Miyuki Miyabe (Relationships)



Miyuki Miyabe (Relationships)

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Dazai Osamu

From an outsider’s perspective, one could say that Miyuki and Dazai’s relationship is almost comical in nature. Often times going along with his dramatics simply for her own amusement, the two are shown to have a casual relationship in the beginning as Miyuki would often spare Kunikida the trouble of getting Dazai to do his job, though the male had a habit of distracting her from her own work much to her annoyance. Most of the conversations they have are rather baseless which tend to bleed into more outlandish topics thanks to Dazai. The male has asked her to commit a double suicide with him a few times but she usually declines with joking excuses.

Despite their relationship being rather relaxed, there is a sense of understanding between the two which shows a more serious side to their interactions. While she is curious in getting to know him as she finds how little she truly knows about him rather intriguing, Miyuki doesn’t push him on those subjects as she believes that if he wants to tell her, he’ll tell her when he feels is right. It’s not something that goes unnoticed by the male but it’s not something that he comments on. Both know that the other has a few skeletons in their closet and neither pry each other to reveal them. While Miyuki doesn’t always understand his thinking, she has a sense of trust towards him that Dazai finds almost endearing in a way. Their relationship is slow and steady in it’s build up as Miyuki does her best to understand him, even if that is hard in itself. Likewise, though mostly unintentional, Dazai himself slowly gets Miyuki to let her guard down around him, easing her into a sense of comfortable familiarity.

Overtime Miyuki finds herself becoming more self aware of the male and the growing attraction she feels for him. Due to spending time with him and being naturally observant, the female is aware of the sense of ‘emptiness’ he has within him and while she knows that she can’t fill it, she at least wants to ease it. The female has come to enjoy and even look forward to spending time with him, even if it’s brief at times. She finds herself being more honest with him about both herself and her past, with Dazai being one of the few to know why she came to the agency. Miyuki doesn’t mind even sitting in silence with him as she simply likes spending time with him. Likewise Dazai has developed a certain fondness for his co-worker. Being one of his favorites to tease due to her amusing reactions, he does keep an eye of her mental health as he knows of her past trauma. Dazai can tell why she hasn’t properly and often coaxes her into taking naps while keeping others from disturbing her. When bothered by lingering thoughts, Dazai helps her through it calmly which she finds helpful, though Dazai himself feels that her thoughts pale in comparison to what he finds truly horrific compared to him. Neither one have spoken on this development though both have acknowledged the change.

Atsushi Nakajima

Meeting him shortly after he joined, Miyuki felt a certain fondess for the male as he reminded her when she was younger. Discreet in keeping an eye on Atsushi during his first few days at the agency, Miyuki was polite in her introduction to the new member and continously offered to help him if needed. As a result the two established a rather nice friendship early on. The two can often be found together if given the time as Atsushi finds her to be 'normal' compared to Dazai and the female seems to enjoy his company. It's noted that she seems to rather protective of the male.

Doppo Kunikida

Kunikida and Miyuki have a rather nice relationship. As her personailty isn't as outlandish as their other co-workers, there is a sense of normalcy between the two. Miyuki has shown to respect Kunikida greatly, something that goes both ways, and the two work well together when the need arises. When given the time, the two are often seen chatting with Dazai being the topic of some of their conersations.

Yosano Akiko

One of the first people she met once she offically joined, Miyuki came to repsect her strong personailty and because she was still recovering from her case, the woman quickly became a reocurring patient of Yosano's. Becasue of these frequent vists, the two were able to spark up quick conersations and soon established a friendship. As they are both into fashion, the two can generally found talking about the lastest fashion trends or going shopping together.

Kyouka Izumi

Though welcoming with open arms from her first meeting with the young girl, Miyuki's relationship with Kyoka was slow to grow as Kyoka was hesitant in befriending her leading the woman to take her time in getting her to open up. Because of this, the two are often found in silence with Miyuki just speaking about trivial things to which the girl seemingly listening with curiousity as she likes Miyuki's stories. Miyuki isn't too bothered by the fact that she's so cautious around and hopes that she soon begins to feel less uneasy around her.

Kyoko Hayashi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.
Pellentesque ligula metus, suscipit et lorem non, convallis finibus velit. Etiam finibus nunc quis nisi luctus cursus. Donec sodales, turpis sed posuere ultricies, nisl ligula luctus sapien, tincidunt interdum turpis leo sagittis tellus. Mauris fermentum, ipsum nec sagittis aliquam, nibh massa posuere dui, eu maximus risus nibh ut justo. In vel efficitur lorem. Pellentesque euismod faucibus mauris, vitae lobortis risus venenatis sit amet. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sed ullamcorper erat.

Hitomi Kanehara

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.
Pellentesque ligula metus, suscipit et lorem non, convallis finibus velit. Etiam finibus nunc quis nisi luctus cursus. Donec sodales, turpis sed posuere ultricies, nisl ligula luctus sapien, tincidunt interdum turpis leo sagittis tellus. Mauris fermentum, ipsum nec sagittis aliquam, nibh massa posuere dui, eu maximus risus nibh ut justo. In vel efficitur lorem. Pellentesque euismod faucibus mauris, vitae lobortis risus venenatis sit amet. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sed ullamcorper erat.

Chikako Ishizu

Her former partner, the two didn't really get along when they first met. With Chikako viewing Miyuki as a narrow minded child and Miyuki viewing her as a boring woman with no personality, it was surprising that they even worked well together. Having a strictly professional relationship, they only became friends when it was discovered that they went to the same restaurant to drink. Ordering the older female a drink as a offering of peace, the two slowly opened up to each other over late night drinks and soon they were inseparable. With Chikako being one of the only people to keep her in line, and in return is the one of the few people Miyuki can confine to. It was Chikako who pushed her to carry on, stating that she was 'still good and capable of doing good for others'.

Kunihiko Shimizu

Meeting during their training days, Miyuki found herself quickly befriending the male. With the male being the more hot blooded of the two, Miyuki's calmness balanced them out rather nicely as the two had the same drive to do right. It is only after the guardians case that their relationship becomes heavily strained as Kunihiko believed that Miyuki was acting on her own self serving interests in terms of what she did and is angry with the fact that she could have refused. Miyuki is trying to mend their relationship but with his unwillingness in seeing her, she hasn't had much luck. Miyuki however accepts that he now hates her and doesn't push it anymore.

Kanae Minato

Having come under care for the time being after helping with a case regarding her parents, Miyuki is noted to act almost motherly to the girl while Kanae holds her in high regards.

Arimasa Ōsawa


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