Frank Wozniak (Extra Info)



Some extra info about Frank that didn't fit on his main page!



  • His ethnicity is pretty much 100% Polish, his grandparents on his father's side are immigrants and can hardly speak English (and ofc, Frank speaks no Polish. XD)
  • He was raised Christian and went to church almost every Sunday up until his late teens, he still holds those same beliefs as an adult, though he doesn't get to church very often anymore (mostly just for the major holidays)
  • Most of his childhood was spent outdoors. Not that he didn't/doesn't love being around his parents, but he'd pretty much go out after breakfast and not come home 'til sundown at dinner time! 
  • Until joining the army he only worked odd jobs on the farms in his town, planting and/or harvesting crops, plowing fields, feeding animals, etc. 


  • Favorite foods include: (Spicy) chicken wings, anything you could find at a typical BBQ or cookout (pork/ribs, hot dogs, burgers, CORN, potatoes, etc) breakfast foods (eggs, bacon, & pancakes especially), and fried/grilled fish. He is pretty "adventurous" when it comes to food and is willing to try most things. And as stated in his profile, likes to put hot sauce on most anything.
  • Favorite drink: beer!!   Also loves Mountain Dew and sweet tea. 
  • His idea of a "dream vacation" would be camping way out in the woods somewhere, near a lake or river where he could go fishin'!   
  • If it were up to him he would've had like 5 or 6 kids, but his wife HATED being pregnant, so they settled on 2 or 3 XD
  • Though he doesn't usually make a big deal about it he dislikes cigarettes, (tried smoking a couple times as a teen and almost puked!) and also doesn't like seeing people he cares about smoke them. :( (...marijuana is perfectly fine in his eyes, though.) 
  • He owns a motorcycle (a Harley) and it's his main mode of transportation whenever he's going somewhere alone, the family cars are an old pickup truck and a station wagon (though the latter is mainly his wife's car)


  •   He is fairly open about his sexuality, but at the same time knows not to spread it around all over the place or mention it in certain circles. (He IS in the military back in the shitty old days when only the straights were allowed in, after all.) He won't deny that it is pretty "convenient" that he happens to have a wife and children, making him come across as heterosexual to anyone who doesn't know him intimately. :p
  • With a lot of my characters I have a hard time choosing a name for them, but not this boy! I took one look at him after the first time I drew him and thought to myself "that's Frank." XD
  • Guess it only works for a modern day Frank, but take any shirt from like the Old Guys Rule or Big Dogs website, or any silly joke shirt related to beer/golf/fishing/etc, that's his fashion sense. For example. XD