are happy together, and Ruby moves on, though slowly.


  • Circles at the end of their ears are hair tufts
  • Wears jewelry on ears made of crystals
  • Isn't acquainted with any other characters in the main story than Ruby and her ex
  • Likes to put on makeup
  • Colors in the image are her god/after story colors; her colors are duller before she died