Crystelle Memoira Kronicalya



6 years, 11 months ago


Name ● Crystelle Memoira Kronicalya
Alias ● Memoira
Gender ● Female
Age ● 36
Race ● StarEater
Occupation ● Smuggler
Affiliation ● Affiliation
Alignment ● Chaotic Selfish
Orientation ● Les
Status ● taken
Song ● Unite, Descent



cold, seems distant; more than a bit of an ass, dominates conversation by existing, very strong "presence", useful lesbian, excessively fond of fancy fabrics and expensive foods

Quirks/Habits Likes Dislikes Attributes
Secretly a sappy romantic
Highly possessive, does not share
Adores jazz music with the intensity of a thousand suns
Strong smells (even otherwise-pleasant ones)
Decent singing voice

❤ Appearance ❤

Description ⌈ Height⌋ 6'3"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at faucibus elit, a placerat neque. Sed dictum, urna id scelerisque pellentesque, tortor nunc vehicula massa, in efficitur purus diam pellentesque mauris. Nulla nec ligula nec nunc dignissim euismod. Integer et nunc sed quam imperdiet hendrerit sit amet quis nulla. Maecenas pharetra, magna interdum iaculis porttitor, ligula urna ultricies nisi, a sollicitudin felis ante sit amet velit. Etiam elit sem, mattis non vulputate in, vehicula vitae quam. Suspendisse odio dui, sollicitudin eget risus eget, finibus viverra mi. Fusce vulputate, dui quis posuere pellentesque, nisi arcu varius erat, ut tincidunt arcu augue sed leo. Ut eu ante metus. Quisque dolor lectus, fermentum a enim vitae, euismod faucibus turpis. Sed at leo ut ante euismod auctor in in sapien. Nunc vehicula neque est, quis dapibus sapien vulputate vel.

⌈ Build ⌋ tall glass of water
⌈ Fur Color/Skin Tone ⌋ Magenta, tyrian violet, purple, and dark violet.
⌈ Hair Color ⌋ Lavender
⌈ Hair Style ⌋ Answer
⌈ Eyes ⌋ Lavender
⌈ Features ;⌋ Tailcoat (uncommon), fluff (fluff)


Memoira had a thoroughly unremarkable childhood; she grew up in a moderately-sized city that had decent trade, and learned the ins and outs of being a merchant from her parents. However, despite the efforts of her parents to keep her on the up-and-up, as a teen she discovered the immense profits that could be made in the black market. While at the time she was too young to take advantage of it, it planted a seed that followed her career as a fabric merchant. In just five years, she had developed a reputation in the underground as one who would take any cargo, given the right price... and given her expensive tastes, that price was frequently quite high indeed. At this point she began to only use her middle name in business dealings, feeling that it fit the image she wanted to put forth better. She became successful in both ordinary and underground dealing, and she craved more.

Unfortunately, her ambition did not keep pace with her caution; about year after she extended her smuggling into Shooter territory, she was caught while leaving the border with a cache of stolen weapons. The commander of the Shooters that caught her (after a bloody struggle; she couldn't use the weapons well, but she wounded several and killed one before she was taken down) quickly decided that having her as a slave was too dangerous, so she would be better-suited as clothing. She only escaped being a rich Shooter's fancy new coat due to help from one of her captors, a woman who had been having doubts about her job for a while. Memoira lost all her cargo, legitimate and otherwise, and all the belongings she had on her person at the time, but she and the Shooter escaped to safe ground with their lives.

❥Important Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at faucibus elit, a placerat neque. Sed dictum, urna id scelerisque pellentesque, tortor nunc vehicula massa, in efficitur purus diam pellentesque mauris. Nulla nec ligula nec nunc dignissim euismod. Integer et nunc sed quam imperdiet hendrerit sit amet quis nulla. Maecenas pharetra, magna interdum iaculis porttitor, ligula urna ultricies nisi, a sollicitudin felis ante sit amet velit. Etiam elit sem, mattis non vulputate in, vehicula vitae quam. Suspendisse odio dui, sollicitudin eget risus eget, finibus viverra mi. Fusce vulputate, dui quis posuere pellentesque, nisi arcu varius erat, ut tincidunt arcu augue sed leo. Ut eu ante metus. Quisque dolor lectus, fermentum a enim vitae, euismod faucibus turpis. Sed at leo ut ante euismod auctor in in sapien. Nunc vehicula neque est, quis dapibus sapien vulputate vel.


her shitty shooter gf/partner in crime

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at faucibus elit, a placerat neque. Sed dictum, urna id scelerisque pellentesque, tortor nunc vehicula massa, in efficitur purus diam pellentesque mauris. Nulla nec ligula nec nunc dignissim euismod. Integer et nunc sed quam imperdiet hendrerit sit amet quis nulla. Maecenas pharetra, magna interdum iaculis porttitor, ligula urna ultricies nisi, a sollicitudin felis ante sit amet velit. Etiam elit sem, mattis non vulputate in, vehicula vitae quam. Suspendisse odio dui, sollicitudin eget risus eget, finibus viverra mi. Fusce vulputate, dui quis posuere pellentesque, nisi arcu varius erat, ut tincidunt arcu augue sed leo. Ut eu ante metus. Quisque dolor lectus, fermentum a enim vitae, euismod faucibus turpis. Sed at leo ut ante euismod auctor in in sapien. Nunc vehicula neque est, quis dapibus sapien vulputate vel.

Character Template Coded by Seraphim

Worth: 95 USD