Lotte (AlLotte♥️)



3 years, 3 months ago


Gender Female
Orientation Bicurious
Birthday October 30
Star Sign Scorpio



Gender Male
Orientation Pansexual
Birthday September 13
Star Sign Virgo



Height Difference
10 cm
153 cm
163 cm

Age Difference

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

About two years before the events of the game, Lotte and her sister, Eilee moved their way into Mondstadt. The girl's ambition for wanting to explore many different areas of knowledge was what brought her there, and not too long did it take for her to find her way into the Investigation Team of the Knights of Favonius. There, she met the reclusive young man named Albedo, the Chief Alchemist and the Captain of the Investigation Team. Although shy at first, she was ever so delighted to meet the man, whereas he looked a little stressed to have had to come out to Mondstadt to meet her.

Their Relationship

Lotte and Albedo are definitely a pair of gentle lovers, their relationship has taken a little while to bloom because of their lack of experience. At first, Albedo seemed completely disinterested in having to train her. He was all for his ways in alchemy, but it was more because the rather energetic girl made the introverted young man feel stressed. Lotte took note of that, perhaps being scared over the possibility of her being annoying, so she tries to tone down for Albedo's sake.

The more time she would spend with the quiet man, the more she kind of found him to be a bit of a distraction when she was trying to learn. To her, he was awfully beautiful, the way he did things so casually yet so graceful was rather charming to her. Lotte found herself sticking around with him for more than just learning alchemy, eventually, she got friendly enough with him to start how to do art with him. When she found out he was an exceptional artist, she was amazed, and immediately asked him to teach her which only strengthens their bond.

At some point, Lotte felt enough for him that she decided she wanted to confess to him that emotion she felt. Of course, he definitely never really considered any feeling like that, so at first, his pondering on it seems like he was disinterested in her. In truth, that was not the case for Albedo. He realized he was oddly comfortable around her after their bond grew. He's still hesitant, but he still definitely accepted her feelings and told her he was willing to experiment to see where it lead them.

How Lotte feels

"My Kreideprinz! Hehe... He's very calm and extremely knowledgeable. It makes him very relaxing to be around, often he shows me his fascinating alchemy and his beautiful artwork. His antisocial habits might be a little concerning sometimes though, makes you really have to ponder on whether or not he likes you. But don't worry about that! Albedo is actually a very sweet man, I promise you."

How Albedo feels

"Hm? Lotte? Well, she's quite the character. She's my apprentice, I may truthfully say that I do have fun working in the lab with her. I admire her desire to learn, it makes things quite interesting when she's participating with Sucrose and me. Just one thing, she tends to find herself in rather... dangerous predicaments, so do be careful when you are with her, please."


  • Albedo thinks Lotte's pointy ears are really cute, they remind him of Klee's. When they're in private, that's one of the spots he likes to kiss the most.
  • They aren't fond of pet names, really. Lotte really only calls him Kreideprinz only if she's referring to him while talking to someone else. Albedo often sticks to calling her "Lottie" or "my love."
  • Albedo also isn't fond of PDA. Lotte respects that, so she'll at most hug him in public.
  • Lotte has a habit of staring at him a lot, he's just so beautiful to her. It's something he catches her doing a lot, so he often has to remind her to get back to her work.
  • Because of her love for using the Kamera, Albedo gets rather intrigued when he sees her using it because it's far different than capturing scenery through a drawing.
  • If she's not working with him, she likes to let herself in with permission, and she'll sit and watch him do his stuff over his shoulder.
  • When she's going out to do stuff with her Kamera, Albedo usually tries to come out and do it with her. Using his Solar Isotoma, he'll let her stand on it and he'll raise her up so she can get a higher angle for things.
  • When Lotte has to travel to Dragonspine to see Albedo, she kind of complains about the cold so it leads to him letting her borrow his jacket since the warmth isn't a necessity for him.
  • When Lotte finds out a dish Albedo made for her once contained the ingredient of spiders from petrified trees, she freaked out about it. Honestly, he thought it was really funny.
  • Since Albedo focuses real hard on work, Lotte makes sure to check up on him often to make sure he is still taking care of himself.
  • There are a few sketchbooks that Albedo owns that are filled solely with drawings of Lotte. It's very sweet to see how he views her and puts it to paper so beautifully.
  • NSFW
    • Because he would be focused more on his work, Albedo doesn't have a really big sex drive so sex is something that's hard to come by often for these two.
    • When they do get into the mood, it's VERY experimental with Albedo just because of how he is and all.
    • Honestly, Lotte is mostly the vanilla one in their relationship, but she is easy to get into trying new things. Like, once Albedo made some crazy kind of potion/aphrodisiac and she was more than willing to accept.
    • Yes, that means they're interested in bringing that kind of experiment into the question.
    • Surprisingly, Albedo gets really handsy when he's in the mood. It feels like he's trying to rush things, but it's rather because he wants to know what touches she likes and prefers.
    • Lotte has a pretty nice pair of boobs so like.... yeah he likes to fondle them a lot. Tit enjoyer Albedo real.
    • Albedo gets really interested in how far he can take it and overstimulate her just to see how many times she can orgasm. It's really fun for both of them.
    • Lotte has a big thing for the star-shaped mark on his neck, making it her favorite spot to kiss and mark him at.
    • Yeah, they kind of do it in his lab more often than you would think. Of course, Albedo is VERY careful to make sure they won't get interrupted, that would make things embarrassing. It's a good thing they can both manage to be on the quieter end.
    • Lotte usually sits in his lap if she can tell when he's in the mood. She knows he'll fall for the distraction so she wins every time.
    • Lotte really likes it when Albedo goes down on her as she’s sitting on a desk. While her legs rest on his shoulders, his hands are caressing at her thighs.
    • As an artist, Albedo loves to use Lotte as a nude model. Either he draws her beforehand, which gets him into the mood. Or, he'll draw her after sex. It's a rather heartwarming thing he does, he just thinks she's beautiful after they've gone at it.