Flare | ♡



3 years, 4 months ago



 Name  Flare
 Pronouns  she/her
 Age  14 (if human)
 D.o.B.  10/28
 Size  Extremely small
 Species  Fox/demon
 Status  Demon
 Friend(s)  Chrystal (former)
 Enemie(s)  Randy, Ruby, Chrystal
 Lover(s)  Violet
 HTML  Eggy


"If you don't want to be queen, then I guess I will :)."

Flare is a red fox who lived on the "cloned earth" with Chrystal. I'd recommend checking out Chrystal's page for more about her, as Flare is a big part of her backstory and I don't really want to retype all this stuff again lmao- but basically after she kills Chrystal in a fire she takes over as queen of their old hometown. She finds out Chrystals still alive as a goddess from her gf Violet (who didn't know she was evil) at the time and gathers an army to find and kill her for good. She doesn't succeed and is sent back to hell where she is destroyed by the 'god' of hell for good.


  • The gray/black patches on half of her body are scorched fur, with the tan stripes being her skin. She has 6 tails total (though she can have less, eg. make them appear or disappear)
  • The horn on her burned side is broken and turned up
  • Her eye (non burned/left eye side) can be teal or black
  • She still sees Chrystal as a friend and "forgives" Chrystal for being selfish for not wanting to be queen
  • Sorry her design is so messy- its recent but I'm also not too happy with it qwqq