Violet | ♡



3 years, 3 months ago



 Name  Violet
 Pronouns  she/any
 Age  14 (if human)
 D.o.B.  12/13
 Size  Slightly tall
 Species  Arctic Fox
 Status  Alive
 Friend(s)  Chrystal, Randy
 Enemie(s)  No real "enemies"
 Lover(s)  Flare
 HTML  Eggy


"If only he loved me and not her...but I'm fine now. I have her instead."

Violet is a fox from Earth who is good friends with Randy and had a smol crush on him before Chrystal was sent to Earth. Chrystal and Randy became very close, and Violet was a bit jealous until she saw Flare. Flare had come to Earth on her declaration of "war" against Chrystal and all of her friends, and Violet developed a smol crush on her too. She then found a portal to Flare's world/Chrystal's old world while moping about seeing Chrystal and Randy together for the millionth time and she met Flare in the forest again. Violet might be one of my least developed characters, so I'll deffo be adding more to this later :"")) 


  • She has large eyes and longer lashes
  • She is taller than smol Flare
  • She falls in love very easily as you can probably tell
  • why doesn't she have eyebrows in this picture im
  • She still loves Chrystal (AS A FRIEND), but she is jealous of her being so close with Randy. They still all hang out together, but when Violet became busier with who knows what Chrystal and Randy grew closer friends.